Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

I am really not trying to get discouraged, but it is so hard. Especially with so-called "nice guys" who want to play with your feelings. I am just done. I cannot take this anymore.
I am really not trying to get discouraged, but it is so hard. Especially with so-called "nice guys" who want to play with your feelings. I am just done. I cannot take this anymore.

I've only dealt with those my entire adult life, it's terrible to say the least:nono:
Stay encouraged, ladies. Please do. God can change your marital "status" in a second. You never know what is around the corner. Just keep on focusing on Him. I forget the quote, but patience isn't simply waiting ... it is accepting the wait without getting discouraged. Stay encouraged. :)

I am going to write this on my mirror, thank you!
I haven't been to this thread in a while. Needing to vent a little

Me and my boyfriend broke up a few months ago and I am still trying to heal from it. It wasn't a bad relationship. It was actually the best relationship I've had. We built a friendship not just romance so I think that's what is making the break up so hard for me. I feel like I lost a good friend. :missu:

And before someone asks we remained celibate as we both agreed to wait until we got married.

We wanted to get married but he has issues he needs to work on personally and spiritually. He was a great guy just not good at expressing his emotions for whatever reason he can't fully give his heart to me We are still friends and still talk on a regular basis. Plus we have a business together which makes it difficult to cut him out of my life. Thats hard too because I still have feelings for him :sad:

My friends and family think I should start dating again. I don't want to date. I want to get married. I feel like it's a waste of time to date someone unless I know for sure that we are going to get married. Is that crazy?

I just don't want to open my heart to someone again only to get hurt :nono:
I haven't been to this thread in a while. Needing to vent a little Me and my boyfriend broke up a few months ago and I am still trying to heal from it. It wasn't a bad relationship. It was actually the best relationship I've had. We built a friendship not just romance so I think that's what is making the break up so hard for me. I feel like I lost a good friend. :missu: And before someone asks we remained celibate as we both agreed to wait until we got married. We wanted to get married but he has issues he needs to work on personally and spiritually. He was a great guy just not good at expressing his emotions for whatever reason he can't fully give his heart to me We are still friends and still talk on a regular basis. Plus we have a business together which makes it difficult to cut him out of my life. Thats hard too because I still have feelings for him :sad: My friends and family think I should start dating again. I don't want to date. I want to get married. I feel like it's a waste of time to date someone unless I know for sure that we are going to get married. Is that crazy? I just don't want to open my heart to someone again only to get hurt :nono:

If you're not ready to date then don't. Pray about your friendship with your ex. Intercessory prayer changes hearts and heals relationships.
I haven't been to this thread in a while. Needing to vent a little Me and my boyfriend broke up a few months ago and I am still trying to heal from it. It wasn't a bad relationship. It was actually the best relationship I've had. We built a friendship not just romance so I think that's what is making the break up so hard for me. I feel like I lost a good friend. :missu: And before someone asks we remained celibate as we both agreed to wait until we got married. We wanted to get married but he has issues he needs to work on personally and spiritually. He was a great guy just not good at expressing his emotions for whatever reason he can't fully give his heart to me We are still friends and still talk on a regular basis. Plus we have a business together which makes it difficult to cut him out of my life. Thats hard too because I still have feelings for him :sad: My friends and family think I should start dating again. I don't want to date. I want to get married. I feel like it's a waste of time to date someone unless I know for sure that we are going to get married. Is that crazy? I just don't want to open my heart to someone again only to get hurt :nono:
mscurly Don't date if you don't want to I know family and friends mean well but they think that's the best advice and it's not dating around just to date causes chaos and heartache. I think you mean you want to date someone who has declared themselves to you after a friendship has been established and you already know they're here for true serious commitment and no games. I'm not saying your ex was playing games actually he sounds sincere and honest cause he wants to be a good husband and father one day and keeping you tied up when he's not ready is not fair. You will meet people naturally as GOD intends don't force it. Focus on yourself and get new hobbies travel and or pamper yourself and live also don't let yourself get jealous or bitter that will only block your blessings remember Gods time is not our time And if your husband is your ex new and improved or someone else you'll be in a better space to receive GODs blessings.
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Don't date if you don't want to. I know family and friends mean well but they think that's the best advice and it's not dating around just to date causes chaos and heartache.

I think you mean you want to date someone who has declared themselves to you after a friendship has been established and you already know they're here for true serious commitment and no games.

I'm not saying your ex was playing games actually he sounds sincere and honest cause he wants to be a good husband and father one day and keeping you tied up when he's not ready is not fair.

You will meet people naturally as GOD intends don't force it.

