Marriage Prayers for Singles - It is God's Will for You to be Married

Here are things that I pray about when it comes to my future husband:

Lord God, your Word declares that if I delight myself in you—if I enjoy and seek your pleasure above mine—you’ll give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4)

Pray God’s Word will flood his heart.
Pray your future husband will seek God and try to understand what God is doing in His life.
Pray he has a tender heart that will understand of your past mistakes. Also, pray that you will be able to do the same.
Pray that he is a hard worker
Pray that if he has his heart broken, he will be surrounded by good friends who will support him during the healing process.
Pray that he is blessed with godly friends
Pray that in each of his relationships, he will develop an understanding heart and will always believe God has a different and better plan.
Pray that he lives in accordance with God's plan for his life
Pray that he will be learning to lead me and that God will be glorified in our marriage
Pray that the LORD will bless his work/job
Pray that he be a witness for Christ wherever he goes
Pray that he is surrounded by people who bring him up, not tear him down
Pray that he learns to love as God desires him to.
Pray that he would lean on Christ in his trials
Pray that he will hope in the LORD
Pray that he has integrity
Pray for protection against temptations
Pray for his purity
Pray that he will be content
Pray for his patience and yours.
Pray that he would have a giving heart.
Pray for discernment in handling finances and that he would be good with his money
Pray that he will submit to God and any authority that's over him
Pray that he would trust in God's plan, not his own
Pray that he would give everything to the LORD in prayer
Pray that he would seek wisdom
Pray that he would have a humble, teachable spirit
Pray that God would give him discernment
Pray that the LORD would teach him to be a good husband, and likewise me, to be a good wife
Pray that he would submit his fears to God
Pray that he would fully grasp his purpose in Christ
Pray for his health
Pray that he will always seek God first
Pray for strength
Pray that he would boldly declare the Truth of the Gospel
Pray that he would grow spiritually through reading, studying and prayer
Pray that he would be bold and confident in sharing Christ's love with others
Pray that he would be quick to forgive
Pray for his humility
Pray that he'll live a self-controlled life that is a result of his salvation
Pray that he will grow and flourish because of his trust in the LORD
Pray that others can see God through him and the way he lives his life
Pray that he will be faithful
Pray for his heart
Pray for his future
Pray that God's face will shine upon him

In this request, I commit myself to trust you and do good, to dwell in the land and feed on your faithfulness. I commit my way to you and trust that you will bring it to pass (Psalm 37:35).
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For encouragement for the discouraged. God hears our prayers! Here is my story. I posted it in the relationship forum but this is my home! :grin:

MY SO and I met in college. Before we started dating, I had always admired him from a distance. He had a girlfriend at the time and I was in awe of how he treated her. He was so gingerly to her in all of his actions to her. I often wished I had that spot.

As time passed, the two of them separated and he and I began to form a friendship. I don't even know when our friendship blossomed into something serious but somehow everyone around us realized how we felt about each other and what we had before we admitted it to ourselves.

We spent most nights outside on the yard at school discussing our families, goals, our likes/dislikes, etc. We soon became inseparable. People would ask if we were dating and we would remark, "Nah, we just cool."

He even asked me to be his girlfriend for a week and then broke up me (but that's an entire story in itself ) But when he broke up with me saying, "Let's just be friends," something about him saying that was totally different than if it had come from any other guy. From the time we spent getting acquainted, I knew there was something special about him that didn't exist anyone else I've ever dated. As I had done every time before, I prayed and asked God, "Lord, if he is supposed to be in my life. Let him stay. If not, remove him from me (not by death or anything) but just let the relationship fizzle out." Every relationship before him fizzled. He didn't go anywhere.

I dated (without sex) a lot of DUDS and BUMS (you know B.asically U.nder M.y S.tandards) before him so it didn't take long to realize the gem I had. He was all that I had observed and prayed about and more! I felt that this man was created for me.God had revealed some things to me about him but I had to wait until it came into fruition to be sure.

When I told him that I was saving myself until marriage he told me, he "didnt want sex from me." I was like "Is he gay?" :lol: But he went on to explain that I was a woman who deserved MORE than just sex. I was wife material and I deserved to be treated with respect and cherished. I was like :shock: :pray: :pray: :yahoo: :yahoo: :love3: :love3:

Fast forward to now.....

