I'm so MAD!!!

Bun Mistress

Well-Known Member
A year ago, I went on I ended up deleting my account a month early (no refund but non really expected) and thought that was that.
Well fast forward to now, a lot a year to the date that my account was initially opened I start getting the match emails again.
Their "compatibility matches". I didn't think anything of it at first. Then I got a wink.

Wait a second. People can't wink at you unless you have a profile. And they usually don't unless you have a picture up. So I go to the website and attempt to long in (which shouldn't work). But it does. Some one at match reinstated my account picture and all (which I never authorized) and people have been leaving me messages and everything.

I deleted the account again and emailed customer service (no reply yet) about how furious I was and I wanted my account permanently deleted.

I more wrote this for people that may have had an account and deleted, it apparently is not deleted and can be reactivated without your knowledge.
I canceled mine as well, but just last night saw that I had received a message. I never tried logging back and figured it was like FB, when you delete, it is still really there, just has to be reactivated.

I don't get charged anymore, but I would like to stop receiving messages period since I am no longer active on that site.
I signed up for before I met dh with their introductory special. I had been married for a year before I finally was able to get them to quit charging me and sending emails. What's worse is that I did not get not one suitable match from that site. I hate that site so hard.
I edited to remove my photo and bio text before I deleted my account. I think they sometimes try to draw you back into paying by showing how much "action" you would get.

I also think they do thisto make it seem like there are much more active people on the site. I remember winking at a guy who later said that he paid just to be able to reply to me.
Yeah you still receive e-mails and matches afterwards. Thats why when before i closed my account i took all the pics down i took off all the information and then i closed it down. It's sad cause because people might be looking at your profile thinking your up there still but your not.
No this is different I wasn't getting any emails or anything then out of the blue reactivate. I need to check my credit card now!
And I went online, the entire profile including the picture that I had requested be deleted was there. This is jsut a warning to everyone.
And FYI you shouldn't be getting matches if you profile is deleted. I didn't get matches for over 10 months til this past week. And when I deleted my account, I had some one try to search for me and orginally I wasn't there.
I canceled mine as well, but just last night saw that I had received a message. I never tried logging back and figured it was like FB, when you delete, it is still really there, just has to be reactivated.

I don't get charged anymore, but I would like to stop receiving messages period since I am no longer active on that site.

Not really on topic, but I hate that fb has made it so that most people don't even realize you can completely delete your account. Unlike deactivation, when deleting, your account is no longer accessible after 14 days.

Just go here:

On topic: Perhaps has a similar policy where they allow deactivation and make that option easiest to find, deletion method is supposedly here:

Account deletion links for many sites can be found on
Ok. Now I'm pissed. I just got AK email saying that some one sent me a message. Like am hour ago. A day after I canceled my account again!

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Not really on topic, but I hate that fb has made it so that most people don't even realize you can completely delete your account. Unlike deactivation, when deleting, your account is no longer accessible after 14 days.

Just go here:

On topic: Perhaps has a similar policy where they allow deactivation and make that option easiest to find, deletion method is supposedly here:

Account deletion links for many sites can be found on

Wow, thanks so much! This is good to know!
Oh goodness, I'm thinking of getting rid of my Match account because it is worthless to me. Let me get ready because it seems like I might have to show my a$$.