LOL!! How many hours do you spend on LHCF?

I say 3-6 hours. Im always here. I usually leave a window open so I can constantly check updates. I sitdown with intentions of doing work, but I find myself here. Even at work where I know the monitor computer usage I am here. I figure we have hundreds of employees if I check in for 10 min they won't catch me :look:

Same here!! :lachen:

way...way too many. I should be studying for 2 tests I have now, since it is slow at work...I guess this thread is a sign...

Hello, My name is blksndrlla and I am a LHCF addict..

I gave up facebook last year for lent and kept it up most of the year...i gotta cut back on LHCF before I have to do the same...I'm just a good ole internet junkie I guess...
I spend waaaaaayyyyy tooo many hours on this board. At work I have to keep a window scared that Imma miss something. And then as soon as I get home and situated which takes all of about an hour. I'm back on this thing. I used to play POGO games all the time but this right here is an investment.

Time well spent. Plus I don't have any friends:nono:. But I have alot here.

PPL give there opinions and offer help and advice. You can always count on your girls on LHCF.

Chile please. I ain't givin this up for nobody....the one little thing that I do for myself. Everything else is for the kids, hubby and home!

I even run them outta here when I'm on the board. I like to be focused...LOL+
Well....I have to update. I'm trying to learn how to shingle my hair. First attempt, and I look like a poodle. I am not posting pics.

I am here every waking moment...

I spend waaaaaayyyyy tooo many hours on this board myself, but I can't help it. Taking care of my hair the right way is all new to me. I will be on here for the rest of my life, because of this mess I made of my hair. You would think at 53, I would have learned something in life.:wallbash:
Can I just say I've posted here already but wanted to know you spend too much time here when you are sitting in the shop waiting on the stylist and still searching the boards.....I'm so glad she has wi-fi.............
Too many. But I am on Easter break right now and I also tend to do work in-between being on here. When I'm at school full-time or working, I'm on here less. I don't think I'm that addicted because I've taken breaks from 1-3 months long before with no problems. I did took them because I'm a big procrastinator and would surf the net instead of doing work though, so I took a general internet break. I will probably take another one in a couple of days or so.
Can I just say I've posted here already but wanted to know you spend too much time here when you are sitting in the shop waiting on the stylist and still searching the boards.....I'm so glad she has wi-fi.............

that is hilarious! I did find myself looking at everything differently when i went to they salon though...I just kept thinking..."now, i know they know better than to do that!"
Because of the nature of my job I can only peek maybe once or twice a day for 5 or 10 minutes. But when I get home its over:drunk:... I can be on here for any where from 4-8 hours especially if I find a really juicy thread. I need to cut down so I can work on this project for work but its like my reward for working so hard. Plus I love to learn about new things that benefit me and my health.
Cumulatively or all at once Back in the old days (which wasn't so long ago) I was an LHCF fiend, on it all the time reading posts, commenting threads, and posting my own. Now that I'm working, going to school, and having to make time to do homework and household duties I don't have as much time, so I mostly go on at night on the weekdays for about 15-20 minutes to check my messages, make blog posts, etc...On week-ends I might spend a little more time on if I'm bored.