LOL!! How many hours do you spend on LHCF?

Ummmm...I don't know that coming here a lot is a truly bad thing or an addiction, but maybe I am just speaking from my own perspective.

When I first joined, I was in AWE of this site...amazed that I had never known there was a resource like this for women of color. I stayed on all the time, digesting new information. I mean ALL THE TIME!!! Once I felt like I had learned what I needed, a day or two would pass without coming on here. It was starting to really slow down...

Then, I BC.

For the first two weeks, I searched for interesting TWAs all day, every day.
The third week, I didn't come on at all.
This week, I am back looking for ways to maintain my fro...but now that I have read what I need to read, I am feeling like I probably won't be here for a minute.

I LOVE the site and come on when I need or want to, but I can't officially say it's an addiction b/c it's info that has become a part of me now. Also....the topics seem to recycle after a little while....

I dunno. I love it here, but I come according to need...sometimes that's a heck of a whole lot and sometimes not at all....
I'm just so happy to know I'm not alone. I spot check from my iTouch ALL DAY long. My DH and kids are like "Are you on that site AGAIN?". I can't help it. I'm addicted.
It's to the point where wish that they would design an app for this site for m iPhone , that way I could upload pics faster!!! I'm always on here!!!
I'm too busy now but I used to spend hours on the site when I found it about 2 years ago. Now I'm down to a few minutes everytime I take a break from work.
Oh no, I don't want to count :s lol. I come on here whenever I can! Even while I'm studying (like right now!), I'm itching to come on here ... it's bad y'all ... ok ok, maybe 6 hours ... need to cut that though.
I don't even want to go there. Yes I'm on LHCF all day while at work. What can I say internet access and not much work to do.:ohwell:
At home I'm on the discussion boards. But not much on the weekends.
Glad to know I'm not by myself on this one.:lachen:
i used to stay on lhcf as much as i could, but lately its been less than 1 hour a week... i need to start browsing the hair forum again though because i'm transitioning and need tips.
Way too many hours, mostly at work :sekret:

Now I've got the internet on my mobile, Lord! Anytime I'm not driving, praying or sleeping!!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
waaaaaaaaaaaay to much!!!!!! lol at home at work and on my palm treo right now lol I'm officially an addict..........heeeeellllp!!!!!!!
On the weekdays 4-5 hours. I work nights but on the weekends (mine start on friday) Im ashamed to admit it but ill go to sleep about 3pm wake up at about midnight and im on here from then until noon or later the next day:look:. I can't sleep at night anymore and im usually lost in the archives, Its pretty slow here at night, i can tell you what time it slows down and when it picks up again. Sad huh:ohwell:.
On the weekdays 4-5 hours. I work nights but on the weekends (mine start on friday) Im ashamed to admit it but ill go to sleep about 3pm wake up at about midnight and im on here from then until noon or later the next day:look:. I can't sleep at night anymore and im usually lost in the archives, Its pretty slow here at night, i can tell you what time it slows down and when it picks up again. Sad huh:ohwell:.

I hear an intervention in the works...! Just kidding... :lachen:

I'm so sorry you can't sleep at night. I get insomnia a lot of nights, and am also on here when I can't sleep either.

When you discover the site, you just wanna learn, and learn, and be motivated, and be inspired, and learn some more. Then after a while, for some, the frequency decreases, but everyone is still interested in seeing how the "gals" are doing.

I think that it's just nice to have a community of folks who share a mutual interest. There are a lot of things I've learned from this group that all my schoolings haven't taught me.

Y'all know what, I've been thinking...:rolleyes:

How good would I look if I spent a fraction of my time exercising? I'm in the Get Fine in '09 Challenge, but have only done a few exercises here and there.

What if I "Got Fine" for 25% of the time I was on LHCF? For example, if I "technically" put in 4 hours on LHCF, I would do one of the following things:

1) Work out for an hour
2) Eat 25% raw
3) Fast from TV and Internet for 1 hour
4) Read for an hour
5) Learned a new hobby
6) Drink 4 cups of water (VERY small goal)

How together would I be? What if I used LHCF as a treat to myself?

Any thoughts?

You can get LHCF on Blackberry?? I need to get onto this!! Ive been missing out!
Girl, yes! You can do anything from a cell phone these days!!! There are even different internet broswer that you can download onto your phone (for FREE!) Hacks to make your phone faster, battery last longer, games, home screens, anything you can think of.... I'm on a cell phone now :D
To answer the OP's question, when I first joined I was on here 24/7

Now, 2 years later I've backed off a lot. now I'm here 22/7 :lachen:
Every waking hour.

I'm so serious. If I'm not posting I'm lurking.

I have to force myself not to browse this site.
Nowadays one too many hairs. Between getting LSAT tips and reading up on natural hair its a wonder I get anything done :look:
I say 3-6 hours. Im always here. I usually leave a window open so I can constantly check updates. I sitdown with intentions of doing work, but I find myself here. Even at work where I know the monitor computer usage I am here. I figure we have hundreds of employees if I check in for 10 min they won't catch me :look: