Men and being 'Friends'.

Don't fall for that baby sister mess either. I have never met an adult or teen pair of fake siblings that weren't doing, or on their way to doing, something strange.

I have avoided men with unrelated baby sisters and lil sisters since I was a teen because I didn't trust them in their honesty toward me and because I observed them playing on the emotions of the sister, unless she was just dtf already. OP, this dude sounds wack. Get a temporary restraining order immediately.

Naw I'm just playing about the TRO. :grin: but he seriously sounds wack and, if I may be so bold: :look:, I wanna say that I don't like you talking to him. He seems like a ratchet.
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I have a friend who calls me his little sister. We've been very good friends for about 10 years. Honestly, very early in our friendship he commented on my looks in a way that someone attracted to me would. That's the only time. We've been some of everywhere together. I've never felt he wanted a relationship and I certainly don't. We're attracted to totally different kinds of people. I look at him like family. Im sure he looks at me the same way.
Don't fall for that baby sister mess either. I have never met an adult or teen pair of fake siblings that weren't doing, or on their way to doing, something strange.

I have avoided men with unrelated baby sisters and lil sisters since I was a teen because I didn't trust them in their honesty toward me and because I observed them playing on the emotions of the sister, unless she was just dtf already. OP, this dude sounds wack. Get a temporary restraining order immediately.

Naw I'm just playing about the TRO. :grin: but he seriously sounds wack and, if I may be so bold: :look:, I wanna say that I don't like you talking to him. He seems like a ratchet.

Temporary restraining order? For what? A couple inappropriate texts? You must have a lot of restraining orders out. You must be kidding. I think you are overlaying some situation of yours on top of what I've posted here.

Okay, I saw you were kidding. I believe the situation is under control. He is just a bored middle aged guy. I'm good!
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It might have been a corny joke but girl I was just playin. Those cost money :look:

But I'm not joking about him sounding shady though. (Not saying you are, definitely. But if I were his wife I wouldn't be happy with him so I think it's unnecessarily complicated for you. Aint no husband or SO of mine poppin up with siblings unless his mom gets re-pregnant :look:) and I understand that all opposite sex unrelated adult play siblings may not be shady (although the all the ones I've seen have been), but he sounded shady way before adopting you as a play sister. Maybe it's not that serious, but don't get caught up in somebody's BS is all.
No men and women cant be "just friends" (unless he is gay) something will happen if you guys spend enough time together.
From my personal observations of people I've known, I have never seen a situation with a man/woman 'friendship' where one of them was not sticking around hoping or waiting for something more. Not once.
ive never had a male "friend" that would have turned down the opportunity to sleep with me. that includes very close friendships with guys that weren't dogs.

the way i see it, if a woman wants to be friends with a man it's because she's not interested in sleeping with him. ime if a man could be friends with a woman she's potentially a serious romantic interest for him - different than a woman he met just based on her physical appeal. i'm sure it's not true across the board, but every guy I've been close friends with would have been my boyfriend if i allowed it.
I don't have guy friends who significant others aren't included on our friendship. I have guy friends that I have met since my guy, but I keep the association at a distance. I chat with my male co-workers and see other associates in passing. I have come in contact with men who claim females are little sisters and friends. Those types have always been men on some b.s.

I make it clear to any of my friends, If your woman doesn't know we are friends, then I have a problem with you. You don't ever have to hide friendships, unless they are something more. I have three male friends, I graduated from high school with. We check up on each other every couple of months and my significant other is aware and theirs also. Other than that, I don't have one male friend that I am in constant contact with through phone or email.
That is my point-- especially if you are bored in your marriage or just bored in general.

It is easy to just call up an old friend and "kick it".

Especially if she lives alone.

I've been in bad situations in the past. I'm too smart to go into something( e.g. the guy from the wedding) that just doesn't sound right.

Protocol exists for a reason. You break it, well, for some it works out. I haven't found that to be the case.

Did you know the guy was there with his girlfriend? If so, How did you end up with his number? Is he a close friend of the family? Did you know him prior to seeing him at the wedding? He would have left that wedding with his girlfriend and number to himself, if it were me.
We just text. He is an old family friend. Easy to ignore.

You need to ignore him to the point where he doesn't even feel he can text or call you. Tell him to go bore his woman with his small talk. You'll save yours for someone who isn't sneaking behind his girl back making stupid comments and texts. I bet she has no idea you two are even communicating.
I have had a platonic male friend since seventh grade (15 years) He liked a lot of my friends, and vice versa. Maybe that's why it has worked. We respect each other. He just proposed to his gf and wants to start hanging out with my dh, which I think is cute. We call each other brother and sister- thinking about touching him makes me want to throw up in my mouth.

Other than him, the rest slick want sex.