Lovingyou.com - Website with TONS of romantic ideas

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So, I have no idea how to be in a relationship :lol: and I was wondering, "What are some things that a woman can do for a man without looking 'thirsty'" :lachen: And thought, I know where I can find the answers - the interwebs! :think: So just a quick google search and I stumbled upon www.lovingyou.com - it has TONS of ideas (looks like the content is submitted by users) for romantic ideas based on occasion, relationship type, etc.

Check it out!
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I ran across this site YEARS ago...I was searching a certain topic on the 'net a few years ago and the site came up....I mostly visited their not so lively messageboard section. It's a cute little site though...haven't checked it out in a while.
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Yea, I didn't think about that.

My letter writing has been going very well. Both kids give me kisses before bed now. (My son wasn't doing it before) and the house overall is a little bit happier.:yep: