Long article on misrepresentation of masculinity and femininity


Well-Known Member
Read, found it interesting, thought I'd share...

"On Polarity" by Veronica Conway

Father's Day was very interesting. There seemed to be a battle on facebook between people who were wounded, bitter and frustrated by low performing men, in some cases dead beat dads. The other side was people saying that women should not be so bitter, that they should have made better choices in men, and that single mothers should not “claim” Father’s Day.

One thing I find strange is the current social climate, is the (mis) representation of masculinity and femininity. It’s strange that men can look at their community, the women who are bearing the next generation, and not experience a natural urge to take responsibility for, and protect the women that are responsible for furthering life on the planet. It’s strange that women can become so distracted by the things that have been put there to divert their attention and life force, to things that are meaningless. Think massive plastic surgery and other unnatural ways of representing their beauty, obsessive competition with other women, becoming a bridezilla. (These are symptoms of a fearful woman, attempting to exert excessive and unnatural control) It is my observation that this comes from a reversal of polarity, between the sexes. Everything in nature embodies polarity in one form or another. Masculine and feminine, electric and magnetic, yin and yang. When this polarity is disrupted, nothing functions as it is supposed to.

I get it that women have been hypnotized into almost complete insanity by media, the beauty industrial complex and men that she has allowed into her space that have damaged her. Her conditioning has been deep and sustained and has produced a culture of women that are barely recognizable, in terms of representing the divine feminine principle. And it is 100% her responsibility to deal with those demons, to address her conditioning.

Most women are running around in a mostly male polarity, which, will by definition, make her insane. But I have news for you. The woman, by definition cannot adopt a masculine polarity unless the male has abdicated his role and his polarity. This can operate in the context of a personal relationship, in a community or in a culture. In other words, it is the man’s job to occupy his polarity. A woman can’t make him do it, she can’t seduce him into doing it. It is his to do and his alone. A woman won’t cross over to the masculine polarity out of choice, as it is unnatural for her to do so, she does it out of an incorrect assumption that she needs to do it to survive.

When men don’t stand up, as a full embodiment of masculine truth, then the woman has to attempt to occupy that space. Someone has to. It seems to me that the real work of men, is to come into reality, into community with one another and to dare take responsibility for their community, their women. If men were responsible, there would be not another rape allowed on the planet. The real work of women is to do the often painful work of deconstructing the heavy emotional and energetic damage that they have taken into their psyche. If women were collectively more sane, they would not tolerate the systemic annihilation of life on the planet, under any circumstances. Only sane women can embody the beauty and truth that only the divine feminine can represent If a man goes into feminine posture ( I am referring primarily to heterosexual men) then, by the law of polarity, a woman has to move to a masculine posture. Neither of them may be aware that they are doing it.

Here are the signs that a male has moved into the feminine:

• He often starts or can be easily enticed into arguments. Men standing in masculine power know how to deal with a woman who is emotional, without becoming overly emotional themselves. If they are easily triggered in this way, it’s usually because he has not resolved his mother issues. If a man is addicted to attention or approval or from the woman, he is typically subconsciously looking for approval from his mother. Put another way, a man cannot be pulled triggered out of his true masculinity by anything, especially a woman’s disapproval of him. If he can, it’s not masculinity, it’s something else. Conversely, when he is not wounded in this regard, he will find that feminine love and appreciation flow naturally towards him, without him having to subconsciously fight or beg for it.

• He “sweats” her and monitors her every move. He kind of reminds you of a woman who, upon her man arriving home screams “Where were you?!” If a man is “managing” a woman in his mind, from a place of fear, it will show up as a kind of energetic “stalking”. He will constantly force her into a posture where she has to justify herself to him.

• If he doesn’t go “fight” then he goes to “flight”….Passive aggression, stonewalling, the silent treatment. Men that attempt to control women via passive aggressive behavior are not standing the certainty and power of their masculinity. True masculinity does not have to resort to manipulation to effectively engage with a woman. Masculinity can directly ask for, and receive what it wants.

Signs that the woman has moved into a masculine polarity:

• She is angry, hostile and disrespectful. She often does not know why she feels this way, or even that she is demonstrating this behavior, but she will subconsciously resent having to occupy the masculine polarity, as she will eventually find it exhausting. She will subconsciously lose respect for the man, without knowing why.

• She will treat him like a child, rather than a king. She will attempt to manage and control him. She will either do this overtly, if she senses she has, some power in the relationship, or she will do it covertly, by attempting to manipulate him, if she feels powerless in the relationship.

• She becomes increasingly invulnerable. The most powerful, seductive part of a woman is her deep vulnerability, her deep surrender to the masculine. Most men never get to glimpse this deeper aspect, although, it’s actually what he most deeply wants to experience in her presence. When she is closed, there is a psychic encasement around her heart that does not let the man to access her vulnerability. She becomes “unknowable” at the deepest levels. She will emanate a sense of “brittleness and hardness” . Think Real Housewives. Or worse.

It seems that the work of relating must, by definition, address these deeper issues. There is no amount of self- help, counseling, that one can do for a relationship, if the underlying polarity is reversed. This would be akin to putting a band aid on a broken leg."
Good article.

It's very interesting and I agree that a lot of the problems we are seeing is a lack of balance with men and women or a perversion of the polarities, which IMO is just as bad.

Reminds me of the thread hopeful started. Seems Dr Allen really knows what she's talking about.