Long-term Naturals Who Are Over Their Hair

I'm kind of over my hair but not really. I just want to look very cute now. I fight between "looking cute" and protecting my ends. So now I'm really interested in wigs and weaves. The only problem is that I can only really keep such styles in for 3-4 weeks before I want something new (which is why I prefer wigs over weaves because at least I can have more variety). I just don't have that kind of money to keep switching it up like that.

I just wanna have fun now. :cry3:

Despite my hair frustrations, I absolutely prefer being natural over being relaxed/permanently altering my curls.
I bumped this thread only to say that I'm seriously considering cutting my hair again (I've been natural for 16 years and have cut it to less than an inch at least 2 times). This time, I want to cut it in a tapered fro. I'm pinning images like crazy to find some inspiration.
It'll be 4 years sans relaxer for me in April. I'm not over natural hair (don't want a relaxer) but I'm no longer babying the hair. I wear it out nearly every day (cold and all) and I'm just enjoying the length. I switched conditioners to one that isn't marketed to naturals (Herbal Essences Hello Hydration) and I'm just simply over over-analyzing ingredients. I read all labels out of habit but then go ahead and purchase regardless, lol.

Still not interest in straightening the hair though.
On my 14th year of being natural. Lately because I've been lazy, I've felt bored because I stopped caring for my hair. I've decided that the best way to get over this is to work on learning different, new to me styles.

I think boredom leads to being over anything. Figure out a way to shake things up.
I'm not over it but the novelty has worn off. Now it's just normal/mundane. I don't do a whole lot with it anymore. It's either in a twistout, braid out, bun, or straight.

I'm WL. I'm thinking of locing but I have to work on dh a bit first. I'll definitely be loced by the time I'm 40.
Did you end up getting your hair loc’d?
I'm most over detangling. I got a tapered about a year ago. Maybe longer. I'm getting it recut Thursday. Not as low but definitely a lot on the sides.

My philosophy is it'll grow back.

Ha. I had to see what the heck I said back then.

I've conquered detangling. But I will never get a tapered cut again. I got color a year ago and now I'm over that. Too much maintenence to keep it retouched. I should have gotten highlights. Ah well.
Ha. I had to see what the heck I said back then.

I've conquered detangling. But I will never get a tapered cut again. I got color a year ago and now I'm over that. Too much maintenence to keep it retouched. I should have gotten highlights. Ah well.
I've lost about 6 inches because I colored last May, not thinking I'd have to maintain a brown partial like one would a bleached color. Every strand of dyed hair was damaged. I co washed during the week and dced weekly, shampooed based on product use, but it was not enough or too much idk. So now I'm over my hair and have worn braids for about 5 months off and on this year because the necessary cuts made me sad. Thank god I braid my own hair.

Even thought about relaxing. I have so many rollers
I've lost about 6 inches because I colored last May, not thinking I'd have to maintain a brown partial like one would a bleached color. Every strand of dyed hair was damaged. I co washed during the week and dced weekly, shampooed based on product use, but it was not enough or too much idk. So now I'm over my hair and have worn braids for about 5 months off and on this year because the necessary cuts made me sad. Thank god I braid my own hair.

Even thought about relaxing. I have so many rollers
Chemical colour damages my hair, too. I've learned my lesson and am sticking to henna/indigo.
I'm kinda over mine as well. I am so tired of all the long wash days, it's ridiculous. I wear wigs more than anything else right now. I rarely ever show my hair anymore.

I do still keep it clean and healthy but not as often as I used to which was every week, now I try to stretch my wash days to every 2/3 weeks. The exceptions are when I use too much product in it, and so then it would be weekly washes.
I've lost about 6 inches because I colored last May, not thinking I'd have to maintain a brown partial like one would a bleached color. Every strand of dyed hair was damaged. I co washed during the week and dced weekly, shampooed based on product use, but it was not enough or too much idk. So now I'm over my hair and have worn braids for about 5 months off and on this year because the necessary cuts made me sad. Thank god I braid my own hair.

Even thought about relaxing. I have so many rollers

My color hasn't damaged my hair at all. I'm just tired of looking at it. Only bad experience I've had with color is doing it myself. I leave it to the professionals.
The only color I use is to cover my grays, thankfully no breakage.

I keep my hair in a bun or twist myself. after medical menopause my hair isn’t as long or thick as it was but able to put in a ponytail with hair added to create fullness.

I won’t go back to relaxers because it’s hard finding a salon that understands my hair. Dominican salons were only good for washes, horrible for relaxers.
8 years natural and I’m over it. I enjoy doing my hair when time permits, but let’s be real: styling my hair takes 2 hours on average. That’s a lot. So I wear wigs when I need a break.
I am also over my natural hair. I haven’t had a relaxer in maybe 10 years. I’ve worn braids, twists or a weave but haven’t worn my own hair out over a long period of time since 2012.

I have no relaxed ends on my head. My hair is probably to my collar bone now. Over time I’ve gotten trims and just cared less about length since my hair was always hidden. But now I’m bored and worried about long term effects and wanting other protective options. I’ve tried wearing a fake ponytail but haven’t come across a texture or fullness that feels natural to me. Buns are easy but boring.

I’ll probably just keep twisting.... and taking my hair vitamins.... and trying to create the perfect ponytail extension. This will take a long time. Maybe I will wind up with a product to sell as a result!!
I can't say that I am over my natural hair. I love my kinky hair but my lifestyle has changed. My work schedule is hectic and I workout more regularly and need to wash my hair more often. 4+ hour wash days don't work for my during the work week. So I have an appointment to get a virgin relaxer (I'm hoping for more of a texlax.)

ETA: I have decided to stay natural. Thinking about relaxing it makes me really sad, I like my hair texture too much. I am going to look for some new techniques to change up my routine.
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I can't say that I am over my natural hair. I love my kinky hair but my lifestyle has changed. My work schedule is hectic and I workout more regularly and need to wash my hair more often. 4+ hour wash days don't work for my during the work week. So I have an appointment to get a virgin relaxer (I'm hoping for more of a texlax.)

ETA: I have decided to stay natural. Thinking about relaxing it makes me really sad, I like my hair texture too much. I am going to look for some new techniques to change up my routine.
Every time I commit to relaxing I think of my summer wash n gos and I cannot
The only color I use is to cover my grays, thankfully no breakage.

I keep my hair in a bun or twist myself. after medical menopause my hair isn’t as long or thick as it was but able to put in a ponytail with hair added to create fullness.

I won’t go back to relaxers because it’s hard finding a salon that understands my hair. Dominican salons were only good for washes, horrible for relaxers.
what do you use to cover your grays?
For me I have realized that I prefer shorter hair. I really don't have time to deal with my hair once it's past shoulder length.

So I keep it shorter which makes it easier for me to bounce between straight and curly.

I am ready for a new cut and color though.
I've been natural for 12 years, which is so crazy to me! I was over my hair back in March so I became a heat trained natural. I've been doing that for the past 7 month. I still love having my hair straight, but I hate the damage I have from bad practices in the first months.

I was thinking about BCing but I got talked off that ledge LOL!
It'll be 4 years sans relaxer for me in April. I'm not over natural hair (don't want a relaxer) but I'm no longer babying the hair. I wear it out nearly every day (cold and all) and I'm just enjoying the length. I switched conditioners to one that isn't marketed to naturals (Herbal Essences Hello Hydration) and I'm just simply over over-analyzing ingredients. I read all labels out of habit but then go ahead and purchase regardless, lol.

Still not interest in straightening the hair though.

That's how I feel, too, about products. I stopped over analyzing the ingredients and just buy what I want.

My hair has been growing like weeds lately and I have been using Aussie products for the majority of the time. My hair has definitely bounced back! I make sure I incorporate oils and lots of drinking water, and regular co-washing.
I went back to relaxers.
I don’t foresee going natural again. I gave it ten years - with three short periods of relaxers in the last decade.
Im over my hair. I get like this every few years or so. Its normally at the 3-4yr apl/bsl mark. I either relax or go natural lol. Currently my schedule is insane and my 8m.o. and 8 yr old hardly give me time to pee yet alone detangle,wash,dc, style my beautiful 4c fro. So ill be relaxing it in the next few weeks. Only thing im worried about is how these postpartum edges will look once relaxed..but im ready for a change.
Not sure if i'm over it. I'm kinda in love with my natural hair but just don't have the time to do the things I used to do to it. The knots, the twists, the braids. I cut back to a twa 2 yrs ago and am back at the in between stage. I just keep it in a wash n go 99.99% of the time cause it's the easiest reggie i've ever come upon.

Locing is definitely a goal...but i'd have to get rid of DH first :)
3 yrs later and about 12 yrs natural and still not over it. I just cut inches when I get bored. I love the ease and predictability of my hair though.
I'm not over it but the novelty has worn off. Now it's just normal/mundane. I don't do a whole lot with it anymore. It's either in a twistout, braid out, bun, or straight.

I'm WL. I'm thinking of locing but I have to work on dh a bit first. I'll definitely be loced by the time I'm 40.

Well, this was a lie. Now I'm thinking I'll loc by 50. :giggle: