Tis true
Unfortunately I think the media whether deliberately or not is practicing the good ol' divide and conquer routine. Do they truly care about the "lonely and single" black woman or is it just more reason to list these unfortunate statistics. If it were about IR then why no articles on black/latino pairings or asian/white?
I think we are all more than aware and have been for decades if not generations that we have major problems within the black community. However we must now ask, what are we going to do to help the situation now that we know how dire the situation is?
Instead I see black ppl who can pontificate for hours about what's wrong with black ppl or how ashamed or uncomfortable they are around black ppl, but have nothing constructive to contribute. It's like the friend that's always down for discussing her no good husband, but when you invite her to a marriage counseling retreat she's always busy
I think
some ppl like to wallow in the shame and self pity of the black communities short comings (of which there are many) to justify their secret feelings of self hate. Denial and self loathing are equally vacuous.
My approach to problem solving is this:
1. Acknowledge the problem [read: no denial]
2. Address the source/cause
3. Brainstorm for a solution
4. Proactively implement the solution.
We need to skip ahead to #4 and it starts with our "leaders" putting an end to distracting themselves with ineffective and inconsequential busy work. I'd rather Al Do-Goodie-Perm Sharpton work on equal education and early start programs in inner city communities rather than chasing down bloggers for making fun of Beyonce.
To a certain degree, i agree. A friend of mine was just saying, how so many of our men are failing and she faults them for that. But that, if a black woman knows this, she should acknowledge it and do something about it. And she blames the black woman even more than the black man.
I told her I'm vice versa but the problem is, I've noticed alot of black women dont even want to acknowledge it. I can tell from posts on the board. If we have a bad breed of our men coming up now, she really doesnt want to face it. Doesnt want to talk about it. How will that help her?
She can gain the confidence to realize, this is not what she has to put up with.
She will reach for a better job, a promotion, a degree because now she REALLY realizes more than before, that much
likely, she will not run into this black man who wants them to have something together, and doesnt have many kids, and is not running around with everyone. Yes she COULD but the likelihood is dim. So she takes her life into her own hands.
She understands this issue could affect her kids life in another 20 years, so she discusses how she's raising her lil young black boy. The schools she wants him to go to, the negative part of hip hop she doesnt allow him to listen to, letting go of the abusive guy who's mistreating her because it is 'teaching' her child.
These and many things could be discussed from the root of yes, this is how our men are affecting things and this is what WE need to do to better ourselves and our life and our kids.
If not from that angle, you'll still have females, who, goes back to some of these guys, giving them a disease, lowering their self esteem , til they get to the age where they feel they cant do nothin BUT stay with him.
And this is not about he BMs that are doing their thing.
This is about the many who are not. and are taking alot of bw's with them. But the bw's dont want to face it.
The sad part is, I've know OTHER black MEN who face and agree to these issue, much like I've discussed them on this board, but other black WOMEN wont.
Interesting. And sad. A-gain.