MBL 2010

Hi ladies I'm in! I think I'm grazing mbl but my ends need a trim badly! Abt 2 1/2 inches. So, hopefully by the end the of this year I will be full mbl with thick healthy ends! My regime will be keeping it simple. Moisture, Moisture, Moisture! 10 week strech at least and finally protective styling. The protective styling is a new step for me.

I'm in!

Currently APL with chewed up ends.
Plan to dust/trim and do a whole lot of weaving (full) for the year. Also transitioning- my hair seems to like being natural best...
Hoping to be full MBL by end of year (after hitting BSL by summer)!
i dont know if im going to make it, im in the bsl challenge and hoping for june on that one, so mbl probably wont be till dec 2010 for me. But put me in please! lol, and ill hope for the best.
Mwedzi, I absolutely LOVE the thickness of your hair!...and that beatiful braid! :love: How did you do that?

I made mbl in December, but was annoyed with my layers. I had my boyfriend my hair fairly even across the bottom. The longest section cut was around 3". Now my hair is just above my bra strap. I consider MBL to be half way between the top of my bra and my waist. That distance is 6", so half of it is 3". So I need to retain a little over 3" to meet this challenge.

Okay, this is my starting length picture for Jan. 2010:

I had to do a double take at your avi! Has anyone ever told you that you have a strong resemblance to Raven Simone?:yep: Beautiful hair by the way...

i want to be MBL by the end of the year also.
my lowest layer is APL and i hope it can reach MB by december of next year!!!
my regimen will be very simple.lol.

EACH week i plan to:
henna.(1x a month)
deep condition.(w/steam)
moisturize every day.
length check.(every 16th)

wish me luck!!!
i promise to post pics december 2010!!!
i wanna look fly for prom!!!
Just checking in:
I deep conditioned (protein+moisture) on saturday and did a felxi rod set.
Yesterday I tried Giovanni smooth as silk deeper moisture shampoo and conditioner and it was AMAZING! My hair actually felt like silk! This is my first time using this brand or any other organic brand. It's definately gonna become my staple if the results continue. I half airdrying half bonnet drying my hair in 4 flexible rods.
Today I'm wearing a sock bun and I'm sooooo proud of myself! lol I can feel healthier ends on the way!!

I plan on doing a protein deep condition with Giovanni protein infusion this weekend. I will use deeper moisture conditioner afterward. then more bunning
This is my starting point..don't mind the measuring tape that was for another thread. I would say I have about 3 inches to go til mid back. I do plan on cutting my hair at the end of this month so I will just say 4 inches.

I agree with you, Kellum. I'm BSB right now & I'm still about an inch to an inch and a half away from BSL.

I've learned the same about my hair. My hair really thrives when I just leave it alone!

Since MBL is supposed to be the midpoint length of the torso, I think MBL is in a different place on everyone. For me, technically BSL & MBL are the same because I wear my bras low. However, I won't officially claim MBL until my hair has passed the bottom of my bra.

So count me in. I was in the 2009 MBL challenge & knew it was a stretch. However, I'm BSB right now. I'm wearing my hair cornrowed in a honeycomb style & am wearing a lacefront. I get my cornrows redone every 30 days.

When I'm at home my hair is under a baggy & I moisturize with a mix of aloe, rosewater glycerin & distilled water. I still have some braid spray & Infusium so I'll still be using that stuff here & there, I think.

Weekly, I dilute poo in a spray bottle. Not mentioning a specific brand b/c right now I'm just using up what I have. I spray my scalp with the diluted poo & pour the rest all over my cornrows & rinse. Then I DC. I just ran out of my last DC & I really want an all natural DC so I don't know what I'm going to buy as a replacment. I'm open to suggestions if you ladies have any.

When I take down my cornrows, I clarify & do a protein DC with Aubrey Organics & then another moisturizing DC under my soft bonnet dryer. I detangle with Qhemet detangler & airdry in plaits & get my hair redone the next day.

I will be with the cornrows under a wig all of next year. I will take a break or two. I have my h.s. reunion in October so I'm planning to BKT & wear my hair out for that & another party I'm attending that month. After the party & the reunion, I'll be back in cornrows under a wig until May of 2011, when my DS graduates from h.s. - I plan to be WL by then.

Also, I'm 6 months post from a curly perm. I'm unofficially transitioning b/c I'm giving my natural hair one last chance. If we fall out again, I'll be back with the curly perm.

I don't really have a goal date right now because I'm trying to see if the chlorella & WL shakes are going to keep me consistently getting an inch per month. If so then I guess MBL by my h.s. reunion definitely seems doable.

I don't have any starting pics. I'll try & remember to snap a pic when I get my hair rebraided next month. I'll definitely post a pic when I make BSL. Then my next reveal will be when my hair is MBL.

HHG ladies!

Nakia, I like how you put it. BSL for me is actually mbl, that's why I chose to say I am bsb. Once I am officially past my bra strap I too will officially claim mbl.
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what's BSB?
for hair board sake (since most people put mbl after bsl) i just use the length between bsl and waist to represent mbl. since my midback is actually bsl as well.
Count me in on this! I'm aiming for MBL by December 2010, after reaching BSL by June 2010. I'm currently just past APL
Checking in. Relatively new on the boards and have been spending LOTS of time trying to understand all the terms, techniques and such. Finally ended up going to Youtube to see what some of the stuff is all about. Adding cowashing and prepoo'g to my regimine. Also ordered the odorless version of MTG last night. Who knew there was so much to learn about growing hair. I always thought it was as simple as letting the hair rest from heat. Ah well. Live and learn. And learning, I am! Cool!
Hi just posting my starting picture - see thumbnail

I will be:
DCing once a week
Wearing wigs and cornrows for PS
Baby my ends
Dusting my ends
Staying away from direct heat


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I may be the only transitioner in here. But I just stopped in to say that I have got to get a hold on my breakage. I thought I was doing pretty well but I think I just wasn't seeing it as I have been going to the salon and having a blow out. I changed my drying routine this week and I hope this works. (crosses fingers) I will be MBL this year!
I may be the only transitioner in here. But I just stopped in to say that I have got to get a hold on my breakage. I thought I was doing pretty well but I think I just wasn't seeing it as I have been going to the salon and having a blow out. I changed my drying routine this week and I hope this works. (crosses fingers) I will be MBL this year!

you're not alone. also transitioning. 21 months post. hoping for MBL by the end of the year, and all natural!
I can't use heat at all this year not even for length checks. When I make MBL at the end of the year, I'm going to treat myself, ohhh yea,lol.
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I'm super duper late, but I'm in!! I am brushing BSL, and I think with more TLC I can meet the goal by December, or at least be very close! I plan on deep conditioning weekly, moisturizing and sealing daily, and doing protective styles (I'm a weave addict) by doing full sew ins!! I look forward to our growth ladies!!
Currently in search of a regimen. I'm a few days shy of 26 weeks post. I BKT'd a few weeks ago (well a little over half my head) as I ran out of treatment. Anyway..plan on BKT'g my nape this weekend. Depending on how the nape comes out, I will braid out and PS for the remainder of the year or possibly get my hair braided in February. Decisions...decisions....
Checking in: I've decided I need to add in more frequent co-washes to my regimen again.
I'm currently bunning as a protective style and baggying daily (for a few hours -overnight is NOT for me -lol!) :)
Wish me luck and keep growing, ladies!
Oh, and no heat this yr! ;)
OK I'm posting again because my previous Piki strips were removed because of the size. So now it's smaller and back as my signature....
what's BSB?
for hair board sake (since most people put mbl after bsl) i just use the length between bsl and waist to represent mbl. since my midback is actually bsl as well.

BSB=Bottom Shoulder Blade

I may be the only transitioner in here. But I just stopped in to say that I have got to get a hold on my breakage. I thought I was doing pretty well but I think I just wasn't seeing it as I have been going to the salon and having a blow out. I changed my drying routine this week and I hope this works. (crosses fingers) I will be MBL this year!

7 months post - I'm transitioning, too. (I think.):look:

starting point:

Okay, is it just me or does this look like MBL?
I already joined.

Until I figure out how to put pics in my siggy, my starting pic is in my profile. I straightened my hair somewhat, but with the rain, it started to thicken up a bit and tried to revert (I wrapped at night and covered w/a silk scarf). I'm a little below APL, with the middle at the top of the bra (depending on which one, lol).
I'm transitioning, but with the trims I did in the beginning of 09, I'd say some of my hair is more natural or half and half.

I will shampoo and DC 1x/week; clarify 1x/month; co-wash 1-2x/week; and wear protective styles 95% of the time. My problem is mainly keeping my hair moisturized daily, which I will work on.

Hopefully, I will reach MBL by Dec 10. Once there, I will begin to trim the remaining relaxed ends to maintain the length.
Checking in:

Last night I....

1) Pre-poo'd with Burt's Bees Avocado Butter Treatment
2) Poo'd (was due) with Aveda DR
3) DC w/o heat with Aveda DR Treatment
4) Co-washed Aussie Moist
5) Rusk Smoother Leave-in with a little John Frieda Frizz Ease Serum
6) Air dried in a plaited ponytail
7) Applied JBCO to roots and NTM Silk Touch Leave-In after 80% dried and bunned.

and tha-atha-atha- a that's all FOLKS!!!....at least for this weekend :look:
Having a mini breakage problems, I think it is the dry/cold wether we are having here. Need to seal more. I hope it gets better with this next wash and DC. Had the same problems last year though not even close to as severe. Hmmmmm. Laying off the flat iron and just going to blow dry.
I know I said I wouldn't cut my hair again this year but I'm getting split ends. I guess using ordinary scissors was really a bad idea. I'm gonna do S&Ds for no, because I have seen split ends travel up the strands and I don't want to lose length. I have bought professionnal scissors.
Hi Exubah:wave:,
How do you like the Burt's Bees Avocado Butter Treatment, is it very moisturizing, also how long have you been using it and on a scale of 1-5 what would you rate it, sorry for the questions but I've been wanting to try it for some time. TIA