MBL 2010

i want to be MBL by the end of the year also.
my lowest layer is APL and i hope it can reach MB by december of next year!!!
my regimen will be very simple.lol.

EACH week i plan to:
henna.(1x a month)
deep condition.(w/steam)
moisturize every day.
length check.(every 16th)

wish me luck!!!
i promise to post pics december 2010!!!
i wanna look fly for prom!!!
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Here is my starting pic...MBL we WILL meet in 2010!

bsl/mbl are the same on me for whatever reason. i believe i will make it by dec 2010 if not before.

i'll post a pic in a few weeks - camera's on the fritz.

my plan:
continue to wash every 7-10 days
deep condition and protein treatments
relax every 8 wks min
monitor ends every 3 months
Don't think I've posted a starting pic yet!
Regimen will include lots of buns and updos, DC once a week. Lots of hair vitamins and prayer!


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    Length Dec 09.jpg
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Count me in!!

I'll flat iron for length check either this week or next week and update my fotki at least once per month.

wash weekly
henna monthly

won't hold myself to much else. Have been feeling really bummy towards my hair.
I'm going to be very ambitious and join the challenge. I will like to make MBL by the end of this year.
I'm joining this challenge. I'll probaby reach by September 2010. I need 3-4 inches more.


I hope to be full mbl by September as well!!

My regi consists of first washing, protien treatment, deep condition, apply leave in, detangle, and either rollerset or twist.
I do this every 7-10 days in the colder months, and one or twice a week in the summer (minus the protien and detangling)
Mostly rollersetting in the winter and twisting in the summer.

I trim (1/2 an inch or less) every 3-4 months
Search and destroy once a week.

When I rollerset my hair, I lightly flatiron my hair and do lots of updos and braidouts.
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I'm considering being super optimistic and joining this challenge, too. My longest layer is APL, and I've got a short torso, so MBL is just a hop and a skip from BSL on me.


This is my starting pic - took this last night. :yep:

Count me in! Just cut 2 inches last month, so I'm EAGER for some length.
My plan:
increase protein intake
daily MVI
workout 3-5 times/week to increase circulation
condition/ condition/ condition
Trim/dust every 6 weeks (since I refuse to stop dying. I'm an addict!)
Hopefully be there by September!
I'd like to join!! I just cut from a little past APL to a little below SL (it was a much needed trim) The below pic was actually taken in July but I'm about the same length that I am again. Right now with pregnancy my hair is crazy dry and breaking so I haven't been doing much of anything with it. I will have to come back later after I deliver and update my reggie but below is what I'm doing now:

Wash weekly (ORS aloe poo and Nexxus condish)
moisturize with either silk elements leave in hair creme or blue magic coconut oil grease( not on the scalp)
Bun daily (at night I braid it)

I have noticed that by blowdrying it one a week on medium heat its breaking less and I've never had breakage or growth problems using grease. As the weather gets warmer I will be switching back to my usual products


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Ok so I did a post with pictures and everyone said I'm MBL soo I will be leaving this challenge :sad: to move onto the WL challenge!!

Thanks ladies....

May 2009 -


So here's my starting pic


My reggie: Week 1: Moisturize with Qhemet Burdock Root Butter Cream, seal with either almond or coconut oil. On saturday of week one, wash using protein or moisture regimen. Week 2: Bun under half wig while moisturizing and sealing until Thursday of week 2. On Thursday, see stylist. Thursday- Wednesday of week 3 wrap nightly. Thursday-Sat of week 3 moisturize and seal then wash on sat thus starting the month all over again.

Im thinking about incorporating 1 to 2 new conditioners in the mix and maybe one other shampoo. Everything else stays the same.
I made mbl in December, but was annoyed with my layers. I had my boyfriend my hair fairly even across the bottom. The longest section cut was around 3". Now my hair is just above my bra strap. I consider MBL to be half way between the top of my bra and my waist. That distance is 6", so half of it is 3". So I need to retain a little over 3" to meet this challenge.

Okay, this is my starting length picture for Jan. 2010:

Just checking in! I thought MBL was a stretch because when I joined I was barely APL, but since then I've blowdried and flat-ironed and when I did a length check I was definitely APL. So.. since I've joined the LHCF bootcamp, I don't plan on length checking until the end of March. I think I could possibly achieve MBL if I stick to working out daily and taking my vitamins. Also I've added a 10 min scalp massage and at least 30 mins of heat to my Prepoo routine and I've also added a midweek dry DC with Vatika Frosting and EQP Mango Buttter mixed and my heatcap. I think these things will keep my hair moisturized and strong while I work internally to make it to MBL.
I'm in!! My longest layer is BSL and I'm looking forward to full MBL by the end of 2010.