Im engaged!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
He proposed on New Year's Eve!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


Here's the proposal story:

On mid-morning of New Year's eve, my BF told that we would be going out some where but did not tell me where. The only clue I received was that I needed to dress warm and that we needed to pack a lunch. So my initial thought was that we were going on a carriage ride.

We picked up lunch of subs and the fixings and headed off to our destination. However, when we pulled up to the intended destination I was like :look: this isnt a carriage ride!! :lol: But I was game either way. Instead of the carriage ride I had contrived in my mind, we arrived at a Nature Reserve.

We got out of the car and headed in. He is adorned with a backpack and a professional camera. None of this alarmed me because we've had dates like before. He begins to take pictures of different things we encountered along our walk. He then turns the camera on me and tells me to to pose for several pictures. I tell him that he is gonna have a camera full of picture of me, he exclaims that this is the point. :rolleyes: With each new entity that catches our eye, we take turns capturing pictures of it and each other.

As we continue our walk, he begins to look as though he is searching for something and eventually walks off the trails through the brush of the reserve. I was not happy about this because I was beginning to question just where he was taking me. :sekret: He noticed my discomfort and tells me that we are searching for a place that not many people find out there and that we HAD to find it. He mentioned that place was one of the buildings burned by Gen. Sherman on his march during the civil war and the only thing left standing is the ruins of this old building. After hearing this, I was all set to help find it too.

After asking a couple of people and him getting his baring, we finally spot the old building and it was unbelievably breath-taking!!! There we see the river rapids and a small trickling waterfall and the amazing stone masonry of the building. I am so ecstatic at the panoramic view that I stand and marvel at the majestic vista; trying to capture as many pictures as I can. We climb into the old ruin of the building and he asks if I have ever done a New Year's resolution. I scoff and say that I don't really do them. He agrees that he doesn't either but suggests that we should. I agree. He suggests that we record it. I agree reluctantly and tell him to go first. He has me test out the sound level of the camera. After that we are all set to record our resolutions. He starts by resolving to grow closer to God in the new year, and to work harder to reach his goals. He turns to me and says that he also wants to nurture our relationship more and he tells me that I am the love of his life. He then says that there was something that he always wanted to ask me. He removes his glove, pulls out a ring box and gets down on one knee. I could only ask repeatedly if he was serious and :cry: :crying3: :cry: :crying3: I finally said YES!! :grin:

I truly love everything about this man. He is my best friend. Even the things I don't like about him, I couldn't imagine those quirks coming from anyone else. He exudes so many Christ-like characteristics, its hard not to love him.

He has continuously showed me how a woman should be treated. He is selfless, compassionate, a LISTENER and very observant. He has always catered to his mom, sisters, family, & strangers so I knew then that he would know how to treat me. He always showers me with his love, support, adoration and prayers. God has remained the center of our relationship and my SO continues to exude Christian values by his "fruit." I am so happy that he asked me to be his wife. I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Beautiful testimony thank you for sharing and congratz
Today I was having some serious doubts some second guessing myself about when God would fulfill my prayers
its an easy trap to fall into you start analyzing and then doubt starts but I snapped out of it by calling on The Lord and went to my Bible app which had a text notification that I ignored most of today and this was what came up for today and heres my conclusion keep believing praying hoping smiling God does keep his promises

Daily scripture for today off my bible app and commentary (not my commentary )

1kings 18:41-44

Then Elijah told Ahab, “Go on up and eat and drink, for the sound of a heavy rainstorm can be heard.” So Ahab went on up to eat and drink, while Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel. He bent down toward the ground and put his face between his knees. He told his servant, “Go on up and look in the direction of the sea.” So he went on up, looked, and reported, “There is nothing.” Seven times Elijah sent him to look. The seventh time the servant said, “Look, a small cloud, the size of the palm of a man’s hand, is rising up from the sea.” Elijah then said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up the chariots and go down, so that the rain won’t overtake you.’”


1 Kings 17:1 (NIV) says, "And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, 'As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.'” 1 Kings 18:1 (NIV) says, "And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.” There has been no rain for years, and this is just one of many signs that the word of the Lord accomplishes what it sets out to do. Rain did not fall, and would not fall, until the Lord God decided it should fall, and moved Elijah to pray for rain in this passage. It is clear that God is not finished revealing who He is. Keep watch! God seeks to reveal Himself to you as well.
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Today I was having some serious doubts some second guessing myself about when God would fulfill my prayers
its an easy trap to fall into you start analyzing and then doubt starts but I snapped out of it by calling on The Lord and went to my Bible app which had a text notification that I ignored most of today and this was what came up for today and heres my conclusion keep believing praying hoping smiling God does keep his promises

Daily scripture for today off my bible app and commentary (not my commentary )

1kings 18:41-44

Then Elijah told Ahab, “Go on up and eat and drink, for the sound of a heavy rainstorm can be heard.” So Ahab went on up to eat and drink, while Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel. He bent down toward the ground and put his face between his knees. He told his servant, “Go on up and look in the direction of the sea.” So he went on up, looked, and reported, “There is nothing.” Seven times Elijah sent him to look. The seventh time the servant said, “Look, a small cloud, the size of the palm of a man’s hand, is rising up from the sea.” Elijah then said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up the chariots and go down, so that the rain won’t overtake you.’”


1 Kings 17:1 (NIV) says, "And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, 'As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.'” 1 Kings 18:1 (NIV) says, "And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.” There has been no rain for years, and this is just one of many signs that the word of the Lord accomplishes what it sets out to do. Rain did not fall, and would not fall, until the Lord God decided it should fall, and moved Elijah to pray for rain in this passage. It is clear that God is not finished revealing who He is. Keep watch! God seeks to reveal Himself to you as well.

Lucia... :kiss: thank you Dear One for sharing this precious message.

Isn't is amazing how this thread was started with the story of Elijah... and God comes back (via your message) with the 'Rain'. :yep: :yep: :yep:

God never forgets His promises. :love3:
Today I was having some serious doubts some second guessing myself about when God would fulfill my prayers
its an easy trap to fall into you start analyzing and then doubt starts but I snapped out of it by calling on The Lord and went to my Bible app which had a text notification that I ignored most of today and this was what came up for today and heres my conclusion keep believing praying hoping smiling God does keep his promises

Daily scripture for today off my bible app and commentary (not my commentary )

1kings 18:41-44

Then Elijah told Ahab, “Go on up and eat and drink, for the sound of a heavy rainstorm can be heard.” So Ahab went on up to eat and drink, while Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel. He bent down toward the ground and put his face between his knees. He told his servant, “Go on up and look in the direction of the sea.” So he went on up, looked, and reported, “There is nothing.” Seven times Elijah sent him to look. The seventh time the servant said, “Look, a small cloud, the size of the palm of a man’s hand, is rising up from the sea.” Elijah then said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up the chariots and go down, so that the rain won’t overtake you.’”


1 Kings 17:1 (NIV) says, "And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, 'As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.'” 1 Kings 18:1 (NIV) says, "And it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth.” There has been no rain for years, and this is just one of many signs that the word of the Lord accomplishes what it sets out to do. Rain did not fall, and would not fall, until the Lord God decided it should fall, and moved Elijah to pray for rain in this passage. It is clear that God is not finished revealing who He is. Keep watch! God seeks to reveal Himself to you as well.

Lucia thank you for this I really needed the reminder to continue to wait for his timing
I have been married for 12 years to the man I prayed for God to send me. He is a great father and attentive husband. I did not have many boyfriends during high school and college and I honestly wasn't sure that being a wife would be my path because I am introverted and a bookworm. I asked God to bring the man that would be my husband into my life at the right time for both of us. I said this prayer several times while still in college, but did not meet my husband for a couple of years, after I started my career. While we were dating, I found out that he'd had the same prayer himself to find a wife. We have been inseparable (except for a small period when his Mom died while we were dating). We married after dating for 4 years at the age of 28 and 29. We've been married for 12 years and have two kids. There have been ups and downs, but either way we are in this together My hubby and we fiercely love one another.

The timing was perfect for both of us. My husband lost his father at the age of 4 and his mother at 26. He has siblings, but they all had their own families or relationships. He was in essence alone which caused him to pull away temporarily to get himself together after his Mom's passing and I allowed him that space. When we got back together a couple of months later, we started where we left off. My parents and grandparents helped fill the void, and he still calls them Mom and Dad to this day. He is a vital part of out family. My granny calls him over to fix things at her house and she makes him plates of Fried chicken, Mac & cheese, greens and yams. It's a great trade off!

He reminded me of this yesterday. I needed to run an errand during my lunch break. I would have to walk about 3 blocks in the frigid cold or try to drive and find a parking space. My hubby drove the 25 minutes for our house, picked me up to take me to my destination and also surprised me with lunch. It's a small thing, but made me feel special that he wanted to spend a small part of the day with me before he also had to go to work.

Pray on it ladies and give it to The Lord.
I have been married for 12 years to the man I prayed for God to send me. He is a great father and attentive husband. I did not have many boyfriends during high school and college and I honestly wasn't sure that being a wife would be my path because I am introverted and a bookworm. I asked God to bring the man that would be my husband into my life at the right time for both of us. I said this prayer several times while still in college, but did not meet my husband for a couple of years, after I started my career. While we were dating, I found out that he'd had the same prayer himself to find a wife. We have been inseparable (except for a small period when his Mom died while we were dating). We married after dating for 4 years at the age of 28 and 29. We've been married for 12 years and have two kids. There have been ups and downs, but either way we are in this together My hubby and we fiercely love one another.

The timing was perfect for both of us. My husband lost his father at the age of 4 and his mother at 26. He has siblings, but they all had their own families or relationships. He was in essence alone which caused him to pull away temporarily to get himself together after his Mom's passing and I allowed him that space. When we got back together a couple of months later, we started where we left off. My parents and grandparents helped fill the void, and he still calls them Mom and Dad to this day. He is a vital part of out family. My granny calls him over to fix things at her house and she makes him plates of Fried chicken, Mac & cheese, greens and yams. It's a great trade off!

He reminded me of this yesterday. I needed to run an errand during my lunch break. I would have to walk about 3 blocks in the frigid cold or try to drive and find a parking space. My hubby drove the 25 minutes for our house, picked me up to take me to my destination and also surprised me with lunch. It's a small thing, but made me feel special that he wanted to spend a small part of the day with me before he also had to go to work.

Pray on it ladies and give it to The Lord.

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful testimony and for keeping the hopes and dreams positive regarding Marriage. Your husband is a true Darling and most definitely a Gift from God's Heart. God bless both of you...'One'. :love2:

For it is indeed God's Will to be Married. :yep:
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And all the ladies

Do you believe in signs or coincidences? Is that God or his angels trying to leave is hints?

Let me back up I've been praying as usual but I have added the petition of asking for some signs so I can recognize the one God has sent for me. So far I'm still and grateful receiving mode so this person will materialize very soon.

Any takes on this ?
And all the ladies

Do you believe in signs or coincidences? Is that God or his angels trying to leave is hints?

Let me back up I've been praying as usual but I have added the petition of asking for some signs so I can recognize the one God has sent for me. So far I'm still and grateful receiving mode so this person will materialize very soon.

Any takes on this ?

:wave: Hi @Lucia....

'Signs' can be deceiving. I have to honest with you. So many have gotten caught up in looking for signs that they've 'missed' hearing from God which is what you (you in general) want in the first place. We want to know and to hear the voice of God and to know and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

When you (again in general sense of you, not you personally)... but when you know the promptings of God, it's a surety that can never be doubted.

God's Word says: "My Sheep know my voice and the voice of ('the') stranger, they shall not follow."

Now I know that this is from a 'fairy tale' however, it's basis is true. Hansel and Gretel used bread crumbs along the path in the woods to 'secure' their trail from getting lost.' However, the birds came behind them and they ate the 'trail' (the bread crumbs).

How does this relate to scripture? Easy :yep: They put their trust in bread crumbs rather than the voice of God. God's voice; the promptings of the Holy Spirit can never be erased (eaten from the path of our life's journey).

Precious Lucia, know God's voice. It's not loud, it's not striking, it's not an abasement... :nono:

It's that still small voice, deep within your spirit, down in your soul that you will know and always recognize that it is God who is leading you, God who is speaking to you, God who is telling you what is real and what is not.

And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

I Kings 19:12

I hope this makes sense, the way that I shared it. Baby girl, there is nothing like knowing the voice of God; satan can never, ever mislead us with his counterfeits of signs and wonders.

Baby, this is why we must steer clear of 'signs'...

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of satan with all power and false signs and wonders ...

2 Thessalonians 2:9

For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

Matthew 24:24

For they are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.

Revelation 16:14

'Signs' are almost like asking God for a 'shortcut' to faith and because of it, satan comes in to distort it and gives signs of his 'own' and then 'we' are deceived, thinking it is God.

Now sometimes the 'signs' worked. But that's not God's intention nor His best for us. The key is when we 'know' God's voice, we will know what's real and what is not.

We each have been given such a beautiful gift... God's voice within. The more we yield, the more we know...for sure.

Guess what, Sweetheart? I am surely still learning. :yep: I'm 'getting' there, and I will not give up. And neither will you.

God bless you. I mean it. :kiss:

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Maybe you all can help. I got into a discussion with a friend of mine. I told her that I don't think God has preordained one set man and one set woman to be together. That there is some degree of choice and that we have to make some kind of effort in the process. There's no way I can meet someone if I'm spending all my time in my apartment alone.

She believes that you have to just sit and wait and that God will make your paths cross. Even if you're not doing anything.

What do you all think?
Maybe you all can help. I got into a discussion with a friend of mine. I told her that I don't think God has preordained one set man and one set woman to be together. That there is some degree of choice and that we have to make some kind of effort in the process. There's no way I can meet someone if I'm spending all my time in my apartment alone.

She believes that you have to just sit and wait and that God will make your paths cross. Even if you're not doing anything.

What do you all think?

Nothing in life happens from just 'sitting and waiting' there's a difference in do get God's work and waiting, do nothing and waiting, and trying to fit square pegs into circular holes
Nothing in life happens from just 'sitting and waiting' there's a difference in do get God's work and waiting, do nothing and waiting, and trying to fit square pegs into circular holes

nlamr2013... you are correct. :yep:

Even in the Bible, folks always did 'something' that God lead them to do.

Phoenix14 ...

We have to get up and get out and 'meet' our blessings. God's Word says, 'He leads into the paths of righteousness for His namesake.

Jesus did say: "Follow Me". So..........for God to lead, we have to leave the 'house' and 'follow'. :yep:

Maybe you all can help. I got into a discussion with a friend of mine. I told her that I don't think God has preordained one set man and one set woman to be together. That there is some degree of choice and that we have to make some kind of effort in the process. There's no way I can meet someone if I'm spending all my time in my apartment alone.

She believes that you have to just sit and wait and that God will make your paths cross. Even if you're not doing anything.

What do you all think?

I agree with you. The idea that there is only on person for us can actually lead to singleness I think. It can cause people to marry people they shouldn't marry because they left out rational thinking and looked for signs and other things that can be deceptive. Or it can cause a person to pass up a good Christian man or woman that they can be happy with because they didn't come in the expected package. Also, as far as meeting people, each person should live their lives and be Spirit led. Yes, get out and do some of the things you want to do but don't necessarily go out looking for a man. That can get a little depressing if that's your sole intent because you may not meet anyone. God knows our schedules and what will happen in our day to day lives and he can arrange that perfect meeting.
Thank you everyone! She gave me the sad "You just don't have faith" head shake. I told her that God doesn't like lazy believers. I read Sacred Search by Gary Thomas and suggested it to her. She clearly missed huge chunks of it.

Can I just put a quarter in the meter and park here for a second? God is so almighty and great! 3-4 months ago I was complaining that I had no single female friends, no fun activities to do that weren't the club or happy hour or brunch, etc. etc. FFWD and I am now a part of a dynamic bible study group made up of black women, I've been out most weekends attending dynamic Christian events. Without my even realizing, He answered my prayers.
Thank you everyone! She gave me the sad "You just don't have faith" head shake. I told her that God doesn't like lazy believers. I read Sacred Search by Gary Thomas and suggested it to her. She clearly missed huge chunks of it.

Can I just put a quarter in the meter and park here for a second?

God is so almighty and great! 3-4 months ago I was complaining that I had no single female friends, no fun activities to do that weren't the club or happy hour or brunch, etc. etc. FFWD and I am now a part of a dynamic bible study group made up of black women, I've been out most weekends attending dynamic Christian events. Without my even realizing, He answered my prayers.

Phoenix14... thank you so much for that 'Quarter' in the meter. You may as well call it 'gold'. :yep: I love your testimony, it truly blessed me. I am very happy about your prayers being answered. Your faith in God did not disappoint and it never will.

As for your dear friend, bless her heart. I'm glad that you love her enough to speak God's truth to her. You have a heart for Ministry and that's beautiful. Don't give up on her; she'll get tired of being 'inside' and move beyond the four walls. :yep:

Thank you Shimmie! I'm trying. She's a new believer so I have to be patient with her. She's still in the religious stage of her faith. I'll continue to emphasize the importance of relationship.

Back on topic,
Ladies, I've recently decided that I'm okay being single right now because I'm learning how to love and have a healthy relationship with God. If I can't love my Savior and be humble and giving to him, how can I do it with a flawed, human man?
Maybe you all can help. I got into a discussion with a friend of mine. I told her that I don't think God has preordained one set man and one set woman to be together. That there is some degree of choice and that we have to make some kind of effort in the process. There's no way I can meet someone if I'm spending all my time in my apartment alone.

She believes that you have to just sit and wait and that God will make your paths cross. Even if you're not doing anything.

What do you all think?

Nothing happens when you are not active. Sometime we confuse faith in God's miracle working power with some sort of "magic"

I look at finding a mate the same way I look at finding a job. Would I sit at home waiting for the phone to ring. Meaning I've made no effort to get a job, haven't sent out any resumes, or networked. Yet praying for God to send me a job just because I sat there and prayed for it yet did nothing. Or would I be actively pursuing my job search.

Faith without works is dead.

Does that mean we should run after a man? Absolutely not. But I am being active, going out enjoying life, meeting people, working on myself, and putting myself in a position to meet a potential mate/ husband all the while still praying and seeking God.
Each time I see this thread, I look at the marvel of God's Word.

Who would have thought that Elijah from I Kings had so much 'impact' regarding Marriage.

Nevertheless... God's Word is still alive and bringing people together in Marriage.

"One Man, One Woman, Under God"

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

To those of you who think your dreams of Marriage have 'dried up'... Speak to them the Words of Faith of Elijah....

'Wet it Again'...

Nothing happens when you are not active. Sometime we confuse faith in God's miracle working power with some sort of "magic"

I look at finding a mate the same way I look at finding a job. Would I sit at home waiting for the phone to ring. Meaning I've made no effort to get a job, haven't sent out any resumes, or networked. Yet praying for God to send me a job just because I sat there and prayed for it yet did nothing. Or would I be actively pursuing my job search.

Faith without works is dead.

Does that mean we should run after a man? Absolutely not. But I am being active, going out enjoying life, meeting people, working on myself, and putting myself in a position to meet a potential mate/ husband all the while still praying and seeking God.

Well, sometimes, you just run into the person without doing anything at all. :yep: I know what you mean about working on self. In other words, you're living life and not basing your happiness on finding a man. You're finding your happiness right here, right now and probably because of it, Mr. Man is right around the corner, spying you out lol. He likes the happiness.
Hi everyone, I don't know whether this has been shared yet (I haven't read the whole thread), but just in case: You can subscribe to a 30-day prayer and will get sent prayers every day in preparation for marriage.

Hope this blesses someone.
Hi everyone, I don't know whether this has been shared yet (I haven't read the whole thread), but just in case: You can subscribe to a 30-day prayer and will get sent prayers every day in preparation for marriage.

Hope this blesses someone.

ToyToy, this is so precious of you to share this. Thank you for being so positive about Marriage.

It is indeed God's Will for a "Man and Woman" to be happily married to one another and God has no reserve to bring this desire into being for those who ask of Him.

God bless you and I mean this beyond words. :love2:
Hi everyone, I don't know whether this has been shared yet (I haven't read the whole thread), but just in case: You can subscribe to a 30-day prayer and will get sent prayers every day in preparation for marriage.

Hope this blesses someone.

@ToyToy, this is so precious of you to share this. Thank you for being so positive about Marriage.

It is indeed God's Will for a "Man and Woman" to be happily married to one another and God has no reserve to bring this desire into being for those who ask of Him.

God bless you and I mean this beyond words. :love2:


ToyToy thank you for sharing. This is a beautiful site and may God bless you :hug2:.