Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

Ladies that are praying for a husband is it possible that God is sending men towards you but they are not exactly what you're looking for? Or are men not approaching at all?

Because God knows us better and our tomorrows even more so and because His thoughts are not our thoughts, it is possible that God will send out a man and we miss him because we are not aligned to his will.

Aside a man, I have prayed for things i thought I wanted and God gave me something else that didnt impress me much until further down the line i realised that His gift was better for it fit a situation I found myself in later much better eg i wanted a job and got another and i was upset two weeks after my start date the company i had originally wanted to work for went bankrupt.

I think the same would happen while praying for a man. The best thing is to align yourself to His will and lean not on your own understanding I find.

He is a good God He knows what you like and dont like, He will send someone you desire not a monster, but just maybe His picture is different from yours.

This is the approach I have adopted. It works cos I suppose I dont get approached by a gazillion men a day. If a man approaches me, and he seems sound and fits basic criteria eg he is a 'practising' mature christian etc, we have a few conversations and before I get invested (awaking love before its time solomon 8:4) i excuse myself and pray about him and wait on God regarding the situation. So far God has said no to the gentlemen suitors and each time i let them know and move on i discover something about the man that makes me thank God for the No.

Many married people say that when you meet your future husband you will know (it always makes me think of Mary the mother of Jesus meeting Elizabeth when they were pregnant for some reason lol).

I take this approach because I have had a few failed relationships and a failed long term relationship where i was so 'sure'. I find it easier to lean on God in acknowledgement that my judgement is flawed.

Yes I do go periods where there are no men at all approaching me (like now lol) and its easy to start doubting God etc. I am grateful for I have friends who are always so encouraging and are always willing to pray with me for weeks or intercede.

Surely can God promise a thing and not bring it to pass? I take courage in that in difficult moments.

My approach is not the best and may need tweaking. Im sure some people have different views. Mine is just an opinion.
Ladies that are praying for a husband is it possible that God is sending men towards you but they are not exactly what you're looking for? Or are men not approaching at all?

God is keeping all men away from me at this time. It's very interesting. Very noticeable. So, I'm obviously being prepared for what's ahead.
What if God sent you someone and you let him pass and now he's married. Will God chose another suitor or you blew your chance and your doomed to be alone?
What if you are not interested at the time? The person can't wait around for you forever right? That's what's been bothering me. Like did I lose my chance and I'll never get another.

But I think God knows when you are ready and when you are not ready to receive what you need when you need it. So if he was for you, then he would have been for you. This is just what I think though.
But I think God knows when you are ready and when you are not ready to receive what you need when you need it. So if he was for you, then he would have been for you. This is just what I think though.

I agree. God doesn't haphazardly send random men anyone's way. The person He set aside for a person will show up when they are ready.
I specifically prayed for God to keep counterfeits , imitators, deceptions away from me. I rather be single then to waste my heart, time, and love on who, God did not intend for me. I learned that the hard way twice before. God will not send you someone when your not ready. His ministry is too precious to be wasted ( IMO). ,he has a purpose for every union and he is a God of order and detail.

I must say you must remain in fasting and prayer! Very important to weed out the frauds

Ex: I met a guy about a week ago who was a gentlemen, attractive to me, had a nice vehicle and approached me in a respectful manner. He asked me to call but I was in a rush to go somewhere so I didn't. The next morning the Holy Spirit kept demanding me to tears up the paper with his info. I hesitated, but then I remembered what I went through the last couple of times I disobeyed (drama,stress,etc). So I tore it up and thank God for whatever he is protecting me from.

Moral of the story: I don't think God will send you someone when it's not your season....but the enemy sure can!!!
Will you ladies please pray for me?

Shimmie's marriage prayer and words have been such a blessing. And I have an inkling that if I agree with God on that prayer with my whole heart, my husband will come with a quickness! :lol:

It's like I feel this prompting but I'm scared.

I have a huge capacity to love and I know I will be a great wife to my great husband. However, I'm afraid of the change. I have so much "me" time as a single woman right now and it will be a sacrifice giving some of that time up.

I know the benefits will be worth the sacrifices but it's just taking that next step that's so hard.

So yeah...please pray that I'm in sync with God's timing and that I allow God to prepare me for the next chapter of my life.
Will you ladies please pray for me?

Shimmie's marriage prayer and words have been such a blessing. And I have an inkling that if I agree with God on that prayer with my whole heart, my husband will come with a quickness! :lol:

It's like I feel this prompting but I'm scared.

I have a huge capacity to love and I know I will be a great wife to my great husband. However, I'm afraid of the change. I have so much "me" time as a single woman right now and it will be a sacrifice giving some of that time up.

