Members WITHOUT Pics, Avatars & Fotkis

Honestly, when people don't have pics, I don't pay attention to them. Unless the topic it really good, I will read their posts. There's nothing wrong with not posting pics though. However, I am on this site to get encouragement, I get that by looking at pics of women like me that are able to achieve long healthy hair (or have other hair issues that I can relate to). I am a visual person and this is a visual board as far as I'm concerned. Not saying that ANYONE is lying or anything, but you can be whatever you want to be behind your computer screen. If I didn't have pics up, I can say that I'm WL:grin: I love to see LHCF hair pics, especially progress pics! I post my own because I love seeing my progress, I'm suprised each time. If I can also be proof that our hair can grow, as I have seen on other women, I feel honored.:yep:

ETA: I take pics myself and my daughter and my daughter takes pics of me too. I don't see the harm in back of the head pics...
I often think about posting more pics and making my photo album available but everytime I think about doing it I run across some post that is like "you know you are not bra strap, you need to re-measure" or "your ends are real raggedy" and I am like, do I REALLY wanna deal with THAT drama. I think I will just continue to post a pic here and there and leave it at that for now. However, if someone PM'ed me for a link to my photo album or requested a pic, I would have no problem with providing that.

Sometimes I feel that the more info you provide, the more you open yourself up for criticism. :ohwell:
I often think about posting more pics and making my photo album available but everytime I think about doing it I run across some post that is like "you know you are not bra strap, you need to re-measure" or "your ends are real raggedy" and I am like, do I REALLY wanna deal with THAT drama. I think I will just continue to post a pic here and there and leave it at that for now. However, if someone PM'ed me for a link to my photo album or requested a pic, I would have no problem with providing that.

Sometimes I feel that the more info you provide, the more you open yourself up for criticism. :ohwell:
I hear what you're saying, but you know what? I've been on here since September 2007 and I have yet to see one negative thing posted about my pics. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but I've never personally experienced it. I think the people that most likely will experience that are the women with long beautiful hair. People will hate. If I get somethine like that, I will take it as a compliment and move on. Not only that, I acknowledge my uneven ends :grin: What I usually see is people lying to people saying how nice their hair looks or how much it's grown when that's not evident in the pic. Encouragement is encouragement, so I'm not bothered by that. I've seen people obviously leaning their head back or to the side, etc and I have never seen them called on it.
Honestly, when people don't have pics, I don't pay attention to them. Unless the topic it really good, I will read their posts. There's nothing wrong with not posting pics though. However, I am on this site to get encouragement, I get that by looking at pics of women like me that are able to achieve long healthy hair (or have other hair issues that I can relate to). I am a visual person and this is a visual board as far as I'm concerned. Not saying that ANYONE is lying or anything, but you can be whatever you want to be behind your computer screen. If I didn't have pics up, I can say that I'm WL:grin: I love to see LHCF hair pics, especially progress pics! I post my own because I love seeing my progress, I'm suprised each time. If I can also be proof that our hair can grow, as I have seen on other women, I feel honored.:yep:

ETA: I take pics myself and my daughter and my daughter takes pics of me too. I don't see the harm in back of the head pics...

Yep, well said. I tend to believe more if they have pictures to back it up..:yep:
Putting up your pics can definitely help you see the truth about your hair. And so can the comments. I have yet to see any harsh criticism, but I have seen posts where length or condition of the hair was questioned. Not in a bad way, just more like "Did you measure with a tape?" or "How often do you use direct heat/deep condition", questions like that.
I don't think ppl without pics really cry over if they are believed or not. :look: I think they just want to help where they can. I know that's what it is for me.

Also, it's the pictures themselves that help you see the truth about your hair. Not anyone's comments. Cuz if the truth was really discussed with some pics, there would be even MORE drama. Everyone doesn't always say what they're really thinking. We ALL know this. Take the nasty anonymous fotki comments for example.

And I've been here long enough to see drama and harsh criticism on hair pics. Happens all the time-- with the drama even going from board to board.

People have their own reasons for not posting pics. I honestly don't think it's hurting anyone since there will also be people who looooove to post TONS of pics for inspiration. In the end, we all grow hair.
I don't think ppl without pics really cry over if they are believed or not. :look: I think they just want to help where they can. I know that's what it is for me.

Also, it's the pictures themselves that help you see the truth about your hair. Not anyone's comments. Cuz if the truth was really discussed with some pics, there would be even MORE drama. Everyone doesn't always say what they're really thinking. We ALL know this. Take the nasty anonymous fotki comments for example.

Are these comments what everyone else thinks but won't say? Or are they just attacks for the sake of attacking?
Are these comments what everyone else thinks but won't say? Or are they just attacks for the sake of attacking?

No, I just used that as an example to show that there are comments/opinions people won't say when pics are posted here. Not that it's necessarily what everyone else is thinking. Just that individuals won't post their individual opinions.

Also, some people do want to just attack others to be mean, childish, etc. They could even be telling the person the "truth" , but in a very mean way. i.e "You hair looks disgusting. Your ends are raggedy. You aren't even BSL." When they could say "how often do you trim; Are you waiting for the rest of your hair to catch up? or trimming the hair may make your hair look a little healthier" ,etc.

OR nasty comments of envy & that are just lying to discourage you. Like the drama when people were trying to say that DSylla wasn't BSL. That wasn't the truth of her hair because her hair was BSL, healthy and absolutely gorgeous, and she knew it for herself.

But basically, I was trying to emphasize the point that posting your pics is not required to see the truth of your hair. Just having pics in general is. I haven't posted pics much, and I can tell when I need a trim, if I need to hack it off, when it looks great, and when I should be proud of my progress. While posting pics do help, never posting pics has never hindered my hair journey. And I can say that confidently.
I don't think ppl without pics really cry over if they are believed or not. :look: I think they just want to help where they can. I know that's what it is for me.

Also, it's the pictures themselves that help you see the truth about your hair. Not anyone's comments. Cuz if the truth was really discussed with some pics, there would be even MORE drama. Everyone doesn't always say what they're really thinking. We ALL know this. Take the nasty anonymous fotki comments for example.

And I've been here long enough to see drama and harsh criticism on hair pics. Happens all the time-- with the drama even going from board to board.

People have their own reasons for not posting pics. I honestly don't think it's hurting anyone since there will also be people who looooove to post TONS of pics for inspiration. In the end, we all grow hair.
I can understand what you mean in the black bolded part. But about the pink part, what if no one wanted to show pics or people who didn't show pics outnumbered the people who do show pics, what kind of site would this be? I agree with Misseyl, I would be more inclined to believe what someone says if they had a pic. I know no one's crying over being believed or not, but that's just my opinion. Hell... I think it's kinda cheating that the people who don't have pics can see the pics of people who do show pics... it's kind of unfair. BUT, that's just me....:look: *I hope I didn't just start something bad...*
When I first found the board my hair was so ugly, short, chewed up, and bad looking that I didn't want anyone to see it. Even my husband didn't know what my "Real Hair" looked like.

I had a bleaching disaster that left me with about 3 to 4" of hair. Now I wish I had taken pictures so everyone can see how far I've really come and it could offer encourgement to many.
I can understand what you mean in the black bolded part. But about the pink part, what if no one wanted to show pics or people who didn't show pics outnumbered the people who do show pics, what kind of site would this be? I agree with Misseyl, I would be more inclined to believe what someone says if they had a pic. I know no one's crying over being believed or not, but that's just my opinion. Hell... I think it's kinda cheating that the people who don't have pics can see the pics of people who do show pics... it's kind of unfair. BUT, that's just me....:look: *I hope I didn't just start something bad...*

At the bolded, I never EVER see that happening. I don't think the ppl who exercise their right not to post pics are starting a hair-hiding revolution here. There will always be ppl posting pics. In fact, as digital cameras became more readily available, more & more pics popped up. I remember when I used to lurk before I joined this site yrs ago. There weren't sooo many pics around.

At the underlined, I know it's your opinion. I respect that. :yep: I'm just letting you know of my opinion. Like I said, if I give advice, it's only to help. I can't force it on you, and I won't cry if you don't accept it over pics. It's your right.

At the orange, ummm okay. That's your opinion. I really don't see how it's that serious, but once again, it's your opinion.

If it is that serious to not accepting advice over pics, ppl can start threads that begin with "If you don't have pics, please don't answer my question." But then they'll complain that no one helps around, so I dunno.

Oh and you're not starting anything bad, cuz I'm not offended. *shrugs*
When I first found the board my hair was so ugly, short, chewed up, and bad looking that I didn't want anyone to see it. Even my husband didn't know what my "Real Hair" looked like.

I had a bleaching disaster that left me with about 3 to 4" of hair. Now I wish I had taken pictures so everyone can see how far I've really come and it could offer encourgement to many.
Yes! That IS very encouraging. I have seen pics on here of women with eaten up hair, bald spots, tangled, alopecia, thin edges, etc. Then I saw the after pics, that is very encouraging to someone who may be going through the same thing. For the most part, the women of LHCF (I can't speak for any other site) are mature women who give encouragment and are very helpful.

About that fotki bad comments thing, I can't pay someone to leave comments on there about me, good or bad:lachen: Shout out to Chicoro, Funkeedva, and Santia- they are the only three whose ever left comments on there.
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I like seeing pictures and tend to give more credence to the advice and comments given from people whose hair I can see and evaluate whether their info will be beneficial.

For example, advice from someone who is transitioning may not translate for my fully relaxed hair. Or someone who has type 3b hair may or may not translate for my hair, but I need a whole lotta info to make that decision.

I tend to be a more data oriented person and having visuals add additional data points for me to analyze what I'm doing vs. what I need to do.

Likewise, I like the idea of documenting and sharing my progress with others, so right now I have a FOTKI with no password. My FOTKI only contains pics of my hair. I enjoy getting comments from people, but TRUST, the minute I get some disparaging or rude remark; it will be locked with the password in my LHCF profile. So far, I've only received nice comments. As far as negative comments, my momma taught me "if you don't have nothin' nice to say, don't say nothin' at all..." - so I don't comment on things where I don't have anything positive to say or any additional value to add...:blush:

Just my opinion... :yep:
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My truth is... I am so miserably computer and tech illiterate it's sad. I am too embarrassed to ask someone how to do it because: 1. they will find out how slow I am about this kind of stuff:ohwell:, and b. they may ask why I need to do that and I'll end up having to explain about my internet hair friends.
Yes! That IS very encouraging. I have seen pics on here of women with eaten up hair, bald spots, tangled, alopecia, thin edges, etc. Then I saw the after pics, that is very encouraging to someone who may be going through the same thing. For the most part, the women of LHCF (I can't speak for any other site) are mature women who give encouragment and are very helpful.

About that fotki bad comments thing, I can't pay someone to leave comments on there about me, good or bad:lachen: Shout out to Chicoro, Funkeedva, and Santia- they are the only three whose ever left comments on there.

I was at your fotki but can't leave comments? Maybe you need to add me as a friend first? Just wanted to say your rollersets are nice!
My truth is... I am so miserably computer and tech illiterate it's sad. I am too embarrassed to ask someone how to do it because: 1. they will find out how slow I am about this kind of stuff:ohwell:, and b. they may ask why I need to do that and I'll end up having to explain about my internet hair friends.

