Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

He's getting ready and will meet me soon. I can't wait! I'm ready.

phynestone you surely will, precious sister, All of this and more, you surely will have come into your life. God's blessings are with you to stay. I love you, little sister. You have always inspired me to do better. I hope that I never disappoint you. :giveheart:
I've not read this book but this morning on the radio, I heard this snippet that is nothing but truth!

Excerpt from "So Long Insecurity, you've been a bad friend to us" by BETH MOORE:

I find it ironic that many of the women who defensively deny needing one single thing from a man have done one of three things: they’ve tried to make themselves into men, they’ve turned to a codependent relationship with a masculine woman, or they’ve done the Sex and the City thing by trying to beat men at their own game.

Don’t tell me we don’t have man-issues. After all this time in women’s ministry, I won’t believe you. Maybe you are the rare exception, but this I know: if you are a real, live, honest-to-goodness secure woman who is neither obsessed with a man’s affirmation nor nursing a grudge against one, you did not arrive at that place by accident. None of us will.
Thank you, precious one. It is God who gets all of the glory. He never fails us, none of us.

I have several testimonies in my PM box from some of the ladies here, but I don't have their permission to share who they are and what they have shared with me in how God has blessed them with marriage.

However, I can share that each time I've received and read them, I broke down and cried tears of joy and thankfulness for what God has done for them.

God is awesome and He never, ever fails. And unto you, your husband shall come and he will be the one, whom God has joined together. Your name says it all, for you shall be 'Delightful to Him" and to him, your husband. I thank God and pray in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :giveheart:

Thank you Shimmie for your prayers and allowing God to use you as a mighty vessel. You are a mightly vessel indeed! I really needed to hear those words.

Hopefully, some of ladies will come in here and share with us single ladies on what God has done for them. :)
I don't think it is God's will for me to be married. I think there are some other things He has slated for me to focus on. But congrats to those who desire marriage and were blessed because of the content of this thread. :)
elisha goodman has some almost guaranteed prayer bullets for singles. I will try to post them, if it is okay with you shimmie?
Thank you Shimmie and all the ladies who have post. I receive this in God's glorious name. I pray that the Lord work within His will to deliver the desires of my heart-to be married to a man after God's heart in addition to the other desires.

Lord if this man is the one then make it plain in both of our hearts and may our interactions be glorifying in your sight. If he isn't the one then show his true heart and take away any feelings so that I can be ready for the one who is for me.
elisha goodman has some almost guaranteed prayer bullets for singles. I will try to post them, if it is okay with you shimmie?

Definitely! :up: :yep: :grouphug2: This thread is for everyone to share. I am so blessed that you are here to do so.

Thinks this is interesting. I prayed the marriage prayer and felt something get loose in my stomach.

luthiengirlie ... Wow! :wow:

If my tummie is loose its gonna be this as you have shared for it is surely feels like a release from the Lord, :pray: :yep: .........and for my 'belly rolls' and flutters. :lol:
You are a blessing and I am glad this thread has bumped! I was one who PM'd you about how this prayer changed my life! I was content even though from time to time I had that "stirring" letting me know that I was desiring a mate. I am older and never married. I prayed the prayer and about a week later, during praise and worship, my Pastor said he felt that "this year (2010) God was going to fulfill that thing He promised, but we had doubted would come to pass because it had been so long. And with the promise would come responsiblity". My mind didn't know it, but my spirit knew! I cried and cried without really knowing why. That was January 2010. I continued to pray that beautiful prayer.
In February 2010, a minister at a church my granddaughter attended for preschool really made his interest known. We met in 2009, but he was not my physical type, and I was sooo not interested! :lachen: But God knows best. One day I was getting into my car while he was still chatting with me. I was polite but keeping it moving, I rushed to get into my car. It was at that moment when I felt the Lord say "he see's you. He really sees you". :sunshine: I turned around and saw him smiling. I decided at that moment that I would see if this was God. We talked on the phone that night for two hours. :cupidarrow: :giveheart: And the more I got to know him, I saw the characteristics I wrote down on a "soul-mate check list" a long time ago. Including the fact that I am a mess and he is a great organizer who loves my mess so he can clean it up! :lol:
We are getting married April 8, 2011. :kisslips:
Shimmie, you encouraged me in another thread last year. It was testimonies about how women met their husbands and it turned into a wonderful bridal shower. I saved those words along with this prayer and it continues to bless me beyond measure.
Thank you!:thankyou: :rosebud::rosebud::rosebud::rosebud::rosebud:
You are a blessing and I am glad this thread has bumped! I was one who PM'd you about how this prayer changed my life! I was content even though from time to time I had that "stirring" letting me know that I was desiring a mate. I am older and never married. I prayed the prayer and about a week later, during praise and worship, my Pastor said he felt that "this year (2010) God was going to fulfill that thing He promised, but we had doubted would come to pass because it had been so long. And with the promise would come responsiblity".

My mind didn't know it, but my spirit knew! I cried and cried without really knowing why. That was January 2010. I continued to pray that beautiful prayer.

In February 2010, a minister at a church my granddaughter attended for preschool really made his interest known. We met in 2009, but he was not my physical type, and I was sooo not interested! :lachen: But God knows best.

One day I was getting into my car while he was still chatting with me. I was polite but keeping it moving, I rushed to get into my car. It was at that moment when I felt the Lord say "he see's you. He really sees you". :sunshine: I turned around and saw him smiling. I decided at that moment that I would see if this was God.

We talked on the phone that night for two hours. :cupidarrow: :giveheart: And the more I got to know him, I saw the characteristics I wrote down on a "soul-mate check list" a long time ago. Including the fact that I am a mess and he is a great organizer who loves my mess so he can clean it up! :lol:
We are getting married April 8, 2011. :kisslips:

Shimmie, you encouraged me in another thread last year. It was testimonies about how women met their husbands and it turned into a wonderful bridal shower. I saved those words along with this prayer and it continues to bless me beyond measure.

Thank you!:thankyou: :rosebud::rosebud::rosebud::rosebud::rosebud:

:bighug: I'm so happy for you.... Surely... you have 'Faith in Him'... our God... our Jesus. And surely....

It is God's Will for You to be Married....

He has proven this with you and will do so with many, many others.

Thank you for being such a beautiful and wonderful woman of God. You are a beautiful Bride and your Husband finds no fault in you.... :love5:

April is my birth month, what a wonderful birthday blessing and.......... 8 is God's number for new beginnings. New beginnings all in Him. :love:
You are a blessing and I am glad this thread has bumped! I was one who PM'd you about how this prayer changed my life! I was content even though from time to time I had that "stirring" letting me know that I was desiring a mate. I am older and never married. I prayed the prayer and about a week later, during praise and worship, my Pastor said he felt that "this year (2010) God was going to fulfill that thing He promised, but we had doubted would come to pass because it had been so long. And with the promise would come responsiblity". My mind didn't know it, but my spirit knew! I cried and cried without really knowing why. That was January 2010. I continued to pray that beautiful prayer.
In February 2010, a minister at a church my granddaughter attended for preschool really made his interest known. We met in 2009, but he was not my physical type, and I was sooo not interested! :lachen: But God knows best. One day I was getting into my car while he was still chatting with me. I was polite but keeping it moving, I rushed to get into my car. It was at that moment when I felt the Lord say "he see's you. He really sees you". :sunshine: I turned around and saw him smiling. I decided at that moment that I would see if this was God. We talked on the phone that night for two hours. :cupidarrow: :giveheart: And the more I got to know him, I saw the characteristics I wrote down on a "soul-mate check list" a long time ago. Including the fact that I am a mess and he is a great organizer who loves my mess so he can clean it up! :lol:
We are getting married April 8, 2011. :kisslips:
Shimmie, you encouraged me in another thread last year. It was testimonies about how women met their husbands and it turned into a wonderful bridal shower. I saved those words along with this prayer and it continues to bless me beyond measure.
Thank you!:thankyou: :rosebud::rosebud::rosebud::rosebud::rosebud:

congrats on your upcoming wedding and marriage. Please show us pics when you get them.
Thank you all for your well wishes! I will definitely post pics.

Shimmie I was looking at your comment:

April is my birth month, what a wonderful birthday blessing and.......... 8 is God's number for new beginnings. New beginnings all in Him.

and I went back to your comment in the other thread:

From Song of Solomon 1:16"How handsome you are, my lover! Oh, how charming! And our bed isVerdant".

Your Marriage Bed is 'Verdant'... on a bed of fresh green... A brand new Life, a new Beginning for you and your husband the two of you..."Verdant" and Pure.

I am so grateful for a new beginning! :grin:
Thank you all for your well wishes! I will definitely post pics.

Shimmie I was looking at your comment:

April is my birth month, what a wonderful birthday blessing and.......... 8 is God's number for new beginnings. New beginnings all in Him.

and I went back to your comment in the other thread:

From Song of Solomon 1:16"How handsome you are, my lover! Oh, how charming! And our bed isVerdant".

Your Marriage Bed is 'Verdant'... on a bed of fresh green... A brand new Life, a new Beginning for you and your husband the two of you..."Verdant" and Pure.

I am so grateful for a new beginning! :grin:

:blush3: Oh My Goodness! I am just so happy for you. God always has me 'flowing' in marriage prayers and it makes me so happy to see the 'fruit' of it fulfilled.

There is absolutely no way that I could make these prayers up...I'm not that creative... :think: :look:

I am so happy for you. :yay: :cry4: :yay:

((((Great Big Sister Hug )))) :bighug:

It's interesting how the Book of I Kings with the story of Elijah speaks to my heart of marriage. It just does. :yep: I need to expound upon that more with the Holy Spirit, in prayer. :pray:

I remember when God first lead me to the Song of Solomon...there's a whole lot of 'Marriage' in there. Your 'Marriage Bed' is Verdant...the fresh pure green of Spring...when the blossoms awaken and bud and begin to bloom; upon the 8th day of New Beginnings.

Here's something more... from your husband's heart upon your Wedding Night...

... Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee. ---- Song of Solomon 4:7

'Precious Faith".... "You're getting married..." :meme: :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

And the roses of love, dance around you... :reddancer:

In Jesus' Name...forever and ever... Amen. :love5:
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QUOTE FROM SHIMMIE'S PRAYER: Please protect me from all counterfeits. Please allow only the right man to come into my path and into my life to make me his wife. When he comes you will prove to me beyond a doubt that he is the one. I promise to ask you first, before I surrender my heart, allowing you to be my leader and guide in all truth.

Love love love this prayer...............
I love this thread.... :love5:

Dreams come true... :yep::yep::yep:

God has an 'Adam' for every 'Eve'....

Yes, He does... :yep:

:woot: :happydance: :woot:
Lord if this man is the one then make it plain in both of our hearts and may our interactions be glorifying in your sight. If he isn't the one then show his true heart and take away any feelings so that I can be ready for the one who is for me.

Love this. It's just what I needed. Thanks. I'm at a crossroad (again) and need to make up my mind on whether to stay or go....

And thanks Shimmie for starting this thread and for all your wonderful prayers and advice. This is my second time reading this thread and I am glad to see its still going.
:bump: :bump:

This needs to be a sticky! :yep:

Love this. It's just what I needed. Thanks. I'm at a crossroad (again) and need to make up my mind on whether to stay or go....

And thanks Shimmie for starting this thread and for all your wonderful prayers and advice. This is my second time reading this thread and I am glad to see its still going.

Thank you ... :kiss:

All glory to God who is indeed Lord of our lives and our marriages.

I love this thread. :love5: Who would have ever thought that I Kings and the story of Elijah had anything to do with marriage. Yet this is how God gave me the message and I love it. I love the Word of God, most of all, I love God.

And to His Glory, all who have read this thread and desire to be happily wed... so shall it be, in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen.

And there isn't a thing that the devil nor anyone's words of discouragment or doubt can do to stop it. Your Destiny is marked by God, which no man can tear assunder.

YES ! :happydance:
Ok ladies, Question for ya.

Did or does anyone have that "I want to say feeling" but sort of like a nesting instinct type feeling before meeting your spouse? Lately, Ive been (well for the last 2 years) I've had the urge to really learn how to cook. Even last thanksgiving, my mom actually let me cook the turkey and she never does that. I just had this feeling that it was almost time. (I could be off, lol) but also I've been more intuned with develop and really coming into my feminine/girly side: Actually shaving legs (ok badly attempting at home wax:lachen:) I actually brought a dress (I haven't worn one in years), I'm wearing little jewelry but also making sure I at least have lip gloss on when I leave the house. Taking more interest in my health. I'm looking for a signature perfume but right now my little black book body mist will do. Also, I've been looking at different wedding/newlywed blogs on the web (I already decided that due to very limited funds, I will have a very cheap wedding :grin:) . Then yesterday, the weirdest thing and I still don't know or remember how I started looking but I started looking at condos/townhouses in CA, Atlanta and where I am now, Richmond. That wasn't really a motivation before. I keep getting this feeling that it's almost time but I'm afraid that's really me that is conjuring up that.

I just want to do this God's way. Especially since this is a huge step and lifestyle change. I didn't listen to him when it came to school and as a result, I'm still learning and following the consequences of jumping the gun so fast so I definitely want to follow him this time and let him do the matchmaking.

Oh yeah, and I'm thinking about babies. Something that has scared me to death in the past. I would love to have a little mini me.
makeupgirl I can relate to your entire post. I feel the same way. I'm reading books, blogs on being a wife, understanding men, etc etc.

I feel that God is preparing me to attract/retain my FH and how to be a proper wife, etc.

I stay prayerful and constantly ask for God's direction and what to do. I took the limits off, I know what people say and I know the do's and don'ts. But I'm trusting and expecting God to do the miraculous.

Like, I can go grocery shopping to meet my hubby. Literally opening my front door and he walks by. Whatever whatever, I think having that God CAN attitude, open doors.

Yes, we as individuals have to give God something to work with; even if its changing our mindsets.
Ok ladies, Question for ya.

Did or does anyone have that "I want to say feeling" but sort of like a nesting instinct type feeling before meeting your spouse? Lately, Ive been (well for the last 2 years) I've had the urge to really learn how to cook. Even last thanksgiving, my mom actually let me cook the turkey and she never does that.

I just had this feeling that it was almost time. (I could be off, lol) but also I've been more intuned with develop and really coming into my feminine/girly side: Actually shaving legs (ok badly attempting at home wax:lachen:) I actually brought a dress (I haven't worn one in years), I'm wearing little jewelry but also making sure I at least have lip gloss on when I leave the house.

Taking more interest in my health. I'm looking for a signature perfume but right now my little black book body mist will do. Also, I've been looking at different wedding/newlywed blogs on the web (I already decided that due to very limited funds, I will have a very cheap wedding :grin:) . Then yesterday, the weirdest thing and I still don't know or remember how I started looking but I started looking at condos/townhouses in CA, Atlanta and where I am now, Richmond. That wasn't really a motivation before.

I keep getting this feeling that it's almost time but I'm afraid that's really me that is conjuring up that.

I just want to do this God's way. Especially since this is a huge step and lifestyle change. I didn't listen to him when it came to school and as a result, I'm still learning and following the consequences of jumping the gun so fast so I definitely want to follow him this time and let him do the matchmaking.

Oh yeah, and I'm thinking about babies. Something that has scared me to death in the past. I would love to have a little mini me.

I wouldn't doubt that God is preparing you. As you look through the Bible, before God 'moved', He prepared. The first example 'written' is in Genesis Chapter 1... In the beginning.... God put everything in place here upon the earth, before He placed the first human being, 'Adam' here.

From Genesis to Revelation, God prepares, before He moves in our lives.

With your experience, the only thing I can share with you as a surety, from experience, is to commit every single thing, every single thought, every single 'sense', every single 'feeling', every single element unto God.

Keep a prayer journal, dates, times, 'feelings', dedicated unto the Lord. Journal the scriptures He shares with you; journal what God speaks to you. Journal and listen and commit, commit, commit, commit, commit every moment of all of this, unto Him.

You can't miss... Loved One, you cannot miss.

God bless you and happy hubbie to you. :yep: :love3: