Met a guy from


Well-Known Member
okay i was a little hesitant about meeting offline this guy i met on there but i convo/chat went so well that i gave my cell number. And then we talked on the phone last night for a good long time. Have alot in common. i went to see the movie "Why Did I Get Married". He was very nice and even invited me to his birthday gathering tomorrow. But I dont know would any of you go or not? Its going to be with his family and friends. I mean i just met him and even after we watched the movie and went to sit down and eat we came back to his car and sat there just talking. He even looked at my car because I told him i was going to have to take it in to get it looked at and he was saying it sounded like power steering so we poped the trunk in the parking lot of the movie theatre and he took a look at it....Just thought I would tell yall about my little 1st success date with online hopefully he do something stupid and make me dislike him lol....
For a long time I thought there was something weird about hooking up with guys on the internet. But now after hearing SO MANY success stories from friends, family, and associates I would DEFINITELY do it! It seems like you two made a connection - you should try it. (IMO - I think you should drive your car to the event and if you feel uncomfortable leave! or maybe you could bring one of your girlfriends with you?) Also- at this gathering I think you should try to absorb as much info about your new interest as possible - the way a guy treats his friends and family is a TRUE teller of how he will treat you!)

Also I think you should be positive - hopefully he doesnt make a mistake and you two get married :grin:
okay i was a little hesitant about meeting offline this guy i met on there but i convo/chat went so well that i gave my cell number. And then we talked on the phone last night for a good long time. Have alot in common. i went to see the movie "Why Did I Get Married". He was very nice and even invited me to his birthday gathering tomorrow. But I dont know would any of you go or not? Its going to be with his family and friends. I mean i just met him and even after we watched the movie and went to sit down and eat we came back to his car and sat there just talking. He even looked at my car because I told him i was going to have to take it in to get it looked at and he was saying it sounded like power steering so we poped the trunk in the parking lot of the movie theatre and he took a look at it....Just thought I would tell yall about my little 1st success date with online hopefully he do something stupid and make me dislike him lol....

I would say go................................but this reminds me of Waiting to Exhale when Robin's leather wearing boyfriend wanted her to meet the family after only a day or so!:lachen: But real talk.........he might really be ya thang!!!
thanks ladies....

yes of course he asked me if i wanted him to come pick me up...but i was like no because i do not want him to have to leave when i leave to just to drop me off from being around family and friends....yes it is kind of strange to be invited to something as personal as a birthday gathering with family and friends....and we arent talking just family like cousins, uncles etc...we are talking about his mom and dad and sister and her hubsand. So im just like whoa but then again in order for me to start knowing more about him is to go and pickup on how his family and friends are...

he even showed me pics of his parents and sister...

we have some of the same similarities and im like wow...(like down to things we eat and dont eat)....and even one of my frat bro(somewhat of a good friend) birthday are on the same day....
. (IMO - I think you should drive your car to the event and if you feel uncomfortable leave! or maybe you could bring one of your girlfriends with you?) Also- at this gathering I think you should try to absorb as much info about your new interest as possible -

Also I think you should be positive -

I would go, but I would DEFINITELY bring a gf. This guy might be having a 'private' party waiting for you.

Even if his party is on the up and up, bringing a gf allows you to be more relaxed, have someone to talk to at all times, and to get feedback.

And you can always use her as an excuse to leave early if this guy is a dud.
I would go, but I would DEFINITELY bring a gf. This guy might be having a 'private' party waiting for you.

Even if his party is on the up and up, bringing a gf allows you to be more relaxed, have someone to talk to at all times, and to get feedback.

And you can always use her as an excuse to leave early if this guy is a dud.

Yea i hear you on that...especially im weary because im going to be seeing his family and friends, and dont want to have no one to talk to which i know thats not going to be possible because im outgoing. But to make myself comfortable im going to see about bringing a gf...
I had a similar event, first date the guy invited me to it was a church function where his family was at. I didn't know it was his church event, he's a comedian so he was supposed to perform(which ended up that he didn't) I went not knowing relatives were going to be there and ended up having a good time. But I haven't talked to the guy since :perplexed he was cool just not my cup of tea so didn't call him back.
I definitely think you should go too:yep:. I would. And I would take a friend with me. Have fun and let us know how it went.
I would go, but I would DEFINITELY bring a gf. This guy might be having a 'private' party waiting for you.

Even if his party is on the up and up, bringing a gf allows you to be more relaxed, have someone to talk to at all times, and to get feedback.

And you can always use her as an excuse to leave early if this guy is a dud.

Yep, definitely take along a friend or two. This is a great opportunity to check out the family and friends for "future reference".
Congratulations on your date!!! I'd probably hold off on going to the birthday, but if you feel comfortable, then go for it!
Well ladies just a little update i didnt go...part of me wanted to go, but then again i dont have many girlfriends, but i did ask one but she seemed to have alot to do and it was last minute. So since she wasnt able to go and after i really thought more about it i was just like im not really comfortable coming to a family and friends gathering yet with him. I expressed this to him, i wouldnt say he was trying to convince me to go, but I'm just like no i mean thats great you wish i couldve been there, and i expressed to him how much i appreciate him considering inviting me but we have plenty of time to get up to that point. If it get there lol, sometimes just seeing how peoples reaction is to something like this.
I wouldn't have gone either. IMO, that's just way too soon to be meeting the family... A friend of mine had the same thing happen to her recently. She went to the family function with him and then decided that she really isn't into the guy. He's now turning into the "stalker" type... :look: (Can you just imagine? "But my Moooom loved you!!!") :dork:
I wouldn't have gone either. IMO, that's just way too soon to be meeting the family... A friend of mine had the same thing happen to her recently. She went to the family function with him and then decided that she really isn't into the guy. He's now turning into the "stalker" type... :look: (Can you just imagine? "But my Moooom loved you!!!") :dork:

Yes i know......i mean he is ok...but its kind of like oh well i want to see you and i hope you are building trust in me blah blah he is kind of moving right now fast...but im going to crush any alternative motives he has after 1 date and extend it out and make it really clear that he's going to slow his arse down...
I don't know if you should go or not. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like strange surroundings, so... But good luck in your decision. The fact that he looked at your car is a definite plus. He knows how to do manly things. I know my ex was too weak to unscrew a battery out of a car... so unattractive.

OT: You're transitioning with braids? Who's doing your braids?
I don't know if you should go or not. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like strange surroundings, so... But good luck in your decision. The fact that he looked at your car is a definite plus. He knows how to do manly things. I know my ex was too weak to unscrew a battery out of a car... so unattractive.

OT: You're transitioning with braids? Who's doing your braids?

Yes i am transitioning using braids...i dont have a person right now that i use to get braids(but i did go to one girl to do my tree braids), i really didnt like them too much i think i purchased the wrong hair so it was looking too crazy...

heres the salon....
Wow... :perplexed i was hoping that you had gone... oh well:yawn:

I come from a non close knit family... and DH's family is just the opposite. When we all lived in the same state... any given day at his parents house appeared to be a party. They are very festive. I love it!! But his family is partially of a different culture than mine. Family is important to them. It could be the same with him. But you'll find out.. hopefully!
No i didnt end up going. I thought that i would be uncomfortable and it was too soon.

and thats perfectly fine. its all about comfort....if you didn't feel 100 percent about it, then just wait til you do :up:

as a side note, my bff met her current beau on Blackpeoplemeet. I met my long term SO on eharmony/yahoo :)
and thats perfectly fine. its all about comfort....if you didn't feel 100 percent about it, then just wait til you do :up:

as a side note, my bff met her current beau on Blackpeoplemeet. I met my long term SO on eharmony/yahoo :)

Wow i never knew that..okay gives me a little more hope on online dating...ive always had bad experiences in the past with it. So right now we are just getting to know each other and become comfortable with one another.