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Whenever I tell people that I’m into astrology and do chart readings, the question I get the most is,“What sign am I compatible with?” I usually end up giving them the basics of astrology and compatibility as there are many factors that go into finding out if you’re astronomically compatible with someone.

Since I can’t put all the details of love & astrology into one post, I will post weekly "lessons” and tips for using astrology to find a significant other.

1. Sun Sign Compatibility

I’ve mentioned this before; when someone asks you, “What’s your sign?” They are referring to your sun sign. Your sun sign is your general personality, interests, desires and quirks. I will talk about your Ascendant or rising sign later but if you were to pull up to a house, your ascendant would be the exterior of the house and your sun sign would be the interior. A house can look one way on the outside but when you walk inside, there are hundreds of details you would have never known about without entering the home.

An easy “rule” for determining whether you’ll be compatible with someone is by knowing their sun sign & its element (earth, air, fire, water). Disclaimer: There are no rules when it comes to astrology and dating. Everyone has a birth chart that indicates how they are in relationships, so don’t rule someone out just because they’re a Scorpio and you think you don’t get along with water signs.​
Rule Diddy out because he won't marry his baby mommas, not because he's a Scorpio!
So for example, if you follow my blog you should know I’m a Taurus. Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac, an earth sign, ruled by Venus and linked to money/possessions. Many Taureans are known to value money, security, comfort and the finer things in life. The other 2 earth signs are Virgo and Capricorn so if you’re a Taurus, according to textbook astrology, you should be able to relate to or get along with Virgos and Capricorns. My boyfriend is a Capricorn and we have similar life goals and values, which is obviously important in a romantic relationship.​
A Harmonious Relationship

Here are the 12 signs of the Zodiac and their elements:

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

So the general rule of thumb is, fire signs work well with other fire signs or air signs and vice versa. Earth signs work well with other earth signs or water signs and vice versa. Fire signs typically like action, adventure, speak their mind, value freedom and don’t like to be tied down. Air signs also value freedom but they are also known for being able to relate to different people through conversation and appreciating mental stimulation.

Aries & Leo, famous firey match

Earth signs are “down to earth” realists who value security, hard work and stability. Water signs are the “feelers” of the zodiac and are known to need security & loyalty and for being emotional.

Water signs Scorpio & Pisces are emotionally connected
So the next time you strike up a conversation with someone and you have a lot of things in common, ask them for their sun sign. You may be surprised to find out your sun sign elements are in sync, which is a good starting point for relationship compatibility.
I'm into astrology too and know that the sun sign is only a fraction of your personality and who you will get along with. I'm a Cancer with a Sagittarius Ascent and Moon. And the rest of my chart is either fire or air. My sun sign is my only water sign. I tend to get along better with air signs and some earth signs. Usually not Taurus women! Fire signs especually Aries I can only stand so much of them. They tend to want to dominate and we get along wonderfully in the beginning until they try to tell me how to run my life then I ditch them.
dang...I'm a pisces and don't know what my other stuff is..
i Just out of a relationship with a Aquarius and he was a dog..lmbao
He had more issues than me...
I'm Earth (Virgo) and I know that me and NOT fare well...esp. Aries...they have a way of making my normally calm and reserved self want to verbally spar. The only signs that I've ever had full blown arguments with have been Fire people.

I really need a fellow earth sign in my life.
Gemini men make me feel like this ... NEVER again :nono: . Seems like some gemini men are "Dr Jekylland Mr Hyde."

UGHHHH!!! I never dated a Gemini but I used to date someone that had a brother that was a Gemini and he was the most obnoxious person on the face of the planet!! Me and him use to fight more than I did with his brother hahahaha
I agree with Sun sign not being the claimer in relationship. I'm Cancer, rising Capricorn that all I know but I'm not emotionally tied to know one. You do me wrong, I move on quick. Maybe I need to read Capricorn. I always attract Gemini, don't last long.
hmmm I'm a capricorn and I'm always finding myself being attracted to fire and air signs. Virgos are too emotional for me.
I love this post bc I study astrology alot. But I focus more on the moon rising and venus when looking at compatibility. BUT I will say for myself as a leo sun virgo rising libra moon and cancer venus....I cannot do EARTH SIGNS for real when it comes to relationships...their too idk I am drawn to the AIR signs. I always attract guys who are either gemini sun or moon...or they are FIRE and AIR mixed in their charts.
Hey Ladies, I wrote this this post on my blog. Some of you are right, there are a lot of different factors in determining compatibility in astrology and this is only Lesson 1.

I'll be doing other lessons on ascendant (rising) sign, moon, venus, so stay tuned! In the meantime visit

Thanks for reading! LHCF is the best
I agree with Sun sign not being the claimer in relationship. I'm Cancer, rising Capricorn that all I know but I'm not emotionally tied to know one. You do me wrong, I move on quick. Maybe I need to read Capricorn. I always attract Gemini, don't last long.

Interesting that you attract Gemini's, wonder if its something else in your chart.

In my observations, it seems that Capricorns find it easier to move on than other signs since their standards are usually very high. (I've dated a double cap for 6 years!) Maybe since this is your rising, its reflecting in your relationships.

Also Cancer's (the crab, hard on the outside soft on the inside) can be known to shut people out that rub them the wrong way. Cancer & Capricorn are opposite signs on the zodiac wheel so its interesting that you have the for your sun & rising sign.
I'm into astrology too and know that the sun sign is only a fraction of your personality and who you will get along with. I'm a Cancer with a Sagittarius Ascent and Moon. And the rest of my chart is either fire or air. My sun sign is my only water sign. I tend to get along better with air signs and some earth signs. Usually not Taurus women! Fire signs especually Aries I can only stand so much of them. They tend to want to dominate and we get along wonderfully in the beginning until they try to tell me how to run my life then I ditch them.

Taurus? Aww what's wrong with us!? :nono:
I'm loving this topic....... Well I'm a calm laid back Libran and my two close female’s friends are Air & Earth signs, I seem to get along great with the Capricorns, Aquarians I don’t know why but I do. Every Leo and Virgo woman I have met I don’t seem to get along with lol.. :ohwell:

My man is an Arian and I can see why he is a fire element lol, he at times can be umm how shall I say it? A little too energetic for me, he can be selfish when he gets hurt and can be extremely impatient at times. He can be hard headed and stubborn when he is upset. On the other hand he has some great Arian traits such as being creative, positivity, and loyalty :grin:

My ex was a Taurus and all I can say is.......... Lord have mercy...... he was too silent for me, always moody and too emotionally mystifying for me.:blush:
I'm loving this topic....... Well I'm a calm laid back Libran and my two close female’s friends are Air & Earth signs, I seem to get along great with the Capricorns, Aquarians I don’t know why but I do. Every Leo and Virgo woman I have met I don’t seem to get along with lol.. :ohwell:

My man is an Arian and I can see why he is a fire element lol, he at times can be umm how shall I say it? A little too energetic for me, he can be selfish when he gets hurt and can be extremely impatient at times. He can be hard headed and stubborn when he is upset. On the other hand he has some great Arian traits such as being creative, positivity, and loyalty :grin:

My ex was a Taurus and all I can say is.......... Lord have mercy...... he was too silent for me, always moody and too emotionally mystifying for me.:blush:

I can't believe how much I'm posting on this thread...but anyway, Libra and Aries are opposite signs on the zodiac wheel so usually people either can get along great with their opposite sign or can't stand them lol. Looks like you and your Aries man have a good connection, you know how they say opposites attract!

As for theTaurus, I (Taurus) get along with Libra women SO well, I usually can sense their good nature plus Taurus and Libra are both ruled by Venus (planet of love & beauty) which means both signs may have a lot in common. Signs are expressed differently in men and women, which might be why the Taurus relationship wasn't so good. I've had a hard time with getting along with some Taurus men myself! Plus, our stubborn nature makes it hard for us to express ourselves sometimes, and Libra is an air sign - most are big on communication and partnership.
I'm into astrology too and know that the sun sign is only a fraction of your personality and who you will get along with. I'm a Cancer with a Sagittarius Ascent and Moon. And the rest of my chart is either fire or air. My sun sign is my only water sign. I tend to get along better with air signs and some earth signs. Usually not Taurus women! Fire signs especually Aries I can only stand so much of them. They tend to want to dominate and we get along wonderfully in the beginning until they try to tell me how to run my life then I ditch them.

Your are not alone. My EX bff is an Aries. Im an Aquarius so we are supposed to get along, but damn if they cant work your last nerves sometimes :wallbash:
I am a Pisces and I attract Capricorns. I can't stand Aries and Gemini men. I dated a Cancer but he lied so much I ran away!! I am currently with a Capricorn and we have been bumping heads lately. I hope things get better.