Regimen: still a work in progress, but as of this year it will be KeraCare shampoo and dc (protein: ORS; moisture: KeraCare Humecto/Nexxus Humectant) 1x week, cowash 2x week if need be, moisturize ends daily with roots of nature shea butter and green tea moisturizer and olive oil, prepoo with olive oil and coconut oil. Hot oil treatment when needed.
Protective/low maintenance styles: rollersets, flexirod sets, braidouts, twistouts, buns.

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I'm going to withdraw from this challenge since you all said I was already MBL. I won't be joining the waistlength challenge though... I'm too nervous. Good luck to everyone!
I'm going to withdraw from this challenge since you all said I was already MBL. I won't be joining the waistlength challenge though... I'm too nervous. Good luck to everyone!

Congrats!! Join...no need to be nervous many of us have had setbacks. We just learn from them! YOU CAN DO IT!!

Well I'm in, I cut two inches today, tapered my chin length bangs down to my length so now that "gap" is gone (thank goodness it was hard for me not to cut my bangs back again!) and I actually really like it! Now my hair is hitting the middle of my brastrap. :spinning:

Pix next weekend. (I didn't take, after, pix for some bizarre reason...lol)
Awwwwwwww I'm gonna miss you both SimplyBlessed and cch24....just when we were beginning to get acquainted. Congratulations to you both on achieving the MBL milestone and wishing you both the best on your journey to WL!!!
I'm so excited to get growing this year while trying to Keep It Simple. I have been real sick over the holidays and real lazy the start of this year so I have not really combed my hair in about 3 days. I have not however been too lazy to forget about moisturizing and sealing...........I've totally been on top of that!!!

I've already given my Senior Project Manager a head's up on me wanting his family to bring over some Emu Oil when they visit the Bahamas in March............can't wait, I've read so many good things about it!

Anyway ladies this journey together officially started on 1/1/10, wishing you all the best for HHG!!!
I forgot I joined this one. I don't even know if I'm APL yet.:lachen:

I'll post a starting pic after my salon visit in 2 weeks and I'll just take it from there.
I'm so excited to get growing this year while trying to Keep It Simple. I have been real sick over the holidays and real lazy the start of this year so I have not really combed my hair in about 3 days. I have not however been too lazy to forget about moisturizing and sealing...........I've totally been on top of that!!!

I've already given my Senior Project Manager a head's up on me wanting his family to bring over some Emu Oil when they visit the Bahamas in March............can't wait, I've read so many good things about it!

Anyway ladies this journey together officially started on 1/1/10, wishing you all the best for HHG!!!

Feel better Hun! And good for you staying on top of your moisturizing games even though you were sick!

On another note, my starting pic kind of sucks so I'll post another one when I do my relaxer in about a week.
Just checking in ladies. I am staying on my regimen of alternating Moisturizing DC's and Protein DC's and protective styling. I did a cholesterol treatment on Sunday.
So just checking in to say that my reggie changed already. I was washing the dishes and it just came to me that I didn't start having problems with my hair until I switched conditioners from Mane n'tail to Nexxus. I thought that with winter finally hitting VA full force I needed a thicker conditioner/leave in esp since my hair's been drier and more fragile than usual due to pregnancy. So I go to the store then get home pour half a cup of oil in to the MNT and jump in the shower. I clarified to get rid of the other conditioner's gunk and conditioned and my hair feels 10x better and was so much easier to comb through. I had barely any breakage (which is saying a lot compared to the last few weeks). So all that to say this: my revised reggie is below

Shampoo with ORS Aloe and Condition with MNT/oil mix weekly
Cowash 1-3 times a week (until it warms up again then I'll be going back to daily cowashes)
coat ends in Blue Magic coconut oil (grease) nightly

At least 5 days a week I will be in a bun (for work) and at night hair will be braided.
I will try to do progress pics every 4-6 weeks.
(my starting pic is in my original post on pg 23)
Checking in, cowashing tomorrow. wearing my hair in a natural braid wet bun,lol...Adding excercising into the mix 5days a week.
Count me in!!! I was in the BSL challenge but did a length check and am already at BSL! I'm on my cell right now but I will get back on later to post my plan.