Married Ladies...what Advice Would You Give Single Ladies?


Well-Known Member
I recognize that some people prefer to be single and are perfectly happy. If you are single and perfectly happy, this thread is not for you. This thread is for married ladies with single friends that actually want to get married, and it's also for single ladies on the board that want advice from happily married women.

I have single friends that are making the same mistakes over and over again and they desperately want to find the right guy and get married.

I hope this thread will be informational for ladies that are in a similar position.

Most of my single friends are making the same mistakes, but they either don't know it or they won't seek advice.

So let me ask you married ladies that have single friends...What, if anything, is preventing them from getting married to the right man? What advice would you give them?
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I'll start, but I hope some of the other happily married ladies post.

One of my single friends has set her standards too high. She really believes that the "perfect" guy will come along and he will have at least all but one of the "must haves" on her list. She's a nice person, very sweet, great smile and fun personality. But she doesn't even have all of the qualities or material things on her list. She's approaching forty and one of the things she expects is that the man she marries not have any kids, because she doesn't have any kids.

If she were 20...I would say great - why should you date a young man with kids? No way!
He shouldn't have kids because you don't have kids.

But realistically if you want to get married past age 40 and the guy is around the same's possible that he may have been married before, had a child from a previous relationship or found out he's a daddy at some point. I think she's limiting the dating pool by crossing off guys that are responsible fathers to any children they might have had, but she doesn't see it that way and I'm not going to push my opinion on her.

Sadly, she's miserable at this point in her life. That's only one of the things that I think she's doing wrong. There are two more things. (lol)
I have four close girlfriends age range 35-40 who desperately want to get married and have kids.

1. Dating the same type of guys-bad boys who have no intention of settling down
2. Waiting on a great black guy - some of my friends won't even date biracial men
3. Want to date someone who's 6' but she's 5'4"
4. Dwindle the list down, list should be things that you can't live without or compromise be realistic.

I had 5 things on my list, that encompassed everything that I wanted, some of the list that I've seen have 50 plus items.
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I'll start, but I hope some of the other happily married ladies post.

One of my single friends has set her standards too high. She really believes that the "perfect" guy will come along and he will have at least all but one of the "must haves" on her list. She's a nice person, very sweet, great smile and fun personality. But she doesn't even have all of the qualities or material things on her list. She's approaching forty and one of the things she expects is that the man she marries not have any kids, because she doesn't have any kids.

If she were 20...I would say great - why should you date a young man with kids? No way!
He shouldn't have kids because you don't have kids.

But realistically if you want to get married past age 40 and the guy is around the same's possible that he may have been married before, had a child from a previous relationship or found out he's a daddy at some point. I think she's limiting the dating pool by crossing off guys that are responsible fathers to any children they might have had, but she doesn't see it that way and I'm not going to push my opinion on her.

Sadly, she's miserable at this point in her life. That's only one of the things that I think she's doing wrong. There are two more things. (lol)

I'm rooting for your friend. :look:
All of my pointers are for women who are SERIOUSLY dating not just grabbing an occasional dinner with a male acquaintance. Many of these are things that I learned through my own personal experience and/or from the experiences of my friends/family:

-Refusing to compromise. No, I'm not talking about staying with a man who lies, cheats, abuses, etc., I'm talking about picking and choosing your fights and not being so quick to write a man off because of minor character flaws. Compromising does not start as soon as you say "I do" and I think that so many women have this list of things a man must have BEFORE getting married that, depending on your age, is just impossible to find. Many women are not willing to grow with a man.

-Letting a man waste her time. What I mention this, I am not talking about the amount of time you date, I'm talking the intentions of a man. If he has no real intention to make you his wife, regardless of if you date for 6 months or 6 years, he is wasting your time!

-Ignoring red flags. Some women have a way of over-compromising to the point of outright ignoring HUGE red flags. I have friends who's SO have brought home STDs, have had outside kids, have no intentions on ever holding a full-time job, are compulsive liars, etc. In what world is it ok to accept any of this? Good men are not that scarce to where any woman has to settle for a dirtbag.

-Oversharing. Being an honest and open woman does not mean telling a man ALL of your business. Still maintain a personal life and your right to privacy. Stop treating your man like a therapist or your closest girlfriend.

-Being too available. It is ok to let a man miss you especially early in a relationship. Create an air of mystery even if you have to act like you are unavailable. Let some calls go to voicemail, forget to answer a few text messages, post pictures on Facebook of you having a great time without him.

-Not being yourself. Most of the married women I know, including myself, do not have the most virtuous background and are not ashamed of it. While I've always been very loving, nurturing, and feminine, I have never been prim and proper and I don't try to act like it. Who has time to carry on a facade for their entire life? I've done some crazy and downright questionable things in my past. I almost flunked out of high school, kept a heavy rotation of hood negros who would have done ANYTHING for me. I like to twerk when the mood strikes, can be very direct if needed, and will be cut someone with my words all with a smile on my face if I need to and guess husband loves me still because I am authentic.

-Refusing to have fun. Have you ever seen a couple out and about and they look like 2 strangers? They sit at the same table but barely interact, are both on their phones posting on Instagram about having fun but forget to actually have fun? Or you go out and there is always that one group of women, hair on point, makeup on point, but are all standing around looking bored, barely smiling or again, have their face buried in their phone barely interacting with those around them. How boring! I have always had a great sense of humor and love to laugh, play, kick it, and have a damn good time. Men love women who keep them feeling young and carefree. Men love women who allow them to just breath and aren't so quick to remind them of all of their responsibilities. Let your hair down and learn to just have fun.
I havent read the posts so I'm sure what I'm gonna put in a nutshell is already here...but I have 2 unmarried friends who want to be married but they sleep with every man they meet and have year or more long mini to major drama in their lives with each man just wasting their time and their emotions. Of course when you are broken by a man you attract more broken men to break you some more. It's hard enough for the average women to escape the foolishness but some of us make it really bad on ourselves.
-Refusing to compromise. No, I'm not talking about staying with a man who lies, cheats, abuses, etc., I'm talking about picking and choosing your fights and not being so quick to write a man off because of minor character flaws. Compromising does not start as soon as you say "I do" and I think that so many women have this list of things a man must have BEFORE getting married that, depending on your age, is just impossible to find. Many women are not willing to grow with a man.

-Not being yourself. Most of the married women I know, including myself, do not have the most virtuous background and are not ashamed of it. While I've always been very loving, nurturing, and feminine, I have never been prim and proper and I don't try to act like it. Who has time to carry on a facade for their entire life? I've done some crazy and downright questionable things in my past. I almost flunked out of high school, kept a heavy rotation of hood negros who would have done ANYTHING for me. I like to twerk when the mood strikes, can be very direct if needed, and will be cut someone with my words all with a smile on my face if I need to and guess husband loves me still because I am authentic.

-Refusing to have fun. Have you ever seen a couple out and about and they look like 2 strangers? They sit at the same table but barely interact, are both on their phones posting on Instagram about having fun but forget to actually have fun? Or you go out and there is always that one group of women, hair on point, makeup on point, but are all standing around looking bored, barely smiling or again, have their face buried in their phone barely interacting with those around them. How boring! I have always had a great sense of humor and love to laugh, play, kick it, and have a damn good time. Men love women who keep them feeling young and carefree. Men love women who allow them to just breath and aren't so quick to remind them of all of their responsibilities. Let your hair down and learn to just have fun.

Great post, especially these three pointers.
Sticking with a guy for years on end hoping he'll actually marry you when either his actions are showing he's not interested or he flat out says he doesn't want to marry you until you change to what he wants you to be like to meet his wifey criteria. Just because you love someone doesn't mean they'll love you back the same way.
I have four close girlfriends age range 35-40 who desperately want to get married and have kids.

1. Dating the same type of guys-bad boys who have no intention of settling down
2. Waiting on a great black guy - some of my friends won't even date biracial men
3. Want to date someone who's 6' but she's 5'4"
4. Dwindle the list down, list should be things that you can't live without or compromise be realistic.

I had 5 things on my list, that encompassed everything that I wanted, some of the list that I've seen have 50 plus items.

What were your 5 things on your list?
All of my pointers are for women who are SERIOUSLY dating not just grabbing an occasional dinner with a male acquaintance. Many of these are things that I learned through my own personal experience and/or from the experiences of my friends/family:

-Refusing to compromise. No, I'm not talking about staying with a man who lies, cheats, abuses, etc., I'm talking about picking and choosing your fights and not being so quick to write a man off because of minor character flaws. Compromising does not start as soon as you say "I do" and I think that so many women have this list of things a man must have BEFORE getting married that, depending on your age, is just impossible to find. Many women are not willing to grow with a man.

-Letting a man waste her time. What I mention this, I am not talking about the amount of time you date, I'm talking the intentions of a man. If he has no real intention to make you his wife, regardless of if you date for 6 months or 6 years, he is wasting your time!

-Ignoring red flags. Some women have a way of over-compromising to the point of outright ignoring HUGE red flags. I have friends who's SO have brought home STDs, have had outside kids, have no intentions on ever holding a full-time job, are compulsive liars, etc. In what world is it ok to accept any of this? Good men are not that scarce to where any woman has to settle for a dirtbag.

-Oversharing. Being an honest and open woman does not mean telling a man ALL of your business. Still maintain a personal life and your right to privacy. Stop treating your man like a therapist or your closest girlfriend.

-Being too available. It is ok to let a man miss you especially early in a relationship. Create an air of mystery even if you have to act like you are unavailable. Let some calls go to voicemail, forget to answer a few text messages, post pictures on Facebook of you having a great time without him.

-Not being yourself. Most of the married women I know, including myself, do not have the most virtuous background and are not ashamed of it. While I've always been very loving, nurturing, and feminine, I have never been prim and proper and I don't try to act like it. Who has time to carry on a facade for their entire life? I've done some crazy and downright questionable things in my past. I almost flunked out of high school, kept a heavy rotation of hood negros who would have done ANYTHING for me. I like to twerk when the mood strikes, can be very direct if needed, and will be cut someone with my words all with a smile on my face if I need to and guess husband loves me still because I am authentic.

-Refusing to have fun. Have you ever seen a couple out and about and they look like 2 strangers? They sit at the same table but barely interact, are both on their phones posting on Instagram about having fun but forget to actually have fun? Or you go out and there is always that one group of women, hair on point, makeup on point, but are all standing around looking bored, barely smiling or again, have their face buried in their phone barely interacting with those around them. How boring! I have always had a great sense of humor and love to laugh, play, kick it, and have a damn good time. Men love women who keep them feeling young and carefree. Men love women who allow them to just breath and aren't so quick to remind them of all of their responsibilities. Let your hair down and learn to just have fun.

I agree with all of the above. Based on my own observations I also think...

1. ...Women need to be told in their 20's that they are at their peak for dating. I have a friend who was batting away men left right and centre in her early to mid-20's based on very minor reason's, which she now acknowledges herself. Now she is 33 and doesn't get as many offers, and she looks back and mentions the guys she turned down. I think a lot of women think the attention they get will continue forever but I think the issue is you meet fewer eligible men as you get older due to lifestyle changes and because a lot of people start to pair off.

A friend recently asked me to hook her up with DH's single friends but they no longer date women their own age - she has known these people since we were in our 20's - since I met my husband when I was 26, but she wasn't interested then. The older you get the more women of a younger age you are competing with - make sure you are on point so you can hold your own against a 25 year old. (Not saying all men think like this or that it's right).

2. Women tend to want men with a nice (muscly) physique even if they themselves have put on weight over the years. If you are not Barbie should you only be looking for Ken?

3. Women give themselves like an extra 40 points for being very successful in their careers, when men are only allocating 10 points for this. These women then use it as a reason to be more picky, but actually most men seem to rate attractiveness and personality way higher than career success. I'm not by any means saying don't be successful in your career, but just make sure you balance this with maintaining your physique, getting your hair done and keeping your wardrobe looking good, because men are visual creatures. You do not get a pass for looking frumpy just because you are CEO of your own company.

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you've made some great points...

i dont have much to add as i dont think there is a magic way to get married--i do believe any woman can get married as most women have a man whose fond of them in some way, but they may not be attracted to said man

what i will say is this piggy backing on your career point....i agree just because you have a great career does not equate to great woman or partner..its so much deeper than that--a professional career for men doesn't always translate to great catch..iunno why women dont get that!

and so your mid 20's please keep an eye out for your mr future as that is a prime time for most women...

I agree with all of the above. Based on my own observations I also think...

1. ...Women need to be told in their 20's that they are at their peak for dating. I have a friend who was batting away men left right and centre in her early to mid-20's based on very minor reason's, which she now acknowledges herself. Now she is 33 and doesn't get as many offers, and she looks back and mentions the guys she turned down. I think a lot of women think the attention they get will continue forever but I think the issue is you meet fewer eligible men as you get older due to lifestyle changes and because a lot of people start to pair off.

A friend recently asked me to hook her up with DH's single friends but they no longer date women their own age - she has known these people since we were in our 20's - since I met my husband when I was 26, but she wasn't interested then. The older you get the more women of a younger age you are competing with - make sure you are on point so you can hold your own against a 25 year old. (Not saying all men think like this or that it's right).

2. Women tend to want men with a nice (muscly) physique even if they have put on weight over the years. If you are not Barbie should you only be looking for Ken?

3. Women give themselves like an extra 40 points for being very successful in their careers, when men are only allocating 10 points for this. These women then use it as a reason to be more picky, but actually most men seem to rate attractiveness and personality way higher than career success. I'm not by any means saying don't be successful in your career, but just make sure you balance this with maintaining your physique, getting your hair done and keeping your wardrobe looking good, because men are visual creatures. Looking frumpy does not give you a pass because you are CEO of your own company.

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Focusing too much on looks, muscles, job titles, swag, and men who are unavailable or uninterested in them etc. vs. stability, commitment, kindness, dependability, and men who want them and are attracted to them.


I've never been married before, but I can definitely attest to this lol. :yep: Now don't get me wrong, I don't for one minute wish I ended up w/some of the guys that I dated or were into me in the past :nono: , and I'm not EXTREMELY picky like some women. However, I do notice that as I 've gotten older, my "list" of requirements has relaxed somewhat.

Now I'm MUCH more interested in the things you mentioned above such as stability, commitment, kindness, a man who is genuinely IN LOVE with me, etc. Those other frivolous aforementioned things don't even really turn my head anymore, because I was once involved and LOVED to death a man who had swag, muscles, good looks, charming personality, etc. but he was also moody, treated me hot and cold, an undercover jerk,and wasn't as "into" me as I was into him. So now I don't put as much stock in a man who possesses those qualities ALONE. Now I'll look more into a man's personality, how he treats me, how he treats others, is he dependable, reliable, loyal? etc.... :yep:

I only asked because I never actually sat down and made a list.

I need to though. Am I the only woman who doesn't have a list of what her future hubby should be like? LOL!


After a major bad break up that left me heart broken, I made a list years ago. I just one day sat down and told myself that I was going to make a list and not care how much or how little I wrote. I was just going to write down WHATEVER came to my mind about the type of man I would LOVE to be with, and write freely without any judgement. Girl, do you know that my list was like 70+ items long?? :lol: :rofl:

I was glad I wrote down to my heart's content, because then I took that list of 70+ items and narrowed it down to only 10 qualities in a man that I definitely wanted and that I would need for me to feel happy, loved, and fulfilled in a relationship. I still have that list to this very day. :yep:

I'm actually GLAD I did that exercise, because it made me VERY aware of what I want and DON'T want in a future husband. :yep: It made me realize not to settle. It made things very clear to me the type of man I want and don't want in my life. I think it's energizing to make a list. :yep: You dont' have to stick to it like glue, but if a man has 7 or 8 qualities out of the 10 on your list, why not give him a chance? I'm much more relaxed in my requirements these days, but there are some things I will not compromise on (loyalty, loves God, loving, kind, easy-going, laid back, responsible, wants a family eventually, chemistry etc) . A lot of the things on my list aren't even so much about the guy, but how I want to FEEL (loved, protected, cherished, able to be myself, happy, laughing, etc) when I'm with my future husband. :yep:
I agree with all of the above. Based on my own observations I also think...
1. ...Women need to be told in their 20's that they are at their peak for dating. I have a friend who was batting away men left right and centre in her early to mid-20's based on very minor reason's, which she now acknowledges herself. Now she is 33 and doesn't get as many offers, and she looks back and mentions the guys she turned down. I think a lot of women think the attention they get will continue forever but I think the issue is you meet fewer eligible men as you get older due to lifestyle changes and because a lot of people start to pair off.
A friend recently asked me to hook her up with DH's single friends but they no longer date women their own age - she has known these people since we were in our 20's - since I met my husband when I was 26, but she wasn't interested then. The older you get the more women of a younger age you are competing with - make sure you are on point so you can hold your own against a 25 year old. (Not saying all men think like this or that it's right).
2. Women tend to want men with a nice (muscly) physique even if they themselves have put on weight over the years. If you are not Barbie should you only be looking for Ken?
Women give themselves like an extra 40 points for being very successful in their careers, when men are only allocating 10 points for this. These women then use it as a reason to be more picky, but actually most men seem to rate attractiveness and personality way higher than career success. I'm not by any means saying don't be successful in your career, but just make sure you balance this with maintaining your physique, getting your hair done and keeping your wardrobe looking good, because men are visual creatures. You do not get a pass for looking frumpy just because you are CEO of your own company.
^^Girl you brok it DOWN!!! :clap: :clap:
You are SO right. Especially point number 1. :ohwell: It's sad but yes, the older you get the more you are now having to compete with younger women. :nono: I don't ever "compete" with other women (either a man likes me or he doesn't #shrug), but I do realize that I have to step up my game a little bit. I can't let myself go....especially if I'm not married yet. :look:

And point #3..... I don't have too much trouble with this because I'm not the CEO of any company lol :lol:, but I DO know what you mean. :yep: Back in the day I used to put soooo much emphasis on being "smart" or "competent" because these were things my father valued, and I valued them in men. But now I'm slowly but surely learning that men don't give a rat's behind what you do for a living! :lachen: ARe you attractive? Do you have a respectable job? If so, he'll date you. You could be working at McDonalds for all he cares, but if you look sexy he will talk to you. :look:

This blog this guy has online (excerpted below) also stressed the point....He's pretty direct and may rustle some feathers, but I find his straightforward advice to women on dating to be refreshing. I don't like watered-down advice. :nono: Give me the nitty gritty so I know how to change.
Men Don't Care About Your Accomplishments
A woman can brag endlessly about how much money she makes, the deals shes has closed, the celebrities she's rubbed elbows with, or the awards she's won: none of it matters to men. This might seem harsh, and it is perhaps slightly hyperbolic; after all, it is fairly interesting to know that a girl is successful at her job, or that she works with someone famous - and an award is always impressive. But none of these things translate into sexual or romantic attraction.

I am sure there are some women who grew up understanding otherwise. Or perhaps, having been dealt mediocre looks and a poor figure, others decided that they would pour their energy into their academic degrees or career rather than their beauty, and then proceeded (not without help) to dupe themselves into believing that men would like them for it. Unfortunately, this isn't the case, as many 30-something single career-women are currently realizing - the hard way.

I used to date a girl (older than me) who would always tell me about how she had just balanced some multi-million dollar budget, or how she was in the throes of closing an important project. And it was undeniably impressive that she reported directly to the CFO of the biggest hospital in the city. By all common standards she was successful. But every time she brought up work I got bored.

Women who try to attract men by being successful are like men who try to attract women by being sweet or gentle. While being sweet won't necessarily ruin a man's chances with women (in some cases it will), neither will it draw her in. Likewise, although a woman's business or academic success won't............. (Go to link to read more)
Female Game for Women in Their 30s
1. The BIGGEST mistake I see women make is not valuing their time or emotions to invest both of them WISELY. If you are serious about getting married, you should only spend your time with men who feel the same way. It doesn't take a man years, and CERTAINLY doesn't take him decades, to decide if he's serious about your relationship and wants to commit to you.

2. Too many women would rather ignore the obvious and live a lie than accept the (awful) truth and make better choices. For instance, if he doesn't call you his girlfriend, it's because you aren't- PERIOD. If, when asked, he says you're a "friend" or that the two of you are "hanging out", he's given you an honest answer to an honest question and you need to respond accordingly.

3. IMO, a wise woman once said it best- Boyfriends are supposed to make you feel good. Once that's no longer happening, it's time to end your relationship. Again, IMO, girlfriends shouldn't make a wife-like investment in a relationship. Yes, I know that all husbands start off as boyfriends, but (IMO) women should be bound to someone by more than feelings before they even THINK about sacrificing their time, energy, and emotions on putting up with his foolishness. Besides, the last thing you want to do is be that woman who had all the time, energy, and patience for a jerk, but barely lets a decent guy breathe before flying off the handle.

4. Finally, when a woman has had similar experiences with different men, it's time to look at the one and only common factor- her. If you've had years of dating multiple men and still haven't come close to finding what you want, it's time to think HONESTLY about why that is. Even though I don't think this is the case for every women, I think there are many who sabotage themselves and wind up being their own worse enemy.

1. The BIGGEST mistake I see women make is not valuing their time or emotions to invest both of them WISELY. If you are serious about getting married, you should only spend your time with men who feel the same way. It doesn't take a man years, and CERTAINLY doesn't take him decades, to decide if he's serious about your relationship and wants to commit to you.

2. Too many women would rather ignore the obvious and live a lie than accept the (awful) truth and make better choices. For instance, if he doesn't call you his girlfriend, it's because you aren't- PERIOD. If, when asked, he says you're a "friend" or that the two of you are "hanging out", he's given you an honest answer to an honest question and you need to respond accordingly.

3. IMO, a wise woman once said it best- Boyfriends are supposed to make you feel good. Once that's no longer happening, it's time to end your relationship. Again, IMO, girlfriends shouldn't make a wife-like investment in a relationship. Yes, I know that all husbands start off as boyfriends, but (IMO) women should be bound to someone by more than feelings before they even THINK about sacrificing their time, energy, and emotions on putting up with his foolishness. Besides, the last thing you want to do is be that woman who had all the time, energy, and patience for a jerk, but barely lets a decent guy breathe before flying off the handle.

4. Finally, when a woman has had similar experiences with different men, it's time to look at the one and only common factor- her. If you've had years of dating multiple men and still haven't come close to finding what you want, it's time to think HONESTLY about why that is. Even though I don't think this is the case for every women, I think there are many who sabotage themselves and wind up being their own worse enemy.
This is a really good thread.

I know I've definitely made many of the mistakes that have been mentioned. But I've done a lot of self-evaluation, recognized the patterns and have made a very conscious effort to do things differently from now on. :yep:
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Still looking for men with swag.
Not dating guys who are interested in them
Not self-evaluating. At some point you gotta realize you are part of the problem.
Not taking care of themselves.

and that includes weight. i definitely think my weight is holding me back from making more and longer connections with the kind of guy i am looking for. and im normal sized. but for as much as i'm asking i know i have to be more impressive physically in order to really get anywhere.

if we have the nerve to require the dude be good looking if necessary you gotta lose weight. period. otherwise adjust expectations accordingly.
This is a really good thread.

I know I've definitely made many of the mistakes that have been mentioned. But I've done a lot of self-evaluation, recognized the patterns and have made a very conscious effort to do things differently from now on. :yep:

Same here girl.... :hug2: I've been working on myself this year. :yep:

and that includes weight. i definitely think my weight is holding me back from making more and longer connections with the kind of guy i am looking for. and im normal sized. but for as much as i'm asking i know i have to be more impressive physically in order to really get anywhere.

if we have the nerve to require the dude be good looking if necessary you gotta lose weight. period. otherwise adjust expectations accordingly.

This is how I feel too. :yep: I'm no where near "overweight", but I'm definitely not in the type of shape that I USED to be in a few years back. A few years ago my body was like WOW..... I could wear anything I wanted, and I would always get compliments on my shape. Now days, although I'm not "fat", I'm not as toned as I would like to be, and I just don't feel all that "great" in my clothes. I find myself hiding my figure if I'm looking/feeling bloated, and clothes just don't look the same or as "hot" on me as they did before the extra pounds. :nono:

So I'm working out and working on my shape. I think I think I got more attention when I was a little smaller. Actually, I'll be honest...I think I got more attention when I was still using relaxers and wearing my hair straight, in ADDITION to having a slimmer figure....:look:
So much truth being spoken in this thread. I don't have anything to add, everything has pretty much already been said.