Focus on yourself and get new hobbies travel and or pamper yourself and live also don't let yourself get jealous or bitter that will only block your blessings; remember Gods time is not our time

And if your husband is your ex new and improved or someone else you'll be in a better space to receive GODs blessings.

Lucia, this is a beautiful and loving response that only a sister could give. I just wanted to thank you for it. :yep:

Coming from me would sound like a 'lecture' :look: but you softened the message very nicely.

God bless you. :yep:
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Thanks @Lucia and @Shimmie I don't think you come off as lecturing, your posts are always so sweet and loving.

Actually I feel alot better about the whole situation since I first made that post a few weeks ago. I started praying and fasting from things and just sat still in the presence of God. I gained peace from the whole situation. I completely understand what it means to have peace that surpasses all understanding. Even though nothing has changed I'm okay. God knows my desires and I trust that he'll fulfill them in his time.

I'm content right now. Truthfully I've had so much going on with work/business and family stuff I really haven't had time to focus on my ex

Praying that I still feel like this during the holidays :pray:. Those are usually the times when it might be an issue plus family will be around and may ask about my ex or the "when are you getting married" bla bla seeing other people with thier kids etc

So with the holiday season around the corner I pray The Lord continues to gives me strength and not loneliness this year.
I didn't even think about the loa link or reference at the end I just thought her message was positive. Anyway I removed the link.
Thanks @Lucia and @Shimmie I don't think you come off as lecturing, your posts are always so sweet and loving. Actually I feel alot better about the whole situation since I first made that post a few weeks ago. I started praying and fasting from things and just sat still in the presence of God. I gained peace from the whole situation. I completely understand what it means to have peace that surpasses all understanding. Even though nothing has changed I'm okay. God knows my desires and I trust that he'll fulfill them in his time. I'm content right now. Truthfully I've had so much going on with work/business and family stuff I really haven't had time to focus on my ex Praying that I still feel like this during the holidays :pray:. Those are usually the times when it might be an issue plus family will be around and may ask about my ex or the "when are you getting married" bla bla seeing other people with thier kids etc [\b] So with the holiday season around the corner I pray The Lord continues to gives me strength and not loneliness this year.
mscurly Yes at bolded sometimes family gets too talkative and nosey and it can be discouraging if you let it. Don't let doubt or despair get the best of you laugh it off. Just tell them you're fine very busy and God will provide nothing will happen before its time.
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Thanks @Lucia and @Shimmie I don't think you come off as lecturing, your posts are always so sweet and loving.

Actually I feel alot better about the whole situation since I first made that post a few weeks ago. I started praying and fasting from things and just sat still in the presence of God. I gained peace from the whole situation. I completely understand what it means to have peace that surpasses all understanding. Even though nothing has changed I'm okay. God knows my desires and I trust that he'll fulfill them in his time.

I'm content right now. Truthfully I've had so much going on with work/business and family stuff I really haven't had time to focus on my ex

Praying that I still feel like this during the holidays :pray:. Those are usually the times when it might be an issue plus family will be around and may ask about my ex or the "when are you getting married" bla bla seeing other people with thier kids etc

So with the holiday season around the corner I pray The Lord continues to gives me strength and not loneliness this year.

Lucia's message is beautiful. She smoothed it out as only a sister would with her sister. :yep:
So ladies after watching Tony Evans
I did a 3 day fast from midnight to noon nothing no food no drink just prayer mostly psalms (a lot of great prayers in that) praising God asking for what I need and thanking the Lord God of Abraham and Isaac. I'm feeling centered and content not bothered with when how and why so much after this.
Bump Tho I have prayed this prayer before, ive already matured spiritually and emotionally from when I recited it..... this time I'm different and I've changed my expectancy of the when's and how's of the outcome of my prayer requests...but I faithfully say this prayer because I believe it is a blessing in itself

Thanks Shimmie for the words to keep close in my prayers
I seriously want to meet my husband next year. I'm going to really be in prayer about this for next year.
I seriously want to meet my husband next year. I'm going to really be in prayer about this for next year.

Same here. My desire has kicked into overdrive lately. And that doesn't happen doesn't have to be next year specifically but I'm hopeful it will be before I am 30.
DreamLife Be careful what you ask for do you want to just meet him or meet him and be married ?
I want to just meet him. I want to get married in 2016. I'll be 30 then. I'm not pressed to get married like I was at age 27, but I just want to meet the man I'm supposed to marry.

I was pressed in late 2013 and things didn't go well...I *thought* I met him and wasted a good year with the back and forth.
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