Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

this is still one of my fav threads...

even tho i've decided that if its going to happen it will--- I kinda dont think the one for me will find me and I will end up settling in the future for a guy that loves me more than I love him...i'm 26yrs young and friends are dating, engaged or already having kids and i'm just meetin males that are more physically attracted to me then spiritually/mentally OR i am not mentally, spiritually or physically attracted to them..I am content being single for the most part...but i think others get me discouraged when they say i'm too pretty to be single or I could have any guy i want, when will it be my turn etc... they have yet to understand its not that simple to or for me:nono: I havent seen positive examples of marriage esp in my own household so I'd rather be by myself happy then with someone miserable just to not be alone...all I need is God and all I want is to be happy....maybe i'm just a lil angry and definitely sad because i see Christian women all the time with "bad" husbands-- maybe they prayed for their mate too so why are they now sufferring What went wrong? I am scared to be hurt cause instead of just breakin off with a bf this person will be the one I stated vows in front of God with and that saddens me and puts a shield up Bad enough i love too easily and get caught up :spinning:

On another note: This thread has encouraged me to try praying about my love life again...this will be very hard for me to do Its like i'm showing weakness to love when I want to show that I can be happy by myself and not feel i need someone to be happy... in the meantime I will fantasize about what may not happen and enjoy all these testimonies :yep:

whew Sorry i just felt the need to say this on here what I wont say aloud-- that I secretly do want to be married one day but i'm scared and too stubborn to take a chance I never want to submit and have a man walk all over me and i'm scared that if I do meet the "one" i'll end up pushing him away cause i'm scared he'll be just another fronting man that wants a trophy wife or even worst he'll be like my father:sad:
I need to apply this prayer into my life. I've been a little discouraged in my spirit but I have a mustard seed of faith that I'll be married. I don't want to go into about my singleness but I pray that I'll meet my husband soon. I pray for all of the singles that desire marriage and that it will be fulfilled in Jesus Name :heart2:.
I have to get more focused on my goal... Not saying that I dotn trust in God, but if I just go to work, home, and stay there, and just start the process over, how will I ever be in a position to meet my future mate... Getting out there is the goal now... :perplexed...

I need to stay outta this forum, because it would be believed that my eggs have shrieveled up an dI will die next week with no man... :perplexed...

Turned 30 Last Monday, the 4th...
I used to be so twisted up in my beliefs and did not understand how to effectively weed out bad advice from so called women's empowerment groups until at one point they had me feeling bad for liking things like real love, monogamy, children (more then the standard 2), and *gasp* marriage:look:. So, your feelings make perfect sense. God did create some with the gift of singleness but the majority of ppl were not created for such a lifestyle:nono: and there's nothing wrong about that. You are wise not to settle based on the whole 'You're too cute to be single' arguement. Those with 100% of their beauty deep on the inside get married too so, that has nothing to do with it. The common theme each of these women now happily married have shared is this- when they put God first and learned to build a stable realtionship with Him, He allowed that FH to appear and the rest as they say is history:yep:.

As long as you stay healthy you have many years of fertility ahead of you @ 30:yep:. Now if you abuse your body and eat any old way, etc, :nono:.
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I have to get more focused on my goal... Not saying that I dotn trust in God, but if I just go to work, home, and stay there, and just start the process over, how will I ever be in a position to meet my future mate... Getting out there is the goal now... :perplexed...

I need to stay outta this forum, because it would be believed that my eggs have shrieveled up an dI will die next week with no man... :perplexed...

Turned 30 Last Monday, the 4th...

Think of Ruth... She got up, went to the fields (work) all day, came home fed Naomi, kept busy, loved and nurtured her; went to bed, got up next day, worked, home, bed, next day, work, home, bed, next day....

Boaz....... :love3:

For him, she was his love at first sight.
Think of Ruth... She got up, went to the fields (work) all day, came home fed Naomi, kept busy, loved and nurtured her; went to bed, got up next day, worked, home, bed, next day, work, home, bed, next day....

Boaz....... :love3:

For him, she was his love at first sight.

It's interesting that you posted this, Shimmie. I'm going to take a leaf from Ruth's book and just live my life. When it's time for my Boaz to show up; he will.
It's interesting that you posted this, Shimmie. I'm going to take a leaf from Ruth's book and just live my life. When it's time for my Boaz to show up; he will.

:yep: Amen. I am in total agreement with you. Totally.

With that leaf' from 'Ruth', remember also that Ruth was not dressed in her finest of linens when Boaz saw her. She was working in the fields (in the dirt), she was glowing from perspiration ( I can't apply the word 'sweat' to a woman, it's just not 'proper'... :lol: )

Anyhoo.... Ruth did not get 'dolled' up until Naomi told her what to do. :yep:

The Point is: Don't panic when you first meet 'him', if you are out and about and your hair is wrapped, no make-up, etc. He will 'know' you and 'fall in love' with you from first sight.

You can 'wow' him later when he takes you out for lunch or dinner. :reddancer:
:yep: Amen. I am in total agreement with you. Totally.

With that leaf' from 'Ruth', remember also that Ruth was not dressed in her finest of linens when Boaz saw her. She was working in the fields (in the dirt), she was glowing from perspiration ( I can't apply the word 'sweat' to a woman, it's just not 'proper'... :lol: )

Anyhoo.... Ruth did not get 'dolled' up until Naomi told her what to do. :yep:

The Point is: Don't panic when you first meet 'him', if you are out and about and your hair is wrapped, no make-up, etc. He will 'know' you and 'fall in love' with you from first sight.

You can 'wow' him later when he takes you out for lunch or dinner. :reddancer:
B/c one thanks was not enough...
Hey Ladies! Keep me on the prayer list. I'm finally accepting my own desire to get married, vs just shrugging it off. Screen hug for my girlfriends I'm praying for too.
So I finally read this entire thread, had to take a break and cry/pray to my Father. Over the last few months I have been asking God to show me if a certain man is my husband or not. I just want to be in God's will, and if I need to let him go I want that to come from God. I just haven't received a clear yes or no answer. My feelings are so strong for him that I need a really strong word from God to show me what to do.

I've been praying about this for two months, and decided last week to just let it go and forget about him. One thing I never really understood is the concept of a mustard seed size of faith. IMO it was either you believed or didn't. In this situation I think I understand, in that my desire to give up is competing with that mustard seed deep in my spirit that believes this is my husband. I find myself having moments of belief and then forcing myself to snap out of it. Kind of like my mind (what I see) competing with my spirit (faith the size of a mustard seed). I'm just having trouble moving without some kind of miraculous sign from God.

I've been praying for my husband for several years, I'm just ready to receive him today.
I needed to read this thread. I've going through ups and downs and I feel like marriage will never happen for me. But now I believe more than ever that my time is fast approaching.

Thank you Shimmie for reminding me never to doubt God's promises for my life.

I guess I need to come back to this thread. So I am MRS Jerseygurl now!!!! I really believe that God had plans for me cos I met my husband the next month after writing this post. We were introduced by his SIL who incidentally is a relative of mine.

It was a long distance relationship and we finally met after a few months of talking, texts, emailing and we just kept flowing till we flowed to the altar. :grin:

Ladies never lose hope, your time will come. Remain blessed ladies.
This is just tremendous!! I feel
Blessed to have been able to find this thread. As usual, I go through dry spells and then there are floods of suitors..... I'm not
In the mood to deal with counterfeits anymore!!!

Thank you Shimmie!!! Thank you to
Your soul and wisdom...... Not even read the second page but I had to say I'm grateful for you and your Light!!!!

Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine :)

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I guess I need to come back to this thread. So I am MRS Jerseygurl now!!!! I really believe that God had plans for me cos I met my husband the next month after writing this post. We were introduced by his SIL who incidentally is a relative of mine.

It was a long distance relationship and we finally met after a few months of talking, texts, emailing and we just kept flowing till we flowed to the altar. :grin:

Ladies never lose hope, your time will come. Remain blessed ladies.

Omg!!!! Congrats and thank you for sharing this!!!!! Lol wow!! Your blessing blessed me!!! I'm going back
to read this thread :D

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jerseygurl, Congratulations on your nuptials! This is wonderful....

I guess I need to come back to this thread. So I am MRS Jerseygurl now!!!! I really believe that God had plans for me cos I met my husband the next month after writing this post. We were introduced by his SIL who incidentally is a relative of mine.

It was a long distance relationship and we finally met after a few months of talking, texts, emailing and we just kept flowing till we flowed to the altar. :grin:

Ladies never lose hope, your time will come. Remain blessed ladies.
Great! :yep:

Court: Prop. 8 Supporters Have Legal Right to Defend Marriage Amendment

The California Supreme Court ruled Thursday that proponents of Proposition 8 – the 2008 voter-approved ballot initiative that defined marriage as between a man and a woman – have legal standing to defend the amendment in federal court.

The California Supreme Court ruled Thursday that proponents of Proposition 8 – the 2008 voter-approved ballot initiative that defined marriage as between a man and a woman – have legal standing to defend the amendment in federal court.

The appeals case by Prop. 8 supporters was in danger of being derailed when a district court in August 2010 struck down Prop. 8 and named defendants – then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and then Attorney General Jerry Brown – refused to appeal the ruling.

But the California Supreme Court unanimously ruled Thursday that the legal team, including Alliance Defense Fund attorneys, have the right under state law to defend the amendment.

The high court was asked by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to decide on the legal standing of – the official proponents of the state amendment – since the state declined to defend its own Constitution, noted ADF.

“The court was clearly right to conclude that the California marriage amendment should not go undefended just because state officials have refused to defend it,” said ADF Senior Counsel Brian Raum in a statement. “Because the people of California have a right to be defended, Proposition 8’s official proponents will be allowed to continue defending the marriage amendment. Otherwise, state officials would have succeeded in indirectly invalidating a measure that they had no power to strike down directly.”

The high court’s ruling means that the appeals court panel must decide how to apply the decision to the ongoing legal battle over Prop. 8.

The California Supreme Court had actually legalized same-sex marriage in May 2008, but it came to a halt a few months later with the approval of Prop. 8. The high court upheld the amendment but did not void same-sex marriages that occurred between its 2008 ruling and the passage of Prop. 8.

In the 2008 election, a majority of California voters supported Prop. 8, leading to an amendment to the state’s Constitution that essentially banned gay marriage. However last August, then Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, who was later found to be in a long-term same-sex relationship, struck down the measure as unconstitutional. He concluded that moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny legal marriage to gay men and women.

Since the California governor and attorney general refused to appeal Walker’s ruling, started the appeal process and the 9th Circuit Court began hearing arguments in December 2010.

California Supreme Court’s opinion:

“In a post election challenge to a voter-approved initiative measure, the official proponents of the initiative are authorized under California law to appear and assert the state‘s interest in the initiative‘s validity and to appeal a judgment invalidating the measure when the public officials who ordinarily defend the measure or appeal such a judgment decline to do so.

“Neither the Governor, the Attorney General, nor any other executive or legislative official has the authority to veto or invalidate an initiative measure that has been approved by the voters,” the court concluded. “It would exalt form over substance to interpret California law in a manner that would permit these public officials to indirectly achieve such a result by denying the official initiative proponents the authority to step in to assert the state‘s interest….
I have been separated for the past 5months from my H. We have just started talking again and set up counseling with my pastors this week. I have been praying to God for strengh regarding my marriage b/c so much has happen...I feel torn to leave and/or stay but im taking it one day at a time.
I'm praying for your marriage. I'm glad you are both seeking Godly counsel:yep:. As a divorcee, I can attest to the ravages of this situation personally:nono:. What I didn't want to understand/ fully understand then is that God is a healer. He can and wants to fix your relationship and anything else that may not be whole concerning you. Don't give up! Consider joining us as we pray during the prayer line (see sticky in this CF). Either way, we will be praying for you and are willing to make suggestions on materials that have helped us in relationships as needed. Just wanted to send you an e-hug:hug2:.
I'm praying for your marriage. I'm glad you are both seeking Godly counsel:yep:. As a divorcee, I can attest to the ravages of this situation personally:nono:. What I didn't want to understand/ fully understand then is that God is a healer. He can and wants to fix your relationship and anything else that may not be whole concerning you. Don't give up! Consider joining us as we pray during the prayer line (see sticky in this CF). Either way, we will be praying for you and are willing to make suggestions on materials that have helped us in relationships as needed. Just wanted to send you an e-hug:hug2:.

Thank you sooooo much!!:bighug: Im going through a rough time and my family dont understand. But I have God, my church family and you guys. I know God is going to work it at his Will not mine regardless if you stay together or go our own seprate ways.
Shimmie, I hope you don't mind me posting this important update. Just came across the news article on what's going on in New York as well:

Judge Says Suit to Void Marriage Act May Proceed
Published: November 29, 2011

Harshly criticizing Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo for the tactics he used to win approval of same-sex marriage, a state judge has ruled that a lawsuit challenging the enactment of New York’s Marriage Equality Act can proceed.

Acting Justice Robert B. Wiggins of State Supreme Court in Livingston County, in the Finger Lakes region, wrote that it was possible that the Republican majority in the State Senate had violated the state’s open meetings law as it discussed whether to bring the marriage bill to a vote.

His ruling offered a flash of hope for the conservative group that filed the lawsuit, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, which is asking the court to overturn the marriage law and nullify the weddings that have been performed under it.

The state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, had sought the dismissal of the lawsuit. Justice Wiggins dismissed some elements of the case but said it could proceed on the open-meetings issue.

His ruling, which was dated Nov. 18, was critical of closed-door meetings and expedited voting procedures that preceded passage of the measure in the final moments of this year’s legislative session.

“It is ironic that much of the state’s brief passionately spews sanctimonious verbiage on the separation of powers in the governmental branches,” Justice Wiggins wrote, “and clear arm-twisting by the Executive on the Legislative permeates this entire process.”

In the ruling, which was four singled-spaced pages, Justice Wiggins focused on the legality of private meetings held by Senate Republicans before the vote. Four Republicans ultimately voted for the bill, providing the critical votes for its passage.

The lawsuit alleged that several of the meetings — including one hosted by Mr. Cuomo at the Executive Mansion and another in which Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg addressed the Republicans in a closed-door session at the Capitol — should have been subject to the open meetings law, because they included not only the Republican caucus, but also elected officials who are not Republicans.

In a court filing, Mr. Schneiderman rejected that suggestion, saying the sessions were exempt from the open meetings law because meetings of party caucuses can remain private, even if guests are invited to attend.

Justice Wiggins said that there were “not sufficient facts before the court to determine the matter,” and that the case would proceed.

Opponents of same-sex marriage were delighted with the ruling.

“We have said all along that we look forward to our day in court,” said the Rev. Jason J. McGuire, executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms. “Now we will have it. The legality of our legislative process must be protected.”

Same-sex marriage advocates said they remained confident that the Marriage Equality Act would be upheld.

“Some extremist groups are making a desperate attempt to stop the rocket ship of equality with a few feathers in the wind,” said Ross D. Levi, the executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda. “But we are confident they will not succeed.”

A spokesman for Mr. Cuomo declined to comment, and a spokesman for Mr. Schneiderman said the attorney general’s office was reviewing the ruling. Mr. Schneiderman is also seeking the dismissal of a separate lawsuit filed by opponents of the marriage law in federal court.

Justice Wiggins was particularly critical of the governor’s use of a procedural maneuver that allowed legislators to vote on the Marriage Equality Act immediately after the bill was drafted, rather than waiting for three days, as is normally required.
I needed that prayer Shimmie! I've been discouraged lately in this area. Thought I met a potential, but, he turned out to be just like the rest :side eye:

But, anyways I'm going to believe what I CANNOT see. I don't want to settle for Ishmael. I'm claiming my Issac!
Shimmie, I hope you don't mind me posting this important update. Just came across the news article on what's going on in New York as well:

Judge Says Suit to Void Marriage Act May Proceed
Published: November 29, 2011

Harshly criticizing Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo for the tactics he used to win approval of same-sex marriage, a state judge has ruled that a lawsuit challenging the enactment of New York’s Marriage Equality Act can proceed.

Acting Justice Robert B. Wiggins of State Supreme Court in Livingston County, in the Finger Lakes region, wrote that it was possible that the Republican majority in the State Senate had violated the state’s open meetings law as it discussed whether to bring the marriage bill to a vote.

His ruling offered a flash of hope for the conservative group that filed the lawsuit, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, which is asking the court to overturn the marriage law and nullify the weddings that have been performed under it.

The state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, had sought the dismissal of the lawsuit. Justice Wiggins dismissed some elements of the case but said it could proceed on the open-meetings issue.

His ruling, which was dated Nov. 18, was critical of closed-door meetings and expedited voting procedures that preceded passage of the measure in the final moments of this year’s legislative session.

“It is ironic that much of the state’s brief passionately spews sanctimonious verbiage on the separation of powers in the governmental branches,” Justice Wiggins wrote, “and clear arm-twisting by the Executive on the Legislative permeates this entire process.”

In the ruling, which was four singled-spaced pages, Justice Wiggins focused on the legality of private meetings held by Senate Republicans before the vote. Four Republicans ultimately voted for the bill, providing the critical votes for its passage.

The lawsuit alleged that several of the meetings — including one hosted by Mr. Cuomo at the Executive Mansion and another in which Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg addressed the Republicans in a closed-door session at the Capitol — should have been subject to the open meetings law, because they included not only the Republican caucus, but also elected officials who are not Republicans.

In a court filing, Mr. Schneiderman rejected that suggestion, saying the sessions were exempt from the open meetings law because meetings of party caucuses can remain private, even if guests are invited to attend.

Justice Wiggins said that there were “not sufficient facts before the court to determine the matter,” and that the case would proceed.

Opponents of same-sex marriage were delighted with the ruling.

“We have said all along that we look forward to our day in court,” said the Rev. Jason J. McGuire, executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms. “Now we will have it. The legality of our legislative process must be protected.”

Same-sex marriage advocates said they remained confident that the Marriage Equality Act would be upheld.

“Some extremist groups are making a desperate attempt to stop the rocket ship of equality with a few feathers in the wind,” said Ross D. Levi, the executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda. “But we are confident they will not succeed.”

A spokesman for Mr. Cuomo declined to comment, and a spokesman for Mr. Schneiderman said the attorney general’s office was reviewing the ruling. Mr. Schneiderman is also seeking the dismissal of a separate lawsuit filed by opponents of the marriage law in federal court.

Justice Wiggins was particularly critical of the governor’s use of a procedural maneuver that allowed legislators to vote on the Marriage Equality Act immediately after the bill was drafted, rather than waiting for three days, as is normally required.

Heavenly Father, Our Lord God above.... Indeed you are our God above. Marriage is YOURS and it cannot and will not be redefined by man, neither will nor can it be defiled. In Jesus' Name, for this I thank you Amen and Amen.

Laela, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this; forgive my oversight, please forgive me that I didn't respond to this earlier. Yet praise God and I thank you again and again for your faithful heart.

Laela, this news could not be more fitting, for it is proves all the more that it is God who has ordained Marriage and the pure definition of it and all the more, it proves that it is INDEED God's Will For Anyone Who Desires to be Married, Shall be. Marriage is indeed the Will of God.

:amen: AND :amen:

Glory to God forever and ever, Amen.

BTW: As a Naturally Born and Breed "Harlem Baby", is therefore, by the power of prayer vested in me by the Lord of my Life, Jesus Christ, by way of the Holy Spirit, given to us by God our Father....

God heard the Heart of My Prayers.... :pray: New York is not going down... Jesus is Lord over this State, not the folly of man. Praise God forever and ever, :amen:
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I wouldn't doubt that God is preparing you. As you look through the Bible, before God 'moved', He prepared. The first example 'written' is in Genesis Chapter 1... In the beginning.... God put everything in place here upon the earth, before He placed the first human being, 'Adam' here.

From Genesis to Revelation, God prepares, before He moves in our lives.

With your experience, the only thing I can share with you as a surety, from experience, is to commit every single thing, every single thought, every single 'sense', every single 'feeling', every single element unto God.

Keep a prayer journal, dates, times, 'feelings', dedicated unto the Lord. Journal the scriptures He shares with you; journal what God speaks to you. Journal and listen and commit, commit, commit, commit, commit every moment of all of this, unto Him.

You can't miss... Loved One, you cannot miss.

God bless you and happy hubbie to you. :yep: :love3:

I was a little discouraged lately but these past 2 weeks I've been exited and renewed in my faith and belief.
It makes sense that God would prepare your way before placing you there. I always thought that we are co-creators in our lives because God gave us free will that we not only have to pray meditate and beleive it is achieved but do our part like the poster said about nesting learning wifely skills or working on ourselves in all ways.
I know I didn't stumble upon this thread again by accident like Sug Avery sang "Gods tryna tell you something" I believe this to be so true lately I've been doing some decluttering rearranging prayer meditation taking marriage advice from couples married 30+ years
looking at my short comings and checking myself on them.

So I'm litterally working on keeping some skills and developing others my wifely Domestic skills yeah cooking and cleaning
not buying into that strong woman don't need a man bad attitude reading about submitting to a strong good man much easier to do now
working on my fitness which I slacked on but I'm back on it no excuses

I believe that both people have to be ready for marriage only then God makes it happen.
Thanks OP and other poster for these lovely prayers and uplifting testimonials.
For those that need a jump start inspiration
Look up Txcutie75 engagement story on YT
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I was a little discouraged lately but these past 2 weeks I've been exited and renewed in my faith and belief.
It makes sense that God would prepare your way before placing you there. I always thought that we are co-creators in our lives because God gave us free will that we not only have to pray meditate and beleive it is achieved but do our part like the poster said about nesting learning wifely skills or working on ourselves in all ways.
I know I didn't stumble upon this thread again by accident like Sug Avery sang "Gods tryna tell you something" I believe this to be so true lately I've been doing some decluttering rearranging prayer meditation taking marriage advice from couples married 30+ years
looking at my short comings and checking myself on them.

So I'm litterally working on keeping some skills and developing others my wifely Domestic skills yeah cooking and cleaning
not buying into that strong woman don't need a man bad attitude reading about submitting to a strong good man much easier to do now
working on my fitness which I slacked on but I'm back on it no excuses

I believe that both people have to be ready for marriage only then God makes it happen.
Thanks OP and other poster for these lovely prayers and uplifting testimonials.
For those that need a jump start inspiration
Look up Txcutie75 engagement story on YT

Lucia, you are going to be a beautiful Bride, truly beautiful inside and out. The heart of your husband will one with you and you will melt his heart each time he thinks of you as his wife.

I thank God for your husband who will love you as you are and that you will never, ever have to bend over backwards and forwards just to please or keep him. You will never be sujected to lowering your self esteem just to have a man in your life, neither lower your standards or your dreams of being completely happy.

Submit does not mean subdue, instead the two of you will be a perfect blend of who the two of you are; you will be the perfect union of being 'One'.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen... :love3:

And yes, I have scripture to back this up.... :yep::yep::yep::yep::yep:

Philippians 2

If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,

2Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

Colossians 2:2

That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

To God be the Glory, forever and ever, Amen.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:
Lucia, you are going to be a beautiful Bride, truly beautiful inside and out. The heart of your husband will one with you and you will melt his heart each time he thinks of you as his wife.

I thank God for your husband who will love you as you are and that you will never, ever have to bend over backwards and forwards just to please or keep him. You will never be sujected to lowering your self esteem just to have a man in your life, neither lower your standards or your dreams of being completely happy.

Submit does not mean subdue, instead the two of you will be a perfect blend of who the two of you are; you will be the perfect union of being 'One'.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen... :love3:

And yes, I have scripture to back this up.... :yep::yep::yep::yep::yep:

Philippians 2

If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,

2Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

Colossians 2:2

That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

To God be the Glory, forever and ever, Amen.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

Thanks you so much for your uplifting words and spirit. I will read this whenever I feel discouraged. The button wasn't enough.
Thanks you so much for your uplifting words and spirit. I will read this whenever I feel discouraged. The button wasn't enough.

A Good Father always betrothes his daughters... :yep: There's no better Father than our Father God, who art in Heaven...

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen :love3:
Thanks for bumping this thread.

Since I first stumbled upon this thread years ago, I've moved on from the gentlemen who was troubling me at the time. God in his perfection delivered me to the man I'm now in love with. We aren't married and I've found myself getting impatient with that. He's clearly just as crazy about me as I am about him. This thread reminded me to let God decide the time. We've found each other but we both need to be fully ready to place God first then each other. I have been feverishly praying for a loving faithful happy and fulfilling marriage that glorifies God and I now realize that God is giving me exactly that, hence the wait. This thread reminded me that God is protecting me. Me and my guy aren't perfect and if this guy is truly who God wants me to marry God is making sure we are cooked just long enough to deliver the kind of marriage i want.

I also need to get back to my love and joy in God. When we used to talk throughout the day and laugh. I flipped right back into that again last night when I started reading through this thread again. I've been praying lately when technically I used to pray all day through my constant conversations with God.

Thanks again Shimmie there's so much wisdom and peace in this thread. I will speak to God about all of my sisters on this thread that y'all are fulfilled and happy and blessed.

Replying from my iPhone
Thanks for bumping this thread.

Since I first stumbled upon this thread years ago, I've moved on from the gentlemen who was troubling me at the time. God in his perfection delivered me to the man I'm now in love with. We aren't married and I've found myself getting impatient with that. He's clearly just as crazy about me as I am about him. This thread reminded me to let God decide the time. We've found each other but we both need to be fully ready to place God first then each other. I have been feverishly praying for a loving faithful happy and fulfilling marriage that glorifies God and I now realize that God is giving me exactly that, hence the wait. This thread reminded me that God is protecting me. Me and my guy aren't perfect and if this guy is truly who God wants me to marry God is making sure we are cooked just long enough to deliver the kind of marriage i want.

I also need to get back to my love and joy in God. When we used to talk throughout the day and laugh. I flipped right back into that again last night when I started reading through this thread again. I've been praying lately when technically I used to pray all day through my constant conversations with God.

Thanks again Shimmie there's so much wisdom and peace in this thread. I will speak to God about all of my sisters on this thread that y'all are fulfilled and happy and blessed.

Replying from my iPhone


I wish for you all of the joys and blessings of a happy marriage ordained by God our Father; a Father who always 'Betrothes' His Precious Daughters.
