Long-term Naturals Who Are Over Their Hair


Well-Known Member
I'm up to HERE with my hair, and I want to like it again. It's almost waist length, but if it's in a fro you can never tell it's that long.

Have you had a Deva Cut? I'm wondering if a shaped fro would make me feel better about this here hair.

And, general question, if you're a long-term natural who's had it with your hair, what are you doing about it?

I'm not over it but the novelty has worn off. Now it's just normal/mundane. I don't do a whole lot with it anymore. It's either in a twistout, braid out, bun, or straight.

I'm WL. I'm thinking of locing but I have to work on dh a bit first. I'll definitely be loced by the time I'm 40.
Natural 8 years.

Alladat means im bored.

Crochet braids. Or weave if you're inclined. Contemplating crochets again myself.

Or I go on a straightening binge (low heat, 325-350F) or roller setting.

Really, anything to break the monotony or feel like im making length progress.

Now if only I could get to your length!
I'm over it myself :rolleyes: Been natural 5 years and still not over APL, so I've come to the realization I'm just not one of those women meant to have natural long hair. I don't make a fuss over it anymore and just keep it in small twists. I barely even wash or condition it anymore either, I just spritz with water and KIM.

So bored with it! :wallbash:
Definitely over mine. That's why I've been taking risk lately and discovering incredible new things about my hair. Such as the fact that I was able to use heat almost everyday last time I straightened and still have my curls completely in tact when I reverted. I don't care about heat damage at this point and got a pleasant surprise with the techniques and products I've been using.
I didn't do much with my relaxed - about 80% of the time in ponytail or buns. I do not have higher expectations for my natural hair. The common denominator is still there: me and my laziness. I have been natural 4+ years and somewhere in the purgatory between mid back and waist length after my last trim.

I straightened my hair over the holidays and by day 3 I missed my natural hair. I think that satisfied my itch for something different for a while. In the summer, I will experiment with colour.
Definitely over mine. That's why I've been taking risk lately and discovering incredible new things about my hair. Such as the fact that I was able to use heat almost everyday last time I straightened and still have my curls completely in tact when I reverted. I don't care about heat damage at this point and got a pleasant surprise with the techniques and products I've been using.

I used the warm/hot setting on my blow dryer and set my flat iron at 400. My hair came back intact, maybe even tighter than before :lol:. I did my research, used the right products, and was fairly confident my hair would be fine, and it was.
im not bout the natural hairstyle life.

im not gonna relax because its too harsh for my hair

but im also not going to pretend like im gonna wear puffs or twistouts or bantus and nan none of that

I just do not have a creative eye for that and im over it.

if my hair were wl I would straighten it all the time and move on with my life.
I'll answer the latter part of your post. I got a DevaCut last July, and I love it. I wasn't bored with my hair per se, but my hair was super duper boring. Just looked... sort of frizzy and blah (needed a trim super badly). Got color and a DevaCut, and back to enjoying my hair again. I've gotten more compliments on my hair since the cut than I've ever had. Partly the cut, partly the Deva regimen.
I've had a DevaCut by a trained stylist in the area and I liked it. But the price was ridiculous.

I did stay with the idea of cutting clean dry hair. I do that now with my current stylist and previous ones. I wash my hair a couple of days before and detangle it well. Walk in, get a cut on dry hair, and I'm out in 30 mins or less. Fantastic.

I do get bored from time to time. I had a kinda asymmetrical cut year before last. Last year I got purple highlights and just cut the last bit of that off a few weeks ago. That was fun but high maintenance (even though I refreshed the purple at home). Just tedious due to the placement of the highlights. I'm gonna get some more highlights soon, more of a natural color, something low maintenance and more face framing. I need something that will look fine as it grows out.
i wasn't over my natural hair but i was ready to go back to relaxed..i loved my natural hair i went natural twice ( 3 yrs each time)..and i realized from a bc to bsl that is the exact length my hair grows to in 3 yrs, bsl..i did every natural style known to man and loved it and everyone loved it on me as well but the issue for me is i have thick hair

the time it took my stylist to flatiron my hair and the amount of heat necessary was unreal lol..my hair was beautiful afterwards and looked amazing but the time it took to flatiron my entire head and i have very dense hair...lol

