**Mega Tek and Ovation Cell Threapy 2010 CHALLENGE**

What is the best day of the week to post journal entry

  • Sunday

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Monday

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Saturday

    Votes: 6 50.0%

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I know it's early in the month but I took pictures and wanted to upload my protective style while I'm at it.

This bang braid (idk if that's the name, that's just what me and my roomie call it) keeps my bangs and face layers tucked away. I pulled my ends under and bunned my hair. I used some aloe vera spritz, coconut oil, and some leave-in.

Cute! Looks very protective!
I have to take my weave down TODAY it has receded to far, plus the thread was getting lost in the new growth will be going into another install in 2 weeks. I will be keeping these braids up just cowashing as I see fit....
I've been using a brand called precise the original formula. I've been using this brand sine high school and haven't experienced any issues at all. The only place I can find it is at sallys. It's a no lye relaxer

I was so faithful to that line and come to think of it i didnt have any issues!! I am so peeved right now about mizani :wallbash: i will NEVER be putting that brand back in my hair!! I should of asked you guys be4 running to buy that brand then to top it off i got that big a** tub of it to :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Journal entry for 2/6/10

Well everything is going the same. I am officially 4 months post as of today, and my braids look like the are dreads right now, and its not even 1 month since i put them yet, so i refuse to believe that i have that much new growth in 3 weeks.

I decided that when i am putting OCT on my scalp, i also take the time to moisturize my braids by damping them with water and then put WEN conditioner. So far it's going great.

I will be taking the braids out on valentine's day and president's day... (Sunday-Monday) It will give me plenty of time to take my braids out, detangle and wash and deep condition. So that means I will be a little late in putting up my monthly progress up.. since it is due on the 9th of February, I will put mine up a week later.

Everything is still going fine here. I have been applying it to my scalp every other day still. I will be doing a baking soda wash for my braids next week. Um I have also been baggying every night. I spritz my hair and then baggy right before bed to make sure my hair is extra moisturized.
Feb 6 journal entry-

I'm currently 15wk post and will be texlaxing next Friday. I've continued using MT 3x a week. I have a lot of new growth but using the wen, oils and aloe/ glycerin spray my hair is super manageable. I've been using my ouidad detangling comb and love it. It took a little getting use to but I'm there and it's saving me a ton of time. My hair feels great only issue is getting my new growth to lay flat. I'm using my curl activator and some John Frieda frizz ease to help. I'm not sure if it's growing back my edges, I didn't think I had any thining in that area but now there are a ton of little hairs that weren't the before lol. I will be taking pics next week and do comparison shots as well.
I was so faithful to that line and come to think of it i didnt have any issues!! I am so peeved right now about mizani :wallbash: i will NEVER be putting that brand back in my hair!! I should of asked you guys be4 running to buy that brand then to top it off i got that big a** tub of it to :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Lol! I was going to stray years ago but was too scared because I heard you have to be careful when going between two relaxers. And like you I hAve never lost hair or had burning scalp issues. The only bad thing being I can only get it from sally's. I can't just go to the drugstore and get it.
Journal #4

Well, this was a real fall off the wagon week with my hair. After washing on Saturday, I pretty much airdryed, bunned for 3 days, took down, then bunned for another three days. While my hair was in the bun, I did moisturize and seal the hair that was exposed.

I didn't use MT at all, take my hair vitamins, or massage my nape. One day, I did take a little MT and rub it in my nape and edges w the bun in. It was a busy week. Well, I washed this morning, and am in a bun, so I'll try to do better this week.
Journal 1/6/10

This week I have been focusing on deep conditioning, which I've done 3 or 4 times. I put some coconut milk in with my regular DC and it made my hair extra soft. I'm getting my relaxer next saturday and I'm planning on straightening tomorrow or the next day for the length check and in order to do a search and destroy on my ends.

I've been staying up with my megatek and massaging it in.
Hey there everyone: Sideliner checking in again.

Nothing has changed from my routine other than I have recovered from my hair laziness. :blush: I did wash today, and I wore it in a puff this morning because I had no time to style....was on my way to a rehearsal in the am and a luncheon in the pm.

