Married & divorced ladies, I need advice... (long)

mrspatriceww said:
Thanks, I really appreciate what you said. Sometimes God allows things to happen to us for a reason. It has definitely strengthened my walk with God. I did omit some small details previously, I was not the perfect wife either. I did things that I should not have done and I tried to justify my behavior. Now that I am focused on being a Godly wife, my marriage is so much better. It's like I have a new husband.

YES!!! this is so true. it reinforces what i have read in the marriage books. focus on God and on our own attitudes when things seem to be going wrong.and the everything else, incl. him, will fall into place. Keep submitting to your husband and praying.
Integrity said:
mrs patrice, thinking back do you think he married you for money??
If he married me for money, he must be disappointed b/c I have no money now. I have over a million dollars in properties, but no liquid money. When I left, I exhausted my savings and my credit is not as good as it was, but we're both working hard to replace what was lost. I went through some really hard times, I was on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, sleeping pills, I had 2 panic attacks at work and had to be rushed to the ER. I was so focused on my "stuff" and the possibility of me losing everything. When I finally stopped worrying and made my "stuff" 2nd to my family, that's when doors started opening and my marriage started changing.
Integrity said:
YES!!! this is so true. it reinforces what i have read in the marriage books. focus on God and on our own attitudes when things seem to be going wrong.and the everything else, incl. him, will fall into place. Keep submitting to your husband and praying.
That's right. I believe that if I do my part, God will do His.
WOW.....what a turn around. I'm happy to hear you're doing well. If you like it...I Love it! Congrats.
I was mad in another thread when you said you guys were going through counseling, but I see now there must have been some change on his part for you to decide to stay. I wish you guys the best!
CandiceC said:
I was mad in another thread when you said you guys were going through counseling, but I see now there must have been some change on his part for you to decide to stay. I wish you guys the best!
Lol. Thanks. Otherwise I would have never gone back. As for the meal ticket, those days are over. He has to work sun up until sun down to take care of me now.
mrspatriceww said:
Lol. Thanks. Otherwise I would have never gone back. As for the meal ticket, those days are over. He has to work sun up until sun down to take care of me now.

I am glad you gave the ladies an update MrsP. You have been in my thoughts. I hope everything is working out healthwise. I know you were highly stressed. Leave those meds alone they are the debil and for some they only make matters worst. I am glad you are allowing God to guide your way and being cautious. Take care Sweetie.
Integrity said:
what about the affair he was having?
He says they didn't slept together, she was an exgirlfriend. I don't really know. We are both trying to put the past behind, he hasn't done anymore than I have. In fact I have probably done more.
mrspatriceww said:
He says they didn't slept together, she was an exgirlfriend. I don't really know. We are both trying to put the past behind, he hasn't done anymore than I have. In fact I have probably done more.

It doesn't matter who did what or what was worst if you have found it in your heart to forgive him. Don't tell him I was trying to come cut him for you:lachen:. How is the drill team going?