Members WITHOUT Pics, Avatars & Fotkis

I just haven't had time to set up a fotki the way I want it to be. I swear I've been working on it for months now! I work with photography/art direction every day, so I'm bit of a perfectionist when it comes to this.:ohwell:
This is a very valid question--I used to have one in 2k5 but haven't created a new one because I am lazy :(
I'm a "perfectionist" so I was waiting to get everything just right...IT HASN"T HAPPENED YET SOOOOOOOO I haven't posted pix yet...but I will one day!!
A) Don't have a digicam

But also, I don't think that posting pics is necessarily the only/ best way to describe "hair length, condition, texture, techniques and such." Through the art of communication, there are many ways for people to understand exactly what 'you're working with.'

This reminds me of a thread sometime ago regarding whether LHCF fold would be more willing to take advice from someone with pics than without pics.

I remember that thread.
The bolded apply to me.It is not my style to have a Fotki, and I have no desire to. If I ever post another picture, it will be from the back and likely of crappy phonecam quality. I could ask someone to scan a pic or something, but for me to go out of my way to do so would signal an unhealthy obsession IMO. I am selfish with the little free time I have. In addition, I am satisfied to know my own hair and its doing well. I enjoy sharing information, but I don't need validation from other people. When I signed up for this site, I didn't see anything about posting pictures being a requirement for membership, so it is kinda suspect/turns me off when complete strangers are so worried about someone else's hair. There are so many gracious women on here who feel comfortable opening up and sharing, so there are plenty examples of every texture of hair at our disposal, so it really shouldn't be that deep, IMO.We are supposed to be here to improve our own hair. Bottom line, we are a diverse group with many reasons for doing and not doing what we do.

I think this is a fair assessment. I just can't help to think, what would happen if we all were of this opinion and no of us had pictures? What would the forum be like then? some this already happening? I mean, with the ability to make your profile private and only viewable to friends... Should I worry about people who are going to look at my pics but aren't willing to post their own? If they are protecting something, shouldn't I be equally worried about protecting those same things too?

ETA: This has really got me to thinking...I mean, some of my favorite members profiles are now private and I can't see their fotki or password...should I be doing the same?
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I have several reasons....

I figure there are tons of hair idols here who post extensive amts of pics for anyone to be worried about mine. I don't strive to be feature of the month or anything like that. I'm here to grow my hair, talk about hair, and give tips when I can. If I'm really trying to help someone out or give a personal tip, I'll ask if they want a pic to prove I ain't lying. OR if someone is really curious, I'll send a few.

I finally have a hair pic, but it's posted in my profile. It's private so only if someone reeeaaallly cares about seeing my hair (or really skeptical) would they actually request. And I doubt most ppl care. I just put it up there to do my part. :lol: .... esp. since most ppl say they don't believe someone who doesn't have pics.

Plus, I'm really shy and private it's ridiculous. I know it's only the back of the head, but there have been people who recognize others that way. One day, I'll muster up enough courage to post pics. I'm even proud of myself for putting 1 up. :lol: That's thanks to ella. :kiss:
My reasons for not having a Fotki is because I haven't started my process yet. I want to get me a good regimen going and get some more before pics before i do mine. but its definitely in the works.
I think this is a fair assessment. I just can't help to think, what would happen if we all were of this opinion and no of us had pictures? What would the forum be like then? some this already happening? I mean, with the ability to make your profile private and only viewable to friends... Should I worry about people who are going to look at my pics but aren't willing to post their own? If they are protecting something, shouldn't I be equally worried about protecting those same things too?

ETA: This has really got me to thinking...I mean, some of my favorite members profiles are now private and I can't see their fotki or password...should I be doing the same?

Regarding the bolded hypothetical situation:

If it were all opinion, then most would have to find out if products, techniques worked for them by trial and error, and maybe put a little more effort into things, IMO. I think the most progress comes from staying tuned into your own hair, and giving it what it needs (see Sonce's eloquent post).There is a moderator who doesn't post her pictures, and for those who have seen her hair, it is truly beautiful. Fortunately there are plenty people who are very open, so there is plenty of information, tutorials, etc. available. As far as whether you should be concerned about privacy or whatever, well that is on you to make the best decision for you, as it is so for me.
What are the reasons for this? I'm curious, as this is a hair forum and pics just seem to be the best at describing hair length, condition, texture, techniques and such.
Because I don't want it posted here to end up being posted every where else, and I don't want someone else using my pics. There are plenty of members here that have seen my hair pics.

I always figured people were either shy, lying, didn't own a camera, or they aren't computer-savvy.

Sometimes I :rolleyes: a little when people talk a whole bunch of 'umph' about their hair and don't have pictures - esp. newbies - (what can I say, I'm a suspicious woman :lol: ) but I always figured that lies hurt the liar most, so it ain't nothing to me, ya know?

I always figured people were either shy, lying, didn't own a camera, or they aren't computer-savvy.

Sometimes I :rolleyes: a little when people talk a whole bunch of 'umph' about their hair and don't have pictures - esp. newbies - (what can I say, I'm a suspicious woman :lol: ) but I always figured that lies hurt the liar most, so it ain't nothing to me, ya know?

*not directing this at you just saying in general:
I too am very suspicious of people by nature.:yep: I can understand & agree with this totally, at the same time, someone's opinion/assumption of my hair doesn't make it so. I think it would take a lot of energy best spent somewhere else to lie about something so trivial.And a whole lot of free time. But surely there will be some who choose to do this.
I remember Enchantmt making a post about how everyone needs to remember that not everyone is in "hair hell" when they come to this site. I fall into that category. My hair always looked good(cones and scissorhappy blunt trims), but wasn't really keeping moisture like it needed. Just an example....
Dont have camera or scanner
Dont know how to setup a page:nono:
Kinda lazy
But I like exchanging info about hair and looking @ otha ppl's pics as inspiration:grin:
  • Some like the anonymity.
  • Some women's SO/DH have a problem with it.
  • Some don't have a scanner/or digital camera
  • Some women are waiting to feel more comfortable and then they will post.
  • Some have stalkers who know about this site and it is safer for them to remain pic-less.

:yep: I need to catch up with technology....but its low on the totem pole at this time.
Great discussion, thank you all. Both sides made excellent points. I am a classic 'voyeur' and love hearing people's hair journeys and stories. Pics just make it a lot more interesting and easier to relate to.

And I agree with the poster that mentioned that not all newbies here are in 'hair hell' (I love that phrase, and yep, I was there, too). Nor are all newbies hair/regimen ignorant, for that matter.

I respect people's wishes to remain 'visibly invisible', it does not take away from the experience of the forum--sharing info and resources. I applaud all of you!
Add to this list:

  • People are thieves.
  • People post links to this website from other websites and yes even if you aren't a member you can still see some of the pics.

Absolutely, didn't we just find a member's picture on another website? Hadn't that picture been posted without her permission?
*not directing this at you just saying in general:
I too am very suspicious of people by nature.:yep: I can understand & agree with this totally, at the same time, someone's opinion/assumption of my hair doesn't make it so. I think it would take a lot of energy best spent somewhere else to lie about something so trivial.And a whole lot of free time. But surely there will be some who choose to do this.
I remember Enchantmt making a post about how everyone needs to remember that not everyone is in "hair hell" when they come to this site. I fall into that category. My hair always looked good(cones and scissorhappy blunt trims), but wasn't really keeping moisture like it needed. Just an example....

Oh, yeah, yeah, that's why I said a lie hurts the liar more than it does me esp. about something as - basic? non-vital? - as hair, ya know?

But girl, I have seen people make up entirely new LIVES - husbands, pregnancies, babies, jobs, etc, etc, just to lie for some people on an online forum - from THAT level of dedication (insanity? :grin: ) lying about just hair is 'easy'.
Some people take pictures and have a fotki but do not post them here. They keep the fotki as a means of personal documentation. Not for the rest of the board.
Some people take pictures and have a fotki but do not post them here. They keep the fotki as a means of personal documentation. Not for the rest of the board.

I don't have a fotki for hair, but I take lots of pics of my hair. :yep: Looking at some pics recently made me realize how much my hair has grown in just 1 yr! I'm damn proud of myself now. LOL.
Hmmm, the main reason I don't have pics is because I didn't have a decent digital cam until very recently and also I suck at taking pics of myself. But I'm probably going to put pics up soon as a siggy or avatar since I've been on the site so long without an avatar, not that there's much to see. Lol! Now that I think about it I think I might start a fotki that's private at first until I get more comfortable/ actually start showing more progress in length.
Oh, yeah, yeah, that's why I said a lie hurts the liar more than it does me esp. about something as - basic? non-vital? - as hair, ya know?

But girl, I have seen people make up entirely new LIVES - husbands, pregnancies, babies, jobs, etc, etc, just to lie for some people on an online forum - from THAT level of dedication (insanity? :grin: ) lying about just hair is 'easy'.

:lachen:Yep! This is true too! Seriously I just don't put anything past anyone anymore. Just when you think you have heard it all, someone proves you wrong. I am seriously jaded!
I think this is a fair assessment. I just can't help to think, what would happen if we all were of this opinion and no of us had pictures? What would the forum be like then? some this already happening? I mean, with the ability to make your profile private and only viewable to friends... Should I worry about people who are going to look at my pics but aren't willing to post their own? If they are protecting something, shouldn't I be equally worried about protecting those same things too?

ETA: This has really got me to thinking...I mean, some of my favorite members profiles are now private and I can't see their fotki or password...should I be doing the same?

My fotki is password protected with my password listed in my profile but if someone were to send me a friend request, I would have no problems accepting it. I may not know everyone but there is more accountability in me being able to turn the finger to ten people than to point it at 10,000 should my pic get stolen.

I also password protected my fotki because I wanted to limit it to LHCF members and not the entire world. Anyone can go into fotki albums (even if they never heard of LHCF).

To get people's passwords/see their profiles, send them a friend request. I don't think people would deny you.
I posted pictures in another forum, I felt comfortable there and one of the members mentioned how she shows her SO our pictures...then a big discussion evolved as a result. This forum is public, so unless you are willing to have your face, hair etc. show up anywhere at might want to think twice about posting.
Interesting thread, never thought about this before. I do want to add though that you don't really need a digital camera to post pics, you can just get a cheap disposable camera, take it to Wal-mart, CVS etc. and have the pics put on a disk and post them that way...just a thought.
This is a very valid question--I used to have one in 2k5 but haven't created a new one because I am lazy :(
This is my other excuse!!! LOL it does take work to maintain and I am more so busy than lazy actually ! When I get a spare minute, I just enjoy reading in here
Because I don't want it posted here to end up being posted every where else, and I don't want someone else using my pics. There are plenty of members here that have seen my hair pics.

:yep: Yes and it's FABULOUS!!!

You really should grace us with a fix a little more often. Just a inimini siggy pic once every full moon or so :lol:
I posted pictures in another forum, I felt comfortable there and one of the members mentioned how she shows her SO our pictures...then a big discussion evolved as a result. This forum is public, so unless you are willing to have your face, hair etc. show up anywhere at might want to think twice about posting.

I remember that, but didn't follow the thread. AtlantaJJ, you are giving me something to think about!