Massaging / Scalp Care Challenge :) 2010

Checking in! Massaging every night and I oil my scalp every night as well with either Ayurvedic oils or sulfer 8 and mn.
I've made a mixture of jojoba oil, ylang ylang, rosemary and peppermint oil to massage my scalp, I've only done it once so far, I need to step up my game.
I've made a mixture of jojoba oil, ylang ylang, rosemary and peppermint oil to massage my scalp, I've only done it once so far, I need to step up my game.

I just love your hair! The thickness and the length! I hope to be where you are now by Dec 2011!:yep:
Checkin in..Still massaging my scalp with Bringraj oil and the results are fantastic for my edges. They are thickening up.
:weird: YES! I am in!

My scalp care reggie:
- I do scalp exercises all the time during the day... it makes my ears wiggle. I can now move my ears like an inch and a half up and down. It freaks DH out :lachen: I noticed a huge improvement in my growth rate when I did this regularly, so I'm getting back to doing this.

- I massage my scalp when I do my hair, which for now means daily spraying of my leave-ins. So I do scalp massages every day, pretty much.

- UPS just came with my box of goodies for Puritan's Pride :yay: which includes, among other things, my pure aloe vera juice. I pour a bit of this on my scalp and massage it in... it makes my scalp SO much healthier, and it seems to loosen my texture a bit as well.

- I use tea tree oil on my scalp and boy does it feel refreshing :love:
I'm right on track with my massages using Aloe Vera Extract, I've actually been doing it more than three times a week. I'm 9 weeks post and it's awesome massaging my new growth.
I think my scalp regi is working. For the past three weeks I've been alternating with Hairever scalp cleanser, homemade sulfur mix and a homemade garlic paste--one of these three each day. Yesterday, I brushed my hair and saw lots of flakes. My scalp is starting to peel. I think all of the flakes are the result of years of products build-up. Tonight when I put on the Hairever it felt a heck of a lot more intense. Yes.
That was a great idea, I should do more dry massages.

If you do it regularly enough and become familiar with how your scalp feels, you can actually tell the difference in the little oil that gets produced/activated from dry massaging.

I've noticed that my scalp goes through phases where there are times when I don't need to add anything to my scalp at all, just massaging it brings the oil about. . .I mean like, I get enough oil for my fingertips to end up looking like I had lightly greased my scalp. lOVE IT.

I can say that the more water I drink, the more oil my scalp produces.
About to get that hairever you've convinced me :)

I think my scalp regi is working. For the past three weeks I've been alternating with Hairever scalp cleanser, homemade sulfur mix and a homemade garlic paste--one of these three each day. Yesterday, I brushed my hair and saw lots of flakes. My scalp is starting to peel. I think all of the flakes are the result of years of products build-up. Tonight when I put on the Hairever it felt a heck of a lot more intense. Yes.
Hey people, hope everyone's New Year is going well. It's been a week since my last wash, every few days I do a teatree massage with some live, grapeseed, or jojoba oil. Its working well for dry scalp and the itch is almost no existent. One of the ladies on another board told me about, that's where I'll get my oils due to the affordability, distance from where I live, and the wide range of oils, herbs, etc. I'm also going to try a burdock tea to rinse my hair in. The bur oil in the root is said to help strengthen and beautify hair, stop scalp itching and dandruff, and combat hair loss.
This challenge is becoming quite fun, I'm seeing results and learning a lot from you ladies.
my hair never used to grow, but since i've started diligently massaging my scalp since november 2009, my hair has started growing an inch a month.

for sure, it's not been jump started on the growth ONLY because of my daily massages, but i'm sure it has helped ALOT!
checking in for the last few weeks , I need to step up my game in this area. I pledged two times a week so I will try and stick to this. I really need to get on this. I am a little ticked off with myself bc I made a great Indian tea this weekend to use during my weekly DC and I completely forgot about it and left it cooling on the cooker (stove). I had dried my hair by the time I realised so it was too late to use it.

How long can these teas keep for?
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Showing up late. But, better late than never. Please sign me up! I'll be using JBCO as my massage oil.
checking in for the last few weeks , I need to step up my game in this area. I pledged two times a week so I will try and stick to this. I really need to get on this. I am a little ticked off with myself bc I made a great Indian tea this weekend to use during my weekly DC and I completely forgot about it and left it cooling on the cooker (stove). I had dried my hair by the time I realised so it was too late to use it.

How long can these teas keep for?

i use the indian teas, too, so you asked a good question!

oh, and btw, just admitting "you need to step up your game" is a great part to getting there!
i've said that as well and now, i'm doing it!

last night's massage was about 15 min.
i had amla oil on the damaged areas of my scalp.

hhg ladies!
I have barely touched my scalp at all. I set out to wash and massage it and oil it two days ago and haven't done it yet. I've been pony tailing it up and only using my detangling comb which does nothing for the scalp. sigggghhhhh. I gotta do better.
Hey ladies, I'm about to add the new people and thanks for joining it helps to be held a little more accountable.
Now for the honesty lol I've been slipping and I need to get back into into it. My scalp has taken a major turn for the better I haven't washed in two weeks and no dryness or itching. I'll massage tonight and wash tomorrow with a deep condition. I'll be using ors.
ok, last night was the longest EVER! (so far)

i massaged my scalp for 1 hour and 32 min.!!!

i just watched tv and alternated arms as they got tired.

i hope to see results as i keep this up, but since i started last nov., my hair has been growing faster than before.