Love ... But Not Care?


Well-Known Member
So I was having a semi-debate with one of my friends. She believes that men can love (and be in love) with a woman but not care about the woman. I personally think that if a man doesn't care about the woman then he doesn't really love her. Maybe it's not so black and white?

What are your thoughts? experiences? examples?
Your friend has very low standards and expectations with men.

You simply cannot have one without the other. Love starts with caring, and caring comes from love.
I never heard that definition before!

If a man or a woman loves someone, caring for that person is part of the package so to speak.

In fact, most men are proud to take care of the ones they love...providing for them, making sure they are comfortable etc.
Yeah it doesn't make sense to love someone and not care about them...
What does she mean by care?
Does she have a different idea of what caring for someone means?
Maybe she is saying a man can love you but not want you therefore not care. Its not there is no love, it's just its not that deep :sad:
Does your friend subscribe to the, "I love you, but not in love with you"? She needs to stop letting these guys mess with her head. All of it is to get the tail if a woman is not thinking.
Sounds like she got the word "love" mixed up with "lust". They can lust for you all day long and still not really care about you.
Interesting question. I was watching House the other day and Cuddy said to House, "You need me, you may even love me, but you don't care about me." It was a very interesting line that made me raise my eyebrows, but it kinda made sense in context. Essentially, what Cuddy meant by "love" was that he had all these romantic feelings toward her, wanted to be with her and felt like she was an important part of his life--but it was all about him. He wanted the good things that he got out of a relationship with her (including sex, but really, much more than that--her attention, support, etc), his feelings toward her were powerful, but he rarely took the time to do anything for her or to pay close attention to what she needed and wanted.

I don't subscribe to that definition of "love", but people can be wishy washy with its definition, so I think it depends on what is meant. The way it is commonly used, I do believe that "I love you" can be much more than lust and still be completely self-centered. It can mean that you're a big part of my life and I really, really, really want you to stay with me. But that doesn't necessarily mean that someone who says that and feels that way is any good at caring for the needs and wants of the other person.
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Like Nicole Kirwan just broke it down, it depends on how you define "love". IMO if the feelings you have for a person are completely self-centered, i.e. you like the way being in a relationship with them makes you feel / what it does for you, but you don't care about their needs and their wants, then you don't love them. It could be infatuation or dependency or whatever. But it isn't love.
Lol. Thanks, ladies. She's older than me and married so I thought hmmm.

Maybe this is something she puts out there to feel better about her own situation??? I sooooo hate that whole, love and in love, or love but not in love, because it's such a selfish view. Either you love someone or you don't. And if you truly love someone, you are concerned about their wants, needs and feelings. Anything short of that is an arrangement for being used.:nono: