Miconazole Nitrate

I am lazy, so tonight I just mixed it with some castor oil and swirled the MN cream & oil together in an empty cosmetic jar i had lying around and applied the mixture to my scalp. Its been an hour, no tingling or headaches yet.

I'm going to try using this daily for a month and see if I notice a difference (ie, significant growth). I hope it works for me. Also, does this stuff buildup on your scalp? I only wash once a week b/c the manipulation of frequent cowashing/ washing breaks my hair.

If you want the tingling feeling I recomend adding pepperment essential oil to your mix, 20-25 drops. I tried this last August when I first joined and I got a full inch in a month. So now I am back on it faithfully! :grin:
Hey ladies :wave:

I have been using it for the past month or so. I have gotten really good results.

But I use it straight from the tube, I don't and haven't tried mixing it with anything.
(too soon, most likely) update on Miconazole Nitrate:

Ok, I used MN mixed w/ castor oil last night for the first time, then pincurled my hair (I flexirod set it the night before so I did this to maintain the curls). I didn't apply anything to my ends because I wasn't sure if I would have heaviness or greasies from the oil/ MN mix on my scalp (I'm a fine haired gal, so i'm always worried about product buildup & consequent breakage and limp, lifeless hair).

So...when I woke up this morning, as I was fingerfluffing the pincurls, I could swear I feel a little bit more NG creeping in already (I'm about 2 1/2 weeks post) and I thought, "nah, thats too soon...can't be." If it is tho, WOO HOO I am excited about the potential progress that lies ahead. My hair didn't feel dried out, but my hair felt thicker already and had added body:spinning:

But....the hope wore off slightly tonight when I gently combed curls w/ a wide tooth comb...I had shedding:blush:. After reading threads regarding shedding & growth aids I feel better.I summed up that its to be expected. It wasn't an excessive amount, just more than usual for me~ I"m not giving up MN yet:nono:
Anybody else had shedding with MN? Was it enough to make you stop using it? Did you visibly notice the hair loss (thinning strands or could see your scalp) or did it just grow, grow, and grow but you were worried about the hairs you saw in the comb?

With my dinner tonight I added garlic pills to my round of vitamins and plan on taking a 500mg of garlic each morning & evening. I hope that will help combat the shedding.
I noticed some shedding at first. Then I started the garlic supplement and the shedding stopped within a week.


(too soon, most likely) update on Miconazole NitratNe:

Ok, I used MN mixed w/ castor oil last night for the first time, then pincurled my hair (I flexirod set it the night before so I did this to maintain the curls). I didn't apply anything to my ends because I wasn't sure if I would have heaviness or greasies from the oil/ MN mix on my scalp (I'm a fine haired gal, so i'm always worried about product buildup & consequent breakage and limp, lifeless hair).

So...when I woke up this morning, as I was fingerfluffing the pincurls, I could swear I feel a little bit more NG creeping in already (I'm about 2 1/2 weeks post) and I thought, "nah, thats too soon...can't be." If it is tho, WOO HOO I am excited about the potential progress that lies ahead. My hair didn't feel dried out, but my hair felt thicker already and had added body:spinning:

But....the hope wore off slightly tonight when I gently combed curls w/ a wide tooth comb...I had shedding:blush:. After reading threads regarding shedding & growth aids I feel better.I summed up that its to be expected. It wasn't an excessive amount, just more than usual for me~ I"m not giving up MN yet:nono:
Anybody else had shedding with MN? Was it enough to make you stop using it? Did you visibly notice the hair loss (thinning strands or could see your scalp) or did it just grow, grow, and grow but you were worried about the hairs you saw in the comb?

With my dinner tonight I added garlic pills to my round of vitamins and plan on taking a 500mg of garlic each morning & evening. I hope that will help combat the shedding.
Has anyone been consistently using MN for a year or longer?? I'd love to hear from individuals who were on this thread in 2006 or 2007.. or even 2008.
For some reason, I doubt that many people who used it in 06 or 07 are STILL using it.. but if so, I'd love to hear from you.. and hear about longterm results. Or, WHY you may have used it and stopped.

Thanks for your time ladies!
Hi Marhia,
Thanks for your report on MN. Are you using it daily? Whats your recipe (what do you mix it with and at what ratio?) I just recently heard about this.. and I'm really curious... mainly about what to mix it with and at what percentage, and how often.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Marhia,
Thanks for your report on MN. Are you using it daily? Whats your recipe (what do you mix it with and at what ratio?) I just recently heard about this.. and I'm really curious... mainly about what to mix it with and at what percentage, and how often.
Thanks for your time.

I use it every night. I have in my mix 2% MN, sulfer 8, WGO, Tea tree oil, peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, JBCO, and WGLO. I don't measure anything so I can't really give u a ratio. I use the whole tube of MN and just add oils until it's kinda pasty like. HTH
WOW, I can’t believe this thread initially started in 2002 and it’s still going strong in 2010.

I started using MN on November 2009, I’ve been experiencing great results!! I mix my MN (Target brand) with Tea Tree oil, Rosemary oil and cayenne. I plan to start using the mix that Sade7 mentioned in this thread which consist of: MN , Capzasin-HP and hydrocortisone cream, I’m going to start this mix after my hair is freshly relaxed so I can compare the growth!!!


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Thank you, Yes, the week prior to my relaxer I wash my hair to remove any MN from the previous weeks and I discontiue MN for this week. I start back using MN a week or so after my relaxer.

