March 2009 - MT/OCT Challenge - The Ending & The Beginning

I'm still waiting for my products to arrive. Uggh. I hate waiting.
Same here, I lost a week because I had to wait for my OCT order.
Here's my March picture. I don't know if my hair is growing faster, but I am retaining more.


  • mar. 09.1 check.JPG
    mar. 09.1 check.JPG
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I need to post my March pix but, I dont want to straighten. I have had no problem with getting length from OCT/MT-I use both. But, I really havent seen much thickness except right in the front of my head which is ridiculously thick. Perhaps since I had so many issues medical and technical, the thickness in the rest of my hair is still yet to come. I am on my second bottle of MT and about to begin my second bottle of OCT.
Still MTing regularly.

My progress pics as promised...

I think my hair's averaging 0.5'' a month, and it seems thicker too. Can't wait till my next progress pics in June.

Thanks guys - glad about the progress but I want more than that!

Just thought I'd add that I've been using MT since 31st Jan this year. I apply to my scalp daily with my sulphur oil mix and MN. I also use it as a protein DC whenever I feel like it (my hair seems to tolerate protein fairly well, so long as I use a moisturising DC afterwards). I will continue with MT as a constant but may change the carrier agents.... I hear MT + aloe vera = super growth. Wanna try that when I finish my sulphur oil mix.

Right ladies, you notice I'm wondering in the right bottom pic if I'm CBL? Well, I learnt yesterday that CBL is longer than SL - which I've so not reached yet. So, please ignore the ''CBL?''. I just don't get it... isn't that bone right there the collarbone? Off to search for a hair lengths chart to study.

The last thing I want is for people to see that and roll up their eyes saying I'm claiming what I ain't got :lachen:.
If you think its feasible then its feasible! I feel better now But Iv'e got a question, what do I do about all the shrinkage, how do I get my length back out ?:yep:

A harder press (and considering how I feel about heat, I'm sooooo not recommending that) and a couple more weeks with OCT? :lol:

You are DC'ing enough, and haven't been dealing with excessive breakage, right?

As long as you KNOW you've retained your ends, then you still have every inch of length that you did in Jan. If you aren't certain about your ends, then you might have had a setback.

I agree with JK.

How about taking different sections of your hair and manually stretch them just to see where the ends end up? The nape of the neck, the front (bangs) and the side (behind the ear) seem like popular areas. Take a picture holding each section. If your sections end up being longer than what you got with your first length check then you'll know for sure you retained and gained length. If not, then yes, you most likely had a set back. And, it would have been a gradual setback not an at once drastic one. Then, we can help you troubleshoot your regimen.
I am still using MT/OCT everyday but I started adding BeeMine to my mixture! I only have a small amount of shedding (nothing major) and I have seen great progress! I will be relaxing on next Sunday after a 17 week stretch. Should I stop using my growth aids and is it okay if I do my Aphogee 2 step protein treatment?
I'm using MT at least 3 - 4 times per week. I should join the challenge to make sure I stay consistent. I'm using it on my scalp only. My hair is definitely growing, but I'm doing 50-11 different things, mostly supplement related so it should be growing :giggle: MT is the only topical growth aid I use consistently....

ETA: I wish I would have seen this thread earlier, I could have done a start pic, I just washed / DCed my hair and braided it up for the week. I'll get my pics in the end of this coming week.
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Thanks guys - glad about the progress but I want more than that!

Just thought I'd add that I've been using MT since 31st Jan this year. I apply to my scalp daily with my sulphur oil mix and MN. I also use it as a protein DC whenever I feel like it (my hair seems to tolerate protein fairly well, so long as I use a moisturising DC afterwards). I will continue with MT as a constant but may change the carrier agents.... I hear MT + aloe vera = super growth. Wanna try that when I finish my sulphur oil mix.

Right ladies, you notice I'm wondering in the right bottom pic if I'm CBL? Well, I learnt yesterday that CBL is longer than SL - which I've so not reached yet. So, please ignore the ''CBL?''. I just don't get it... isn't that bone right there the collarbone? Off to search for a hair lengths chart to study.

The last thing I want is for people to see that and roll up their eyes saying I'm claiming what I ain't got :lachen:.
Jax, I think our hair is about the same length...We'll check it out when I take my pics. Interesting what you say about adding the aloe juice as a carrier, it makes a lot of sense. I have mine currently mixed with Jojoba oil, and a few and a few drops of rosemary EO. I love the cool sensation on my scalp.

I think I might add a little squirt of aloe juice for good measure, couldn't hurt.. :yep:
To kinda give me a starting point, I did a Henna treatment at the same time I started this challenge around March 7th, so today, I noticed my gray's on the edges have grown out and also overall I have more new growth than normal.
I have been using the Mega-Tek mixed with some Jojoba oil every other night straight on the scalp. On the alternate days I am using the Surge Olive/Soy Bean oil mixed with Surge 14 Revitilizer with a touch of Sulphur powder. I also put Avacado/Mango Butter on my ends to cut down on shedding. I am also washing every 3 to 4 days to reduce on the itchies.
This routine seems to really be working. I get my hair done every two weeks and touch up's every six weeks. At week four last week, my stylist questioned what week we were in since I had more growth than normal. I was quite excited. I can't wait to see how much growth I continue to gain.

Slow down HealthyHair! :grin: I read your post and I thought Whoa! It brought back memories.

I just want you to be careful that you don't do too many things to your hair. :hug2: I was like this when I first started hanging out at LHCF and though I some progress in the beginning, I quickly started having setbacks. A lot of setbacks. Too many products and too much manipulation can become detrimental. KISS. :yep:

Also have you tried to stretch to at least 8 weeks?

I used to get touch ups at 6 weeks exactly but I slowly progressed to 12-13 weeks with no breakage; Ovation/Mega-Tek helps solve that issue. Try it. :yep:
I added some Aloe Vera Gel to my MT/OCT mix today after readying that other thread. Since the MT/OCT can be so drying to my hair/scalp I thought the moisturizing properties of the aloe would help.

Question: When ladies are using MT or OCT as a protein treatment are you using it on dry or wet hair and for how long?

I'm still having breakage problems and trying to up my protein by using my MT/OCT as a midweek mini protein treatment on the length of my hair.

I have also started adding AVG to my MT & OCT...can't wait til my length check in June. :yep: I just started doing that so I can't comment on the resulting creepy crawlies yet. :look:
the Fed ex came yesterday that is what the email stated, but i got no package. hopefully it is in my leasing office. off topic, that Aussie Moist conditioner gives false hope. i have tried it a couple of times and it leaves my hair feeling dry. i am going to have to stick to the Suave for co-

update on my package, it stated that it was left on the front door. i live in an apartment building with multi units. i hope nobody has stolen my package. i put signs on all of the doors to ask that the package be returned to me. i think i am going to put a sign on everyone's door.
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I updated my siggie and I'm not happy. But, I know what I did wrong and I will not do it again.

MT makes my new growth stronger and more manageable. I'm grateful to include it as a staple in my regimen. So I didn't texlax yesterday as planned. I'm just over 12 weeks post and I will stretch for no more than another 12 weeks.
I haven't posted in this thread before but I am a challenger. I'm using MT mostly for thickness and am definitely interested in some more growth. I've been using it since March 4th. I apply Lily of the Desert Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Gel to my scalp using a color applicator bottle. Then follow up with MT mixed with some left over Jamaican Black Castor Oil. So far I am noticing changes in my hair. There is a definite change in thickness and strength. I think there's even been some slight growth.
Well, I get my touch up today. So I can have an official starting picture. Eventhough I started around the 7th of March, I didn't take a pic. Looks like I will need to Henna again too, they growth at the bottom of my copper gray's is now showing. I hope my stylist doesn't look at me weird when I ask her to take a picture before she trims it and
Have a good night ladies.
Just placed my OCT order for 2 bottles this time. I want more progress this month so I'm increasing my usage for April. :grin:
i finally got my OCT and i used some right away. i applied it my scalp. it smells just like MT and it feels just like MT too. i mixed a little with sweet almond oil to thin it out a bit so it would come out of the applicator bottle.
I'm still down. I had eveyr intention of being on point with this challenge by now, but the work schedule has been crazy!! I plan to post a beginning pic this weekend.
OCT makes my scalp tingle/itch more the MT. i hope i see some good progress by the end of this month!

^^Hmmmmmmmmmm...yet another reason to try this OCT.....

I noticed the same itching it had me like this ---> :eek: but now it just feels like constant creepy crawlies. The AVG addition is very soothing. :yep: Oh and I've been using the mixture every other day just to give my scalp a break.