Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

Any testimonies in this thread with engagements or actual marriage? This thread was started in 2006 I hope there's some good testimonies out there.
I just renewed my subsciption to LHCF, so I'm able to post again. But if you notice, back in Aug 2006 when Shimmie first started this thread, I was the first to respond because I really appreciated her post and felt that God was speaking to me. Well, 2 months later (in October 2006) I met the man who would become my husband. He is an awesome man of God and we fell in love INSTANTLY. We just knew that it was the will of God for us to become one. So 9 months after meeting, we got married. I say all this to simply encourage all the singles. I first had to TRULY fall in love with Christ. When He realized that I was devoted to Him, he gave me the desires of my heart as it pertained to marriage. I feel so blessed. YOu simply have to wait on the Lord and be patient. I must also say that you have to enjoy being single. Enjoy being able to sprall out in your bed ALONE. Enjoy being able to try out all kinds of funky hair conconcotions on your hair without offending anyone. :look: Enjoy being able to spend as much time in the Lord as your please. While marriage is wonderful, I do understand why Paul said if you can remain single - then do it. When you marry, you now have to give up time that you would have spent with God, focusing on your marriage. As a single, all my time was mine. I didnt have to think about anyone else except for me, and I spent a lot of time, just focusing on the Lord. Now that I'se married, I still spend time with the Lord, but its not humanly possible to focus on my marriage and spend the same amount of time with God as I did when single. Now my marraige is my number 1 ministry. This is what Paul meant. I am happy that it was God's will for me to marry because its a beautiful thing. With all the pro's that I gave about being single, they are many that I could give about being married (which is obviously why so many of us want to marry.) I could go on forever, but I just came across this post and God reminded me that he ALWAYS does what he promises and I hope that my testimony inspires you to patiently wait on the Lord (and keep yourself pure :yep:). You never know what God has in store for you and how a simple prayer can change your life overnight. Be Blessed ladies!!!!!

Found one! I might just quote the testimony stories as I see them. We need to read them.
Shimmie!:blowkiss: You are a blessing and I am glad this thread has bumped! I was one who PM'd you about how this prayer changed my life! I was content even though from time to time I had that "stirring" letting me know that I was desiring a mate. I am older and never married. I prayed the prayer and about a week later, during praise and worship, my Pastor said he felt that "this year (2010) God was going to fulfill that thing He promised, but we had doubted would come to pass because it had been so long. And with the promise would come responsiblity". My mind didn't know it, but my spirit knew! I cried and cried without really knowing why. That was January 2010. I continued to pray that beautiful prayer. In February 2010, a minister at a church my granddaughter attended for preschool really made his interest known. We met in 2009, but he was not my physical type, and I was sooo not interested! :lachen: But God knows best. One day I was getting into my car while he was still chatting with me. I was polite but keeping it moving, I rushed to get into my car. It was at that moment when I felt the Lord say "he see's you. He really sees you". :sunshine: I turned around and saw him smiling. I decided at that moment that I would see if this was God. We talked on the phone that night for two hours. :cupidarrow: :giveheart: And the more I got to know him, I saw the characteristics I wrote down on a "soul-mate check list" a long time ago. Including the fact that I am a mess and he is a great organizer who loves my mess so he can clean it up! :lol: We are getting married April 8, 2011. :kisslips: Shimmie, you encouraged me in another thread last year. It was testimonies about how women met their husbands and it turned into a wonderful bridal shower. I saved those words along with this prayer and it continues to bless me beyond measure. Thank you!:thankyou: :rosebud::rosebud::rosebud::rosebud::rosebud:

Bumping these testimonies for those not reading the whole thread.
I'm not trying to be a Debbie downer but why do black women have to work so hard at this ?

I used to think it was just us too but the more I talk to my white co-workers and friends I understand it's a global issue at this point.
It's so ironic how over the weekend the Holy Spirit placed in my heart to find this thread and read it. Then someone bumps it! This will be the first time I have read this thread fully. I only read the testimonies before not the prayers :lol:
I just want to know why wasn't I good enough. I can cook, clean, am well educated, my own place, car, generous to the needy, close to my family and conduct myself well. One ex has a girlfriend that I didn't know about until recently (even though we had spoken about getting back together) and another is now married! He was very single when we last spoke in June. I just want to know why, Lord! And when will my turn come? I feel like I am going crazy this holiday season! I don't know if I need to put more emphasis on my looks, finances or appear to be needy. I just don't know.

Please pray for me.
I just want to know why wasn't I good enough. I can cook, clean, am well educated, my own place, car, generous to the needy, close to my family and conduct myself well. One ex has a girlfriend that I didn't know about until recently (even though we had spoken about getting back together) and another is now married! He was very single when we last spoke in June. I just want to know why, Lord! And when will my turn come? I feel like I am going crazy this holiday season! I don't know if I need to put more emphasis on my looks, finances or appear to be needy. I just don't know. Please pray for me.

Just ask God, stop thinking about it, and truly believe. As long as you go back and forth you will continue getting the same results.

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. (James 1:6-8 NIV)
This is a trick of the enemy ladies... He is really trying to wear us down... He wants us to give up on our desires for marriage.... But he is a LIAAAAAAARR... Don't worry about what it looks like... speak a word! I reposted Shimmie's original prayer for us to reread again and again if needed... Read it out loud... I pray this prayer over each one of you and over my self... We must stay encouraged!

I posted this prayer last night in the "Sexual Compatibility" thread.

Dearest Ones for whom I pray.

With hearts like yours, God has no problem answering the desire of your heart to be married. That's what He created and designed us for. And in your prayers thank God as follows:

" Lord, I thank you that I will be as you have 'such' created". (This scripture you find in Ephesians 2). God created us to be married and to serve His purpose. (Genesis 2)

Whatever you do, allow God to be first.

Such as, "Father, only you can give me the desire of my heart to be a wife and to give glory to you as such. I will not bow to the world, but unto you."

Dear Father, bless me as you did Hannah when she asked you for a son, you answered her prayer and blessed her with Samuel, which means, "...because I asked the Lord for him."

Lord because "I asked", you will answer, for your word says, 'If I ask anything according to your will, you will hear me and when I know that you hear me, I can expect you to answer, 'yes'' to my request. For a happy, loving, fruitful marriage is Your will and Your will shall be done, here on earth, in my life, as it is in Heaven.

I promise to allow my marriage to give you glory. To you I surrender all short comings that are in me and in my husband. To be the wife that you created me to be. And to allow my husband to be the man you created and designed him to be.

Father, take over my life from this day forward. To you, I surrender all. Let your will be done and not my will.

Please protect me from all counterfeits. Please allow only the right man to come into my path and into my life to make me his wife. When he comes you will prove to me beyond a doubt that he is the one. I promise to ask you first, before I surrender my heart, allowing you to be my leader and guide in all truth.

In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

Angels, there is no magic pattern or prayer, you are simply putting it there in God's hands. Then let it come from Him. And it will, "Because you asked" just as Hannah did and God said, yes.

All we are doing is coming together as one, for each other, believing God.

Loving blessings and Sweet sleep to each of you. Dream of Him; the One without sin, and then the him who is yet to be. Amen.
It's so ironic how over the weekend the Holy Spirit placed in my heart to find this thread and read it. Then someone bumps it! This will be the first time I have read this thread fully.

I only read the testimonies before not the prayers :lol:

:lol: Divine... shame on you :lol:


I'm glad you finally read the prayers. :yep:
This is a trick of the enemy ladies... He is really trying to wear us down... He wants us to give up on our desires for marriage.... But he is a LIAAAAAAARR... Don't worry about what it looks like... speak a word! I reposted Shimmie's original prayer for us to reread again and again if needed... Read it out loud... I pray this prayer over each one of you and over my self... We must stay encouraged!

bellatiamarie, thank you for re-posting the prayer. I just love that prayer and even though it came from my heart, it just blesses me each time I read it. The Lord was seriously moving in my heart when He gave this to me. I am so thankful for His Word and for the Life experiences that backs it up. :yep:
I just want to know why wasn't I good enough. I can cook, clean, am well educated, my own place, car, generous to the needy, close to my family and conduct myself well. One ex has a girlfriend that I didn't know about until recently (even though we had spoken about getting back together) and another is now married! He was very single when we last spoke in June. I just want to know why, Lord! And when will my turn come? I feel like I am going crazy this holiday season! I don't know if I need to put more emphasis on my looks, finances or appear to be needy. I just don't know.

Please pray for me.


God did you a huge favor. Truly He did :yep:

Do not give in to despair; nor fear, nor doubt. God is faithful that promised and He will not forsake your heart's desires.
:lol: Divine... shame on you :lol: :bighug: I'm glad you finally read the prayers. :yep:

Shimmie Real talk: When I first saw this thread months ago all I cared about was getting me a husband :lol: it was like I was trying to find some hidden trick to make him magically appear. I didn't understand the power of prayer or the importance of having a relationship with God first.

It's funny how God has brought me full circle.
Any testimonies in this thread with engagements or actual marriage? This thread was started in 2006 I hope there's some good testimonies out there.

There's plenty of testimony on the engagement ring thread even though they don't all post here it's good to feel happy for another women's happiness and wish her well that also puts you in a grateful mood
For encouragement for the discouraged. God hears our prayers! Here is my story. I posted it in the relationship forum but this is my home! :grin:

MY SO and I met in college. Before we started dating, I had always admired him from a distance. He had a girlfriend at the time and I was in awe of how he treated her. He was so gingerly to her in all of his actions to her. I often wished I had that spot.

As time passed, the two of them separated and he and I began to form a friendship. I don't even know when our friendship blossomed into something serious but somehow everyone around us realized how we felt about each other and what we had before we admitted it to ourselves.

We spent most nights outside on the yard at school discussing our families, goals, our likes/dislikes, etc. We soon became inseparable. People would ask if we were dating and we would remark, "Nah, we just cool."

He even asked me to be his girlfriend for a week and then broke up me (but that's an entire story in itself ) But when he broke up with me saying, "Let's just be friends," something about him saying that was totally different than if it had come from any other guy. From the time we spent getting acquainted, I knew there was something special about him that didn't exist anyone else I've ever dated. As I had done every time before, I prayed and asked God, "Lord, if he is supposed to be in my life. Let him stay. If not, remove him from me (not by death or anything) but just let the relationship fizzle out." Every relationship before him fizzled. He didn't go anywhere.

I dated (without sex) a lot of DUDS and BUMS (you know B.asically U.nder M.y S.tandards) before him so it didn't take long to realize the gem I had. He was all that I had observed and prayed about and more! I felt that this man was created for me.God had revealed some things to me about him but I had to wait until it came into fruition to be sure.

When I told him that I was saving myself until marriage he told me, he "didnt want sex from me." I was like "Is he gay?" :lol: But he went on to explain that I was a woman who deserved MORE than just sex. I was wife material and I deserved to be treated with respect and cherished. I was like :shock: :pray: :pray: :yahoo: :yahoo: :love3: :love3:

Fast forward to now.....

Im engaged!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
He proposed on New Year's Eve!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


Here's the proposal story:

On mid-morning of New Year's eve, my BF told that we would be going out some where but did not tell me where. The only clue I received was that I needed to dress warm and that we needed to pack a lunch. So my initial thought was that we were going on a carriage ride.

We picked up lunch of subs and the fixings and headed off to our destination. However, when we pulled up to the intended destination I was like :look: this isnt a carriage ride!! :lol: But I was game either way. Instead of the carriage ride I had contrived in my mind, we arrived at a Nature Reserve.

We got out of the car and headed in. He is adorned with a backpack and a professional camera. None of this alarmed me because we've had dates like before. He begins to take pictures of different things we encountered along our walk. He then turns the camera on me and tells me to to pose for several pictures. I tell him that he is gonna have a camera full of picture of me, he exclaims that this is the point. :rolleyes: With each new entity that catches our eye, we take turns capturing pictures of it and each other.

As we continue our walk, he begins to look as though he is searching for something and eventually walks off the trails through the brush of the reserve. I was not happy about this because I was beginning to question just where he was taking me. :sekret: He noticed my discomfort and tells me that we are searching for a place that not many people find out there and that we HAD to find it. He mentioned that place was one of the buildings burned by Gen. Sherman on his march during the civil war and the only thing left standing is the ruins of this old building. After hearing this, I was all set to help find it too.

After asking a couple of people and him getting his baring, we finally spot the old building and it was unbelievably breath-taking!!! There we see the river rapids and a small trickling waterfall and the amazing stone masonry of the building. I am so ecstatic at the panoramic view that I stand and marvel at the majestic vista; trying to capture as many pictures as I can. We climb into the old ruin of the building and he asks if I have ever done a New Year's resolution. I scoff and say that I don't really do them. He agrees that he doesn't either but suggests that we should. I agree. He suggests that we record it. I agree reluctantly and tell him to go first. He has me test out the sound level of the camera. After that we are all set to record our resolutions. He starts by resolving to grow closer to God in the new year, and to work harder to reach his goals. He turns to me and says that he also wants to nurture our relationship more and he tells me that I am the love of his life. He then says that there was something that he always wanted to ask me. He removes his glove, pulls out a ring box and gets down on one knee. I could only ask repeatedly if he was serious and :cry: :crying3: :cry: :crying3: I finally said YES!! :grin:

I truly love everything about this man. He is my best friend. Even the things I don't like about him, I couldn't imagine those quirks coming from anyone else. He exudes so many Christ-like characteristics, its hard not to love him.

He has continuously showed me how a woman should be treated. He is selfless, compassionate, a LISTENER and very observant. He has always catered to his mom, sisters, family, & strangers so I knew then that he would know how to treat me. He always showers me with his love, support, adoration and prayers. God has remained the center of our relationship and my SO continues to exude Christian values by his "fruit." I am so happy that he asked me to be his wife. I couldn't imagine it any other way.
delitefulmane That...was so...beautiful! :cry: I can't wait until I can share a testimony such as yours. Congratulations on your engagement! God always selects the greatest partner for us.
For encouragement for the discouraged. God hears our prayers! Here is my story. I posted it in the relationship forum but this is my home! :grin:

MY SO and I met in college. Before we started dating, I had always admired him from a distance. He had a girlfriend at the time and I was in awe of how he treated her. He was so gingerly to her in all of his actions to her. I often wished I had that spot.

As time passed, the two of them separated and he and I began to form a friendship. I don't even know when our friendship blossomed into something serious but somehow everyone around us realized how we felt about each other and what we had before we admitted it to ourselves.

We spent most nights outside on the yard at school discussing our families, goals, our likes/dislikes, etc. We soon became inseparable. People would ask if we were dating and we would remark, "Nah, we just cool."

He even asked me to be his girlfriend for a week and then broke up me (but that's an entire story in itself ) But when he broke up with me saying, "Let's just be friends," something about him saying that was totally different than if it had come from any other guy. From the time we spent getting acquainted, I knew there was something special about him that didn't exist anyone else I've ever dated. As I had done every time before, I prayed and asked God, "Lord, if he is supposed to be in my life. Let him stay. If not, remove him from me (not by death or anything) but just let the relationship fizzle out." Every relationship before him fizzled. He didn't go anywhere.

I dated (without sex) a lot of DUDS and BUMS (you know B.asically U.nder M.y S.tandards) before him so it didn't take long to realize the gem I had. He was all that I had observed and prayed about and more! I felt that this man was created for me.God had revealed some things to me about him but I had to wait until it came into fruition to be sure.

When I told him that I was saving myself until marriage he told me, he "didnt want sex from me." I was like "Is he gay?" :lol: But he went on to explain that I was a woman who deserved MORE than just sex. I was wife material and I deserved to be treated with respect and cherished. I was like :shock: :pray: :pray: :yahoo: :yahoo: :love3: :love3:

Fast forward to now.....

Im engaged!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
He proposed on New Year's Eve!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


Here's the proposal story:

On mid-morning of New Year's eve, my BF told that we would be going out some where but did not tell me where. The only clue I received was that I needed to dress warm and that we needed to pack a lunch. So my initial thought was that we were going on a carriage ride.

We picked up lunch of subs and the fixings and headed off to our destination. However, when we pulled up to the intended destination I was like :look: this isnt a carriage ride!! :lol: But I was game either way. Instead of the carriage ride I had contrived in my mind, we arrived at a Nature Reserve.

We got out of the car and headed in. He is adorned with a backpack and a professional camera. None of this alarmed me because we've had dates like before. He begins to take pictures of different things we encountered along our walk. He then turns the camera on me and tells me to to pose for several pictures. I tell him that he is gonna have a camera full of picture of me, he exclaims that this is the point. :rolleyes: With each new entity that catches our eye, we take turns capturing pictures of it and each other.

As we continue our walk, he begins to look as though he is searching for something and eventually walks off the trails through the brush of the reserve. I was not happy about this because I was beginning to question just where he was taking me. :sekret: He noticed my discomfort and tells me that we are searching for a place that not many people find out there and that we HAD to find it. He mentioned that place was one of the buildings burned by Gen. Sherman on his march during the civil war and the only thing left standing is the ruins of this old building. After hearing this, I was all set to help find it too.

After asking a couple of people and him getting his baring, we finally spot the old building and it was unbelievably breath-taking!!! There we see the river rapids and a small trickling waterfall and the amazing stone masonry of the building. I am so ecstatic at the panoramic view that I stand and marvel at the majestic vista; trying to capture as many pictures as I can. We climb into the old ruin of the building and he asks if I have ever done a New Year's resolution. I scoff and say that I don't really do them. He agrees that he doesn't either but suggests that we should. I agree. He suggests that we record it. I agree reluctantly and tell him to go first. He has me test out the sound level of the camera. After that we are all set to record our resolutions. He starts by resolving to grow closer to God in the new year, and to work harder to reach his goals. He turns to me and says that he also wants to nurture our relationship more and he tells me that I am the love of his life. He then says that there was something that he always wanted to ask me. He removes his glove, pulls out a ring box and gets down on one knee. I could only ask repeatedly if he was serious and :cry: :crying3: :cry: :crying3: I finally said YES!! :grin:

I truly love everything about this man. He is my best friend. Even the things I don't like about him, I couldn't imagine those quirks coming from anyone else. He exudes so many Christ-like characteristics, its hard not to love him.

He has continuously showed me how a woman should be treated. He is selfless, compassionate, a LISTENER and very observant. He has always catered to his mom, sisters, family, & strangers so I knew then that he would know how to treat me. He always showers me with his love, support, adoration and prayers. God has remained the center of our relationship and my SO continues to exude Christian values by his "fruit." I am so happy that he asked me to be his wife. I couldn't imagine it any other way.

:cry: I'm so happy for you. :yay:

I keep telling folks do not give up on God and Marriage.

Thank you so much for posting this in here, which is one of my very favorite 'Marriage' threads.

God is so faithful and so awesome, far beyond anyone's imagination.

God bless You and your Husband. You have no idea how much more God has in store for each of you. :love3:

:woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:
For encouragement for the discouraged. God hears our prayers! Here is my story. I posted it in the relationship forum but this is my home! :grin: MY SO and I met in college. Before we started dating, I had always admired him from a distance. He had a girlfriend at the time and I was in awe of how he treated her. He was so gingerly to her in all of his actions to her. I often wished I had that spot. As time passed, the two of them separated and he and I began to form a friendship. I don't even know when our friendship blossomed into something serious but somehow everyone around us realized how we felt about each other and what we had before we admitted it to ourselves. We spent most nights outside on the yard at school discussing our families, goals, our likes/dislikes, etc. We soon became inseparable. People would ask if we were dating and we would remark, "Nah, we just cool." He even asked me to be his girlfriend for a week and then broke up me (but that's an entire story in itself ) But when he broke up with me saying, "Let's just be friends," something about him saying that was totally different than if it had come from any other guy. From the time we spent getting acquainted, I knew there was something special about him that didn't exist anyone else I've ever dated. As I had done every time before, I prayed and asked God, "Lord, if he is supposed to be in my life. Let him stay. If not, remove him from me (not by death or anything) but just let the relationship fizzle out." Every relationship before him fizzled. He didn't go anywhere. I dated (without sex) a lot of DUDS and BUMS (you know B.asically U.nder M.y S.tandards) before him so it didn't take long to realize the gem I had. He was all that I had observed and prayed about and more! I felt that this man was created for me.God had revealed some things to me about him but I had to wait until it came into fruition to be sure. When I told him that I was saving myself until marriage he told me, he "didnt want sex from me." I was like "Is he gay?" :lol: But he went on to explain that I was a woman who deserved MORE than just sex. I was wife material and I deserved to be treated with respect and cherished. I was like :shock: :pray: :pray: :yahoo: :yahoo: :love3: :love3: Fast forward to now..... Im engaged!! :grin: :grin: :grin: He proposed on New Year's Eve!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's the proposal story: On mid-morning of New Year's eve, my BF told that we would be going out some where but did not tell me where. The only clue I received was that I needed to dress warm and that we needed to pack a lunch. So my initial thought was that we were going on a carriage ride. We picked up lunch of subs and the fixings and headed off to our destination. However, when we pulled up to the intended destination I was like :look: this isnt a carriage ride!! :lol: But I was game either way. Instead of the carriage ride I had contrived in my mind, we arrived at a Nature Reserve. We got out of the car and headed in. He is adorned with a backpack and a professional camera. None of this alarmed me because we've had dates like before. He begins to take pictures of different things we encountered along our walk. He then turns the camera on me and tells me to to pose for several pictures. I tell him that he is gonna have a camera full of picture of me, he exclaims that this is the point. :rolleyes: With each new entity that catches our eye, we take turns capturing pictures of it and each other. As we continue our walk, he begins to look as though he is searching for something and eventually walks off the trails through the brush of the reserve. I was not happy about this because I was beginning to question just where he was taking me. :sekret: He noticed my discomfort and tells me that we are searching for a place that not many people find out there and that we HAD to find it. He mentioned that place was one of the buildings burned by Gen. Sherman on his march during the civil war and the only thing left standing is the ruins of this old building. After hearing this, I was all set to help find it too. After asking a couple of people and him getting his baring, we finally spot the old building and it was unbelievably breath-taking!!! There we see the river rapids and a small trickling waterfall and the amazing stone masonry of the building. I am so ecstatic at the panoramic view that I stand and marvel at the majestic vista; trying to capture as many pictures as I can. We climb into the old ruin of the building and he asks if I have ever done a New Year's resolution. I scoff and say that I don't really do them. He agrees that he doesn't either but suggests that we should. I agree. He suggests that we record it. I agree reluctantly and tell him to go first. He has me test out the sound level of the camera. After that we are all set to record our resolutions. He starts by resolving to grow closer to God in the new year, and to work harder to reach his goals. He turns to me and says that he also wants to nurture our relationship more and he tells me that I am the love of his life. He then says that there was something that he always wanted to ask me. He removes his glove, pulls out a ring box and gets down on one knee. I could only ask repeatedly if he was serious and :cry: :crying3: :cry: :crying3: I finally said YES!! :grin: I truly love everything about this man. He is my best friend. Even the things I don't like about him, I couldn't imagine those quirks coming from anyone else. He exudes so many Christ-like characteristics, its hard not to love him. He has continuously showed me how a woman should be treated. He is selfless, compassionate, a LISTENER and very observant. He has always catered to his mom, sisters, family, & strangers so I knew then that he would know how to treat me. He always showers me with his love, support, adoration and prayers. God has remained the center of our relationship and my SO continues to exude Christian values by his "fruit." I am so happy that he asked me to be his wife. I couldn't imagine it any other way.

I love this testimony.
delitefulmane That...was so...beautiful! :cry: I can't wait until I can share a testimony such as yours. Congratulations on your engagement! God always selects the greatest partner for us.

Yes He does! I have always told myself (and God) if my BF wasn't the one I was supposed to marry, who ever came along after him would have to be Jesus himself! :lachen::lachen::lachen: No one is more right for me than my FH. :grin: I am not where I really want to be in my relationship with God BUT I am so glad that I had enough faith to trust that he would provide the right person for me. In college, I was looked over by so many men. I thought that I was not valued. I thought that most men did not want a woman like me while in college. It wasn't until well into my junior year did my FH chose me....and I am so thankful that he did! Have faith sis!! God is molding and shaping your husband right now! God doesn't want to send him to you until HE has done enough work in him. God bless you and your future hubby.
That prayer, that line "protect me from the counterfeits," man!

Did He!!! My God is so amazing, counterfeits need not apply, because it's just NOT happening. Not on God's watch.