Long-term Naturals Who Are Over Their Hair

What it looks like for me is this feeling: gahd why does it look so dry no matter what I do?! And just being annoyed with it.

It just dawned on me that I haven't had a good hair day in 2 years. I literally remember my last good hair days. It has also just dawned on me that it could be a water quality issue... Hm. Maybe this extreme feeling of annoyance will come to pass, because it might actually be fixable, because I'm going to be living in a new country starting next week.

@LaBelleLL, do you get a particular cut? What shape do you get? Round? Angled?

I was going to say - it sounds like you have a water and weather quality issue. When I lived in Central Africa - my hair did horribly. It didn't look good at all in twists. It became thin actually. Same with when I was in Haiti (bc of where I was living). I spent a week in Barbados and my hair did not like the weather at all. It was straight dry all the time. I know exactly what you are talking about. Maybe the move will be better. And maybe you should invest in that contraption that makes water soft.

I've tried to paste a picture of my cut. My hair is tighter than hers - curls not as large. But this is it. I actually don't like this cut itself but it looks very beautiful a little more grown out, which is what I have right now. I realize I don't like bangs in the front of my face but more to the side.

I always bring pictures with me and strongly suggest that you do if you able to go.



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Been to the Deva salon in NYC a couple of times and I really loved it . Seems like my curls popped and behaved in a completely different way after the Deva cuts. The cuts were only $80 for a junior stylist and $110 for senior which I thought was reasonable given that I only need my hair shaped twice a year . The products are now my staples too.

But I got tired of going all the way into the city for an entire day just for a haircut so I went to a local stylist who insisted on blowing out my hair to cut it . Since I no longer care about length I really didn't mind . That cut was about $60 . Now I'm so sick of my hair I can't decide whether to grow it out into a bigger natural or cut it super short.
I missed my old pixie cut, so I got a bomb ass wig. It's custom made, and really sexy. My SO definitely responded to it like I wanted him to. I love it. I don't have time to keep my hair healthy, and cute at the same time right now, so I got the wig. It's my first one, and i'm looking into another one. Plus I get the access to my hair when I want it. I used to think wigs were an old lady thing before I got mine. I'm glad for this break, it looks really good on me. Plus my wig maker is a black woman, and i'm always down to support! Winning all around. :yep:


I wish I could find a wig maker...did she charge a lot?
im going to stick with twists for awhile. the look suits me and im over my own hair to the point where I really cant be bothered with it.

only problem is I have to find a stylist while im learning to do them myself :ohwell:
Those prices are much cheaper than DC. I'm lightweight mad but at least I know better now.

Been to the Deva salon in NYC a couple of times and I really loved it . Seems like my curls popped and behaved in a completely different way after the Deva cuts. The cuts were only $80 for a junior stylist and $110 for senior which I thought was reasonable given that I only need my hair shaped twice a year . The products are now my staples too.

But I got tired of going all the way into the city for an entire day just for a haircut so I went to a local stylist who insisted on blowing out my hair to cut it . Since I no longer care about length I really didn't mind . That cut was about $60 . Now I'm so sick of my hair I can't decide whether to grow it out into a bigger natural or cut it super short.
My hair doesn't grow as long as it used to, so i usually keep it in a bun with added hair to make it look thicker or in twists. I have a 1/2 wig I bought years ago and worked hard to 'nap' it up that i wear occasionally when I go out, so it looks like I have a lot of length.
Because my hair isn't as long as it used to be I dont want to risk putting a relaxer in it in case it makes it thinner. I wouldn't mind having a nice short bob. Anything shorter no, because I hate going to the hairdresser every week for that maintenence.
Yep, I'm very over my natural hair. I've been natural for 15 years, and my hair never grows longer than mid-back. I'll cut it a few times during that period, and that's the length it seems to grow to. I think that is all my growth cycle allows. I'm 5'9", so maybe that's why...waist length would be at least 3 feet of hair for me.

I rarely wear my hair out. I'm always either crocheted or wigged up. I like the ease of that. I probably can count on one hand the number of times I've straightened my hair, since being natural.

I just don't have the time to style, since I have two additional naturals in my house. My oldest daughter is 17, but she can't handle her own hair. She has the thickest 4a hair...it's just a lot (exhausting), so I crochet her too. My youngest is thick 4b, and she is still very tender-headed at almost 11 y.o. So half the time she's in braids, twists and sometimes flat-ironed.

I'm so burnt out on hair I don't know what to do. But I'm glad I'm not the only one...lol.
What size will you get?

I think Miss Jamaica's are perfect.


I wish I could find a wig maker...did she charge a lot?

Her normal rate for what I asked for was $150. I got a black Friday special and paid $110, shipping included. For what I'm wanting next, I think she'll charge me around $175-$200. I love it because it looks like an actual cut. If I can blur my face out, I'll post pics. Lol. Her cutting skills are nice, she is a stylist based in Philly.
I'm over it in that I'm not like dying to try every new product or will gush to strangers about my hair. It's become normal to me. I still will buy a new product here and there, and I still cuss it out when it's time to detangle but I like it. It's a lot more low maintenance than my relaxed hair was but I know I'm alone in that regard.

I did lose some thickness and length after the birth of my last child so I'm trying to get back to waist length. I had plenty of volume before so the loss is only really noticed by myself.

I'm mostly in twists and then the resulting twist out. It just suits my lifestyle better.
Oooh tell me more! How much did it cost? What shape did you get?

I always told myself that when I reach WL I would get a cut. But I also always imagined that when my hair is that long, that it would look much bigger. It doesn't:eek: my strands are fine and tightly coiled. It's frustrating.

@CarLiTa , initially I just got it shaped with the sides being shorter than the bad (I guess an upscale mullet style). As it's grown out, I call myself Stoney Jackson, LOL. Neither sound flattering, but they are. My hair has major shrinkage, and the products elongate my loser curls especially. Since my hair was cut, I can finger detangle and I haven't put my hair into a ponytail since I had it cut.
@CarLiTa , initially I just got it shaped with the sides being shorter than the bad (I guess an upscale mullet style). As it's grown out, I call myself Stoney Jackson, LOL. Neither sound flattering, but they are. My hair has major shrinkage, and the products elongate my loser curls especially. Since my hair was cut, I can finger detangle and I haven't put my hair into a ponytail since I had it cut.

Nice! I'm assuming you mean the Deva Curl products? My friend was just raving about them.
I'll answer the latter part of your post. I got a DevaCut last July, and I love it. I wasn't bored with my hair per se, but my hair was super duper boring. Just looked... sort of frizzy and blah (needed a trim super badly). Got color and a DevaCut, and back to enjoying my hair again. I've gotten more compliments on my hair since the cut than I've ever had. Partly the cut, partly the Deva regimen.
This was so me! Got my DevaCut in July, too, and it really helped. Been natural since fall of '95 and wore it barbered close until April 2014. Told myself if I could not enhance the curls I saw via shed hair, off it would go! I knew I had a 'fro but wanted to experience more.

After just a year of growing it out, I became incredibly bored and desperate for any kinda cut. I made the trip to NY, and the devacut did wonders, and she didn't really cut it that much. Just formed it to grow in a heart shape. Shaping makes a HUGE difference, and so does the curly girl method as it plays to curls. I'm told as my hair grows the shape is coming out nicely, which has me very excited.

I'm very interested to see my hair's full potential in length and texture. And as it grows, I'll be able to do more with it. So I doubt I'll have such long spells of boredom again. It's still challenging at times, but I'm in it for life.

I'd say get a devacut by an experienced stylist. I believe shape can only help.
Aw man this worries me... Deva Curl cut seems suited to looser textures. My hair has multiple textures, but we can say they all shrink a lot. I'm also not wanting to lose too much length.
My hair is not a "looser texture" by ANY stretch of the imagination. Check out mia_devacurl on instagram. I followed her for a long time to make sure she had "true afro kinky" experience before going to her and love my cut. AND she's not scissor happy. She cut just enough to give it shape. Said "your hair is fine, come back in 6 months or so". I ignore their advertisements actually because I don't see a lot of fractals (4c), but Deva trained stylists are funkin' up some afro textured hair, and they are all over instagram.
Nah, I enjoy hair products too much to be over it. Besides, I left that styling stuff alone a long time ago. For me, nothing beats a nice, bushy ponytail.

:lol: same here. I've been natural all my life, but really just started learning how to grow it long and take care of it properly in the last 4 (since I got serious on LHCF). I've always been hair lazy ie: keeping it in extension braids or weave for months before lhcf and just wearing twisted updos after lhcf. So I never want to do something cool and exciting to my hair. I am also a pj, so I love to try new, good smelling stuff in my hair. That keeps the excitement going.
Not sure if i'm over it. I'm kinda in love with my natural hair but just don't have the time to do the things I used to do to it. The knots, the twists, the braids. I cut back to a twa 2 yrs ago and am back at the in between stage. I just keep it in a wash n go 99.99% of the time cause it's the easiest reggie i've ever come upon.

Locing is definitely a goal...but i'd have to get rid of DH first :)
I have been for the last 3 years. Started straightening my hair more. Then my twists and twist outs starting looking whack. My mini braids got all anorexic.

So I got a major hair cut last month. Back to DC and protective styling.

My DD is over her natural hair. We have a consultation for sister locs in a few weeks.
Been natural my whole life. Over it? It's my natural state of being, so it's not new, just normal. I get bored sometimes, but I get over it quickly. I haven't straightened my hair in years, but when I get bored I threaten to straighten it. I even bought a FHI Thermal Styling Brush to straighten it over the holidays. It's still in the box unused.

I'm pretty happy with it in general, so I have no plans to make major changes in the immediate future.
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Yeah I decided to start them au naturel because I wanted to see how mine would develop on their own. Watching my locs grow naturally is such a delight that I don't want to hide them under extensions! But they have already grown out enough that it's becoming difficult to wear them under my wigs...I have to get them cornrowed down, which I don't like. Adding some extensions would give me a little more freedom to ditch the wigs.

I'm planning to get pregnant this year, so that will give me a big boost in length, hopefully enough that I'll feel comfortable wearing them out full time. Stay tuned!

I missed this. Aww, yay! Sending baby dust to you. :kiss:
Been natural my whole life. Over it? It's my natural state it being, so it's not new, just normal. I get bored sometimes, but I get over it quickly. I haven't straightened my hair in years, but when I get bored I threaten to straighten it. I even bought a FHI Thermal Styling Brush to straighten it over the holidays. It's still in the box unused.

I'm pretty happy with it in general, so I have no plans to make major changes in the immediate future.

I'm the same way as well. Natural my whole life so there is nothing to really go back to... except being a straightened natural like I was in high school. Every so often I have bouts of frustration and no patience for my hair but then I get over them fairly quickly. Sometimes I think about locking my hair but I know for a fact I would miss my loose hair too much, so I just look at pictures of beautiful locked Black women for now.
I'm the same way as well. Natural my whole life so there is nothing to really go back to... except being a straightened natural like I was in high school. Every so often I have bouts of frustration and no patience for my hair but then I get over them fairly quickly. Sometimes I think about locking my hair but I know for a fact I would miss my loose hair too much, so I just look at pictures of beautiful locked Black women for now.

I had locs in my late teens/early twenties. I loved them, but I feel like I've out grown them. I love them on other people though. I might reviste them later on in life.