I know the benefits will be worth the sacrifices but it's just taking that next step that's so hard.

So yeah...please pray that I'm in sync with God's timing and that I allow God to prepare me for the next chapter of my life.

Your 'me' time will joyfully become you and hubby's 'we' time. Prepare for it... God is listening to your heart and prayers. Ask and you shall receive.

I'm in agreement that you shall marry and marry happily, righteously, and eternally with your future husband.

Just say 'Father, I'm ready and I thank you for guiding and healing my heart in the right direction. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Okay... get your hair ready... Ummmm yeah... :yep: :gorgeous:
Kinkyhairlady, i have been attracting men that are either not my type, or my type and claim to be Christians but don't even have a relationship with God. The latest for me are the unemployed, broke and looking for a woman to take care of him.
Kinkyhairlady, i have been attracting men that are either not my type, or my type and claim to be Christians but don't even have a relationship with God. The latest for me are the unemployed, broke and looking for a woman to take care of him.


Like a poster said stay fasting and praying, the fast means not just accepting anybody who just shows up cause you want/need someone and are alone. Dating cause you're bored, it's time I'm X y/o, I've done this and that, I've been waiting/looking since I was 12, what family and friends who aren't in the word say, it's what God says and does. If you don't already know read up on courtship, yes the old fashioned kind, when a man established a friendship with a woman in order to see if she would be his wife and she would weed out the players and losers. Only someone who was truly serious about a woman will stick around for that.

Don't make the mistake so many women make young and old just "settle" for a guy just cause he's showing interest, (that doesn't mean he's the ONE for you) make sure he's the ONE sent by God, ask God about it (prayer).

You have to know that when you have your stuff together you will attract the positive good men and the losers who aren't dumb their just lazy they know a good thing when they see it, don't play the fool, you don't want that and God doesn't want that for you.
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What if you are not interested at the time? The person can't wait around for you forever right? That's what's been bothering me. Like did I lose my chance and I'll never get another.


That's the kind of mentality that trips women up more like tricks women into picking the someone who's around but not really the one God has for you. The one who is for you will be kept "magically" single as well don't worry. I know it's hard I struggle with the meantime myself, so I found things to do, work on myself, do some research, read, workout, get new hobbies etc...

Did you see Whimsy's YT video on this, it's cute and to the point.
Not only the woman has to be ready but the man also, God isn't going to send you someone that you will never be attracted to, what would be the point. God wants us fulfilled and happy. I don't believe God would send someone that isn't your "type" in most ways if not all ways. Pray, take a step back from anyone approaching you and look at the situation, talk to God in prayer about it and you will know.

Believe me or not but if he your ONE hasn't shown up yet, or has but is away (hopefully working on himself) and may come back from the past, it's because either you or he or both of you aren't ready yet. Both, or either of you has some work to do, be honest with yourself, figure it out and work on it so you will be ready on your side, and maybe you are ready but he's not. You get the idea right, trust God he always delivers. :grin:
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Ladies, may I shall this 'word' with you? It's a foundation for anyone, married or single.

God gave this to me in prayer and each time I share it, the Lord enhances this message and miracles happen. His miracles. Each time, someone always came back with a testimony.

There is power in prayer. More power than we allow ourselves to realize and take full part in. Yet, we have the power to bring down Heaven here on this earth that we live upon.

There is no 'Secret' here. Neither is there any type of Metamorphosis or methods of 'making it happen.' God makes it happen, all one has to do is what He said to do. Ask Him, and Believe and Receive.

This is not about me. It's about each of us coming together on one accord to Trust God with each other for each other. Becoming one, to see this done in each other's lives.

Setting up the Foundation - Trusting God:

God wants to speak to you and He intends to do just that...speak to you, for your life individually and for the prayers you've asked. This is one-on-one between you and God. Record your prayers, your thoughts, Bible scriptures and all God speaks to you.

[*]Have your Bibles at hand. (the bed, the livingroom, your purse, at work).
[*]A prayer and faith journal.
[*]Devotional book.
[*]Worship music that soothes your spirit.
[*]Stay under the 'Word of God'. Here you will have every instruction that you will ever need. It's all there in His word.
[*]Mindset: We either Trust God or we don't. The Foundation is His Word...Let this story bless you. You will see it tie in with your faith.

As long as I live, I will never forget the story in I Kings 18, with Elijah the Prophet:

"If God be God, serve Him, if Baal be god serve him."

Here, the people of Baal exhaulted Baal as god. But, through Elijah's faith, God showed out BIG TIME! Glory! Did He not!!!

{Ladies, the annointing that is pouring from God's heart into these words are going to catch hold onto some of you and you will never be the same. There's a long-awaited answer and victory here}.

The childen of Baal proceeded to prove Baal as god. They built an altar unto Baal, and spent the entire night trying to get Baal's altar to burn. No matter what they did, it didn't work. Some said Baal was asleep. :look: They even began to tear the skin off of their bodies, and to no avail would that altar burn.

Oh Boy! But Elijah...God's man of the hour, sat and watched until after the 'show' was over. Dear Lord! Elijah began to re-build the Altar of the Lord.

Elijah asked them to dig a trench around the Altar (of the Lord [key words]), place the sacrifice upon it and cover the sacrifice with water.

Elijah spoke to the people, Two words, "Wet It". Yes, Elijah had them wet down the Altar of God. Then three words, "Wet It Again." Then five words: "Wet it a third time". And the water ran down upon the Altar of the Lord and even into the trench that surrounded it.

Then Elijah looked up to Heaven and prayed: "O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command.

Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."

Then the fire of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.

When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, "The LORD -He is God! The LORD -He is God!"

Now, what does this have to do with a marriage prayer?

The Altar of the Lord had be torn down in ruins and then re-built by Elijah.

How many of your "Altars" (your lives, dreams, and prayers) 'appear' to have been torn down, in ruins, with no hope of ever existing?

Today they have been re-built.

Even with your 'Altar' re-built, how many of you have felt that it's over, no hope for your dreams to come true? Anything and That and All that is 'of the Lord', cannot be aborted.

No matter how much water has been poured upon your dreams, the tears you've cried and shed late at night and into the mornings and at night again, that which is 'of the Lord' will live again.

Who will you trust? Baal? The enemy with his lies, doubts, fears, unbelief, distractions to seek outside of God's word?

Or will you trust God, Himself? He whom no matter what the situation, nor how may times you've sinned, He is there to re-build and make you whole again...a brand new start to have the Desire of your Heart.

When it's of the Lord, no one can take it away from you. No matter what the children of Baal did, they could not take away from God having His glory. Their hope was of the 'flesh' to which there is no evail.

If God be God....

Angels, let go of the past, and the present. Let go of all guilt, for this day you have been re-built.

If God be God -- and He is -- surely He is. Let's Pray and Let Him do it.

I know this is an old post. But it's so timely to how I was feeling earlier. I needed to read this. My day started terrible, I was thinking about things that have went wrong and how to fix them. I do trust in GOD always but this was perfect for me to read.
I know this is an old post. But it's so timely to how I was feeling earlier. I needed to read this. My day started terrible, I was thinking about things that have went wrong and how to fix them. I do trust in GOD always but this was perfect for me to read.

Niknak20 ... I'm sorry you had 'cloudy' day.


It's not over til' your dreams come true...:yep:

Keep believing God. We all believe something, why not believe God.

By the way:

God has already 'fixed it'. :yep: Yes.....He has. :yep: It is well, Precious Heart. Be at peace, for it is well. :kiss:
Shimmie thank you for a great prayer. I woke up this morning feeling quite defeated honestly. Tired of things and relationships not going right. This prayer helped me. Thank you. :huggle:
Ladies, may I shall this 'word' with you? It's a foundation for anyone, married or single.

God gave this to me in prayer and each time I share it, the Lord enhances this message and miracles happen. His miracles. Each time, someone always came back with a testimony.

There is power in prayer. More power than we allow ourselves to realize and take full part in. Yet, we have the power to bring down Heaven here on this earth that we live upon.

There is no 'Secret' here. Neither is there any type of Metamorphosis or methods of 'making it happen.' God makes it happen, all one has to do is what He said to do. Ask Him, and Believe and Receive.

This is not about me. It's about each of us coming together on one accord to Trust God with each other for each other. Becoming one, to see this done in each other's lives.

Setting up the Foundation - Trusting God:

God wants to speak to you and He intends to do just that...speak to you, for your life individually and for the prayers you've asked. This is one-on-one between you and God. Record your prayers, your thoughts, Bible scriptures and all God speaks to you.
  • Have your Bibles at hand. (the bed, the livingroom, your purse, at work).
  • A prayer and faith journal.
  • Devotional book.
  • Worship music that soothes your spirit.
  • Stay under the 'Word of God'. Here you will have every instruction that you will ever need. It's all there in His word.
  • Mindset: We either Trust God or we don't.
The Foundation is His Word...Let this story bless you. You will see it tie in with your faith.

As long as I live, I will never forget the story in I Kings 18, with Elijah the Prophet:

"If God be God, serve Him, if Baal be god serve him."

Here, the people of Baal exhaulted Baal as god. But, through Elijah's faith, God showed out BIG TIME! Glory! Did He not!!!

{Ladies, the annointing that is pouring from God's heart into these words are going to catch hold onto some of you and you will never be the same. There's a long-awaited answer and victory here}.

The childen of Baal proceeded to prove Baal as god. They built an altar unto Baal, and spent the entire night trying to get Baal's altar to burn. No matter what they did, it didn't work. Some said Baal was asleep. :look: They even began to tear the skin off of their bodies, and to no avail would that altar burn.

Oh Boy! But Elijah...God's man of the hour, sat and watched until after the 'show' was over. Dear Lord! Elijah began to re-build the Altar of the Lord.

Elijah asked them to dig a trench around the Altar (of the Lord [key words]), place the sacrifice upon it and cover the sacrifice with water.

Elijah spoke to the people, Two words, "Wet It". Yes, Elijah had them wet down the Altar of God. Then three words, "Wet It Again." Then five words: "Wet it a third time". And the water ran down upon the Altar of the Lord and even into the trench that surrounded it.

Then Elijah looked up to Heaven and prayed: "O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command.

Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."

Then the fire of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.

When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, "The LORD -He is God! The LORD -He is God!"

Now, what does this have to do with a marriage prayer?

The Altar of the Lord had be torn down in ruins and then re-built by Elijah.

How many of your "Altars" (your lives, dreams, and prayers) 'appear' to have been torn down, in ruins, with no hope of ever existing?

Today they have been re-built.

Even with your 'Altar' re-built, how many of you have felt that it's over, no hope for your dreams to come true? Anything and That and All that is 'of the Lord', cannot be aborted.

No matter how much water has been poured upon your dreams, the tears you've cried and shed late at night and into the mornings and at night again, that which is 'of the Lord' will live again.

Who will you trust? Baal? The enemy with his lies, doubts, fears, unbelief, distractions to seek outside of God's word?

Or will you trust God, Himself? He whom no matter what the situation, nor how may times you've sinned, He is there to re-build and make you whole again...a brand new start to have the Desire of your Heart.

When it's of the Lord, no one can take it away from you. No matter what the children of Baal did, they could not take away from God having His glory. Their hope was of the 'flesh' to which there is no evail.

If God be God....

Angels, let go of the past, and the present. Let go of all guilt, for this day you have been re-built.

If God be God -- and He is -- surely He is. Let's Pray and Let Him do it.
I find myself getting approached by all non-potentials. Not ONE potential. This has been happening since the beginning of the year. What gives?!


re-post see full post above
You have to know that when you have your stuff together you will attract the positive good men and the losers who aren't dumb their just lazy they know a good thing when they see it, don't play the fool, you don't want that and God doesn't want that for you.

Adding: Sometimes we are being tested by the great deceiver so that if you're desperate enough and give up on God and your own fabulousness you will settle down...way down :perplexed you know what I mean, it's hard I had heard about this the "dry spell" before the ONE shows up, men and women go through it. I'm with you on this one I'm where you're at right now with this and I know it's hard and frustrating, but I have seen God's work in my life and others lives around me, with my own eyes so I know my blessings are coming. Keep telling yourself that he's coming, he's here make sure your vision board or husband list is up to date and keep being a better you each day, trust me God will send him to you. :yep: :hug2:
Shimmie thank you for a great prayer. I woke up this morning feeling quite defeated honestly. Tired of things and relationships not going right. This prayer helped me. Thank you. :huggle:

@Ms. Red...

You my dear, shall be happily married in Jesus' Name... 'Amen'.

Just say, :amen: :yep:

Really... :yep: Just say , :amen: :yep:

You can have what you 'say'.... for it IS God's will for you to be Married. And now, even more due to the 'offences' to Marriage which has been legislated for gay marriage.

God is not Mocked. He will have His Word come to pass. Marriage is for those who will honour and respect it, cherish it. You, dear one are among many of those who cherish and respect marriage. And a happy marriage you shall have in Jesus' Name.

Again... just say, "Amen".
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I can see that I need to pull up my other 'Marriage' threads to encourage those who feel at a lost.

I say this in love, not anger nor disparagement. This thread is for encouragement, because it is God's Will for you to be married.

Like a poster said stay fasting and praying, the fast means not just accepting anybody who just shows up cause you want/need someone and are alone. Dating cause you're bored, it's time I'm X y/o, I've don't this and that, I've been waiting/looking since I was 12, what family and friends who aren't in the word say, it's what God says and does. If you don't already know read up on courtship, yes the old fashioned kind, when a man established a friendship with a woman in order to see if she would be his wife and she would weed out the players and losers. Only someone who was truly serious about a woman will stick around for that.

Don't make the mistake so many women make young and old just "settle" for a guy just cause he's showing interest, (that doesn't mean he's the ONE for you) make sure he's the ONE sent by God, ask God about it (prayer).

You have to know that when you have your stuff together you will attract the positive good men and the losers who aren't dumb their just lazy they know a good thing when they see it, don't play the fool, you don't want that and God doesn't want that for you.

This has come just in time. Thank you I needed that reassurance. I'm gonna start fasting and praying in the next two weeks about this.
Shimmie reading your posts really ministers to my soul. It's like when I'm really thirsty and I drink a cool sweet glass of water. Reminds me of my favorite aunt.

Your OP spoke to me not necessarily in relation to marriage but life in general. ESP this part

The Altar of the Lord had be torn down in ruins and then re-built by Elijah.*

How many of your "Altars" (your lives, dreams, and prayers) 'appear' to have been torn down, in ruins, with no hope of ever existing?

Today they have been re-built.*

Even with your 'Altar' re-built, how many of you have felt that it's over, no hope for your dreams to come true? Anything and That and All that is 'of the Lord', cannot be aborted.*

No matter how much water has been poured upon your dreams, the tears you've cried and shed late at night and into the mornings and at night again, that which is 'of the Lord' will live again.*

Who will you trust? Baal? The enemy with his lies, doubts, fears, unbelief, distractions to seek outside of God's word?*

Or will you trust God, Himself? He whom no matter what the situation, nor how may times you've sinned, He is there to re-build and make you whole again...a brand new start to have the Desire of your Heart.*

When it's of the Lord, no one can take it away from you. No matter what the children of Baal did, they could not take away from God having His glory. Their hope was of the 'flesh' to which there is no evail.*
Shimmie reading your posts really ministers to my soul. It's like when I'm really thirsty and I drink a cool sweet glass of water. Reminds me of my favorite aunt.

Your OP spoke to me not necessarily in relation to marriage but life in general. ESP this part

The Altar of the Lord had be torn down in ruins and then re-built by Elijah.*

How many of your "Altars" (your lives, dreams, and prayers) 'appear' to have been torn down, in ruins, with no hope of ever existing?

Today they have been re-built.*

Even with your 'Altar' re-built, how many of you have felt that it's over, no hope for your dreams to come true? Anything and That and All that is 'of the Lord', cannot be aborted.*

No matter how much water has been poured upon your dreams, the tears you've cried and shed late at night and into the mornings and at night again, that which is 'of the Lord' will live again.*

Who will you trust? Baal? The enemy with his lies, doubts, fears, unbelief, distractions to seek outside of God's word?*

Or will you trust God, Himself? He whom no matter what the situation, nor how may times you've sinned, He is there to re-build and make you whole again...a brand new start to have the Desire of your Heart.*

When it's of the Lord, no one can take it away from you. No matter what the children of Baal did, they could not take away from God having His glory. Their hope was of the 'flesh' to which there is no evail.*

ivyness... Thank you. Would you believe that I needed to read this today as well? I was having a 'moment' with all of the negative news reports regarding the attacks upon True Marriage which is between One Man, One Woman. Christians and others who believe that Marriage is between a Man and Woman are being sought out and 'attacked' by the gay leaders and their supporters. I became discouraged and the Lord reminded me of Elijah calling fire from Heaven and the Lord failed him NOT.

THEN a few moments later, your post showed up in my home email where you quoted my original post with Elijah.

God is awesome and beyond our deepest expectations.
Reflections of this thread...

God's Love for Marriage :rosebud:

Protecting Marriage has always been my heart and soul. And as God is my witness, I will continue to protect the pure definition of Marriage and I will not fall under the attacks of those who oppose. I will protect Marriage to the very core to be between One Man and One Woman.

I don't think I realized it back in 2006 when I first posted this thread, but God was preparing me for this by encouraging those who wish to be married.

Now more than ever, God is going to seal His covenant of Marriage with more and more men and women, as one, to overturn the degrading of it by the lust of man. Marriage will not be gay. Not by any means. It is not, nor will it ever be, of God and of His original intent, plan and purpose.

Here is one of the many scriptures that seals it:

Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."

If I ask anything according to God's Will, He will Hear and answer it.

Dear Father in Heaven above, seal the pure meaning or Marriage, between One Man, and One Woman under you. Destroy the works of the devil, discourage and dismantle the gay agenda, the fire and the lies of the gay activists and render their goals, totally null and void...utterly destroyed.

For those willing, bring their hearts unto you, repentant following your way. Godly marriage is here in this earth to stay... forever and ever.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.