Man Trouble...Need your advice ladies!'s not really man trouble, it's more like mama trouble. My mother hates my boyfriend. We have been together for three years he has been in my life and my four year old sons life since we met. He is in no way perfect but he is good to us and we have such a good time together. It is really starting to cause problems for us. My mom and I are very close and yes I am guilty of venting to her which I have stopped. My mother can't stand him though. Nothing he does is good enough. She always comes up with these farfetched conspiracy theories as to why he does things for me. He works, has a 401k but it isn't enough. I love my family but at some point enough is enough, I'm knocking on thirty! I think she knows how much I value her and her opinion and now she is trying to exploit that. My question, has any one been in a situation like this? How do I keep the peace? Thanks ladies.
First of all, you have to learn to shut your mouth about your relationship! I know you're close and you want to share the good, the bad and the ugly of your relationship but trust me - all your mom (or anyone else) will remember is the BAD and the UGLY! The good won't mean ish.

Think about it - you love this man. He can piss you off one minute then have you skinnin' and grinnin' the next. But when you're pissed off and go running your mouth to your mom, that's what stays fresh on her mind. She loves you and doesn't like to see her daughter hurt, sad or angry. She isn't IN the relationship so all she has to go on is what you share with her. She sees you hurt or crying or angry or ready to call it quits. She takes it and runs with it. Now, you and your boo have made up. Meanwhile, mom is still upset about whatever it is he did to you.

Stop sharing details of your relationship and she'll come around.

Now whether she's actually right or not, that's another story for another day. Only you know (in your heart) what's up with all that.
Have you tried to explain to your mother how you feel? Also, do you only share when you are upset or do you tell her the great things about him.....Its hard not to vent but I think to either discuss your relationship with your Higher Power or start journaling. Mama is only feeding off what you tell her. Also, is your mother single? Sometimes the single people that love of the most give the worst advice.....Stay prayful and dont discount what your mother is saying people on the outside sometimes have better vision than us on the inside have.....