March 2009 - MT/OCT Challenge - The Ending & The Beginning

I will be putting in my 5 minute MT treatment in a few minutes.

ETA: 5 minute MT treatment completed:yep:.
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Am still hanging in there with my Mega-Tek. I love the thickness of my hair, even my hairline has started to grow back, am sooo happy. I have had no problem with shedding or headache, even notice a bit of growth. :yep:. Am off to appy my mega-tek and go to bed :sleeping:
OCT makes my scalp tingle/itch more the MT. i hope i see some good progress by the end of this month!

^^Hmmmmmmmmmm...yet another reason to try this OCT.....

I noticed the same itching it had me like this ---> :eek: but now it just feels like constant creepy crawlies. The AVG addition is very soothing. :yep: Oh and I've been using the mixture every other day just to give my scalp a break.

Ahem....... you lot make me wanna buy OCT too. Thankfully it's so expensive I can't just go do it, lol!
Hey JK :kiss: , I don't frequent LHCF as much as I used to but check in every now an again. Very rarely though. But I always come back to see what's going on with MT/OCT updates and will post pics when I texlax again.

With regard to the MT It's probably one of the product junky products I've actually remained faithful too for a long time. My hair is growing and haven't texlaxed since God knows when. My hair is so high with NG right now...yes high. I'm about to wash and DC (with some sea salt - been reading the salt threads) and put em in the kinky twists for another break and growth cycle yet again.
Well, this will be my offical starting pictures using MT. I will update picture progress every 6 weeks on touch up day. I am so excited ladies.


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Thank goodness I'm able to start this challenge from the beginning. I will be using MT/OCT mix. Here is my starting pic---HHG!

I want to join this time! I'm using MT mixed with Hydrathema Naturals growth oil. I use it daily on my scalp. I use alter ego garlic treatment once a week...until it runs out, then I'm back to the garlic pills. I'll have to edit my siggy with my starting length.
Your hair is lovely...I know you chopped it off recently but still....lovely....
Were you using MT all this time?

i know i need to subscribe to this thread b/c i completely missed your reply. :) i have not been using mega tek the entire time. just for 6 weeks. i took a break 1 week prior to my relaxer and now that it's been one week after my relaxer, i am back in the megatek.

trying something new. last night i put a mix of megatek and EVOO on my scalp. i put EVOO on the rest of my hair and put on a plastic cap and went to bed. going to wash it out soon and move on with my roller set....
So I am finally noticing some extra thickness from using OCT. I no longer have the shedding issues and my hair is really suffice it to say, I am one happy camper :grin: Now my twist don't look like two strands of spaghetti twisted together :lachen: ( okay, slight exaggeration...but you get the point) I am hoping full full luscious twist by the end of Summer!

I am still OCT'g every other night, to my scalp only. As soon as I find my USB cord, I will upload some pics.
Just joined today after reading all the posts for the last month. You guys are encouraging and wonderful. Just received my Megatek on 4/2 and put it in with some of the recommended oils on 4/3/09. Also ordered OCT. When it arrives, I will alternate. I am soooo excited! asap:grin:


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Just joined today after reading all the posts for the last month. You guys are encouraging and wonderful. Just received my Megatek on 4/2 and put it in with some of the recommended oils on 4/3/09. Also ordered OCT. When it arrives, I will alternate. I am soooo excited! asap:grin:

Your hair look thick in the pic.
Just joined today after reading all the posts for the last month. You guys are encouraging and wonderful. Just received my Megatek on 4/2 and put it in with some of the recommended oils on 4/3/09. Also ordered OCT. When it arrives, I will alternate. I am soooo excited! asap:grin:

Welcome to the forum Courtney! Yup, these ladies are a blessing. Do the right thing by your hair and you'll be amazed! This sure is the place to be. I also suggest you join the delightfully deep conditioning challenge - keep those MT/OCT strengthened tresses well moisturised and conditioned. Link in my signature.

I'm still applying MT to scalp. Missing the odd day but still doing at least 4-5 days/wk.
So I am finally noticing some extra thickness from using OCT. I no longer have the shedding issues and my hair is really suffice it to say, I am one happy camper :grin: Now my twist don't look like two strands of spaghetti twisted together :lachen: ( okay, slight exaggeration...but you get the point) I am hoping full full luscious twist by the end of Summer!

I am still OCT'g every other night, to my scalp only. As soon as I find my USB cord, I will upload some pics.

I was putting my hair in a ponytail and was like dang, my pony feels thicker. I to use OCT. Im also 10 weeks post, I have severe hair anorexia, so to hear me say that, this stuff has to be working.
Like someone mention, OCT gives length than thickness.
(SMS is contemplaing OCT.......really

go ahead and just do it! i know how you feel. i just did it and i do regret buying it even though i am as broke as a joke! LOL! you will feel so much better afterwards. just use it for a scalp treatment few times a week, so you won't feel like you are using too much product. or just mix it with your MT.
When I get my new order which is scheduled to be here on 4/8, I'll be doing OCT every day instead of every other day for the rest of April.
HI Ladies I am OH So New & have learned Oh So Much. I would like to know how you apply MT and OCT daily to the scalp. It is a conditioner. Do you just leave it in? Thanks so much.

Pics coming soon...You must see me I'm Fabulous.......:newbie:
i am mad at the ad for MT. why does that girl have extension braids in her hair or are those dreads?

Aw, who cares about the chick in the ad? This MT stuff really works! Shoot, I expect to be undeniably SL in June and I really am optimistic for APL in December. :)

LondonDiva! I am so glad you are back. You are my She-ro and were my inspiration for trying MT/OCT.

I still havent taken any pix yet, I was due in March and here it is April and I have no intention until the end of APril. I am not happy with my hair, still pretty thin and my spots are S-L-O-W-L-Y filling in, way to slow for my taste. Dont get me wrong, MT/OCT is the bomb but, I want a miricle...yesterday!

I am gonna hang in there, I will post in April. I think I have made significant progress-at least I hope so.
My MT/OCT mix has really thickened up my hair.... The first pic is from the beginning of March and the second one is from yesterday.. I use 1/4 part OCT, 1/4 part MT, 2 drops of rosemary oil, and the rest almond oil


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My MT/OCT mix has really thickened up my hair.... The first pic is from the beginning of March and the second one is from yesterday.. I use 1/4 part OCT, 1/4 part MT, 2 drops of rosemary oil, and the rest almond oil

i might have to try this mix! thanks. your hair is really thick!