Does anyone else spend HOURS on LHCF when they should be working/studying?

HI!!! :hiya2::hiya2::hiya2:This is my first post and yes I spend most of my work day on this board and I have learned so much.
Potential Trouble! I just found out I can sign onto LHCF from my phone, uh oh... :drunk:

I will be go though. Tengo MUCHO tarea :nono: Only 2 hours a day until after finals. (starting tomorrow :lachen:)
ooooo I was so mad earlier...for some reason everytime I typed in the LHCF address, it kept saying "site mainteance".... I was MAD.....until I got something in my email at around 12 showing someone replied to something in a thread.. I missed out on like 4 GOOD hours of LHCF time...Im making up those hours starting.... now
Did anybody notice this at the top of the forum?

Did you know ...?
You need to pay attention to your work also, even if you want to stay and chat in the forum ;)

Is this some type of PSA? Did our bosses/professors e-mail Nikos? What's really going on? :spinning::lachen:
I feel you. I should be outlining and exampling and explanationing, but I cant. :nono:

Elle, meet Elle II. LOL

I should be working on my LRW Memo that's due Monday. By the way, I'm Elle III.

Hey y'all. :wave:

Okay, I'm gone... right after I check OT again. :drunk:
Hello! I am new to this site. A friend of mine from work turned me on to this site. From the moment I saw the results of the members, I could not get enough. Instead of grading papers (I am a teacher), I find myself reading threads. I finally joined yesterday and am off and running with all of the information I have learned. I hope to have pictures soon. My hair is in back shape. Really bad! It is where I carry my stress and right now I have alot.
As of today I will not be visiting, let alone posting, on this board during working hours. I got cold busted today by my boss and funny thing is she called me in to talk about something totally unrelated then as a side-note was like "And keep your behind OFF the internet! I'd hate to have to have a big meeting..." :spank:Message received loud and clear! Due to the fact that I deal with highly confidential info on a daily basis, I can understand so no more daily/hourly browsing for me :nono:
So am I the only one that does this??? :perplexed I have my law school exams coming up in about a month (yes, I am TOTALLY Elle from Legally Blonde), and I have SOO much work to do for school and for my job yet I ALWAYS have issues peeling myself away from here. :wallbash: Don't get me wrong, I get my work done, but not without my extended LHCF fix. I even reward myself for studying by giving myself some LHCF time every so many hours, or I will do a hair treatment if I was REALLY good!!! I swear this forum is like crack!!! (I even have a link to this website on my bookmark bar) HELP!!! :drunk:

If anyone sees me here lurking please send me to my books. There is no sense in having fly hair and no job. After all this PJ needs to support her lifestyle :lachen:

You are so not alone. I have to peel myself away to look over at the work I have to do LOL I am a LHCF-aholic!:spinning:
I'm Elle IV. I have to turn in a rough draft of my 25-page research paper for my family law class on Friday. I have a whopping 2 pages:perplexed. I think I might have a problem. Guess I'll be asking a for an extension. I can't afford to flunk out of law school my third year:nono:
:grin::grin: Good thread!!! I'm bad about this...I can be on here for it now I should be getting myself together for work and the gym...but noooo:perplexed I lurking...:lachen::lachen:
yeah, i'm supposed to be working on a major paper right now. i said i would get up and check out the forum to motivate me and then start my paper. so far that's been almost two hours and i'm still on here. no progress made on the paper as of yet. i like to think that i'm working things out in my head on the paper while staying on the forum. shoot, i've even searched the forum for information that could help me. :spinning:
LOL....I'm sitting here with a pile of papers to grade:blush:...I'll get back to them as soon as I get my 3rd daily LHCF fix...oh I'm also making a coconut/jojoba/oilve oil and black tea infusion...But hey I'm getting better..I no longer spend hours on end here...aaaaaand I'm sorta multitasking.... sorta:lachen:
Yes, I am like a crack head and this forum is the pipe:lick:...

My hubby said *I got it bad*

Nothing is getting done around here until I get my hit:lachen:...
If only I would study my school books as much as I study LHCF :perplexed

But yep I on here everyday. I'll be up at 4am doing a paper then log on to LHCF talking about "let me look at the natural support thread" :lachen: I'll be on this joint til the next day.