Well-Known Member
So many red flags
My mom met a man very quickly after my father died, I was about 11. We moved down south with this man and that was such a terrible relationship. And we were kind of stuck I wish my mom had just chilled for a little while or did more trips. I think she wanted to be taken care of soon as my dad was a great provider but it just didn't work out.
Think of yourself and your kids and just take your time.
to the red part. If a women loses a good man who is a great provider it is very difficult to duplicate that situation. I have found that you MIGHT find a good man that you can trust to be around your kids, and who loves you and your kids, BUT it is very difficult to find one who can also provide as well or who is willing and able to provide as well. IDK it's something about the one with whom you loved first, with whom you had children with, with whom you knew from way back when...I really think that things usually work out the way things did for JewelleNY's mom, it's unfortunate but I do believe that is true.
It's important for divorced mothers to believe that they can create a beautiful life for themselves and their children whether she remarries or not.