Massaging / Scalp Care Challenge :) 2010

this is a great idea, I'm gonna jump on this. Did you add water into the spritz or use a carrier oil for the lavendar and rosemary? Speaking of lavender I hadn't been sleeping well so I thought and replaced my sleeping pills with lavender lotion by jason, lavender shea butter soap but nubian heritage, and lavender body oil. Thank God it's working. It's so important to put the natural oils nature has provided to us to work.

This morning before my co-wash, I spritzed my scalp with a rosemary/lavender mixture and covered it with a steamy towel and a shower cap. Oooohhhh...that in itself was a mini spa treatment. My scalp feels great!
Good post, I'm wondering about coconut, I have some coconut and papaya soap from nubian heritage it's sls free but I wonder if it would do anything good for hair, I've been debating it

hi Mislittlelala! thanks again for starting this!:grin:
just to know that it's here, makes me feel "accountable" and it's really helping me stick with it!

that coconut and papaya soap sounds wonderful!
it's even sls free!
thanks for the heads up! i'm gonna check out nubian heritage, too!
i've only tried the coconut milk from the grocery store as a pre poo and loved it so much even my hubby had to try some!
the softening effect is really good (especially for my tough roots)

oh, and, the tapping is going well, too...i massage at night, then tap during the day (also cuz i love to keep my hands in my head:lachen:)

instead of scratching when my head itches, i just tap!

Thick&Fine, hi! that spa treatment sounds divine!

i've been just spritzing my herbal waters on at night before i wrap my head up, but i'd love to try the hot towel method!
to make it steamy, did you put it the oven with water on it?
(please don't say you microwaved it...i don't have a microwave, lol)

HHJ ladies!
Hey ladies I did a coconut oil massage last night but not long about 10 mins I gotta get in the game with u 30+minute ladies :). I'm also taking grows advice about coconut milk and gonna pick some up. I'm glad we all can share our tips and techniques.
I'm wondering what state is your hair in when you ladies massage? I've been massaging with my twists in since this challenge began but I'm thinking maybe I can reach my scalp better if I undo them and comb it into a fro just until I'm done massaging. What do ya think?
You're so welcome grow and I'm glad you joined us and offered so many great tips.

hi Mislittlelala! thanks again for starting this!:grin:
just to know that it's here, makes me feel "accountable" and it's really helping me stick with it!

that coconut and papaya soap sounds wonderful!
it's even sls free!
thanks for the heads up! i'm gonna check out nubian heritage, too!
i've only tried the coconut milk from the grocery store as a pre poo and loved it so much even my hubby had to try some!
the softening effect is really good (especially for my tough roots)

oh, and, the tapping is going well, too...i massage at night, then tap during the day (also cuz i love to keep my hands in my head:lachen:)

instead of scratching when my head itches, i just tap!

Thick&Fine, hi! that spa treatment sounds divine!

i've been just spritzing my herbal waters on at night before i wrap my head up, but i'd love to try the hot towel method!
to make it steamy, did you put it the oven with water on it?
(please don't say you microwaved it...i don't have a microwave, lol)

HHJ ladies!
Hey ladies I did a coconut oil massage last night but not long about 10 mins I gotta get in the game with u 30+minute ladies :). I'm also taking grows advice about coconut milk and gonna pick some up. I'm glad we all can share our tips and techniques.
I'm wondering what state is your hair in when you ladies massage? I've been massaging with my twists in since this challenge began but I'm thinking maybe I can reach my scalp better if I undo them and comb it into a fro just until I'm done massaging. What do ya think?

hi Mslittlelala!

i wish you success with your new coconut milk!:yep:

as to the state of my hair when i massage: i wear my hair relaxed and straight since i stopped heat last nov.

i only wish i cud do twists, but i think my hair is too thin and damaged (that heat i used to use) to try it.:ohwell:

even with straight hair (i wrap or ponytail at night), the ng is making it hard to "feel" my scalp, so lately i've been putting different oils jbco, coconut oil and even olive oil to smooth down my roots, then i massage.

so, i don't know what to do for twists, but oils help my nappy roots.:yep:

hhg ladies!
checkin in! I've been doing well with this! Right now I have in yarn braids so massaging feels really good to my scalp. I use jojoba oil every night and massage at least 3x a week. My scalp is LOVING IT!!!
girl ur fotki rocks those styles are so fly and they really shape your face. I've gotta work on the versatility of my styles but after I get my scalp right

checkin in! I've been doing well with this! Right now I have in yarn braids so massaging feels really good to my scalp. I use jojoba oil every night and massage at least 3x a week. My scalp is LOVING IT!!!
hi ladies!

checking in....

that "watch a movie and do something good for your hair" method had me massaging for an hour and 54 minutes last night! the time really flew by....
Hey Ladies,
I need some help :) My vibrating scalp massaging comb just arrived and I put batteries in it but I when I use it my hand gets more vibrating than my scalp lol. The comb part doesn't move any idea of how I go about using this thing?
Hey Ladies,
I need some help :) My vibrating scalp massaging comb just arrived and I put batteries in it but I when I use it my hand gets more vibrating than my scalp lol. The comb part doesn't move any idea of how I go about using this thing?

hi Mislittlelala, i wish i could help, but i only know the old fashioned method with the fingertips.

i seem to recall some other ladies have what you bought and hopefully they will chime in with some suggestions.

good luck with that...
It's okay I did the old fashion way and said forget this. I went on media player radio and put on some ambient music (like my first time listening to it) and did a dry massage. I think I did it for about 30 minutes and then I fail a sleep lol. It was really relaxing though. Sometimes it's best to do things the original way. :grin:

hi Mislittlelala, i wish i could help, but i only know the old fashioned method with the fingertips.

i seem to recall some other ladies have what you bought and hopefully they will chime in with some suggestions.

good luck with that...
Ladies I see such great progress in ur pictures...I've have seriously been slacking but I plan to get back in gear and hit this challenge with full force...hopefully I get a pass lol

Sorry I have been slacking....
It's okay we all slack sometimes you'll get back into it :grin:

Ladies I see such great progress in ur pictures...I've have seriously been slacking but I plan to get back in gear and hit this challenge with full force...hopefully I get a pass lol

Sorry I have been slacking....


well said! don't worry, Simply Blessed, we all slack sometimes, what's important is getting back to it! great job!
just checking in...hi ladies!

last night i did my usual monday nite long massage stretch and when the movie was over, i looked up and saw i'd massaged for an hour and 16 min....
since i've opted to keeping my hands out of my hair, i'm bowing out of this challenge too. Going to see a professional tomorrow so i hope the most my hands will be doing for a while is pincurling and wrapping it up. wish me luck.

Good luck to you all.
Checkin in! I massaged my scalp with Vatika oil yesterday morning for 10 min til my scalp got tingly. I love Vatika oil! I also mixed rosemary and lavender oils into my deep conditoner.
Hey ladies,

I've been giving my updates on the "Healthy Hair ♥ Healthy Scalp" challenge, but as far as massaging, yes I've been doing a lot more of that these days. I've made a conscious effort to massage instead of scratch my scalp. I've been using moisturizing shampoos and co washing every 3-4 days--I've discovered that this is the best timeframe for me before dandruff starts setting in. My hair is wearing the same twists since November to "help" keep my fingers out of my hair. They're currently curled freshly washed, no style. Great encouragement ladies!
Can I just say how HARD it is to not scratch my head? Every time I get that tingle, I try massaging my head, but my skin's like "naw, this is weak. Get them NAILS in there!" Sometimes I cheat and scratch my head through my hair wrap. Do you think that's less traumatic on my skin/scalp?
lol I feel u I think it's much less traumatic I take my finger and massage with a little more strength than normal through my satin scarf or headwrap and I don't think it causes trouble. Also when I stopped scratching I noticed that crazy annoying itch came less often.

Can I just say how HARD it is to not scratch my head? Every time I get that tingle, I try massaging my head, but my skin's like "naw, this is weak. Get them NAILS in there!" Sometimes I cheat and scratch my head through my hair wrap. Do you think that's less traumatic on my skin/scalp?
Checkin in! I massaged my scalp yesterday with some coconut oil and mahabringraj oil. I warmed it up in the microwave and poured it on my scalp. After massaging for 15 min, I put a plastic cap on for an hour. My scalp was tingling like crazy! After my co-wash, I was in love with the way it felt. I would reccomend mahabringraj oil to anyone who is having trouble with growth. It cools the scalp and makes the hair feel great.
Checkin in! I massaged my scalp yesterday with some coconut oil and mahabringraj oil. I warmed it up in the microwave and poured it on my scalp. After massaging for 15 min, I put a plastic cap on for an hour. My scalp was tingling like crazy! After my co-wash, I was in love with the way it felt. I would reccomend mahabringraj oil to anyone who is having trouble with growth. It cools the scalp and makes the hair feel great.

That's a good idea. Next time I DC, I'm going to incorporate my scalp massage, since I otherwise massage for about 5 seconds at a time. I'm also tempted to try mahabhringraj oil, but I NEED to finish up the products I've been hording :naughty:
ok ladies, i haven't checked in for a while but it's because of the ng.

i'm almost 14 weeks post and i don't want to massage for the lengths of time i used to and....ok, i've gotten lazy with it now.

i figure that if i massage alot, i could tangle my ng, also because i only comb my hair once every 2 weeks now.

however, i AM massaging my scalp while in the shower washing my hair and i've been cowashing 3-6 times a week, so that is something....
It's okay it seems like it's faded out for everyone but as long as you're doing what your hair wants it great :). I don't massage like I did at the beginning, in the spring and summer my hair produces more sebum so if I massage it'll be dry massages.