Looking Back On The One You Didn't Marry Knowing What You Know Now...

My ex-fiancé from my early 20's was a dreamer. He was fun, attractive, strong, helped with the cooking and cleaning occasionally and we did a lot of fun things together. I never once pressed him to get married but he proposed just because all of his friends were getting engaged/married.

He wasn't as motivated career-wise and the more my career and education advanced, the more he resented me because he had a mediocre job even though he'd dream about what he wanted to do for a living. He started acting up right after the engagement. All of a sudden this fun loving guy started cheating. Then he became verbally abusive, started destroying my belongings and then he became physically abusive. It was over after the physical abuse but I regret staying too long dealing with the verbal. He was a loser with low self-esteem and I was young and "still learning" :-) .

He'd call me a stupid B**** and I'd call him a P**** in return thinking I was tough just because I said it back. Lesson learned: the first man to call me out of my name will not get called one back, he'd get shown the door. Once, he picked up my new VCR and dropped it on the floor right in front of me because he was jealous that my brother bought it for me. And the stitch mark on my forehead is a constant reminder that I will never disregard the abusive signs again. I'm a tough girl and if you hit me you're getting hit back no matter how big you are so I gave him a pretty good mark on the top of his head after I bashed him in the head with a house phone in self defense. Being a tough girl means nothing because we could have killed each other if we stayed together.

He's still working mediocre jobs and he never married. I'm surprised he's not in jail because I'm sure the abuse probably continued with other women but I have no idea.

So yeah, knowing what I know now, I would have never looked his way. It explains why I don't give guys that show any signs of those same insecurities even a second glance. My friends say I'm too picky because I won't date a guy who is not at or above the same career level as me and I really don't care what they say because I'm so jaded from that. Yeah, all guys are not the same and are not insecure but still.
I waited around for this guy (first ever BF, first love) for 6.5 years for a proposal that never happened that started in my mid twenties. In the process, I became a former shell of myself and changed completely. All my personal interests went to the wayside. If he didn't like my interest (ie traveling, sports), I let it go. I never felt reassured/safe in the relationship and felt that I was constantly having to prove my worth to him. Finally ended things when a new guy :look: came knocking. Since then I look back at that relationship and shake my head and asking myself what the heck was I thinking. And also thanking the Lord fervently that he never asked. I would have been so miserable, so depressed and not be the fabulous, well traveled, and confident person I am today.

I am not even mad at him and don't regret anything. I look at it as a lesson learned and what not to do in a relationship. Every guy I have dated since then has been a complete opposite and that mindset hasn't failed me.

I am super selfish now with my time and do me. If I want to do something or go somewhere, I do it without hesitation. I won't ever let anyone tell me what I can or cannot do or have such a powerful hold on my life.
I waited around for this guy (first ever BF, first love) for 6.5 years for a proposal that never happened that started in my mid twenties. In the process, I became a former shell of myself and changed completely. All my personal interests went to the wayside. If he didn't like my interest (ie traveling, sports), I let it go. I never felt reassured/safe in the relationship and felt that I was constantly having to prove my worth to him. Finally ended things when a new guy :look: came knocking. Since then I look back at that relationship and shake my head and asking myself what the heck was I thinking. And also thanking the Lord fervently that he never asked. I would have been so miserable, so depressed and not be the fabulous, well traveled, and confident person I am today.

I am not even mad at him and don't regret anything. I look at it as a lesson learned and what not to do in a relationship. Every guy I have dated since then has been a complete opposite and that mindset hasn't failed me.

I am super selfish now with my time and do me. If I want to do something or go somewhere, I do it without hesitation. I won't ever let anyone tell me what I can or cannot do or have such a powerful hold on my life.

Finishing this thread helped me remember other bullets that I dodged with this man. Had we stayed together, he probably would have worsened my financial situation as he borrowed large sums of money from me and encourage me to take out 40K of loans. That I am still working to pay off to this day even though things ended almost 10 years ago. :rolleyes:

Also after lots of reading relationship and self help blogs/books and just the passage of time, I recognize that he is a narcissistic and was emotionally abusive. Won't make THAT mistake again as I can recognize the signs a mile away now.
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:eek: Say it ain't so. No one would blame you if chose to hate this man but hatred would hurt you more than him. Good thing you let go.


Girl! I am so thankful!!
Great thread!

I'd be married to a guy who adores me, but I would be feeling trapped. For example, I'd still be in my hometown because he never wanted to live too far from his family. He also wasn't a provider financially, and even now, from what I've heard about him, I'd still be outearning him. Plus he had this side of him that was judgemental, and it would come out anytime someone challenged him. He felt like he was smarter than everyone around him and felt intimidated by successful men.

Sometimes I look back and wonder if I should have stayed. I wasn't happy at the time because I was the breadwinner and he lacked ambition, but we were young and still trying to find ourselves. Since I called off the engagement, I've traveled, lived in other cities, lived abroad, entered a career that I love, and had some amazing experiences... but my dating life has been non-existent since him. I've been single for about 5 years now with no prospects in sight and I'm starting to doubt if that will ever change. I hate that my failed dating life makes me doubt that any other man could love me like he did. It's almost like he won in the end because I haven't found a better man. When I left I felt a weight being lifted off of me. I felt good about leaving. I'm hoping that in time I will start to reap the rewards of putting myself first in that moment.
Sounds like my ex and how i felt when i left. But we were not engaged or anything like that. We talked about it every now and then but it showed how different our views and wants were.
Finishing this thread helped me remember other bullets that I dodged with this man. Had we stayed together, he probably would have worsened my financial situation as he borrowed large sums of money from me and encourage me to take out 40K of loans. That I am still working to pay off to this day even though things ended almost 10 years ago. :rolleyes:

Lord knows that hindsight is 20/20, but even now I would be like :brucelee: if I ever saw him again.
Oh my goodness, I think about where I would be if I married my ex fiancé all the time and I am so so so grateful that I saw the light!

I have no doubt in my mind that we would be divorced by now and on the off chance that we weren't we would be approaching our fourth wedding anniversary. I will probably be fat & miserable with no friends & still beefing with one of my very best friends in the world.

I would probably have a kid or two, no college degrees, no career path or dreams, and feeling stuck and verbally and mentally abused. He would definitely still be cheating and I would be so numb to it that I wouldn't even care anymore.

Thank you lord for delivering me :clapping:
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Oh my goodness, I think about where I would be if I married my ex fiancé all the time and I am so so so grateful that I saw the light!

I have no doubt in my mind that we would be divorced by now and on the off chance that we we weren't we would be approaching our fourth wedding anniversary. I will probably be fat & miserable with no friends & still beefing with one of my very best friends in the world.

I would probably have a kid or two, no college degrees, no career path or dreams, and feeling stuck and verbally and mentally abused. He would definitely still be cheating and I would be so numb to it that I wouldn't even care anymore.

Thank you lord for delivering me :clapping:
Amen indeed!! Did he marry someone else?
My ex. We lived together he supported me through some really tough times. Once things started to look up for me he became different. I was promoted at work and he was the first person I called. He response was so lackluster.

I realized that I had to be small for him to feel good about our rlp. Here I was excited because we could be on equal footing and live this wonderful life together. Nope, he had a need to be needed and I no longer fit the bill.

So if I stayed we would of married and divorced.

It hurt so much when I left him but after a while I realized it wasn't going to work in the end.
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My ex. We lived together he supported me through some really tough times. Once things started to look up for me he became different. I was promoted at work and he was the first person I called. He response was so lackluster.

I realized that I had to be small for him to feel good about out rlp. Here I was excited because we could be on equal footing and live this wonderful life together. Nope, he had a need to be needed and I no longer fit the bill.

So if I stayed we would of married and divorced.

It hurt so much when I left him but after a while I realized it wasn't going to work in the end.
What a shame he was so jealous of your success
What a shame he was so jealous of your success

Which was crazy to me. He took a pay cut to gain experience so he could move up to the C-level suites. I was there cheering him on, ready to do my part and support us. He couldn't get pass me moving on and being successful.

Last I heard he is in a loveless marriage and he is staying for fear of losing the kids. The paternity of one his daughters is in question.

I told our mutual friends I wish him well.
Which was crazy to me. He took a pay cut to gain experience so he could move up to the C-level suites. I was there cheering him on, ready to do my part and support us. He couldn't get pass me moving on and being successful.

Last I heard he is in a loveless marriage and he is staying for fear of losing the kids. The paternity of one his daughters is in question.

I told our mutual friends I wish him well.
Again, Karma is a bih
I really can't imagine. I can not see how I could remain with him and be a good mother to my child so I really can't imagine.

If we married, I would probably have dropped out of school, moved away from my family, my daughter would be used to him callling me horrible names and wouldnt't even react to the yelling/fighting anymore.
My very first ex was gay, so that would've sucked.

My second ex was nice, not a bad bone in his body, his dyck was HUGE and he was my first. We loved to sex it out, but we didn't have much in common lol. We also looked very similar, it was weird. My mother loved him and saw him once after we had broken up and made sure to give him my new number so he could call me :lachen:I would probably be bored mentally but taken care of sexually. We both would've been cheaters tbh. :look:

My third ex was a much older man. I was like 17 when we met, and he was 25. Ain't nothing a 25 year old has in common with a 17 year old but I was naive and believed the whole "wow youre mature for your age" crap. He controlled my life pretty much towards the end of the relationship. Told me I would never amount to anything and really went out of his way to make that reality. Cheated on me constantly and his little girlfriends would call him ALL the time. I left him once I started cheating :lachen:once I got some outside dyck I realized I really was wasting my pretty. I called two dudes I was "friends" with to come get all my crap from his house. And I burnt down his garden :look: He wasn't home. Anyway hes a lawyer now at 30, with a 21 year old girlfriend :spinning: my life wouldve been hell and I would've died young.

My fourth ex was the actual devil and the reason I tell people to avoid all gemini's. He really pushed all my boundaries and made me feel so freaking crazy, it was like I wasnt actually seeing or hearing what I was seeing and hearing. So after two months of feeling that I went to get some out dyck from my old realiable. He dycked me down while whispering "you dont deserve that" :lachen:The next day I was driving ol bum gemini somewhere and he had one leg out the car and I just speed off and he tumbled out screaming and hollering. Blocked him and all his buddies from SM, did a ten day cleanse, and stopped dating for six months. Turns out I broke his leg :auto: I would be in jail literally this moment had I of stayed.

Everyone else was part of the rotation. They knew better than to even start with the lovey dovey :lachen:
My very first ex was gay, so that would've sucked.

My second ex was nice, not a bad bone in his body, his dyck was HUGE and he was my first. We loved to sex it out, but we didn't have much in common lol. We also looked very similar, it was weird. My mother loved him and saw him once after we had broken up and made sure to give him my new number so he could call me :lachen:I would probably be bored mentally but taken care of sexually. We both would've been cheaters tbh. :look:

My third ex was a much older man. I was like 17 when we met, and he was 25. Ain't nothing a 25 year old has in common with a 17 year old but I was naive and believed the whole "wow youre mature for your age" crap. He controlled my life pretty much towards the end of the relationship. Told me I would never amount to anything and really went out of his way to make that reality. Cheated on me constantly and his little girlfriends would call him ALL the time. I left him once I started cheating :lachen:once I got some outside dyck I realized I really was wasting my pretty. I called two dudes I was "friends" with to come get all my crap from his house. And I burnt down his garden :look: He wasn't home. Anyway hes a lawyer now at 30, with a 21 year old girlfriend :spinning: my life wouldve been hell and I would've died young.

My fourth ex was the actual devil and the reason I tell people to avoid all gemini's. He really pushed all my boundaries and made me feel so freaking crazy, it was like I wasnt actually seeing or hearing what I was seeing and hearing. So after two months of feeling that I went to get some out dyck from my old realiable. He dycked me down while whispering "you dont deserve that" :lachen:The next day I was driving ol bum gemini somewhere and he had one leg out the car and I just speed off and he tumbled out screaming and hollering. Blocked him and all his buddies from SM, did a ten day cleanse, and stopped dating for six months. Turns out I broke his leg :auto: I would be in jail literally this moment had I of stayed.

Everyone else was part of the rotation. They knew better than to even start with the lovey dovey :lachen:
Your stories never disappoint. I love it! :lachen: