The bit at the front and the bit at the back can hang, but the majority of the crown area 4bish area grows out! When I was a little girl with long hair, when it was unstraightend it could stand straight
I wish mine grew more out than down. I have about a 25/75 (out/down) mixture going on lol. I want one of those big "Joan" from Girlfriends kinda curly fro's. I don't think it'll ever get like that.
out, out, out...washed and air dried its this mess of a cotton ball on my head...I want to get to a point where its a huge, funky, erykah badu cotton ball where it looks like it hangs but thats only cuz there is so much darn hair on that head
It grows up & out to be exact! It will not hang unless it is stretched in braids/twists, etc no matter how long my hair gets .. or shall I say how high it gets