Members WITHOUT Pics, Avatars & Fotkis

  • Some like the anonymity.
  • Some women's SO/DH have a problem with it.
  • Some don't have a scanner/or digital camera
  • Some women are waiting to feel more comfortable and then they will post.
  • Some have stalkers who know about this site and it is safer for them to remain pic-less.

Exactly! And not only that, it's not a requirement either so :secret:

I always figured people were either shy, lying, didn't own a camera, or they aren't computer-savvy.

Sometimes I :rolleyes: a little when people talk a whole bunch of 'umph' about their hair and don't have pictures - esp. newbies - (what can I say, I'm a suspicious woman :lol: ) but I always figured that lies hurt the liar most, so it ain't nothing to me, ya know?

Careful about the "newbie" comment! Just because somebody is just now posting doesn't mean they are a newbie.

I've been lurking for 5 years :lol: And finally a thread really got me upset and I just had to post, so I paid my $5 :secret:

And there are quite a few members like that, lurked for years and now just posting.
I post pictures now and then, but I dont want to leave my fotki out because I know there are men on the site.. so I like to know who gets access to view my pictures and wich pictures too :)
I had a fotki when I first got here, it showed me going from ear/neck length to shoulder length. No one looked at it, even when I started a thread saying "its been a year, look at my fotki!" and it started getting disorganized and I started getting discouraged because of lack of progress and I just deleted it. I was going to start a new one in 2008, but I don't know. I also had my hair as my avatar and a comparison pic for a while but I just deleted it. Maybe when I get APL I'll compile the pics again, who knows. I have TONS of pics of my hair since I joined in 2006.
Personally, I like the anonymity. Posting siggy and avatar pics don't bother me, but even then, I make sure I put a "camera" in the shot to deter thieves. I will certainly never show my face on the "very public" Internet. I have a fotki, but I keep it locked. I guess I am just a private person.:ohwell:
Dont have a fotki because:

~I'm scared it may be too much work
~Im not the best with uploading pics, etc

I always figured people were either shy, lying, didn't own a camera, or they aren't computer-savvy.

Sometimes I :rolleyes: a little when people talk a whole bunch of 'umph' about their hair and don't have pictures - esp. newbies - (what can I say, I'm a suspicious woman :lol: ) but I always figured that lies hurt the liar most, so it ain't nothing to me, ya know?

This is me all day!:sad: Im taking a computer class this semester, so we'll see how I am by May.
Wow, had no idea that people felt that people felt that those without pics who say thay have nice hair are liars... I mean I'm not saying everyone is honest, but people on lhcf with pictures aren't the ONLY ones with nice hair or know about hair care now :yep:

I personally don't post my pics because I just don't want my image out there on the net too much. I limit it... call it paranoia, safety or whatever.

I also work 48 hour weeks. I'd rather go out and have fun, or rest on my DAY off... than to take the pictures, load them on the computer, make an album, sorth them out, blah, blah, blah...

Finally, my hair care journey is personal. I don't feel the need to show off or have others ooh and ahh over my hair. I just come strictly to share and learn info. Maybe a little conversation here and there. I have a "real" life outside of here. Not trying to sound cold, but yeah, that covers everything.
Wow, had no idea that people felt that people felt that those without pics who say thay have nice hair are liars... I mean I'm not saying everyone is honest, but people on lhcf with pictures aren't the ONLY ones with nice hair or know about hair care now :yep:

I personally don't post my pics because I just don't want my image out there on the net too much. I limit it... call it paranoia, safety or whatever.

I also work 48 hour weeks. I'd rather go out and have fun, or rest on my DAY off... than to take the pictures, load them on the computer, make an album, sorth them out, blah, blah, blah...

Finally, my hair care journey is personal. I don't feel the need to show off or have others ooh and ahh over my hair. I just come strictly to share and learn info. Maybe a little conversation here and there. I have a "real" life outside of here. Not trying to sound cold, but yeah, that covers everything.

Neith, we are >>>>>>here<<<<<<<<:yep:
Wow, had no idea that people felt that people felt that those without pics who say thay have nice hair are liars... I mean I'm not saying everyone is honest, but people on lhcf with pictures aren't the ONLY ones with nice hair or know about hair care now :yep:

I personally don't post my pics because I just don't want my image out there on the net too much. I limit it... call it paranoia, safety or whatever.

I also work 48 hour weeks. I'd rather go out and have fun, or rest on my DAY off... than to take the pictures, load them on the computer, make an album, sorth them out, blah, blah, blah...

Finally, my hair care journey is personal. I don't feel the need to show off or have others ooh and ahh over my hair. I just come strictly to share and learn info. Maybe a little conversation here and there. I have a "real" life outside of here. Not trying to sound cold, but yeah, that covers everything.

Aww girl don't worry about! I mean if people really feel that way then they are just :blah:

Besides, just like people that don't have pics can be lying, whose to say that people with pics are telling the truth?

I mean how do we know that's them in the pic? We don't! So whatever :deadhorse:
1. I don't want my pics all over the 'net. I trust no one.
2. I rarely, and I do mean rarely, take pictures of my hair. It's just not my thing. Keeping a photo history of my hair doesn't interest me one bit. :ohwell:

With that said, there is a pic of my hair in my profile but that's under lock and key.
I will tell you the honest reason I don't have a fotki: out of embarassment, because even after being natural for so long my hair isn't that long and I don't know how to style it myself, so what would I have a fotki for? To show people the same tired looking fro I have all the time? Or different twist styles where the length is always the same? Trust, I'm sure my fotki would cause more discouragement than not. :nono: And this is not a pity party; it's the straight up truth. I still don't have a solid regimen down, too, so I totally accept responsibility for my failure to adequately retain length.
I'm hiding from her^^^^^^ :giggle:

Girl stop downing yourself!!! And if you want a puff avatar that you dont change for 3-6 months SO WHAT. Do you. We are happy to see anything on this board LOL. Plus people will start recogizing you here by your hair shot :grin:
Aww girl don't worry about! I mean if people really feel that way then they are just :blah:

Besides, just like people that don't have pics can be lying, whose to say that people with pics are telling the truth?

I mean how do we know that's them in the pic? We don't! So whatever :deadhorse:

This is true. Or it could be weave. :look:
This is a curious topic each time it comes up - why does it matter? There are plenty of people who have pictures so everyone can find the inspiration they need.

I do not post pictures because I do not want my face on the Internet - there is no privacy no matter how many passwords you use. Recently, a co-worker of mine had a student (or someone) copy and paste her face on a lewd xxx internet picture and pass it around school. Can you say morals clause in contract and hell no? I do take advice from people who do not have pictures - it's about the advice, if it is reasonable, if it is applicable. I do not have a picture posted and, after this recent event, probably will not ever do so.
I appreciate the views and reasons for choosing to not post your hair pics. There were a lot of good points made regarding security and privacy. Here is something to consider, though: People don't need to see your pic on the internet to get a digitized version of your likeness. Just being anywhere where someone has a camera on their phone makes this possible--public trans, library, school, work, restaurants, bars, supermarkets (watch out for the skirt upshot guy :blush:).

Hair is such a visible part of our daily presence, unless you hide yours from public view for religious reasons and such. Each day that you go out of your homes, countless strangers are viewing your hair, judging you by your hair, wondering about your hair, admiring your hairstyle, wondering who does it for you, wondering if it's real or not, hating you because it's get my point. We don't move within the confines of hair interest groups in our daily lives unless we work in salons. Therefore, this forum seems like it would be a safehaven of sorts for like minded individuals to share their hair not just with good descriptions, but with visuals a well. Wishful thinking in my part? I guess it's just the voyeur in me. I'm a sucker for a good happy ending hair progress story pictorial :grin:

Thanks again for the discussion. To each 'hair' own!
Very good point MedMunky. But like you said everyone has a right to not show pics. I prefer when people share.
I HAD an open fotki - then couldn't be bothered to update it- then just plain decided its for my personal use- so its locked *at least I hope it is* If I get excited about something - shoulder to bra-strap in 2 weeks I may put up pics or if the guinea pig (sis) insists-

I still read advice on hair/techniques/products etc from anyone oldie, newbie, pic, no pic if it makes sense you can have a pic with hair to your butt and say something I don't agree with and I'll pass on the advice so I'm pretty open if it makes sense to me.
Absolutely, didn't we just find a member's picture on another website? Hadn't that picture been posted without her permission?

Yep, that is true. :yep:

While I do prefer the members with open fokti's, who have pics that document their hair journey.... i can also respect those who prefer to remain totally anonymous. It really is a gamble, being online and so exposed. Who knows where my pictures could end up, and that thought makes me cringe. But it was the gamble i took.... the gamble we all take.... when we put ourselves out there. :look:
  • Too much effort to take one's own pictures
  • Too embarassed to ask someone else
  • Camera shy


The pic up of me on my siggy is about as far as I will go with hair pics. I recently asked my mother and brother to take pics of my hair for me and they both either said no and/or what the hell for? I dont feel like explaining so this pic will have to do for now lol.
What are the reasons for this? I'm curious, as this is a hair forum and pics just seem to be the best at describing hair length, condition, texture, techniques and such.

I simply don't have the time. Between working full time, a 3yo, 5yo and my husband and other obligations I just don't have the time.
Yep, that is true. :yep:

While I do prefer the members with open fokti's, who have pics that document their hair journey.... i can also respect those who prefer to remain totally anonymous. It really is a gamble, being online and so exposed. Who knows where my pictures could end up, and that thought makes me cringe. But it was the gamble i took.... the gamble we all take.... when we put ourselves out there. :look:

So that pic + testimonial was in fact from a stolen pic? And was the testimonial false as well?
OT: Cocoaluv, your rollerset is so flawless! Wish I could get mine like that.

Snuckles, I feel you. My two girls are now 12 and 14, but I remember those earlier years of feeling like a mom to two Tasmanian devils.

The pic up of me on my siggy is about as far as I will go with hair pics. I recently asked my mother and brother to take pics of my hair for me and they both either said no and/or what the hell for? I dont feel like explaining so this pic will have to do for now lol.

yeah, when i went home i asked my father to take a picture of my hair only and he was like, are you serious? lol. when my husband had a camera he took a few pictures of my hair when i first bced, but he returned the camera, so i have no new pictures since then.