like the stylist would need a full bottle of water and a workout outfit with head band to conquer my hair lol start to finish...i am 3c/4a...I just want to rollerset my hair and be done with it

again i loved my natural tresses but it was just time for a change....my hair is relaxed but still has a ton of body as my hair is pretty dense but relaxer, dc, rollerset took 1.5 hours my hair was done! and swinging...;)
I have had a deva cut 2x, it was aight, but honestly it didn't look much different to me than how it looks normally when I just have a regular cut and I get it straightened. And it was hella expensive. As far as being over my hair, I get like that but right now I have a sew in and prior to that I was wearing it straight mostly. And I will probably color it in the spring. I am always bored with my hair natural or relaxed so I just find ways to spice things up.
I've been natural all my life. I barely do anything to my hair now, especially since I'm pregnant. Soon, I intend to go to my stylist to get my hair flat ironed and trimmed. Then I'll get Senegalese twists so I won't have to do my hair after the baby gets here.

Never had a Deva cut.
I don't know if I'm over it, but I'm frustrated right now because of a setback.

I don't want to go back to relaxing because my scalp just can't take it. I think the problem is that I never really took the time to get a good regimen. I've been natural for almost 7 years and should be WL. After a cut in November, I'm at APL even though I had reached BSL.
I'll answer the latter part of your post. I got a DevaCut last July, and I love it. I wasn't bored with my hair per se, but my hair was super duper boring. Just looked... sort of frizzy and blah (needed a trim super badly). Got color and a DevaCut, and back to enjoying my hair again. I've gotten more compliments on my hair since the cut than I've ever had. Partly the cut, partly the Deva regimen.

Oooh tell me more! How much did it cost? What shape did you get?

I always told myself that when I reach WL I would get a cut. But I also always imagined that when my hair is that long, that it would look much bigger. It doesn't:eek: my strands are fine and tightly coiled. It's frustrating.
Let's see, I have straightened my hair 3x since mid-2013:ohwell:

If I did that more, maybe I'd like my hair more. I have a lovely flat iron that I haven't touched in 2 years. I'm afraid that the second I turn it on, the fuse will blow up because it's an American product on a European wattage. I gotta find a workaround for that BC the thing is simply not being used.

I told myself this year that I was going to set my hair more... Like 2x per month to start. The ideal scenario is to get someone to do it for me:cry: I'll need to research that.

I'm in buns all the damn time now. I can't muster up 3-4 hours doing my hair like I used to anymore. It's boring!!
I've shaved my hair 3 or 4 times and started over again. Right now I am kind of over it lol...I'm almost 10 years in this thang. I just get ti'ed mayne of the long detangling sessions. A whole day to detangle then a whole day to wash ugh. I have been putting my hair in styles for 3-4 weeks at a time for 4 years now so I don't have to deal with it daily, which adds extra time for detangling and the cycle continues...
Not over it, but the novelty has worn off. In the hair section this past summer I posted about possibly getting a texturizing. Thankfully @Honey Bee and other ps convinced me not too. I've slacked with the MHM but will kick it back in gear as I'm experiencing knots again.

I manipulate my hair too much for it to be very long, but I am satisfied with what I have and it's at a nice "corporate" length, so I'm good for now.
I've been over it for a while now... In the beginning I kept cutting it, then decided to let it grow, but now due to my recent diagnoses of Alopecia, I'm forced to leave it natural; which covers all my bald patches... It'll do for now
I locked my hair back in June. It had been kind of a long-term life goal of mine to loc eventually, and I just went for it. I was totally over caring for (and about) my natural hair.

I absolutely love my locs, but I'm still wearing wigs until I gain the length I want. The hardest part about locking was going from BSB to ear length in the 3 hours it took to install the locs. LOL! I don't believe in short hair, so I'm keeping them hidden until they grow out. My stylist says it will take me about 3 years to get to WL locked.

@Southernbella. My 39th birthday was New Year's Day, and I guess it had been vaguely in my mind to be locked by 40. Let me know if you take the plunge...it's so exciting and I know it will look great on you. :yep: