How may times in your life have you met that PERFECT GUY?

What happened between you and your perfect guy?

  • We got married

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • We made some babies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We dated

    Votes: 11 14.7%
  • We're soulmates

    Votes: 7 9.3%
  • We're really good friends

    Votes: 14 18.7%
  • We’re associates

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • We're enemies

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • We did not get to know each other. (why?)

    Votes: 7 9.3%
  • He was faking everything. (why?)

    Votes: 5 6.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 18 24.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I gave up the "PERFECT GUY" for "MR. RIGHT" realizing perfect doesn't always mean better. :drunk:
The last guy I dated I thought was the "perfect guy", but as time went on I realized I was changing my standards to make him the perfect guy.

I am dating a guy who is naturally "perfect" now. The difference between him and the last guy? I didn't have to date him for long to realize his perfect-ness. We have the most amazing conversations, awesome/fun (and different) dates, his intellect is high, the sex is mindblowing, he can cook VERY well, and he does the smallest, most simple things to brighten my day -- greeting me in the morning with a glass of juice and a kiss on the forehead, massaging my scars from a car accident I was in, shampooing my hair...

yeah i think you mean a guy who's "perfect" for you, a guy you just click with on a mental level...i only met one i thought was like that once. I'm 23 and when i met him i was a young'n but we are currently acquaintances (i chose associate cause it's the closest to it, i think an acquantance is a notch lower than an associate, like we say hi n talk when we see each other but we don't make plans to hang nor we're friends) anyways, i just loooooovvvveeedddd being around him @ the time, i felt i could be ME and he was just all i wanted! Lol foolish me...i dunno if he was "acting" but to make a long (and i do mean long) story short we ain't together (never really were), he's with somebody else right now. I'm over it (took a long time). I'm waiting for somebody who'll make me feel the same way he did :grin:

My story to the T. :yep:
I have never met my perfect guy before. My criteria:

Career prospects

The closest I have come to my perfect guy is a fellow who was model-gorgeous (with the body to match!), well-educated, with what used to be a great job (I-banker, lol). But then he started telling me about his adventures with his bisexual ex-girlfriends, and how he broke up with the last one because there was no trust (read: he cheated), and I quickly realized this fellow's values and personality were not at all in line with what I am looking for. He was a 3/5, which is the highest any guy I have ever known has ever scored.

The values, personality, and career prospect measures are where most guys fail and fail miserably.
A few years ago I met the "perfect for me" guy which means he had plenty of flaws and shortcomings but on the whole he was exactly the type of guy I was looking for. We dated for awhile but he was concerned about the age difference (he was older), plus his very attractive first wife had left him for another man and so he had some insecurities about committing to another attractive woman particuarly a younger one. It ended very amicably and I still run into him now and again. And he ended up marrying an older woman who is, let's just say, "facially challenged". So odd that he has this insecurity because he is a very debonair , handsome, smart guy.
I understand. Not perfect, perfect. But he fits you and complements you in all the ways that you would hope for, and even some additional ones that you hadn't thought of. You think "Wow! I could see myself spending the rest of my life with this person."

I only had that once. Being with him made me think for the first time, "I could actually like being married", whereas I had dreaded the idea before. We broke up because we wanted to live in different countires and because he wanted children. I think if he had been willing to wait, and we had had more time, I may have rethought my position on children, just the way being with him convinced me to rethink my position on marriage. No guarantees of course, but it might have happened. But I understand that wasn't a risk that he was willing to take, esp. since he was older.
I'm assuming you mean perfect as in perfect for you. Nobody's perfect, everyone has flaws. I'd have to say never. I thought I did 3 years ago but I was wrong. Luckily I realized that before I'd invested too much in the relationship.
Never. When I do, he'll be my hubby! There was one who I thought was, but it was infactuation talking.
I'm only 19 and I begin dating at 16. I met the most imperfect perfect guy of my dreams. By that I mean he is human and has flaws like anyone else, but he compliments me in ways so many other guys can't. That and I am truly a better person when I am around him. He changed me in so many positive ways and it was a natural change, totally unexpected. He is the only guy than can evoke every single emotion in me and even simultaneously. All my problems and worries disappear when I talk to him, and it feels like when I'm not focused on my schoolwork and doing nothing at all, he never fails to cross my mind and stay there. I tell him everything, he's my best friend. However, we are only best friends right now. He's coming to visit me in January and I'm hoping a transition from friends to more than friends happens. He loves me just as much as I love him, but he is extremely scared of hurting and being hurts and refuses to make any moves until he's ready. I can wait though.
I'm a little late, but yes I've met him. Though I am only sure of this because I have known him 11 years and counting.
Twice. I met 2 guys who I emotionally attached to but was attached.

I hope to pull a hat trick, fingers cross he is single!
I was 15 he was 19..he thought I was 24 because of my mind since we met unconventionally..bc I was so in fear from home I pushed him away..oh what I would do to see him again to start over..I don't think I will ever find a man who likes me with my issues..