Love or Children


Well-Known Member
This issue is wrecking my brain. I was initially hesitant to post here, but I do read some good feedback at times so here it goes....

I have been in a relationship for 19 months with an old friend from high school. We were strictly friends in high school and I had no clue that he was interested in me. He was rather shy and we only talked on the phone. Fast forward almost 20 years and we run into each other. We went from a lunch date to almost 2 years of bliss. Who knew that the man of my dreams was right before my eyes? I have really grown in this relationship and am happy on all levels. Also, I don't tuck my tail and run at the first sign of trouble like before. I am open to discussion and working it out.

I am a single parent of a 17 year old and he is a divorced dad of three (14, 12, and 10 years old). He told me up front when we started dating that he did not want anymore children. He said that he made a promise to himself that he would have children with only one woman in his life, because he didn't want kids by various women. Of course, I took it as a grain of salt and thought I could change his mind. I always wanted another child, but not until I got married one day. Well, I found my love and we have planned to marry but he won't bend on having more children. He has physical custody of his kids and he says he doesn't want to go through child rearing again at our age.

I decided months ago to forgo my dream of having another child, so things can exist as is between us. Lately, I have had a strong maternal instinct. I was 18 when I had my son and I did a damn good job! Now that I am older and wiser, I know that I can do much better. I want the whole pregnancy and family experience with my husband. I shared this with my SO and he reiterated that at this time he does not want any children, but says he does not want to hold me back if I do. He says there is someone out there can probably give me all that I desire and he doesn't want me having regret or holding the child issue over his head one day.

I know he is not the only man in the world, but I am not getting any younger! Also, we have a chemistry that is unbelievable and I feel as though he is the love of my life. That is hard to find. I do relish that my son is older and I am able to travel and do more, but that doesn't take away from me wanting to hold, nurture, care, and provide the best love I can by having another child.

Have any of you been in this predicament? I have had a hard road with men in my past, so being able to exhale and be happy is a great feeling!
It's odd to me that he's the love of your life, but he refuses to even consider how you feel about something that means so much to you, when he's supposed to love you....

He's willing to let you go, just so he don't have children by different women? Sounds crazy to me. When you love someone deeply, it just seems like you'd want children with them.
It's odd to me that he's the love of your life, but he refuses to even consider how you feel about something that means so much to you, when he's supposed to love you....

He's willing to let you go, just so he don't have children by different women? Sounds crazy to me. When you love someone deeply, it just seems like you'd want children with them.

This crossed my mind as well. This is our 2nd discussion on this. The discussion earlier this year he brought up how I am willing to let him go over wanting a child. I didn't want to appear selfish so that is why I wanted to hear an opinion from others. Your response solidifies my thoughts. Thanks!
Oh....and he also stated he doesn't want more kids because he wants to travel and relax in old age. He states he doesn't have the energy to go through child rearing again, because it is "so much work."
How old is he?

Maybe he really can't handle more. It is a lot of work. If, by some miracle, he agrees to have more, you may end up doing all of the physical part of the rearing......because he's tired now.

Oh....and he also stated he doesn't want more kids because he wants to travel and relax in old age. He states he doesn't have the energy to go through child rearing again, because it is "so much work."
I can understand his sentiment as he has THREE kids to your one plus they are younger.

At the same time, I can understand where you are coming from because I only have one child and I definitely want another when I get would be a dealbreaker if the person I was with didn't want a child together.

I feel like this...if you knew he was set on this, you probably shouldn't have continued with hopes you could wear him down and the reverse for him.
he has 3 younger ones that he is still raising. i completely understand his reluctance to have more.

Question, do you think your maternal yearning for a baby would be satisfied raising his three?

IDK, good love and chemistry is hard to come by
How old is he?

Maybe he really can't handle more. It is a lot of work. If, by some miracle, he agrees to have more, you may end up doing all of the physical part of the rearing......because he's tired now.

He is 37. I will give him that his children live with him and he is responsible for them 24-7. Their mom lives in another state and they visit her during school breaks. So, I get that his plate is full between that and work. He also coaches youth sports, active in his fraternity, and sits on a few boards. I feel as a team that we will be alright. He was open to possibly having a baby at one point, but when things got hectic with the kids he was like nope!
he has 3 younger ones that he is still raising. i completely understand his reluctance to have more.

Question, do you think your maternal yearning for a baby would be satisfied raising his three?

IDK, good love and chemistry is hard to come by

I have thought about that too. I love his children, but I still yearn to have another of my own with my husband. He is very involved with my son as well since he is a college professor and counselor. He is a great mentor for my son and my son has really opened up to him especially as he is getting read for college.
I can understand his sentiment as he has THREE kids to your one plus they are younger.

At the same time, I can understand where you are coming from because I only have one child and I definitely want another when I get would be a dealbreaker if the person I was with didn't want a child together.

I feel like this...if you knew he was set on this, you probably shouldn't have continued with hopes you could wear him down and the reverse for him.

Sadly I realize this now. I know better and I didn't take heed. Now I feel like if I leave I will be so heartbroken. I can't imagine anybody else touching me.
Wow. I feel really bad for you, because this is a hard one that you should take a lot of time with. A great husband or another child.....

Do you think that you could ever be okay with having no more children?

Make the choice you can live happiest with.

Sadly I realize this now. I know better and I didn't take heed. Now I feel like if I leave I will be so heartbroken. I can't imagine anybody else touching me.
Wow. I feel really bad for you, because this is a hard one that you should take a lot of time with. A great husband or another child.....

Do you think that you could ever be okay with having no more children?

Make the choice you can live happiest with.
You ain't never lied! Hard choice. He told me that he just wants me to be happy, so he supports me no matter what. It would be easier for me to make a decision if he was a sorry a** man than...that's for sure!
I know all about that problem.

You have to show him that you're ready to leave and live your life without him.
Perhaps he will change his mind, perhaps he won't.

You'll know when you're ready. It's not easy at all... :nono:
He told you that he didn't want children from jump and you continued with hopes of changing his mind? Not good. I say cut your losses and move on. If by chance you do have a kid, I think there will be some resentment.

There is more to marriage than love. I married the first time for love, I will never do that again. Yes, I will love the guy that I marry, but there are going to be a few things ahead of that. Just real talk.
you need to value and respect what that man told you and move on. i am trying to figure out what made you think you could change his mind? he is still raising three and he told you he didn't want kids from different women. i would be pissed if i told someone i didn't want more and they thought they could just pressure me into starting parenthood all over again. i don't care how old he is. he wants to move on with his life and not change diapers. kids take up a lot of your money, time, and emotional state. you need to let that go and find someone that wants to have children. let that man be.
I know all about that problem.

You have to show him that you're ready to leave and live your life without him.
Perhaps he will change his mind, perhaps he won't.

You'll know when you're ready. It's not easy at all... :nono:
It shouldn't be a stand off though. He told her that he didn't want to have additional kids. I wouldn't try to hold out hope that he would change his mind. That is not fair to him. We woman are always about ME ME ME ME. There are other people's feelings to consider, no matter what one may think.
It shouldn't be a stand off though. He told her that he didn't want to have additional kids. I wouldn't try to hold out hope that he would change his mind. That is not fair to him. We woman are always about ME ME ME ME. There are other people's feelings to consider, no matter what one may think.
Agreed. I can't believe folks are in this thread KNOCKING A MAN for NOT WANTING TO HAVE MORE CHILDREN.

She wants more kids. Cool. Good for her.
He doesn't want more kids. Cool. Good for him.

If you haven't already, you need to have a serious conversation about how his desire NOT to want to have more children is affecting your relationship - "because of this impasse, I'm considering leaving you" (not just comments in passing, or right before going to bed).

And if its that important to you, move on. But ya'll need to quit knocking a man for not wanting to have MORE children.
Like someone else suggested, why not turn those maternal instincts towards his children as well as your child?

You only have yourself to blame because he told you he didn't want more kids. I will never understand why people don't take folks seriously when they say this stuff.

And I personally don't agree that someone who loves you would just automatically have kids because you want them. The opposite could be said as well, that if you really love HIM you would respect his wishes NOT to have a child. Why is having a child always given more precedent than NOT having one?

This reminds me of Girlfriends when Joan ended her relationship with Malik Yoba because he didn't want kids. That seemed foolish to me. I think you should just stay with him and mother his kids as well as your own.
I think it's great that he told you upfront. I think it even more great that he has these values.
It shouldn't be a stand off though. He told her that he didn't want to have additional kids. I wouldn't try to hold out hope that he would change his mind. That is not fair to him. We woman are always about ME ME ME ME. There are other people's feelings to consider, no matter what one may think.

There's nothing wrong with being selfish when it comes to having or not having children. That's a dealbreaker.

Perhaps he will change his mind once they have broken up, most likely he won't. People do change their minds every once in a while, though...
If so, that's his own personal decision.

I can well understand that a 37 year old with three kids don't want anymore. I think I would feel the same if I were in his shoes, especially since he takes care of them on his own. That's a lot of work. :yep:
. Of course, I took it as a grain of salt and thought I could change his mind.

If having another child meant that much to you, you shouldn't have taken this risk. This was bad judgment on your part, unfortunately.

I know I want children, and when a guy tells me he doesn't, I believe him. I might still see him casually but I know that long term we're not going to be anything more, because I'm not giving up my desire to be mother for anyone.

It sucks because it seems like you guys have a good relationship minus this dilemma. But ultimately you have to decide if you're ok not having another child. If not, I don't see anything else you can do but leave.
Like someone else suggested, why not turn those maternal instincts towards his children as well as your child?

You only have yourself to blame because he told you he didn't want more kids. I will never understand why people don't take folks seriously when they say this stuff.

And I personally don't agree that someone who loves you would just automatically have kids because you want them. The opposite could be said as well, that if you really love HIM you would respect his wishes NOT to have a child. Why is having a child always given more precedent than NOT having one?

This reminds me of Girlfriends when Joan ended her relationship with Malik Yoba because he didn't want kids. That seemed foolish to me. I think you should just stay with him and mother his kids as well as your own.

Why is that foolish? This is a major thing to not be on the same page about. And if it's something you've always wanted, do you really think it's that easy to just give it up?

I'm sorry, you can adore your step-children or SO's children but it will ever compare to love and adoration you would have for your own child, IMO. Going into overdrive playing mommy to his children is not the solution.

I'm you with everything else, though, especially on not understanding why she didn't take him seriously. :ohwell:
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Agreed. I can't believe folks are in this thread KNOCKING A MAN for NOT WANTING TO HAVE MORE CHILDREN.

She wants more kids. Cool. Good for her.
He doesn't want more kids. Cool. Good for him.

If you haven't already, you need to have a serious conversation about how his desire NOT to want to have more children is affecting your relationship - "because of this impasse, I'm considering leaving you" (not just comments in passing, or right before going to bed).

And if its that important to you, move on. But ya'll need to quit knocking a man for not wanting to have MORE children.
I honestly don't think a serious conversation is in order since he told her from jump. The conversation would only be, "Why can't he see things my way" type of conversation.

I can not fathom why folks don't listen to what people are saying. I don't think he can be any more clear than he has been.

I feel bad for guys in this situation especially if they do not control themselves because in situations like this a lot of woman do end up expecting and blurt out something to the effect of, "Well he knew we weren't protected and he did it any way". Mmmm maybe since birth had been controlled for the longest and the women knew, why would anything change?
I believe if a man has expressed that to you, you date and marry and you convince him to change his mind, he will always have that in the back on his mind. Maybe even the woman will also.

If I had more kids for my husband because he wanted them, eventhough I didn't want them, I would be doing a disservice to me, him, my older kids and the new babies. Sometimes you can't help what you don't want. Even having the baby cause you're trying to please someone won't change that desire not being there.
I honestly don't think a serious conversation is in order since he told her from jump. The conversation would only be, "Why can't he see things my way" type of conversation.

I can not fathom why folks don't listen to what people are saying. I don't think he can be any more clear than he has been.

I feel bad for guys in this situation especially if they do not control themselves because in situations like this a lot of woman do end up expecting and blurt out something to the effect of, "Well he knew we weren't protected and he did it any way". Mmmm maybe since birth had been controlled for the longest and the women knew, why would anything change?
I'm 100% with you. I'm just saying if its that important to her, where she's considering leaving him, she should communicate that to him. If she can post it on LHCF, she can have the conversation with him.

But yea...I'm with you. We knock men for not taking care of their kids. And then folks want to knock a man, with children, who is actively taking care of his child, because he doesn't want more children? Selfish, IMO.
lmbao 2 the above two comments...

I think as he was upfront with you...from the start...
U need to be upfront with yourself...
he does't want anymore children and i understand...his reasons

U have to determine can you live with that..