Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

I'm all for traditional marriage. I'm all for happy marriages and ones in which there is freedom for the individuals. Since I'm a woman, I'm saying that the woman shouldn't be pressured to support him or held back from fulfilling her professional goals. But I surely support more traditional marriages and hope and pray that G-d raises up sane, healthy men who are protectors and unashamedly so. :yep::yep:
I'm all for traditional marriage. I'm all for happy marriages and ones in which there is freedom for the individuals. Since I'm a woman, I'm saying that the woman shouldn't be pressured to support him or held back from fulfilling her professional goals. But I surely support more traditional marriages and hope and pray that G-d raises up sane, healthy men who are protectors and unashamedly so. :yep::yep:

Most definitely "Happy Marriages" where neither the wife nor the husband are in 'bondage' but as One into each other, spirit, soul and body.

The scriptures below speak this perfectly (as only scripture would). :yep:

Phillippians 2

If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,

2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

Colossians 2

If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,

2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.


Unselfish Hearts Married as One... One Man, One Woman, under God.

In Jesus' Name, forever and ever. Amen. :pray:

All honour unto God our Father who art in Heaven and reigns upon the earth over all.
i am at this. stage where i don't. Careanymore its. been. so long and im like. whatever. but i am being led to pray for him again

God is amazing. Even when we feel 'weary', the Holy Spirit will always lead us in prayer for someone calling out to our hearts to pray for them. :love2:
i am at this. stage where i don't. Careanymore its. been. so long and im like. whatever. but i am being led to pray for him again

Please don't grow weary... The Lord is not slack concerning His promises... It's difficult when we can't see the entire picture- but trust me He is working on your behalf.
i am at this. stage where i don't. Careanymore its. been. so long and im like. whatever. but i am being led to pray for him again

I thought stuff like this just happened to me :look: when the Holy Spirit gives you an "assignment" to pray about someone . :look: And I'm like :huh: I still don't know what the point of that was or if I imagined the whole thing. Even at one point during the the course of the "assignment" I flat out refused to keep going, but I knew I couldn't disobey and started praying again. I'm still not sure what happened. :ohwell:
I thought stuff like this just happened to me :look: when the Holy Spirit gives you an "assignment" to pray about someone . :look: And I'm like :huh: I still don't know what the point of that was or if I imagined the whole thing. Even at one point during the the course of the "assignment" I flat out refused to keep going, but I knew I couldn't disobey and started praying again. I'm still not sure what happened. :ohwell:

I'm still praying and preparing even though my flesh doubts my spirit doesn't
Shimmie I love to your siggy but its also bittersweet

Its like gosh darn it they look sooo happy and in love with their faith and they share that so its bond...can Marriage really be like that...or is that just for a day....i really wish I had better examples of love in my own home or in my life.....i try to stay strong because of these stories, pictures, videos, blogs, and testimonies
Shimmie I love to your siggy but its also bittersweet

Its like gosh darn it they look sooo happy and in love with their faith and they share that so its bond...can Marriage really be like that...or is that just for a day....i really wish I had better examples of love in my own home or in my life.....i try to stay strong because of these stories, pictures, videos, blogs, and testimonies


Love like this is Truly for more than a day. It truly is... :yep:

And it's too late for anyone to tell me and many, many others, otherwise. WE KNOW! I wouldn't be here encouraging Marriage if I didn't know and believe... God.

Sure, any relationship will have it's hills, valleys and challenges. That's Life, period.

Let's see if I remember this by heart:

Let me not unto the Marriage of true minds, admit impediments.

Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, nor bends with the remover to remove.

O' no. It is an ever fixed' mark which looks on tempests and is never shaken. It is a star to every wandering bark, whose worths' unknown although it's height be taken.

Love alters not when it alteration finds, though through rosy cheeks and times, its bending sickles compass come. True love alters not through its brief hours and weeks, but bears it out [even] to the edge of doom.

If this be err' and upon me prov'd, I never writ' nor no man (or woman) ever loved.

It's too late to believe anything different. Too late. Love will always be love for whoever wants it.

There's nothing 'bittersweet' about it. :love3:
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I admit there is a, fear I'm having that if I hope and pray and prepare again and it didn't come to past I'll be devestatedbeen eight years.. Thats why I do disengaged it was beginning to hurt too much and it was taking my focus off if YHWH
Wow! How did I miss this great thread that happens to be so timely for me this very moment. Thank you so much Shimmie for posting it. I was beginning to lose hope of marriage until I saw this thread. Now my hope is renewed. Praise the Lord Jesus, always.
Wow! How did I miss this great thread that happens to be so timely for me this very moment. Thank you so much Shimmie for posting it. I was beginning to lose hope of marriage until I saw this thread. Now my hope is renewed. Praise the Lord Jesus, always.

:wave: Hi Aggie... How have you been? I pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.

Never give up hope for Marriage... NEVER! And it is far to late to convince me otherwise. It's never too late for God to bring the love of your life into your life... Never ... :nono:
:wave: Hi @Aggie... How have you been? I pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.

Never give up hope for Marriage... NEVER! And it is far to late to convince me otherwise. It's never too late for God to bring the love of your life into your life... Never ... :nono:

Me and my loved ones are doing very well, thank you hun. I pray yours are the same as well and no, I won't lose my hope again. Thanks again precious.
In light of recent events that have taken place in my life, I have been feeling quite down. Like, who would ever want me? But I try to pray and keep God first, for with Him, nothing is impossible. I've realized that I have a LONG way to go before I am ready to be married and I am okay with that.
^^^^My heart breaks to hear that. This world is so anti-G-d. Jesus judges not the exterior. He does not favor anyone over another as part of those He loves...He loves all of us. We humans compare ourselves physically, mentally, financially ad nauseum. Don't fall into any of that. Be YOUR best and figure out what that honestly means. Do not cave to the way the world determines worth. There is someone for you, there surely is.
In light of recent events that have taken place in my life, I have been feeling quite down. Like, who would ever want me? But I try to pray and keep God first, for with Him, nothing is impossible. I've realized that I have a LONG way to go before I am ready to be married and I am okay with that.


Look up book of Tobit in the Bible it will give you hope and courage there Archangel Raphael comes down to earth to help two people get married.
Summary Tobit is a wealthy man and is persecuted and becomes blind he has 1 son Tobiah is his son he send to get saved money from a kinsmen. Sarah is the only child of Raguel and she's been married 7 times but each time she's betrothed before the marriage can be consummated a demon kills her husband all 7 times and she is ridiculed and insulted for this.
Archangel Raphael disguised as a kinsman helps Tobiah on his journey help him marry Sarah and drive away the demon forever and survive till morning.
I know it gets difficult and the enemy tries to fill your head with doubts and lies. Its so easy to fall prey to that when you don't yet see what God has in store for us God has the BIG picture we don't.
we all go through it but if you're steadfast pray you will get through this and remember God is doing a work in the one who is set aside for you as well as you are set aside for him and God is doing his work in you. Praise and honor God and he will Bless you

Also here's what Mark 1:24-28 NIV says and bible study commentary after -not my own thoughts

24 “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”

25 “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” 26 The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.

27 The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.” 28 News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.

Jesus is teaching in the synagogue at Capernaum, and a man (possessed by an unclean spirit) questions why Jesus has come to them. The man asks Jesus if He has come to destroy them, says that he knows who Jesus is, and calls Him "the Holy One of God!". (NIV) Jesus' public and immediate response to this man puts on display authority unlike this crowd has ever experienced. Unclean spirits obey the command of Jesus of Nazareth.
Rest and trust in the knowledge that your spiritual battles belong to the Lord.
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In light of recent events that have taken place in my life, I have been feeling quite down. Like, who would ever want me? But I try to pray and keep God first, for with Him, nothing is impossible. I've realized that I have a LONG way to go before I am ready to be married and I am okay with that.

I've been feeling just like you as of late and recently I sat through a sermon and the message was this.... Stand firm in your walk with God do not let the Devil interfere with your thoughts and emotions. The devil is there to make us think less of ourselves. If we do not stand firm by reading the bible and praying he can easily play with our minds. I sometimes thing am I good enough to get a good husband but then I realize hey why not. I am just as good as the next person and will have a husband one day . You just have to keep God in your life and read the bible for wisdom and guidance.
by Abigail Powers Featured eBook Free eBook: Liturgical Year 2013-2014, Vol. 1 Document Information Description: A look at St. Raphael the Archangel, the patron of happy meetings, as a powerful ally in finding the marriage partner. Includes a prayer for single Catholics. Larger Work: New Covenant Pages: 14-15 Publisher & Date: Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., June 1997

I had no idea weddings could be so depressing until I went to eight of them one summer. Sure, I was glad the marital miracle could happen for so many people just like me. But after that eighth wedding, I started wondering when it'd stop happening for people like me and actually happen for me. After all, I had prayed, discerned, consulted my spiritual director. I was sure God was calling me to marriage. Why wasn't my future spouse listening? While I was moaning something along these lines to a co-worker, she said, "I have this really cool prayer to St. Raphael — I'll give you a copy." I thanked her, hesitating to ask the obvious: If this prayer is so great, why are you still single? I delicately inquired if she knew anyone who thought their marriage had anything to do with the St. Raphael prayer. Well, she thought she knew one couple . . . I wasn't convinced but, when I read the prayer, I knew she was right. It's a great prayer. I don't say that because I instantly met and married the man of my dreams. (I didn't.) I say that because it was like a spiritual whack on the side of the head, letting me recapture something of God's vision for marriage. This little-known prayer is derived from the Book of Tobit. Here's a quick summary of the relevant section: The Archangel Raphael is sent by God to heal Sarah, who, grieved by her trials and the insults of others, has begged God for death. And a unique trial it is: Sarah had been married seven times and seven times had seen her husband killed on their wedding night by a jealous demon. Raphael persuades a young man named Tobiah to marry Sarah, assuring him that he will not be the demon's next victim. Tobiah follows Raphael's directions for driving the demon away, then he and Sarah pray together for God's mercy and deliverance. God hears them, and (to the relief of Sarah's father, who already had a grave dug for son-in-law number eight) they spend their wedding night in connubial bliss. The author of this prayer must have figured that, if Raphael could help Sarah, he could help anyone. In this often lonely search, it's comforting to have a friend who can truly help us find a helpmate. St. Raphael is no Cupid, blindly shooting love darts with no regard for his victims. Raphael is an archangel commissioned by God himself to lead us to the person God has chosen as our spouse from all eternity. It's especially good to remember this when friends — bless their well-meaning hearts — try to help. Their favorite suggestion is that I move to a place with a bigger eligible bachelor pool. But I don't think moving is the answer: God knows very well where I am and where my man is. So, unless God tells me to move, it seems pointless to run about searching for a mate. I'm consoled, too, by Tobiah — he was simply running an errand for his father, but Raphael led him to Sarah. Being where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do, means you'll be ready for the spouse He has for you, whether you meet him or her tomorrow or in 10 or 20 years. This prayer also cuts straight through the media's sugarcoated, sex-charged images of romance and marriage, which focus almost exclusively on superficial qualities. It homes in on the characteristics that lay the groundwork for a relationship that lasts throughout eternity, instead of those that satisfy only immediate desires for companionship or convenient sex. Asking for a person "whose character may reflect some of the traits of Jesus and Mary" may seem unrealistic. The prayer doesn't say the person must reflect all the traits of Our Lord and Lady; nor does it say the potential spouse must perfectly reflect them. In fact, it says our helpmate should be "upright, loyal, pure, sincere and noble," so that together we may strive to perfect ourselves in soul and body. Spouses not only have the sandpaper of the daily trials and irritations to smooth away their selfishness and pride, but they can actively encourage one another to be made perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. St. Raphael can intercede for us in another challenging area: chastity. Just for the sake of contrast, I'll tell you about a recent conversation I had with a gentleman who's pushing 60. We were discussing chastity, when he asked abruptly, "Does anyone keep their mouth closed when they kiss anymore?" "Uh. Well, certainly not on TV or in the movies," I replied. "Back when I was dating, you could give a woman a goodnight kiss as a thank-you for a pleasant evening," he said. "It certainly didn't mean anything sexual. Now, people go so far just with kissing, I'm not surprised that so many end up in bed together." Since God didn't make chastity optional after the '60s, we still need to strive to live chastely. St. Raphael, the "angel of chaste courtship," can pray that our love will be pure and that "sin may have no part in it." How sweet it would be to pray along with Tobiah on our wedding night, "Now, Lord, You know that I take this wife of mine not because of lust, but for a noble purpose" (Tb 10:7) and with Sarah, who said, "You know, O Master, that I am innocent of any impure act with a man" (Tb 3:14). Trying to live chastely can be even more difficult when you doubt that God has a plan for you at all, let alone one that includes a good Christian spouse and wonderful children. Some days it's easy to believe people who say, "You should have married her," or, "If you weren't so picky you'd be married by now." But just because the "Honey,-I'm-sure-he's-the-right-one-for-you" crowd can't imagine a better plan, doesn't mean God can't. His plan is that I marry the person "with whom I can best cooperate in doing God's Holy Will, with whom I can live in peace, love and harmony in this life, and attain to eternal joy in the next." And that person is worth waiting for. St. Raphael, angel of happy meetings, pray for us! •

Prayer to St. Raphael
St. Raphael, loving patron of those seeking a marriage partner, help me in this supreme decision of my life. Find for me as a helpmate in life the person whose character may reflect some of the traits of Jesus and Mary. May he (she) be upright, loyal, pure, sincere and noble, so that with united efforts and with chaste and unselfish love we both may strive to perfect ourselves in soul and body, as well as the children it may please God to entrust to our care. St. Raphael, angel of chaste courtship, bless our friendship and our love that sin may have no part in it. May our mutual love bind us so closely that our future home may ever be most like the home of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Offer your prayers to God for the both of us and obtain the blessing of God upon our marriage, as you were the herald of blessing for the marriage of Tobiah and Sarah. St. Raphael, friend of the young, be my friend, for I shall always be yours. I desire ever to invoke you in my needs. To your special care I entrust the decision I am to make as to my future husband (wife). Direct me to the person with whom I can best cooperate in doing God's Holy Will, with whom I can live in peace, love and harmony in this life, and attain to eternal joy in the next. Amen. In honor of St. Raphael: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
Stay encouraged, ladies. Please do. God can change your marital "status" in a second. You never know what is around the corner. Just keep on focusing on Him. I forget the quote, but patience isn't simply waiting ... it is accepting the wait without getting discouraged. Stay encouraged. :)
Hello my lovely ladies!! I would like to share my story & current situation (It's kind of lengthy)! Several months ago, I had a talk with the Lord. I began to pray to ask Him about when I would get my husband. He clearly told me that I already have my husband. Well of course, that answer posed another question from me as to what's the hold up. My next answer was two parts. The first scripture that I learned at the age of 3 or 4 was Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not unto your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him & He shall direct thy paths." This was one of my answers. The other was "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4 I didn't have to ask what these answers meant because I already knew.

Flashback......I have my own church home but I visited the church of a neighbor by invitation about a year ago. In visiting this church, the pastor asked permission to pray for me after the service & he gave me word from God. He told me to make sure to build my relationship with God & my husband would soon follow.

Seeing as how Proverbs 3:5 has been forever burned into my memory, I've been taught to fully put my faith in God no matter what the circumstances are. My mother also taught me to ask God if I have a question, more so, ask Him how I should "proceed" in a certain direction. Psalms 37:4 would be regarding what the pastor told me when I visited his church.

Back to the present (yeah i'm getting to it, just stay with me)........So after getting my answer(s), I asked Him "Father, what is it that You need me to work on (myself) in order to be ready to receive my husband since he is already there?" For all I know he could be praying for certain things in a wife that is currently not on my own agenda but I need to be ready, right!!!! I can't be having debt taller than me & bringing him down. I wouldn't want that for the man that the Lord has for me! After my talk with the Lord, I began to get my answers as to what I needed to do & how I needed to get there. I have been working on these things & I get excited every time I think about working on me in order to be ready. However, in order to work on me, I have to confer with the Lord because the only someone that knows what my husband is praying for in a wife, is God and the way to keep communication lines open with the Lord is to delight myself in Him:grin:. I'm gonna be ready!

Anyhoo, I wanted to share two Kindle e-books on my app that I've downloaded. I've only started on one so far but will be starting the other tomorrow. They are Prayers & Notes To My Future Husband & the other is The Waiting Room (A 31 -day Devotional for Single Women Waiting for the Right Husband). I feel like it is our job to pray for our husbands (even now) & the first book has awesome examples!! The second is on developing a spiritual relationship with God while waiting on your husband. I feel led to both of these because they relate to MY ANSWERS that I received from the Lord!

Everyone be blessed & I know that God loves me so much that He won't send me trash and He won't send my hubby trash either!!:grin::grin::grin:
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