I finally twisted about 30 minutes ago and am noticing growth. My twists are definitely longer than they were at the start of the year...no question about it.

I am looking forward to the length check at the end of this challenge. So excited!!! Once again, this is a GREAT challenge, Epiphany!!


JOurnal entry #4...

ok so its 12:39am and yes i am still late!!
Anywhoo...where do i began? ok so since I didn't know how my hair will react after putting the relaxer then MT i took a 1 wk break, so I will resume my regi manana!! Yummy can't wait!!
Now the breakage has stop all together!! REALLY happy about that, so it's safe for me to say that the massive hair breakage I experienced...wait isn't it??? OH NO good grief I thought it was 2/12, past our pic date...see this is y i voted for Sunday posting. lmol
anywhoo, where was i ohh yea breakage..I WILL NEVER GO MORE THAN 12 WEEKS POST unless i plan on going natural which i do not foresee any time soon!!
So I will bee changing some things in my regi and that is the powders, I will not be using them because i can not get a mixture that my hair likes, so if anything it will be turned into a rinse!!
So in place of that I will be going back to Amla and Brahma oils only thing is that it has mineral oil in it as ingredient #1 the catch is that my hair is actually stronger (prior to this challenge I used it faithfully for 4 wks and loved it until i heard about mineral oil + hair) so now my mind says run Forrest run, but my hair says yes plz drown me in it!!
I am so torn but hair knows best!!
I have yet to take pics of my hair after the relaxer because i have been wearing my protective style: wigs!!
so i will take a be4 and after the amla and brahmi oils!!
ok enough!! I can not wait to wash this hair and hopefully get some NG so my wigs can stop sliding back no matter how many darn pins i put it CRYING what a shame bone straight is NOT what I was aiming for!!

HHG ladies I hope all of your journey's r on track and on the path of healthy minds, body, soul and hair followed by length!!

~epiphany braids
Thank you for that information, do u know where a product junkie like myself can purchase this?
where do you live. If you live in/near NYC, NJ, Boston, or Rhode ISland it will be easy to find because there are tons of dominicans so the BSS carries this stuff

you can also try online on roundbrushair.com <<<<very good site with tons of DR beauty products
Journal 2.7.2010

Things are going pretty well this week. In a few minutes I will do an at-home protein treatment using an egg and Toque Emegencia. I am seeing growth in my bald spots. I think I will start putting more moisture on my edges as they seem a little heard from the megatek mix. I still apply the mix every night and keep my hair in plaits
question...do u experience any hair breakage? if not what are you doing to prevent it?

i havent really experience breakage when i stretch. i usually relax cause i am tired of looking like a HAM and want to see how much ng i got

what helps me is WEN... i dont put comb in my hair until after i am done Co-washing. i CO-WASH with WEN then if i am deep conditioning or rinsing with ACV/Water, or whatever i do that. when i am done i get out of the shower... still havent use a comb. Then i put WEN cond on my hair, put WEN styling creme on top of that... and then i comb. for some reason the styling creme makes the hair manageable... i can glide a comb through my new growth like i am only 3wks post, and i am gentle when i do that. so i dont get breakage at all.
also i make sure i moisturize daily and Deep condition weekly.

hello ladies TODAY IS....:click::click::click::camera:

THATS RIGHT It is our one month anniversary!!!:bouncy:

So I guess I will be leading the way so here goes:

Hope everyone has gotten some good progress during the one month since we started!! Time has flew and I am ready to see some pic's!!!!:grin:

Journal 2-14-10

This week has been going well, I have been using my MT consistently and since I've started taking a garlic supplement, my shedding has cut down a lot. I self-relaxed yesterday with Phytospecifics Index II and I think I will be using this brand from now on. This week, I will be focusing on DCing and making sure my hair is breaking from the relaxer.
I got my KBB products that I ordered about 2 weeks ago and I just LOVE them. The fragrances, the way they leave my hair soo soft, ahhh yay for new staples:grin:
Journal Entry #4 Feb 15

