Does anyone else spend HOURS on LHCF when they should be working/studying?

:grin:I am constantly on this website.
I cannot seem to find anything else of interest on the internet.

I am so addicted to this website. I work and go to school. I also have a website/ebay site; well needless to say that I have not even touched the ebay site one day this week. I carry a pda so in between my calls at work I am on the website. On school nights I make sure that my PDA is FULLY CHARGED:yep: because I am on the website during lecture...OMG. Trying to work it in to my labs but I havent found :nono:anyone who wants to type up my lab projects..:lachen:
It's awful. I've been on here for like 9-10 hours today. I'm sleepy but still looking at topics and reading threads. I've got it bad guys. LHCF-itis:lachen::lachen:
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...wo wo whoa you mean we don't get paid for being here? Yeah, I have been doing it backwards all these months...:grin:
See my avatar. Doesn't everybody? :lachen:

I KNOW I am on here at least 6.5 hours a day and I am on a 7.5 hour work day! :lachen:

I'm right there with you! My work day is 7.75 and I'm on here from the time I get in the door to the time I leave! It's terrible.
I too am totally addicted to this site. It is so bad that as soon as I get to my desk at work, I sign on to LHCF. All throughout the day I am constantly refreshing the "new posts". As soon as I get home from work. It's actually quite pitiful, but I just can't help myself.

Its sad but I do this too... I check outlook, put something to print and click my favs and there is LHCF #1. I spend ALL my free time on here, even lunch. We need to have addiction counselors. :spinning:

I'm always on here! and oh my goodness.....don't let one of those 'site down for maintenance' messages pop up!!

I be (yes---"I be") refreshing...and refreshing....and refreshing my screen until it goes away!! :lol: :lachen:

I haven't done a thing this morning but read threads. I have to do better.

I spend more time on here than i should lol
the last few days i've been cutting it down and not getting online everyday
but than i miss posts
I was just thinking the same thing this morning...
I'm always here too. I don't post a lot, but I'm here reading and taking notes. LOL. Then I get off work, run to the BSS to buy stuff I read about, then go home, log back on to see how to use the stuff I bought.... and on it goes. :lachen:
I agree. I'm a teacher and my students would love to get their papers back at a decent time. But, I'm on here so much, that I put off grading papers. If my students ever asked, I'd be ashamed to say that I search LHCF all day instead of grading your boring papers!:lachen:
Im a newbie....of course I at work now doing nothing but LHCF, its gotten so bad that when im online at home my son asks which hair u want mommy

I'm always on here! and oh my goodness.....don't let one of those 'site down for maintenance' messages pop up!!

I be (yes---"I be") refreshing...and refreshing....and refreshing my screen until it goes away!! :lol: :lachen:

I haven't done a thing this morning but read threads. I have to do better.

:lachen: I do the SAME thing, then I get upset because I have nothing more to do than my work... (sigh). We are all a MESS!
I agree. I'm a teacher and my students would love to get their papers back at a decent time. But, I'm on here so much, that I put off grading papers. If my students ever asked, I'd be ashamed to say that I search LHCF all day instead of grading your boring papers!:lachen:
I'm not as bad as I was before. I just make sure that if I need to do anything on the computer, I go to the library. I'm not bold enough to risk someone finding me out by going on LHCF in public. But I certainly do make time to visit the boards before I start any work while in my dorm room.

Whenever I am typing a paper, I have to remove my cable internet cord. That way I resist temptation. It is AMAZING how time flies on LHCF when you're avoiding a)writing a paper or b) studying...I should know. I'm putting it off now. :look:
I'm not as bad as I was before. I just make sure that if I need to do anything on the computer, I go to the library. I'm not bold enough to risk someone finding me out by going on LHCF in public. But I certainly do make time to visit the boards before I start any work while in my dorm room.

Whenever I am typing a paper, I have to remove my cable internet cord. That way I resist temptation. It is AMAZING how time flies on LHCF when you're avoiding a)writing a paper or b) studying...I should know. I'm putting it off now. :look:

I'm in the library right now :blush: Sometimes I go on during class when the lecture is boring and pointless. Everyone else generally checks emails and IMs so I try to minimize the screen so it looks like I am just using am IM service or checking emails :lachen:

Then @ work I have the nerve to get upset if my phone rings while I am reading an interesting thread. I feel like I am being rudely interrupted from important research :spinning:
To the Law school girls, at least you made it law school before you became addicted!!! I am in finishing up undergrad and I cannot tear myself away from this site! It's ridiculous!

I come in in the morning, browse the site until I see something, self-diagnose my hair with soem sort of condition: thinning, excessive split ends, shedding, general hair catastrophe...then I buy whatever products people say worked for them, and then I get home (don't study...because that's not appealing at all), spend hours looking up how to use my products and so on. Until the next day! LOL!

But for real, I spend more time on here than I do doing anything else!

But just when I chastize myself for doing it, I look in the mirror and think, "I really want hair down to my butt...ooh, what do the ladies of LHCF say about growing hair that long?" and I forget I was mad at myself.

I'm a mess.:nono:
Yes I am on here waaaaaaay too much but I should get my money's worth right? Don't get me wrong the forum is worth the cost to join, but to have to pay to be on a forum I am going to log on every chance I get!
Ya'll should be ashamed of yourselves. Not working and always on this here forum, refreshing and stuff. 5,6,7 hours a day...that's ridiculous......

ummmm....excuse me while I go to the OT forum in my other minimized screen. Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll check out the CF in my other minimized screen :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

I've been hooked since I first lurked on this forum back in 2005.:yep:
Who are you telling??? I'm supposed to be learning about shoulder and upper limb muscles and innervations and crap, and I'm on LHCF. I have to leave my computer at home when I study at the library because I'm gonna be on here instead of studying. Ima flunk out of med school if I keep this up. :nono:
Yes, LOL at first I didn't because I was super busy at work but since projects have slowed to a crawl I'm all over this mug:user:. That will end when I move to WHQ though :nono: I'll be an :angel:computer user once I move other there on November 27th. :grin:
Absolutely! I actually have two windows open right now, one for searching and the other for responding to threads. AND, I'm at work. Addiction is hell. :look:
Okay I'm at work now & I should be working but of course I'm on here. I'll go home, do dinner, take a shower & be on LHCF until I can no longer hold my eyes open. My family keeps complaining about my hair obsession - :ohwell:.
My husband comes home from work and I'm in the bed on my laptop. He kisses me but has to reach over the lap top - no hugs are available because I'm typing . Then he trys to tell me about his day and I'm half listening while reading through threads. I tear myself away only to cook, shower, feed the kids but every free minute I'm online with you guys:grin:
When I first found this site in June I was on it all day and night...I did not work at this for a whole 3 months I went to bed about 5-6 o'clock in the husband was not a happy camper...we have even got into heated arguments over this :nono:...he wanted me in bed and I wanted to learn more about how to grow Black hair Looooonger!!!..But I eventually came to my senses...and calmed down ALOT.. I now get off about 12:30 in the morning, which is coo because my husband gets off of work at 11:00 p.m.....I had to realize that my marriage was more important then my hair care! :yep:
I have officially spent 3 hours working today and the rest of the time on here. I got to work at 8:00a... it is now 4:10...

Im obsessed :lachen:
LOL...yes I should be studying for finals and writing papers but I am here, reading and posting!!! Oh well I'll study tomorrow during work hours!!
Its sad but I do this too... I check outlook, put something to print and click my favs and there is LHCF #1. I spend ALL my free time on here, even lunch. We need to have addiction counselors. :spinning:


Maybe there should be a new sticky. LHCF Annonymous:wallbash: Please stop the madness...." I am at lunch typing this post"
I'm usually on the board when I should be sleeping. It's the only free time I have. My DH..."Honey are you coming to bed tonight?" :look: