LOL!! How many hours do you spend on LHCF?


Active Member
I have been wondering: exactly how often do I stay on LHCF? I loves me some bandwagons, advice, and all the other features offered on this site.

If I had to give it an estimate, I would say I'm on LHCF (reading, responding, and surfing) about 5 or 6 hours a day, that includes keeping the window open during work. If I want to be truly accurate, I would include the number of hours I leave the computer on at home, even whilst I sleep; then, I average about 24 hours a day!

What about you? And where do you spend the most time??

About 5 hours a day, all at work. I don't get on at home or on the weekends, at all - I've got better things to do. :lachen:
Well if you include my spot checks on my blackberry I would say about 7 hours; sad I know but I've LEARNED SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much about my hair, health and skin. Thanks to everyone!
Good question. I'd say appx 6-8 hrs (between work and home). And that's now after I slowed down. It was 20 hrs./day LOL. Okay, maybe not that bad, but pretty close.
i try and keep it open at work, and if i don't, i reopen periodically to take breaks from working. I'm only on it at home or weekends if me and my BF are not getting along, so typically 3 hours a day during the week.
About 8 or 9 mostly at work at home im usually pretty busy... but I always think of new things to come on a search for! LOL Im addicted and I havent even been a member for a month!!!! I just love to learn new things about my hair!!
not as much as when I first joined since the climate of the board has changed alot ..I need to have my head in the books anyway:lachen:
I hear you ladies! When I first joined, I could hardly WAIT to find any computer! Then, I was not on LHCF for a LONG time, then one day, I was like, I wonder what the gals are up to... and before you know it... I was hooked all over again!

The new things I learn about the site are so intriguing!

iSpy, Arcade, Product Review... these are areas that I JUST started loving! :lick:

When y'all get a chance, put up some product reviews so we all can live and learn...

Well if you include my spot checks on my blackberry I would say about 7 hours; sad I know but I've LEARNED SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much about my hair, health and skin. Thanks to everyone!

You can get LHCF on Blackberry?? I need to get onto this!! Ive been missing out!
I work from home most days.....I'm probably on here 8-10 hrs per day, omg I'm ashamed, LOL....But I love all of the info and can't help myself!
Enough hours that I should be paid for being here ! 'cause a sista is about to loose her job in a minute if I keep this up! *Help~me...Help~me I'z addicted*
Oh, pls don't get me started!!!

About 5 hours - now that my hair is behaving... Down from 7-8ish back when I had really sad, sad hair.
After looking at these posts I feel so much better. I stay logged in for about 6 out of 8 work hours. But then I come home and can lose a whole nother 5/6 hours on this site. But I see that others do the same. Whew! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is addicted.

At least its not a mindless activity. I can honestly say I am a whole lot smarter about hair and health than I was before discovering this forum.
I'm afraid to count. I just hate being busted at work browsing on here, lol... :takecover:
Girl I know, right! I'm going to have to start turning off the signatures when I am at work. Some of them are ridiculously big and can be seen from across the office. I wish I could turn off the banner too.
Wow... when I was working, I would be on for about 4 hours at work and then come home and be on for another 6 hours. I would go to bed soooo late and my DH would swear I was on there alone or chatting to my "new boyfriend". He really complained back then...

Now, I haven't worked for the last 9 months, and I'm on here from the time I wake up til I go to bed @ like 2-3. Seriously, I need help!:yep: I too stopped coming here and then after about 2 months, I jumped back on and became a serious LHCF MONSTER!

Now, I go back to work in about 2 weeks, and I sure am gonna have to train myself not to get on here unless I'm on my lunch break... at least until I prove myself @ my new job...don't want them to think they hired a slacker!:nono:
:drunk:WWwwwaaaaaaayyyyyy too many! :spinning:

I'm so addicted, I can't get any work done on my job. My husband and mother-in-law tries to ban me from this site.

My LHCF Diet for work:
- 30 minutes after I arrive
- a few during lunch
- 30 minutes before I leave

I sure hope this is my cure :wallbash:
Way too many hours...I'm on here on my phone ALL THE if I can't get to my pc and on the go I still need to log on lol.. It's addicting!
I thought I was the only one that had it bad! I spend about 3 to 4 hours daily. Time really flies too.