:grin: LOL! Sometimes it can seem a bit obsessive, being on the boards and posting up pics...
Someone once posted a thread asking everybody to post pics of their faces...I was like nope, sorry! :lachen:

There are a few reasons I don't post pics...the main one is my job. And I'm not the only one on this board who is in the public eye, they don't post pics either. Things like that can get messy.

But I was thinking of posting the back of my head...:spinning:
I didn't post pics before because I didn't have a digital camera .. now that I got one for Christmas I have been trying to upload them. I still struggle on what to take a picture of. My fotki will be a work in progress for quite some time I think
I was at your fotki but can't leave comments? Maybe you need to add me as a friend first? Just wanted to say your rollersets are nice!
:blush:Awww thanks! Maybe that's why I don't get any comments. I'm going on there right now to fix it, thanks for letting me know:yep:

ETA: OKay, it ws set for friends' comments only. I fixed it:drunk:
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I'm very cautious about posting pics of myself on the internet. My best friend had her pictures stolen off of myspace and used in an inappropriate manner. As far as LHCF is concerned though, I have no problem with posting a pic of the back of my head or my hair or the products i use. As a matter of fact, I just made a FOTKI (shameless plug :lachen::lachen:). I probably wouldn't put any personal pics or pics of my actual face though...
  • Some like the anonymity.
  • Some women's SO/DH have a problem with it.
  • Some don't have a scanner/or digital camera
  • Some women are waiting to feel more comfortable and then they will post.
  • Some have stalkers who know about this site and it is safer for them to remain pic-less.

I have been a member of this forum for many years and I have yet to establish a web page. I don't know how to do those types of things.
Evazhair and secretdiamond pretty much nailed it for me.
Perhaps I don't care enough to post pics, idk. I definitely have no desire to have my pic on the internet. Whether it be the back of my head or butt, that's a negative. I remember being relieved after realizing that posting pics weren't necessary; as I really like this site.
I learned alot from some ppl on this site and I'm very appreciative. I don't post much, but the posts I have made never required that I show my hair. Regardless if I had accessible pics up or not. I may ask a technique question, compliment where one is due, or simply generally speak.
However, I see some ppl are acting like "IF I show you mine then you have to show me yours" should be some sort of rule.

Hell... I think it's kinda cheating that the people who don't have pics can see the pics of people who do show pics... it's kind of unfair. BUT, that's just me....:look: *I hope I didn't just start something bad...*

Seriously? Cheating and unfair? C'mon now. It's just a forum. An awesome forum. But's a forum.:perplexed
I don't have a camera..:look:
I have a fotki with some pics, but I'm waiting on significant progress and money to buy a camera before I post a link.
For the record, I agree with you, it isn't that serious. I just gave my opinion. I absolutely LOVE LHCF as well as the sisterhood I feel with you guys. I won't go running for the hills if other people don't post their pics. I hold no ill will for the people who don't post pics. I also don't mind people with or without pics of their own looking at my pics either. Yes, if I show my pics, I would like to see others pics too. BUT it's a free country and my heart won't stop beating if I don't see someone else's pic.:spinning:

Evazhair and secretdiamond pretty much nailed it for me.
Perhaps I don't care enough to post pics, idk. I definitely have no desire to have my pic on the internet. Whether it be the back of my head or butt, that's a negative. I remember being relieved after realizing that posting pics weren't necessary; as I really like this site.
I learned alot from some ppl on this site and I'm very appreciative. I don't post much, but the posts I have made never required that I show my hair. Regardless if I had accessible pics up or not. I may ask a technique question, compliment where one is due, or simply generally speak.
However, I see some ppl are acting like "IF I show you mine then you have to show me yours" should be some sort of rule.

Seriously? Cheating and unfair? C'mon now. It's just a forum. An awesome forum. But's a forum.:perplexed
I dont own a camera, I dont think I will be buying one just to post hair pics. Also I dont want much more of myself floating about cyberespace.
Well at least I have an Avatar :look:

I've been meaning to create a fotki page but laziness and procrastination have the best of me.