Massaging / Scalp Care Challenge :) 2010

Are you leaving your cayenne pepper mix on your scalp or do you wash your hair afterward?

The growth oil mixture I use is:

2 tablespoons grapeseed oil
2 tablespoons jojoba oil
3 drops cedarwood EO
3 drops lavender EO
3 drops lemon EO
3 drops rosemary EO
3 drops thyme EO

This mixture has been clinically proven to regrow the hair of folks with alopecia and male pattern baldness.

thanks for the recipie! i use that one, too, but instead of the lemon, jojoba, and grapeseed, i use peppermint, evoo and jbco.

with the pepper and ginger oils i've infused into evoo, i don't take them off at night.:nono: (i apply at the end of the day)

since i bag at night and i'm a daily cowasher in the summer, i let the bag heat them on my scalp overnight after i've finished my massage, then i cowash it all out in the morning.:yep:

my hair seems to be loving it because i feel that "summer growth spurt" they talk about on here happening on my head in these months!:yep:
What do you use for cowashing? I'm kind of afraid I've tried it before and I had build up after the first try. Also does co washing really remove all the oil from your scalp? It's something I really wanna do for moisture purposes but I don't know if my hair likes conditioner or not

thanks for the recipie! i use that one, too, but instead of the lemon, jojoba, and grapeseed, i use peppermint, evoo and jbco.

with the pepper and ginger oils i've infused into evoo, i don't take them off at night.:nono: (i apply at the end of the day)

since i bag at night and i'm a daily cowasher in the summer, i let the bag heat them on my scalp overnight after i've finished my massage, then i cowash it all out in the morning.:yep:

my hair seems to be loving it because i feel that "summer growth spurt" they talk about on here happening on my head in these months!:yep:
What do you use for cowashing? I'm kind of afraid I've tried it before and I had build up after the first try. Also does co washing really remove all the oil from your scalp? It's something I really wanna do for moisture purposes but I don't know if my hair likes conditioner or not

i baggy bun most of the time, so if there is any oil, it's only a good thing for my hair in those styles, however, when i use AO HSR or AO WC or AO GPB, i don't get buildup.

also, Jane Carter Replenishing Conditioner works well to get rid of the oils.

if the conditioners feel too heavy, every blue moon, i will use Giovanni Tea Tree Tripple Treat Shampoo. it is an excellet clarifyer too, and most of all, since my hair is typically dry, it does not contain SLS'es so it won't dry out my hair.

I might do like you Grow try the movie thing, but what do you do when your arms get tired? A tad off course I went ahead and flat ironed my hair it came out great for the first time because I did the comb chase so now I can totally massage every part of my scalp easier for a while. I've been doing jbco on my temples, jojoba on my length and teatree and jojoba on my scalp a little but I want to try argan oil soon.
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last night i managed to find a good movie and massage 53 minutes!

Good grief. I was doing a good 5min daily scalp massage. I have made 4 attempts at a 10min massage and I'm so tired by the end. How are you massaging so long? Are you scritching too? I love scritching! :yep: Thats when my scalp really opens up..and I get the tingling!
How exactly do you scritch? I read up on it but never seen a demo or had it simply explained.

Good grief. I was doing a good 5min daily scalp massage. I have made 4 attempts at a 10min massage and I'm so tired by the end. How are you massaging so long? Are you scritching too? I love scritching! :yep: Thats when my scalp really opens up..and I get the tingling!
Good grief. I was doing a good 5min daily scalp massage. I have made 4 attempts at a 10min massage and I'm so tired by the end. How are you massaging so long? Are you scritching too? I love scritching! :yep: Thats when my scalp really opens up..and I get the tingling!

i switch arms and hands when tired, i put on something that takes my mind off of massaging, i time it with a stopwatch, and i also keep my mind on the prize....growth!:yep:

How exactly do you scritch? I read up on it but never seen a demo or had it simply explained.
good question!!!
i'd like to know what scritching is too!:rolleyes:
oooo I think it's just using a fine tooth comb instead of your nails.

ouch! i hope not, because if i EVER tried that, it would translate into instant haircut:blush:, lol!:lachen:

just the idea starts hurting my delicate roots...:perplexed

but then again, i have always preferred the hands to even the massage machines because we can FEEL if something is pulling or tugging and stop before the damage is done, whereas, if we use machines or combs, that's just hair that gets broken off. we don't feel it to stop in time, but we sure see it in the sink.:ohwell:
u are so right and I couldn't really do it anyway cause my fro wouldn't like that at all.

ouch! i hope not, because if i EVER tried that, it would translate into instant haircut:blush:, lol!:lachen:

just the idea starts hurting my delicate roots...:perplexed

but then again, i have always preferred the hands to even the massage machines because we can FEEL if something is pulling or tugging and stop before the damage is done, whereas, if we use machines or combs, that's just hair that gets broken off. we don't feel it to stop in time, but we sure see it in the sink.:ohwell:
How exactly do you scritch? I read up on it but never seen a demo or had it simply explained.

i switch arms and hands when tired, i put on something that takes my mind off of massaging, i time it with a stopwatch, and i also keep my mind on the prize....growth!:yep:

good question!!!
i'd like to know what scritching is too!:rolleyes:

oooo I think it's just using a fine tooth comb instead of your nails.

I use my fingernails..lightly. Kinda like if your scalp itches and you scratch it. I do that with all fingers together and do a scratching moment as if I was shampooing my scalp. :perplexed I go up and down scalp or left and right between my braids. It feels sooooooooooooo good. Thats when i really get the tingles in. I hope that's making better sense.

@ Grow: You're only using one hand at a time to massage then switch? Or are you using both hands, massage take a 5min break then get back to it? I find myself getting bored when I massage/scritch.
I use my fingernails..lightly. Kinda like if your scalp itches and you scratch it. I do that with all fingers together and do a scratching moment as if I was shampooing my scalp. :perplexed I go up and down scalp or left and right between my braids. It feels sooooooooooooo good. Thats when i really get the tingles in. I hope that's making better sense.

@ Grow: You're only using one hand at a time to massage then switch? Or are you using both hands, massage take a 5min break then get back to it? I find myself getting bored when I massage/scritch.

hey hun! i start off with both hands and i try to go as long as i can like that.

when i get tired, i do one hand at a time.

i make sure i do at least 15 minutes of continuous massaging before i take breaks. this is because i have read where they said it takes 15 minutes to adequetely get the blood circulating and flowing to the head.

to keep from getting bored, i massage while watching tv.

i figure i watch tv for my "empty" time, to relax, so i might as well be doing something good for myself while i do it.

that's why i try to find shows that are long running so i can get so caught up in the program that i don't even notice that my stopwatch has gone way past my set time.:yep:
Hello! I haven't updated in a LOOOONG time, but I have been doing a couple of new things. Every other night I apply a mix of aloe vera, rosemary oil, and jojoba oil to my scalp. As we speak, I am pre-pooing/massage with aloe vera gel and navranta cool oil. This oil is the BOMB! My scalp has been tinging and it feels so good. Off to tea rinse!
thanks for the update CaliDiamond!

ladies, i am so excited! i was watching this intriguing movie last night while massaging, switching hands and just letting my stopwatch go.

i look up and it was an hour and 10 minutes i'd been steadily massaging!

i didn't even know the time had flown by so quickly!
I did a short massage with some jojoba and lavender eo, it gave a nice tingle. I'm being more careful sense my scalp is so sensitive and already producing more sebum than I'd like I'll continue with jojoba and scoop up some argan oil but for my length and my temples it loves the jbco. As for dcing I did wheat germ over some aohsr and it was amazing moisture.
^^^ i love the ao hsr and wheat germ oil mixture as well!!!

well ladies, it's time for me to take a break from my beloved massaging.

i'm perming this saturday, so no more touching my scalp for a bit.

see ya when i get back and please keep up the massaging!

our hair will thank us for it!
Glad this was bumped. I don't think I've done a scalp massage SINCE the last posting I made in this thread...I know terrible. Off, to grab my oils.
soon i will be past the perm "hold time" and be able to return to massaging.

it's incredible that it has been such a habit this year that now, i actually miss it when i cannot massage regularly.

i'm grateful to lhcf for teaching me this valuable tool that has now become a part of me!
i am out of the post perm phase and just reporting in.

i started my massages again but so far, have only done about 20 minutes.

i'm hoping to up my time as i continue to add it back into my reggie.

it would be alot easier if i didn't have to start and stop and get back into it all the time, but pre perm, i have no choice but to halt it.

i'd sure be interested to know what you ladies do!
When I dealt with pre perm time and couldn't really touch my scalp I just kept hands off the week before my perm. If I wanted to somewhat massage or "scritch" I'd just tap certain areas. A few days after the service I'd slide back in with gentle massaging. I'm not sure if that's good or not but it worked for me back then. If I didn't do it that way I'd have some heated h&*$ to pay once that relaxer sat for about 5 mins lol

i am out of the post perm phase and just reporting in.

i started my massages again but so far, have only done about 20 minutes.

i'm hoping to up my time as i continue to add it back into my reggie.

it would be alot easier if i didn't have to start and stop and get back into it all the time, but pre perm, i have no choice but to halt it.

i'd sure be interested to know what you ladies do!
Hello! I have been experimenting with a mixture of aloe vera, rosemary oil, and cinnamon oil on my scalp before washes. So far so good. I am due for an amla/henna treatment today. Hopefully the combo will stop some of this itching madness I have had for a few days.