Low Porosity Support Thread

I'm realizing that many of the supposedly "good" hair practices that I've been doing is counter productive for my low-porosity hair! Just figuring out why my hair was not thriving nor retained any major length as many of my favorite hair gurus with the same texture. A few of my lowpo observations and changes for 2019 include:

Giving up CONDITIONER WASHING. co-washing was super convenient and easy because I love water, but my hair would always dry hard. I now realize that the conditioners were probably just sitting on top and not penetrating my strands enough for any real benefit.

Start DEEP CONDITIONING WITH HEAT. I used to do this, but gave it up out of sheer laziness and in favor of cowashing. I think it is also important to use true conditioning treatments versus a rinse-out conditioner left on for an extended period of time.

I plan to FINGER DETANGLE exclusively for 2019. I need to detangle more often and discovered that I need to take my time. Keeping my hair braided for extended time while cowashing often encouraged the ends to curl upon themselves and knot up.

My hair becomes "blow-out" straight with multi-phased STRETCHING, meaning I shampoo, condition and air-dry in small plaits, then I put it in larger plaits after finger detangling, and then larger sections in bantu knots or twists. This approach ensures that all of my shed hair is removed without combing or brushing.

More to come......
I'm realizing that many of the supposedly "good" hair practices that I've been doing is counter productive for my low-porosity hair! Just figuring out why my hair was not thriving nor retained any major length as many of my favorite hair gurus with the same texture. A few of my lowpo observations and changes for 2019 include:

Giving up CONDITIONER WASHING. co-washing was super convenient and easy because I love water, but my hair would always dry hard. I now realize that the conditioners were probably just sitting on top and not penetrating my strands enough for any real benefit.

Start DEEP CONDITIONING WITH HEAT. I used to do this, but gave it up out of sheer laziness and in favor of cowashing. I think it is also important to use true conditioning treatments versus a rinse-out conditioner left on for an extended period of time.

I plan to FINGER DETANGLE exclusively for 2019. I need to detangle more often and discovered that I need to take my time. Keeping my hair braided for extended time while cowashing often encouraged the ends to curl upon themselves and knot up.

My hair becomes "blow-out" straight with multi-phased STRETCHING, meaning I shampoo, condition and air-dry in small plaits, then I put it in larger plaits after finger detangling, and then larger sections in bantu knots or twists. This approach ensures that all of my shed hair is removed without combing or brushing.

More to come......
Keep us posted
Yeah, I'm still low po over here as well. My hair was feeling dry this winter so right now I'm trying water rinsing and conditioning every other day and then cleansing with a cleansing conditioner every 2 weeks. I dilute the conditioner because it seems to work better for me that way. My hair seems to soak it up. So far so good. I will evaluate every 2 weeks.

I'm also making sure to seal my ends with something very heavy to keep the moisture in.
I guess it's been about 2 weeks. Still rinsing and conditioning.

My hair accepts water a little better. It would take so long before my hair would get wet when I first started. Now it is almost immediate. My ends are smoothing out and now so frizzy. All my hair is actually smoother when I twist it up and not so frizzy.

I'm still leaving the conditioner in. I don't think my hair is staying moisturized any longer. It still needs to be rinsed every other day. However when I take it down it isn't desert dry like before.

I plan to henna next week. I will see if my hair accepts it better.

I will check in again at the end of February.
I'm procrastinating on the henna. I need to buy some amla.

My hair still seems to accept water better and after I put in my twist my hair isn't dripping water.

Today when I took down my twist, my hair was so soft. I'm not sure that has ever happened. It felt moisturized but I'm not sure how long it would stay that way once the air hits it.

My ends are starting to look better. Will update again next week.
I'm realizing that many of the supposedly "good" hair practices that I've been doing is counter productive for my low-porosity hair! Just figuring out why my hair was not thriving nor retained any major length as many of my favorite hair gurus with the same texture. A few of my lowpo observations and changes for 2019 include:

Giving up CONDITIONER WASHING. co-washing was super convenient and easy because I love water, but my hair would always dry hard. I now realize that the conditioners were probably just sitting on top and not penetrating my strands enough for any real benefit.

Start DEEP CONDITIONING WITH HEAT. I used to do this, but gave it up out of sheer laziness and in favor of cowashing. I think it is also important to use true conditioning treatments versus a rinse-out conditioner left on for an extended period of time.

I plan to FINGER DETANGLE exclusively for 2019. I need to detangle more often and discovered that I need to take my time. Keeping my hair braided for extended time while cowashing often encouraged the ends to curl upon themselves and knot up.

My hair becomes "blow-out" straight with multi-phased STRETCHING, meaning I shampoo, condition and air-dry in small plaits, then I put it in larger plaits after finger detangling, and then larger sections in bantu knots or twists. This approach ensures that all of my shed hair is removed without combing or brushing.

More to come......

I stopped deep conditioning with heat for about a year, I swear it's one of the reasons (among others) that I didn't see any progress that year. And I totally agree about proper conditioning, I don't bother buy the rinse out ones anymore.
I'm procrastinating on the henna. I need to buy some amla.

My hair still seems to accept water better and after I put in my twist my hair isn't dripping water.

Today when I took down my twist, my hair was so soft. I'm not sure that has ever happened. It felt moisturized but I'm not sure how long it would stay that way once the air hits it.

My ends are starting to look better. Will update again next week.

This is interesting to me because my hair will drip for a long time after I’ve twisted or put it in a bun. Even tho the top layers will feel dry/damp. I think my hair still has a ways to go before it will accept water better.
This is interesting to me because my hair will drip for a long time after I’ve twisted or put it in a bun. Even tho the top layers will feel dry/damp. I think my hair still has a ways to go before it will accept water better.

Yeah, I think the water is absorbing into my hair more versus just laying on top and running off. I know when I started this in December, water was just running down my neck even with a microfiber headwrap on.