Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

I recently started reading the Bible and I found a free app called daily bread
It's good for someone like me who need a guide to study and it tells you how much you've read ther are others too all free.
Now I did my reading for today and I bought this was very relevant to this post

Isaiah 54 part of it

The Future Glory of Zion

*1 “Sing, barren woman,
***you who never bore a child;
burst into song, shout for joy,
***you who were never in labor;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
**than of her who has a husband,”
************says the LORD.

2 “Enlarge the place of your tent,
***stretch your tent curtains wide,
***do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
***strengthen your stakes.
3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
***your descendants will dispossess nations
***and settle in their desolate cities.
*4 “Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame.
***Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.

You will forget the shame of your youth
***and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.
5 For your Maker is your husband—
***the LORD Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
***he is called the God of all the earth.
6 The LORD will call you back
***as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—
a wife who married young,
***only to be rejected,” says your God.
7 “For a brief moment I abandoned you,
***but with deep compassion I will bring you back.
8 In a surge of anger
***I hid my face from you for a moment,
but with everlasting kindness
***I will have compassion on you,”
***says the LORD your Redeemer.
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I recently started reading the Bible and I found a free app called daily bread
It's good for someone like me who need a guide to study and it tells you how much you've read ther are others too all free.
Now I did my reading for today and I bought this was very relevant to this post

Isaiah 54 part of it

The Future Glory of Zion

*1 “Sing, barren woman,
***you who never bore a child;
burst into song, shout for joy,
***you who were never in labor;
because more are the children of the desolate woman
**than of her who has a husband,”
************says the LORD.

2 “Enlarge the place of your tent,
***stretch your tent curtains wide,
***do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
***strengthen your stakes.
3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
***your descendants will dispossess nations
***and settle in their desolate cities.
*4 “Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame.
***Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.

You will forget the shame of your youth
***and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.
5 For your Maker is your husband—
***the LORD Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
***he is called the God of all the earth.
6 The LORD will call you back
***as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—
a wife who married young,
***only to be rejected,” says your God.
7 “For a brief moment I abandoned you,
***but with deep compassion I will bring you back.
8 In a surge of anger
***I hid my face from you for a moment,
but with everlasting kindness
***I will have compassion on you,”
***says the LORD your Redeemer.


God is speaking to your heart, Precious one... God is speaking to His precious daughter (and daughters) of what He is about to do, just for you.

Thank you for being such a loving woman and daughter of God. You were designed to be happily married; and to a man who loves you as God loves you, without conditions, without high expectations, without reservations or regrets.

Praise God, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :Rose:
Shimmie, I hope you don't mind me posting this important update. Just came across the news article on what's going on in New York as well:

Judge Says Suit to Void Marriage Act May Proceed
Published: November 29, 2011

Harshly criticizing Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo for the tactics he used to win approval of same-sex marriage, a state judge has ruled that a lawsuit challenging the enactment of New York’s Marriage Equality Act can proceed.

Acting Justice Robert B. Wiggins of State Supreme Court in Livingston County, in the Finger Lakes region, wrote that it was possible that the Republican majority in the State Senate had violated the state’s open meetings law as it discussed whether to bring the marriage bill to a vote.

His ruling offered a flash of hope for the conservative group that filed the lawsuit, New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, which is asking the court to overturn the marriage law and nullify the weddings that have been performed under it.

The state attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, had sought the dismissal of the lawsuit. Justice Wiggins dismissed some elements of the case but said it could proceed on the open-meetings issue.

His ruling, which was dated Nov. 18, was critical of closed-door meetings and expedited voting procedures that preceded passage of the measure in the final moments of this year’s legislative session.

“It is ironic that much of the state’s brief passionately spews sanctimonious verbiage on the separation of powers in the governmental branches,” Justice Wiggins wrote, “and clear arm-twisting by the Executive on the Legislative permeates this entire process.”

In the ruling, which was four singled-spaced pages, Justice Wiggins focused on the legality of private meetings held by Senate Republicans before the vote. Four Republicans ultimately voted for the bill, providing the critical votes for its passage.

The lawsuit alleged that several of the meetings — including one hosted by Mr. Cuomo at the Executive Mansion and another in which Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg addressed the Republicans in a closed-door session at the Capitol — should have been subject to the open meetings law, because they included not only the Republican caucus, but also elected officials who are not Republicans.

In a court filing, Mr. Schneiderman rejected that suggestion, saying the sessions were exempt from the open meetings law because meetings of party caucuses can remain private, even if guests are invited to attend.

Justice Wiggins said that there were “not sufficient facts before the court to determine the matter,” and that the case would proceed.

Opponents of same-sex marriage were delighted with the ruling.

“We have said all along that we look forward to our day in court,” said the Rev. Jason J. McGuire, executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms. “Now we will have it. The legality of our legislative process must be protected.”

Same-sex marriage advocates said they remained confident that the Marriage Equality Act would be upheld.

“Some extremist groups are making a desperate attempt to stop the rocket ship of equality with a few feathers in the wind,” said Ross D. Levi, the executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda. “But we are confident they will not succeed.”

A spokesman for Mr. Cuomo declined to comment, and a spokesman for Mr. Schneiderman said the attorney general’s office was reviewing the ruling. Mr. Schneiderman is also seeking the dismissal of a separate lawsuit filed by opponents of the marriage law in federal court.

Justice Wiggins was particularly critical of the governor’s use of a procedural maneuver that allowed legislators to vote on the Marriage Equality Act immediately after the bill was drafted, rather than waiting for three days, as is normally required.

I love this post... :love2: Laela, thank you so much again for sharing this awesome report.

I'm laughing for only the devil would have to sneak around to 'sneak' something in. His sloofoot isn't all that slick afterall. :lol:
^^^ yeah, yeah, yeah.. **nodding profusely in agreement**

As my nephew used to say as a toddler.. HUGGIE! :bighug:

"He that shall come, shall come and will not tarry...."

Whom God Hath Joined Together, Let No Man Put Assunder
Ohwow Lucia

This was right on time...thanks!
P.s. I am enjoying getting to know God personally and developing relationship with him.
Hello all. I am trying to be positive. My last relationship that I actually thought would lead to marriage...didn't. He talked so much about fighting Satan to be with me, but apparently I was worth only a text message proposal. Yes via text message. It was at least more than 140 characters. Twitter may have been better, as least more people would have known. Not face-to-face. Maybe he was afraid of my dad and couldn't drive up to just ask me face-to-face. Who knew? 6 years done.

Maybe I am supposed to be the lone single chick that I know. I see my mom's face at times, like "What the hell is wrong with you that I have no son-in-law?" It hurts. I am just over it. There is a guy that wants to be with me, but I am not sure and I don't feel it. Sex is not enough for me (haven't gone there thankfully) and I can't get over the whole attacking a woman and going to prison thing either. I am worth more than that! I don't need Diddy money, but I think I can do better than a guy just off parole. Damn! I would rather just be single.
Hello all. I am trying to be positive. My last relationship that I actually thought would lead to marriage...didn't. He talked so much about fighting Satan to be with me, but apparently I was worth only a text message proposal. Yes via text message. It was at least more than 140 characters. Twitter may have been better, as least more people would have known. Not face-to-face. Maybe he was afraid of my dad and couldn't drive up to just ask me face-to-face. Who knew? 6 years done.

Maybe I am supposed to be the lone single chick that I know. I see my mom's face at times, like "What the hell is wrong with you that I have no son-in-law?" It hurts. I am just over it. There is a guy that wants to be with me, but I am not sure and I don't feel it. Sex is not enough for me (haven't gone there thankfully) and I can't get over the whole attacking a woman and going to prison thing either. I am worth more than that! I don't need Diddy money, but I think I can do better than a guy just off parole. Damn! I would rather just be single.

God comes through.... and He will for you. Just believe. :Rose:
Hello Shimmie, i am new to the forum and just want to let u know how inspiring you are. I am in my 30+ and desire to get married and have kids and i feel discouraged at times due to pressure of family and getting older. I have a twin brother who is already married. But i do not want to settle. I know God has it in my future because i have such a strong desire and i continue to pray for it. Thankyou for your inspirational words
Hello Shimmie, i am new to the forum and just want to let u know how inspiring you are. I am in my 30+ and desire to get married and have kids and i feel discouraged at times due to pressure of family and getting older. I have a twin brother who is already married. But i do not want to settle. I know God has it in my future because i have such a strong desire and i continue to pray for it. Thankyou for your inspirational words


I'm sorry for missing your post. Thank you for being such an inspiration, for Iron sharpens Iron.

I praise God for blessing you in Marriage and a true and happy Marriage which gives God all of the Glory... in Jesus' Name, it shall be done in your life ... Amen and Amen :Rose:
This thread may be six years old but it is right on time for me. Thanks to Shimmie and all the other ladies for sharing scriptures, wisdom, and testimonies. I'm fully confident in my Father's faithfulness.
I don't understand why it didn't work out when more than 2 were gathered in prayer? I just don't understand. I'm numb.

Dearest One... What happen?

If you are unable to share, I fully understand. :pray:

I'm definitely praying for you.

I don't understand why it didn't work out when more than 2 were gathered in prayer? I just don't understand. I'm numb.

God answers our prayers, he may answer with a no, yes or wait. ask him to speak to u, and guide you along this journey.

Pray and wait on him. He knows what is best for u, and can see what we cannot at hind site! Have a blessed day and count on him!
I don't understand why it didn't work out when more than 2 were gathered in prayer? I just don't understand. I'm numb.

ITA with Kb3auty

Be patient, keep your relationship with God strong, do you, work, enjoy life, find things that make you happy and fulfilled so that you will project happiness and love to the world, and it will come back to you many times over. This man whoever he is may be someone returning from your past, or someone new, but he has to be ready in God's eyes for you HIS daughter before God allows him to seek you out and find you. Remember God works on HIS time not yours. Pray on this, make a vision board (look it up on LOA thread if you do that) release any frustration or anger over this once you've gotten over this initial let down.

Praying for you. :grouphug:

watch this:
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Ladies that are praying for a husband is it possible that God is sending men towards you but they are not exactly what you're looking for? Or are men not approaching at all?