Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2012

so i tried twirling my ends and they definitely felt better immediately after untwirling. So i decided since twirling seems to do me good im going to try moisturizing, sealing, and then tightly bantu knotting my hair in medium sized sections. ill to this for a while and see how my ends fair. last night i was doing this to the front section of my hair and decided to trim off a really small section of my ends to slowly get rid of the ssk's. And lo and behold there were barely any ssk's :perplexed. After i realized that its not really ssk's that were my problem i need to figure out a new plan of attack. I found a few ssks which idid cut off though.

Can't wait to hear how it turns out. My hair has done much better with the twirling. I twirl the entire strand but the ends are definitely better.

If its not SSKs that are your problem, what did you determine your problem is? Is it just dry, rough ends? If that's the case the twirling should really help.
I get to dust my ends this weekend and I can't wait. But I want to make sure I control myself and just dust the 1/4 inch I promised myself. I want to put in mini twists and then just trim the ends of those. I think my twists will look fabulous and my ends will feel really, really good.
Castor oil has been a lifesaver for my ends!!!

I hope to try rolling the ends of my twists on perm rods.
When I first started my HHJ, I was all about length with little thought about health. Now, my focus has shifted to overall health even if that means sacrificing length for some healthy ends. I plan to trim gradually. Probably 1inch at a time until I get this hemline evened up and back to a healthier point. It's growing all kinds of uneven causing see through ends. I understand the lead hair theory but I'm over it and ready for aesthetic appeal.
When I first started my HHJ, I was all about length with little thought about health. Now, my focus has shifted to overall health even if that means sacrificing length for some healthy ends. I plan to trim gradually. Probably 1inch at a time until I get this hemline evened up and back to a healthier point. It's growing all kinds of uneven causing see through ends. I understand the lead hair theory but I'm over it and ready for aesthetic appeal.

I'm with you on this one divachyk. I love length, but I love me some nice even ends even more:yep:. I already cut off all the ssk's and split ends and will keep working on my ends as well this time around. The main reason why I cut it so short is because a stylist cut out a big chunk of it during a removal of a weave install I had. No more weaves for me either:nono:.
I couldn't take it any more. My ends were so ate up. That wig cap really did a number on my nape. I could no longer camouflage it when I styled. So....I trimmed. I just grabbed my eyebrow scissors and got to chopping. I still have an area of serious unevenness. So I'll be trimming again in about 4 months.


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LaidBak I have an section that is uneven like that also except my bottom layer is the uneven area. Mine came from a post wash tangling nightmare late last year. I ended up chopping several locks of hair so it resulted in unevenness and thinness along the hemline.
@LaidBak I have an section that is uneven like that also except my bottom layer is the uneven area. Mine came from a post wash tangling nightmare late last year. I ended up chopping several locks of hair so it resulted in unevenness and thinness along the hemline.

Its so frustrating! All the things I thought I was doing to help (wigging, bunning) just destroyed my hair.
I dusted my ends on Monday and they felt really good. They still are a little rough but most of the SSKs are gone. And the ends of my twist look much better.

I really need to focus on sealing better though. My ends need some moisture and some love. But overall I feel improvement.
Just finished moisturizing and sealing my beloved ends. I'm not sure if I will be GHE'ing it yet tonight. It was feeling a little dry earlier today so maybe I should.
I've been in braids trying to moisturize and seal but it's somewhat dry I used some gel which my hair hates so I'm trying to recover.
After I trimmed my ends a week or two ago I got lazy with the sealing :nono:. My ends quickly let me know to get back on the job.

I moisturized and sealed them yesterday morning. Just put some oil on them this morning. But will try to baggy my ends tonight and seal with some shea butter.

Can't wait until my hair gets longer so I can get a blunt cut. I really think that will help improve my ends. That looks like a long time coming though. :ohwell:

My ends are breaking like crazy. But I am doing everything I know to do so will just need to stick with my regimen and ride it out.
faithVA. I've got to fight the tendancy to slack off too. After my trim I'm am mostly blunt, and sealing my ends should be my numebr 1 priority. But I still 'forget' to tend to my hair some nights. I've got to do better.
[USER=77239 said:
LaidBak[/USER];15271205]@faithVA. I've got to fight the tendancy to slack off too. After my trim I'm am mostly blunt, and sealing my ends should be my numebr 1 priority. But I still 'forget' to tend to my hair some nights. I've got to do better.

WE will do better. This thread alone is reminded us. So now instead of neglecting our hair for weeks, we catch ourselves much earlier before any major damage is done.

So let's get back on the job. :yep:
I am still keeping my ends moisturized at night before retiring for bed. It really is feeling like a bit of a chore seeing that I only used to do it a few times a month before this challenge.

I have to admit though, that my ends are responding better to the care and attention I'm giving them:yep:. That is, no excess tangles, ssks, or split ends. There just might be some hope for my hair growing longer and thicker again afterall.
Just updating...still using my Alterna overnight 2-3 times a week (have to shampoo out in the morning) I don't do the moisture/seal ends at night as I wear my hair out quite often. When I am not wearing my hair out, I would wash my hair and leave my conditioner in my hair all day (i.e. L'occitane aromachologie masque)

My girls are natural and I am using the Redken Argan oil and Sta Sof fro (ole on their hair daily...they go to the beauty shop to get the little twists in the front into a ponytail...low maintenance and I do not have to get up in the morning and do their hair before school...
I've been moisturizing and sealing every day, using jojoba oil to seal. I hate for my hair to be oily, so I use just the teensiest little bit, but my ends seem to be happy about it.
I bought some grapeseed oil today for cooking and to try in my hair :lol:
Ive been lax since my weave removal. Ill at least slap some UBH now and then, but i need to do more. I just caved and dusted today. Will send pic soon, my hair is growing out but its like growing "out" more than down. Kind of taking on a triangle shape. Will post pic soon.
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
2. Current Hair Length

Between WL and HL
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends

4. What you have tried to improve your ends

Jamaican Black Castor Oil
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends

Not sure yet
6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started.
In the start of my hair regimen I was at APL and now between WL/ started thining around edges and ends do to stress since last year of 2011
I'm late, but want to join the challenge.

Type: relaxed


Issue: thinning and splits.

What I've tried: bunning, castor oil on ends, little to no heat, very rare trims.

New plan: get a fresh trim, continue castor oil, start DCing and protein treatments again. CONSISTENCY.
The joy after a dusting is short lived :lol: My hair feels fabulous right after a dusting. Then I slack for a week and they don't feel so great. I have not been sealing as I should. This is primarily because I haven't found what I really like to seal with. My shea butter mix works ok but don't think it is doing the trick. The unpetroleum works great but its just so thick. And I've been too lazy to mix it with oil to break it down a bit. But I need to get to that. Tonight I am going to try straight castor oil as someone mentioned and see how that works.

Overall, my ends look and feel good. When I twisted my hair last night my ends weren't bushy. And the only issues I see with major breakage is on my right side where the crown is. But that area is recovering so I am expecting it to be in good shape at the beginning of summer.

My ends won't be considered officially luscious until I can do a curlformer set and my ends not look a hot mess. I will save that test until summer to avoid disappointment.
I am still keeping up with moisturizing my ends to keep them from getting splits and ssks. I really hate these two monsters - they are like the devil, come to kill, steal and destroy but I will not allow it:nono:!
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
2. Current Hair Length

Between WL and HL
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends

4. What you have tried to improve your ends

Jamaican Black Castor Oil
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends

Not sure yet
6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started.
In the start of my hair regimen I was at APL and now between WL/ started thining around edges and ends do to stress since last year of 2011

Hey girlie, I have not seen you in ages. Missed you. Where have you been?
I'd love to join! I could really use some advice in this area! Unfortunately I just moved to Louisiana and have not found a stylist I trust for trims :(

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
- Relaxed

2. Current Hair Length
- Just at BSL

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
- Split Ends, Uneven Length, Thin Ends ( My hair is a "W" shape now)...

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
- I S&M EVERY night and traditional wrap. DC every week. I no longer blow dry my hair.

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
-Continue to S&M everyday and wrap, but figure out trims and what else I can do....

I hope I don't have to trim off my progress :(