Making a conscious decision to date interracially...


Ok, I’m not making this post for people to agree with me or for people do disagree with me, I’m just thinking aloud here and I think this is interesting. I grew up in a pretty segregated city and wasn’t really around white people until I went away to college. Even then I went to a college that had a large black population so I still didn’t have to interact with white people like that unless I chose to - which I didn’t, lol. So up til that point every relationship I had was with a black man. Well I use the term relationship loosely. I would describe myself as never having been in love (I have recently revised that opinion, it turns out it happened, once) because every guy I dated wasn’t interested in a relationship… or he was trying to be a cheater… or he was a liar… you know, basically that a relationship never really got off the ground because the guy was playing games one way or another, and so there was never really an opportunity to get to know one another in a real way. So things never clicked like that.

Once I went to grad school, the environment was almost wholly ‘other’. There is a very small population of black students where I go to school now, and I had to adjust to being in that environment. It was really hard at first. You are aware of racism in terms of ‘I hate black people’ but it was a new experience for me to see racism in terms of a systemic, institutional type thing. Not that the people I met were racist, but this was the first time I had really been exposed to white people and their ways of thinking, what they do and don’t know about people who are different from them. They mostly are harmless if not ignorant from time to time.

Initially while I was confronting having to be a part of a culture that was different from mine I didn’t really know how I felt about it. This was after the election when there was a lot of – racist – stuff in the media about black people, and online there was a lot of talk bashing black men and bm/bw relationships. I thought, I don’t know why people are complaining so much because most of us are going to end up with a black man at the end. I was redoubling my efforts to create my own Obama style family in the future… I felt it was my responsibility to help create ‘good negro images’ to model for everybody… black people and white people…

And then, at some point during the school year, I just totally changed my mind. I think this was the result of two things. One, the field I was studying included a lot of research about poverty and inequality, and I started growing more and more pissed off at the historical evidence of black men abandoning their families and responsibilities and how that trend seems even worse these days with no sign of turning around. I started to wonder if maybe this – ‘elite’, private, WHITE – university was subconsciously brainwashing me. Because slowly black men just started to seem like my enemy. They won’t grow up. They run around impregnating woman after woman and not caring for the kids. They don’t stay in school. They aren’t ambitious. They don’t even give a f8ck about us and are quick to run to the first white woman who will have them. They play the victim. They still blame the man. They want to be babied, they are spoiled, they are so ****** entitled. I know this doesn’t describe all black men, obviously, but it seemed to me it was accurate for a pretty large chunk.

The second thing was that, it bothered me that there were so few black men around me these days, at the graduate level, and the few that were were hardly a great example of positivity. One dude was like 30 plus and had four kids by the way, chasing after this obese white girl who was the same age as me. One dude had a girlfriend back home but made it clear he was interested in sleeping with me. One dude still spent a lot of time talking about ‘thugging.’ And the other dude was so whitewashed I could hardly believe we literally had the same segregated, blacks only type background. There were so few black men around, period. But when I left campus and entered the city, I was right back around the ‘regular’ black men… yelling at me from cars… calling me a ***** when I didn’t respond… living with their parents… had a kid or two… were too damn old to be trying to talk to me… just, you know, the regular sometimes disrespectful stuff you have to deal with from every random dude thinking he can just walk up to you and ask for your phone number (ROOD).

And I just got sick of it. I felt like I was making a lot of progress in my life and resented that I was still being treated like some random broad on the street that dudes could just talk to any way they wanted. And I felt like if I had made the effort of trying to secure a better future for myself, I shouldn’t lower my standards to try to ‘work with’ some guy who couldn’t be bothered to do the same. I’m not rich, I didn’t go to school for free either, you know? So there was nothing about what I did that someone else couldn’t have done. Maybe in some ways even though it sounds bad, I felt like those kinds of guys, those nothing guys not doing anything with their lives, didn’t deserve me. So I decided, I’m not on the market for black guys anymore right now. I’m mad at y’all, and I don’t want to reward y’all behavior with my availability. I haven’t ever dated a black guy who particularly mistreated me, but I hadn’t dated one who treated me particularly well either. Like I said, it was always a bunch of games…

So I decided, I would see what it was like dating other types of men instead. Not that I will never be with a black man again or that it isn’t possible that I will marry a black man – because that option is still on the table – but just that I made a conscious choice to see what else was out there. It wasn’t something that came naturally to me, like it probably would be for someone who grew up in a more diverse, integrated lifestyle, so it is something that I have to adjust to. There is a lot to chew on, for me, when thinking about this whole issue…

So I have gone on long enough, sorry lol, before getting into even more issues. I’ll see first if anyone is interested in having this conversation. But I want to pose some question as a jumping off point for those who are. Has anyone ever been through something similar?
Wow...long post but I read it.

I have dated out for different reasons then you but I realize one thing. Black man,white man, asian man, Latin man, purple man means one thing a man.

They (non-black men) have babies born out of wedlock, they cheat, they abuse, they play games, they lie, and they chase unattractive women. Their women complain about them too.

So do not go into IR thinking it will be SO much better because you may be setting yourself up to get your feelings hurt.
I ask if anyone has made a conscious choice to date interracially as an opener because it seems like people have used that against me in attempts to convince me, I guess, that I don’t really ‘want’ to date interracially, or that I shouldn’t do it because I actively chose to do it. I have had people tell me ‘oh you aren’t really attracted to white men,’ and ‘you shouldn’t have to adjust to it that means it’s not right’ and ‘you’re talking yourself into it when clearly you don’t really want to’ and ‘you’re just trying to convince yourself to do that’ which I resent because the implication is that it’s unnatural or like I’m lying to myself. First of all it’s offensive for someone else to tell me who I am and am not attracted to. And secondly, these people don’t know and can’t tell me why I have and have not dated someone. The reason I had never dated white men is that it never occurred to me to try it. I did not have white people in my social circle. Dating black men is what seemed normal to me, and I didn’t have any excuse to try to date a white guy when I hardly even knew any and it wasn’t like I was hurting for men or something, you know? It was just something that hadn’t came up.

Now that it has, I don’t think it’s wrong of me to explore that. And I think people making excuses for why I shouldn’t do it is another way of telling me I should only be with black men which I think is BS.

and I know, obviously, that dating ‘other’ men is not a magical cure all for every dating woe. That would be stupid and I don’t really understand why people constantly say that as if it isn’t common sense. But there are some issues that are taken off the table. It isn’t common to deal with men who have children, who have been to jail, who are involved in something illegal, and who only have a high school diploma, for one thing. Those are all immediate benefits.
Very interesting and well thought out post. I agree with a lot of your points.
I say go for it.

I also think you should change the place you look for black men. Black men you meet in highend lounges are way different from the reg thug joes off the street. Also online dating can help you filter out most of the things you do and dont want in a guy. Just some options if/when you start dating black males again.
Yeah I agree with Tatiana. I date interracially too but there are non-BM who behave just as you describe BM, or worse. So be careful about lumping all BM together because and keep in mind there are difficulties in dating interracially too, as in any relationship. That said I agree with what you're saying about the lack of BM at the graduate level and other BM I met weren't motivated at all.

My racial situation was different from yours though, because I grew up in a very diverse area. Even in Kindergarten my classmates were white, Asian, Hispanic and black. Some of my close family friends were neither black nor white too.

I decided to date interracially because that's what I like. Sure I used to only want a BM but that ended my last year of college for a bunch of reasons. At first I thought it was a phase or thought I was only looking to non-BM because there weren't a lot in my community who were like-minded, then I realized it wasn't when I met BM who were and I felt even still we weren't on the same page. By contrast when I met non-BM I felt more on the same page as them. So I guess that's how I came to my decision to date interracially. It's not a question of physical attraction either because I'm still attracted to BM.

So if you want to date interracially I say go for it. But make sure it's what you really want. There's nothing wrong with wanting a BM.
I agree with you, and I understand what you’re saying. I don’t want to lump all black men in the same category but it’s just so easy for me to get annoyed by them these days. Since around the age of 13 I have gotten hit on by random black men whenever I walk out of my house, and it’s started to annoy me on a level where I feel it’s disrespectful. In addition to that, there are so many examples of negative black men around me and so few of positive, successful black men. I know that this makes my opinion skewed, and it makes it harder not to hold that bias because that is what I experience.

I guess basically what I’m saying is I don’t like how people try to make it out that it’s a bad thing that I am CHOOSING to date interracially rather than it coming about organically like what you say about your background. If you were a carnivore all your life and you grow up and decide to be a vegetarian, people aren’t going to tell you you can’t make that choice for yourself. I’m wondering if anybody else CHOSE to date interracially and are encountering the opinion that they need to stick with what they know for the rest of their life instead of trying out something new, because that is how people make me feel about it. Even the comments in this post, to be honest with you.

eta - like, if I say I don't wanna date black men anymore, I'm sick of dating black men, the automatic response basically amounts to 'you shouldn't give up on black men.' Nobody ever just accepts that at face value.
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I got you.
My grandmother married a white man and 2 or 3 cousins married white men when I was growing up so I am coming from a different mindset than most BW.

I was not discourage, in fact I was encourage by my mom to date out however I did not realize she only meant white men only.

When I was young, black males did not care for me and the only male that did was a Latino. Even though, he looked white (brown hair, green eyes, US born, and pale skin). My parents hated him but they could not stop me because of my grandmother. His parents hated me; it felt like Romeo and Juliet.

Anyway, after him, I thought for a long time that only a Latino would do but after being burned several times I realize that is not true.
Yeah mischka, I agree with you on some of the responses here when a black woman saying she dates interracially, I guess I'm at a point where I don't care and don't notice it. At the end of the day I'm responsible for my own happiness and I'm not going to cut myself off from it no matter what people think. My family supports me and that's all that matters.:yep:

My father actually encourages me and all his daughters to date interracially if that's what we want. He also points out the low numbers of BM at the graduate level and that many of the married BW he knows at the professional level (he's a surgeon) are in fact with white/Asian men.

I had to convince my mother a little how I felt but she eventually saw my point at the end of it she just wants me happy.:drunk:
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I'm making a conscious effort to explore and be open to my possibilities who offer what I'm looking for. I'm interested in dating both interracially and black men because I see no reason to limit my dating pool when I see beauty in all races. As I move up in the professional world, I realize that men I date will either be non-black men (obvious reasons) or Nigerian men (I frequent the Nigerian scene a lot, and most Nigerian men meet my educational requirements). Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to delve into the interracial dating scene and attract quality attractive non-bm in my age group in real life and online consistently. Been struggling with this for some time.