Sorry I'm late :) I've been batteling a bad cold, but was determined to do my journal entry. Update I did a texlax on Friday and noticed it didn't take on my new growth... i'm not sure if this is due to the mega tek. I've never had an issue with relaxers not being effective so i'm going to do a correction texlax in 2 months. My new growth is still very manageable but it looks exactly the same as before. I'm going to flat iron in a couple days and take comparison pics. I've decided to continue trimming until all of my hair is the exact same thiickness. And over time i'm get it exacly where I want it. So if all goes well i'll try to flat iron tomorrow, I did wash tonight with the idea of flat ironing but we'll see how i'm feeling :) Good Luck Ladies And happy belated V-DaY!!!
Journal Entry #5
Sorry, I'm late. I've been in bed sick for the past few days. I used my MT once this past week. That's better than the week before, and my goal for next week is to get back to three.
Okay ladies I flat ironed today and took some comparison pics. I was wearing a beat up wife beater LOL instead of my tank that I had on the last time. So it may be harder to tell any growth if any. I did another trim to thicken up my ends a bit. This took all the energy I had since this cold is kicking my behind. The first pics were taken in Dec 17(?) I took pics before and after I trimmed. I was going to do another corrective texlax in 2 months since I didn't have any issues getting my hair straight so i'm going to continue with my 16wk stretches :) The First 2 pics are the bottom half before and after. The 1st pic in the sec group is after I trimmed to even up. The 2nd pic is before I trimmed. The last set is the trimmed results. Enjoy ladies and tell me what u think....


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Journal Entry Feb15th

Sorry so late! This week I feel off a bit. I applied my mix only three times instead of everyday like I should. My hair is holing up well. The cut I got in Jan did wonders for my hair, decreased shedding and everything. once is a while I aplly some of the mixture to my ends. At the same time I really want to thicken my edges, hopefully that will be accomplished this year.
Journal entry for 2/15/10

Hey everyone sorry I'm late with the post and the pictures. Sorry to say that this week I didnt use the OCT mix at all. I usually wear it Thurs-Sat because of the white residue it leaves on my scalp since i dont wash it afterwards. However, by thursday I was itching to take out my braids, so I did Friday afternoon, while i was at work, I started.. I had some help from some kids over there ( i have the coolest job, its like my second home :grin:)

It took me 7 hours to take out the braids... and then i detangle with my hands... wash Saturday morning, then leave the WEN re-moist DC on until sunday morning.. rinse it out.. and then it took me another 4 hours to detangle. my hair was all knotted and tangled. So I dont think i will wear braids so late into my stretch.

I am 19 weeks post now. and here are my updates. you can see the dates in the pictures. I will reupload the pics I used for my starting pics, and also the pics i took today, so you can compare the New Growth.


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how late am I???

journal entry # 5

I have been so on top of my regimen!! I have discovered a new poo bar!! Yes I am a product junkie!! I am still wearing my wigs as a protective style!!
Other than that oh yea and shedding I am getting concerned. So i anty up my garlic intake!!!

This week I've been babying my hair since I relaxed last saturday. I am happy with the results and glad I tried Phyto II. I cut back on my MT application b/c I wasn't sure of any adverse effects from the relaxer. So next week I'll be back on it. :grin:
2/20/2010 Journal update

Since ending my 16wk stretch last week I haven't applied MT. I will begin applying tonight and continue with my same Reggie. I have noticed growth after flat ironing to do a lenght check and trim. I cut off about an inch as seen in my last journal pics. I'm happy overall and cant wait to get back to my length prior to my set-back, but this time blunt cut and thicker! :)
Journal for 2/20/10

Well this week i didnt use my OCT mixed again because i got a relaxer on thursday, I didnt want to put it on my scalp beforehand. I'll start using it again next week.

cool story. My sister used to say that my hair is going to fall out because i dont put a relaxer every month, wash my hair myself etc. Always talking crap when she sees me. Today she saw my hair, and now she wants to use every product i'm using and every technique now. I was smiling inside because now she is turning to me. She had Full APL hair before and her hair has been breaking since last year and she is now SL, she is jealous that my hair is longer than hers now. Yay