Thank you, Yes, the week prior to my relaxer I wash my hair to remove any MN from the previous weeks and I discontiue MN for this week. I start back using MN a week or so after my relaxer.


great progress mst1908! Do you mind me asking if you discontinue use of the mn prior to relaxing?
hello everyone,

So I haven't used my MN in over a month because I had surgery last month I was nervous about it being in my bloodstream so it discontinued prior to my surgery. I'm going to mix up a batch of the super-strength MN mix with consists of equal parts of: MN, hydrocortisone cream, Capzasin HP and Parveu T-Tree Break Control (1 ounce of this)(to prevent breakage at the new growth). I really have to step it up now cause I graduate in December and I only have 5 month to get the maximum growth possible.


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it was very interesting to see the initial responses to this thread .... Now its pretty much commonplace for ladies to be using MN
I couldn't find the Neosporin AF :( So I may just try the monistat :x lol & apply it to my edges also.. but not mixed w/anything else.
Since I started using this again, I have shedding. How do you guys avoid it? My mix consists of, lotrimin af, wheat germ oil and bb castor oil cream (for moisture). It is quite liquidy and oily. I use it daily.

Okay so I'm late to the game, this thread is old, but I found it last night and couldn't stop reading...:bookworm:...I've decided I'm in :sekret:

Anyway I went to Tesco today and got Daktarin for £2.82 (15g). Could have got better value on ebay for a larger tube, however I wanted to start today before I chickened out.

My hair is currently in twist braids, (with synthetic extensions) and is currently NL. There's not much point in my posting any pictures right now, however I religiously take pictures every time I rebraid - I will take pics of my progress and post to this thread and also in my photo album.

It mightn't be for a couple of months, ladies, but be patient, I WILL be back.:yep::yep:

FYI I have simply mixed the entire tube with a small amount of Keracare essential oils. I plan to use this daily or twice daily if I can. So far it's been on my head 1 hr and I can definitely feel my scalp tingling although it isn't in any way painful... It's going to grow - I can feel it

Anyway - I'm off out :dinner: :heart2::heart2::heart2:
I decided to go back to MN. It seems to be one of the few growth aids that really work for me.:yep: I'll post a review in a few months.
I decided to go back to MN. It seems to be one of the few growth aids that really work for me.:yep: I'll post a review in a few months.

Thanks for that - good luck, be sure to let me know how you get on - are you using 2% solution or higher? I'm only on day 2 and I'm using 2%

How much growth did you see last time and how long did you use it for?
This thread is the reason I joined I was lurking:grin: in (late 2007 early 2008) until I started reading this thread and could not stop until I had read every page. I am still mixing and using, but I only use it once a week on wash day then I put my hair up for the week. I added just a touch of vaseline to my mix to help with the breakage it worked like a charm.:yep:
Thanks for that - good luck, be sure to let me know how you get on - are you using 2% solution or higher? I'm only on day 2 and I'm using 2%

How much growth did you see last time and how long did you use it for?

I'm using the 2% solution right now (Family Dollar Brand) but I have used 4% in the past. The last time I used MN, I believe I may have gotten 1 inch in 5 weeks.:yep: I got off of MN to get on another bandwagon but I should have stayed on MN.:sad: I mixed MN with Sulfur 8, Peppermint and Rosemary oils, and Castor Oil.

Good luck and Happy hair growing!
I'm using the 2% solution right now (Family Dollar Brand) but I have used 4% in the past. The last time I used MN, I believe I may have gotten 1 inch in 5 weeks.:yep: I got off of MN to get on another bandwagon but I should have stayed on MN.:sad: I mixed MN with Sulfur 8, Peppermint and Rosemary oils, and Castor Oil.

Good luck and Happy hair growing!

Wow - 1" in 5 weeks. Lady, you have got me sooo excited! I can't wait to take these braids out and see what the MN does! :drunk::spinning::grin:

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Okay so I'm late to the game, this thread is old, but I found it last night and couldn't stop reading...:bookworm:...I've decided I'm in :sekret:

Anyway I went to Tesco today and got Daktarin for £2.82 (15g). Could have got better value on ebay for a larger tube, however I wanted to start today before I chickened out.

My hair is currently in twist braids, (with synthetic extensions) and is currently NL. There's not much point in my posting any pictures right now, however I religiously take pictures every time I rebraid - I will take pics of my progress and post to this thread and also in my photo album.

It mightn't be for a couple of months, ladies, but be patient, I WILL be back.:yep::yep:

FYI I have simply mixed the entire tube with a small amount of Keracare essential oils. I plan to use this daily or twice daily if I can. So far it's been on my head 1 hr and I can definitely feel my scalp tingling although it isn't in any way painful... It's going to grow - I can feel it

Anyway - I'm off out :dinner: :heart2::heart2::heart2:

ebsalita you can get MN cheaper at chemistdirect.co.uk. The 30g tubes cost £2.75.
HeyAviah ... You have lovely hair!

Thanks for the tip - I only bought at that price cause I didn't want to wait for the postage - I stocked up much cheaper later on once I knew the MN didn't disagree with me. :yep:

Are you using it too or just thinking about it? :look:
Thank you! I used to use it, and was trying to get away from using unnecessary "chemicals" and stopped. Plus I got too lazy to do it, but then got the itch for some more growth and caved in again lol.
Well best of luck! Ive pretty much applied religiously for the last fortnight but I'm resting off for a few days asIve a head cold. I just hope I get my inch!