naturals: does your HAIR GROW OUT OUR DOWN?

does your hair grow out or down or both

  • my hair grows "down", my curls/kinks hang

    Votes: 40 15.3%
  • my hair grows "out" like an afro, and does not really hang w/o me handling it some

    Votes: 97 37.2%
  • mine is a combo of both out and down

    Votes: 117 44.8%
  • other - please explain

    Votes: 7 2.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm still in that in-between grow-out stage between a TWA and not-so-TWA. So now, it's growing out.

I predict that in a few years, the weight will cause it to grow down some. We'll see.
Up and out, it hangs with manipulation. The longer it gets, the more the ends flop, but it still grows it gets longer, it grows out and down, but still very much...well, OUT :giggle:
My hair was growing out when it was shorter, but now that it's past my shoulders it's definitely growing down - finally! :)
It grows down now. But there was a time when it grew out, in a big east-west triangle type shape.
My hair grows in that pyramid/triangle shape and I would need a lot more inches before the weight of my hair would make it all hang down. This is another reason I wear ponytails and buns (for camouflage). My hair hangs when wet, but once it's dry it's up and out.
First it grew out, then it grew down! :D
It starts to curl at around 2 inches (first two inches I looked like a MonChiChi), then it droops when it comes further down than around neck length.
My hair grows out, and the more it grows, the tighter it looks, only time, the length can be seen if I stretch it.
Combo of both. The front grows up and the back grows down, i'm guessing b/c the back grows faster and it's getting longer
I am transitioning STILL but I can definitely say that my hair grows out & up.
Right now I refer to it as my UNDER-FRO. :afro: Because I have all this wimpy relaxed hair hanging off of a mega hair fro beneath it. I think it will be a long while before gravity takes mine in the downward direction.

Hi Miss Marie...good to see you back.:bouncegre:
I don't really know... it's like that whole hair typing thing...
... I can't tell...
My hair looks 3b/3c when wet and it hangs...
when I sleep on it or let it dry without manipulating with DENMAN type brush...
it looks like a fro 4a...
it's complicated
I guess the longer it gets the more it will grow down and I also heard
as the hair grows you might go down a hair size...
like if I think I'm 3c... as it grows longer it will be more 3b...
I have to say that I have a combo of both, originally it was growing NORTH, now-a-days it's taking SOUTHERN turn which I'm very happy about because that means I'm gaining length and weight. :yay:
Mine goes out unless twisted/locked... when it was loose it had to be loaded with product and past APL to go down.
This is a very good question. When my hair was shorter, it was out all the way but I am noticing that as it grows, the hair is starting to not be as "out" anymore. But my hair is still out though.
When I was first natural my hair would grow out "up". Now that it's growing longer it's growing down of course because of all the weight. It's a nice feeling :yep: