Miconazole Nitrate

So these headaches begin immediately after use? Like the next day? Anyone use it for a while then the headaches start? I'm asking because I just started last night and so far no headache.
Where the heck have you been?? OHHH training with GINA!!! Congrats to her at the ARNOLD!!!!

:curtain: Been at home with my nose in books, at the gym twice a day and working my tail off at work. Thanks for missing me!! :kiss:

Yeah, Gina, she ROCKED this year!! It's soo cool cause her personality is so down to earth even after turning the Figure circuit upside down this year! I'm very honored to be able to work with her AND call her a friend.
:curtain: Been at home with my nose in books, at the gym twice a day and working my tail off at work. Thanks for missing me!! :kiss:

Yeah, Gina, she ROCKED this year!! It's soo cool cause her personality is so down to earth even after turning the Figure circuit upside down this year! I'm very honored to be able to work with her AND call her a friend.
Girl she ROCKED that staged with the placings!!!! I was shocked:grin:. Monica, Val !!!!&%&^^. SORRY FOR THE HIGHJACK OF THE THREAD GUYS.
that's strange i dont get any headaches!!! I wonder HOW it could be causing headaches??

One answer to the mystery could be an allergic response. Some people are more sensitive to certain substances than others are. If you want to continue to use the MN without any reaction, you might want to check out www.naet.com, find a practitioner close by, and see if you can be treated for the MN. All reactions (including the headaches) will be eliminated.

Now that's amazing :yep:

I have also experienced exponential growth..I am going to post updates tomorrow (hopefully)

Nicole, I am so happy to hear someone else has! I was scared that perhaps my mind was playing tricks on me. This is so wild. Can you imagine obtaining 3/4 to 1 inch of growth a month?

So my routine will be 10 to14 days on and 3 days off until March using 4%. I may try the Triconazole which I believe is 6.5%.
there are so many pages on this thread it has been going on for years so, if i have old info forgive a sister o.k.?! but i did a search today and i found a 5oz tube of aloe vesta antifungal ointment 2%mn by convatec at themedicalsupplygroup.com for (wait for it) $11.54!!!!!!!!!!! that is 10 tubes of the neo af! i didn't check shipping though. and on petcarerx.com they have it for 2.99 1oz tube that's 2 neo af's
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I started out using 1 tube of Neosporin AF, then switched to the Family Dollar brand. I'm on the 2nd tube and it's been over a month, and to be honest with you, I have achieved no growth after using MN daily since early April. I get tingles every once in a while, but that's it.

Anyone else experiencing no growth from MN? :confused:

How is your growth doing now and are you still using the MN? Thanks for updated replies. bonjour
Well I guess everyone's body is different. I hope I don't start getting headaches. The only thing I experience when I use MN on my nape is a tingly feeling that I think feels pretty good. :perplexed
I agree. If I start getting headaches, I will go off one week and re-start again. :yep:
I too love that tingly feeling. It keeps my scalp from itching also. :yep:
So these headaches begin immediately after use? Like the next day? Anyone use it for a while then the headaches start? I'm asking because I just started last night and so far no headache.

I had headaches, but I had some issues that I didnt mention on the board because I wasnt sure if it was the MN. Now I am positive that it was the MN. I started to have the tingling feeling like everyone stated, but then it got worse, then scary. When I touched my scalp I had a severe tingling sensations down my face and near my ears. I stopped using MN immediately. . 1 ct, 1 MRI, 1 ER visit, tons of blood work, 2 ENT specialists later they found nothing, but it took 2 months for it to subside. I havent had the issue since I've stopped. It took over 2 months for me to fully recover. I havent had an issue since...and this was last October. I just want to warn everyone, if you are having headaches listen to your body and stop using it. Your body will always give you signs, hence the headaches.
I had headaches, but I had some issues that I didnt mention on the board because I wasnt sure if it was the MN. Now I am positive that it was the MN. I started to have the tingling feeling like everyone stated, but then it got worse, then scary. When I touched my scalp I had a severe tingling sensations down my face and near my ears. I stopped using MN immediately. . 1 ct, 1 MRI, 1 ER visit, tons of blood work, 2 ENT specialists later they found nothing, but it took 2 months for it to subside. I havent had the issue since I've stopped. It took over 2 months for me to fully recover. I havent had an issue since...and this was last October. I just want to warn everyone, if you are having headaches listen to your body and stop using it. Your body will always give you signs, hence the headaches.

Wow that is scary. Yeah the headaches alone were enough for me to leave in alone. I am just letting my hair do its thing.
Yesterday, I found 2% MN at a local dollar store...not a family dollar where it cost $5.50 per box. Just $1 for the same (box says 7-day treatment) size! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I have been reading this thread. I just started the challenge this week though! I am going to Walgreens today to by the Capzasin HP and Hydrocortizone to add to the Monistat. I am suffering from severe hair loss on my edges (but I have LOTS of hair otherwise) so I am praying this works. PICS COMING SOON!
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I bought 3 tubes of 2% MN at my local dollar store yesterday, thinking about getting more. I know the male cashier was thinking "wth" is wrong with her...LOL

Oh, and they sell a hair oil called "Sulfur Solutions Hair Serum Complexx" for $1/each...stocked up on those too.

Think, I'll make another trip tomorrow.
Strange story....

Last time I bought MN from Family Dollar, the cashier at the checkout stated,

Girl: Hey you know what my girlfriends uses this for???...(I just looked @ her because she was hella loud and thee was a man behind me) ..my girlfriend puts this pucci cream in her head. Can you believe that...someone putting pucci cream in deyhead.

Me: Well that's what I am purchasing it. (Good I wasn't getting it for the intended purpose because I would have been embarrassed at the point)

Girl: What!! Say word, you really put pucci cream in your head.

Me: Yep, got the idea from online.

Girl: I thought my girlfriend was crazy. Imma put some in my head too. My N***a is gone thank (think) i'm crazy.

Me: LOL :lachen: (thinking...honey you are)

To the Atlanta ladies, this is the Family Dollar off of Memorial Drive across from Publix. :lachen:
I have been reading this thread. I just started the challenge this week though! I am going to Walgreens today to by the Capzasin HP and Hydrocortizone to add to the Monistat. I am suffering from severe hair loss on my edges (but I have LOTS of hair otherwise) so I am praying this works. PICS COMING SOON!

Hey sweetie, I would suggest you to be careful with the hydrocortisone, it is very dangerous for your health. It's been proved that it will dangerously thin your scalp skin down the road and affect some of your organs (kidney I think but I am not sure). Even physicians recommend it for a 7-day usage at the most...

Just a thought, :perplexed
Strange story....

Last time I bought MN from Family Dollar, the cashier at the checkout stated,

Girl: Hey you know what my girlfriends uses this for???...(I just looked @ her because she was hella loud and thee was a man behind me) ..my girlfriend puts this pucci cream in her head. Can you believe that...someone putting pucci cream in deyhead.

Me: Well that's what I am purchasing it. (Good I wasn't getting it for the intended purpose because I would have been embarrassed at the point)

Girl: What!! Say word, you really put pucci cream in your head.

Me: Yep, got the idea from online.

Girl: I thought my girlfriend was crazy. Imma put some in my head too. My N***a is gone thank (think) i'm crazy.

Me: LOL :lachen: (thinking...honey you are)

To the Atlanta ladies, this is the Family Dollar off of Memorial Drive across from Publix. :lachen:
:perplexed you might be talking about my neice, she works there and thats where I went to buy mines and told her. She called her mom, my sister and told her "Aunty crazy, she came here and bought pucci cream talking bout she going to put it in her hair":lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: