Well-Known Member
I’m late but if you have frizzy hair in general your locs will be frizzy. Will the frizz die down as they mature? yes but be gone completely? Never. The only way to combat frizz is to retwist more often, interloc, or clean the strays and fuzzies with scisssors. None of which I want to do frizz is here to stay for me. Especially since I go 4-5 months without retwisting now.Hey y'all!! Hope everyone had a good holiday! So I'm pleased with how my hair is progressing but I have to admit that the frizz is making me sad lol. I can't wait until it calms down or disappears completely!!! Right now I feel like I'm walking around looking like someone who hasn't brushed their hair in like 5 monthsI think I'm lost mad at myself because I feel like I caused it with the early washing and all the head scratching. Will they work themselves out or be frizzy forever??!